Does TNA Need An RVD?

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
This thread is not about RVD to TNA...There's already a place for that...

What I want to know is; Does TNA need a "Whole F'n Show"? A young brash up-and-comer to take the company by storm. ECW was always the "C" show, even to the die-hards that watched during it's infancy. RVD stepped in, and the show instantly became a favorite for many, and must watch for others. Do they need that young gun to come in and put everyone on notice?

I think adding a guy like that (or building one) would be great. It'd make the other young guys step up, and it would make the older guys stop resting on their laurels. Every title would be made a bit more significant merely by having the guy chase it, and ratings would boost as word of mouth spread.

AJ was almost this guy at one point, but he was never cocky and arrogant. Even as a heel, he was universally loved. I'm not sure who it could be, but having a guy that the fans love to hate cannot be a bad move.
One of the MCMG might be able to do that, heck both of them, they have the look and they could certainly do some promos annoying the fans
One of the MCMG might be able to do that, heck both of them, they have the look and they could certainly do some promos annoying the fans

Sabin actually started down this road once upon a time, and it got derailed for who-knows-what reason. His feud with Jerry Lynn reminded me a bit of almost everything Lynn did in ECW, and could have been big for Sabin, but his push just kind of simmered off.

He was great in the X Division, and if they kept pushing him, I definitely believe he could have been at the top of the card facing guys like AJ and Joe now. He's got an amazing skill set, and his promos are funny. He's got the package to handle an RVD-type role.
A few years back I really think that this guy could of been AJ Styles. He had the look, the moves, and believe or not some people actually thought he was the best talent out there. Now I know he's over 30 now, but he has got a lot of wrestling in his tank. I would love to see him turn into the cocky heel that RVD once was. The one that everyone loves to cheer for, cause he's so damn cool. AJ has this potential they just turn him into a whining and bitchy heel, when he is one.
I'm not opposed to seeing the real RVD come into TNA. I think he would be a huge boost to ratings. Sadly he's just not the RVD from 10 years ago.
They already have the guy, NSL. His name is Alex Shelley. He has everything needed to build the next RVD, or the next Chris Jericho. The guy is incredibly talented and with the right push – a real push – he could be absolutely dominant.

I know people will talk about how he's "small", but being "small" certainly never hurt guys like Rey Mysterio or Chris Jericho, and it was never even a factor with a guy like Shawn Michaels who had a swimmers body in his hayday. None of these guys were professional body builders or owned gladiator builds, and none of them needed to.

You want "The Whole F'n Show"? Don't bother trying to sign one like RVD himself; instead, just (moderately) re-package your own under-utilized superstar in the making.
They already have the guy, NSL. His name is Alex Shelley.

I'd love to think so...I'm a huge fan of him, and the Guns, but I don't see it happening. If you've (not you specifically) watch any MCMG match, you can tell less than a minute in that Shelley is the "Jannetty" in the group.

There's really no way to book him that will push him past the mid-card as a singles wrestler, and it may be to the point that his career lies in the tag division. I don't mind that, it just stops him from being the main event draw.
I'd love to think so...I'm a huge fan of him, and the Guns, but I don't see it happening. If you've (not you specifically) watch any MCMG match, you can tell less than a minute in that Shelley is the "Jannetty" in the group.

You really think so? I see it the other way around, to be quite honest. IMO, it's Sabin who's the Jannetty there, because Sabin is the one who's promos seem more forced. Shelley's charisma reminds me very much so of Chris Jericho, which is why I continually allude to him as being the next version of him. Charisma can carry a guy a long way. Look at Jeff Hardy. Matt was probably the better technical wrestler of the two, and he ended up the Jannetty of the group himself.

There's really no way to book him that will push him past the mid-card as a singles wrestler, and it may be to the point that his career lies in the tag division. I don't mind that, it just stops him from being the main event draw.

As TNA is currently being booked, I agree. It's why I wouldn't push him as singles guy for quite a while. He needs a massive build up for the send-off to really mean something – same as Michaels needed with that infamous Barber Shop scene. It would have to be something no one would see coming.
They need someone to come in and steal a show. someone you love to hate. ECW had it in RVD when they made a big move, and WWF had The Rock who pretty much stole any show he was on, especially given promo time.

TNA in my opinion had a chance to do this with either Sabin or AJ, but at this point too late.

Bring in a new face and let them be this guy..using rehashed stars won't cut it either, has to be homegrown talent
Shelly is one of the most under-rated wrestlers today. The guy screams out 'World Champ'. While Sabin is the more entertaining worker, Shelly has major charisma and the best mic skills in the company. He can easily roll with Hernendaz, AJ, Joe, Daniels, Morgan,Angle and other Heavyweights.
As soon as I thought about this, I instantly thought Sabin. Back in TNA's hayday, so to speak, or more so, when it first started, Sabin was the man. The fans all loved him, and he even had a great chant to go with his character/attitude. " Hail Sabin!! ". I remember watching a Sabin match and hearing that chant throughout. I believe if anyone could take the company by storm it's him. With the right push, Sabin could be up there facing AJ and having entertaining matches.

I don't know why the cut off his original push, as it really could have gone places for him. Who knows, maybe someday we will see the return of the " Hail Sabin!! " chants and the return of a Sabin singles push.
I have to go along with the majority here and say Chris Sabin. There was a period, from the time AJ Styles "left" the X Division around 2006, where Sabin carried the division. Seriously, watch the Best of the X Division Vol. 2 DVD. There's a huge section where he wins every match.

I really enjoyed his push later that year, where he was the cocky heel and feuded with Jerry Lynn and Christopher Daniels over "respect" for the X Division, for a good while. I think it did wonders for his character and the role fit him very well. He has some killer matches as well, watch his match with Senshi from Bound for Glory 2006. Great match.

So Sabin definitely has the skills to fit this role easily. Once the Motor City Machineguns are through, Sabin could really step up and shine.
I think it would be great to have someone like this in TNA.

Im not suprised alot of you are saying Sabin. But I have to agree with the people that suggested Shelly. I do agree that Sabin is slightly better IN the ring, but I think Shellys mic skills take him over the top of Sabin for this "role". Pretty odd that the MCMG have taken over this thread- but yet are just NOW getting back to being on TV every week. They better get the straps from BE & keep them for a while. Just by reading this thread: it should prove that to TNA

Another guy I will suggest.... Im suprised nobody has mentioned his name. Maybe its cuz hes a guy some would consider too old for the role. Or maybe you wont like him for this role, cuz he's a "E-reject". But Ken Anderson could totally pull this off! I think he would KILL on the mic, with a role like this. But he may not get the "respect" of the TNA fans. Which is kinda what your looking for in this "role" -no?
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