Does the WWE want us to forget AJ Lee??

Prince Vee

Better than I think I am
Its 201 days since Nikki Bella had won the Divas Championship from AJ Lee in perhaps a pathetic way at the Survivor Series last year. Till then the WWE had booked her as a strong champion which is acceptable. Because she had the thing in her to be the champion albeit the asinine storyline between the Bella twins.

But now it seems more like WWE are trying to push her till she breaks the longest reign of AJ Lee as the divas champion. I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one who's thinking there's a conspiracy going inside the WWE to make us forget AJ?

This is just my hunch. What are your thoughts? Feel free to share.... Cheers!!
Probably. It may sound petty, but how do you systematically break down the aura surrounding a character? You remove elements that boosted said aura. AJ's record will probably fall with the company fussing over the plastic bitch without making a single mention of AJ. To her credit, AJ is probably past caring, like Punk.
They're obviously not going to mention AJ Lee now that she doesn't work there anymore. How often do they mention Jeff Hardy or Chris Masters? Didn't think so.

I have no problem with Nikki Bella breaking that record. I prefer her as a heel, but she's developed into one of the best female champions WWE has had in many years. I hope she does break the record.
I guess I could see it. Nikki (The Bellas) were always the main targets of AJ's verbal tirades about what's wrong with women's wrestling, so I could see WWE getting their jollies off of having that same person break "the greatest Diva of this generations" record for longest title run.

That being said, AJ doesn't own the record. It's not hers to keep. If the WWE decides that Nikki Bella is a strong champion who deserves to hold the title, AJ shouldn't even be brought into the conversation. She, like her husband, thought she was a lot better than she actually was and was arrogant to the point of nauseating, so I have no problem with somebody, whether it be Nikki or Paige holding the title longer than AJ.
Who cares honestly? Like someone already said, she doesn't work for the WWE anymore. Do you want them to mention AJ non-stop and honor her and this, that, and the other thing on a weekly/monthly basis and compare her to Nikki? If you asked me who was the big Divas draw between the time Trish hung it up and AJ coming in... I would be able to tell you Mickie James. That's it. Everybody else is a blur to me. And even then, Mickie was Women's Champion most of the time. Not a Diva's champion. In 7-8 years, I'll bet AJ won't be the first person that comes to your mind either.

If AJ really wanted to show what was "wrong with women's wrestling," she'd stick around and show her side and do something about it. Instead, she hangs it up at 28-29 years old? Or around there anyway. So she obviously doesn't want to "pave the way" for anybody long-term. She wants to make a few big paydays and throw it in the bank and cruise through life with Punk. More power to her. If I could retire right now, I'd do it. She cashed in, and cashed out.

Conspiracy is a silly notion though. They don't mention Sable, Alundra Blayze, Bull Nakano, Lita, Mickie James, Ashley Massarro, Molly Holy, Ivory, Torrie, Mickie James, Stacy Keibler, etc... either. Do I think it's a conspiracy to forget about them? No. It's business. Everybody moves on in the world of scripted sports entertainment. Nobody is going to waste their breath to make you remember somebody that isn't even there. The WWE's money is in the present and the future. Not the past.
I'm pretty sure that she got a mention on raw or EC or something, not even two full weeks ago. After she left, someone else had to be the champion, that's just how wrestling works. When one champion is no longer the champion, someone else becomes the champion. That doesn't mean they're trying to erase her memory. This is like an argument I had in the comments on the main page where someone literally believes that Lesnar can only fight Rollins again for the WWEWHC title, since that's who took the belt from him at Wrestlemania.
AJ Lee doesn't work for the WWE anymore, and probably never will again, but I won't forget her, no matter how many Diva's champions come and go. They have to focus on Nikki Bella right now as she is the current champion, and let's face it the Diva's division is well kind of crap. Not focusing on her and lamenting the fact that AJ is gone, won't do anyone any good.

Even if the WWE doesn't mention her it doesn't mean people will forget she existed or her accomplishments. If a fans forgets a wrestler just because they don't see them on TV, or hear their name mentioned, then they weren't much of a fan to begin with.
Eh, I think this is ultimately another one of those conspiracy theories that's really trying to reach for something that's not there. If WWE was looking to bury AJ Lee in any way, shape or form, they had a number of opportunities to do so.

Their first opportunity came during the 2013 Tribute to the Troops taping in which, due to a misunderstanding, AJ went off on a reporter who referred to CM Punk jokingly as "fuck face", at least I think that's what she said. AJ was unaware that Punk had been friends with this reporter for almost 10 years and AJ pretty much stuck her foot in her mouth and created an embarrassing situation. While I know Vince can be petty at times, to my knowledge, AJ wasn't punished because officials ultimately recognized it as a simple misunderstanding.

WWE could have been extremely petty and taken frustrations of CM Punk walking out of the company and eventually bashing the crap out of them via Colt Cabana's podcast but, again, that didn't happen. Officials gave AJ Lee all the time off she needed in order to get her personal life with Punk situated, such as moving to Chicago well before they were married. While I suppose it's possible that shit went on backstage we haven't heard about, it'd have to be the best kept secret in modern wrestling history because damn near everything leaks out.

I know that there's this perpetual belief that WWE officials are all vindictive assholes looking to screw over their wrestlers whenever the opportunity rises; I don't know if it's because WWE happens to be a convenient target for wrestling fans due to being the only big boy left on the block, if it's some genuine resentment at WWE continuing on while everyone else has bit the dust or what. However, I'm just not seeing anything sinister about this. I mean....well...AJ Lee retired from WWE, so what's WWE supposed to do? Are they supposed to go into mourning because AJ's gone and scrap the Divas Division altogether?

While the Divas are almost guaranteed to be largely irrelevant compared to men, at least as long as Vince McMahon is making the final creative decisions, at least there's been some degree of relevance within the division due to Nikki Bella being champ for so long. I'd rather have Nikki as champ than for WWE to play hot potato with the title and just put it on any Diva to carry for a while like they were doing a few years ago.
That's ridiculous thinking.. WWE has more important things to worry about.. AJ was forgotten about a week after she left WWE and it's the same with everyone who leaves. AJ is irrelevant in WWE and the entertainment business in general. They have no reason to mention her anymore... and hey, if they wanted us to forget about her they wouldn't do an episode of 'The List' which was pretty much about AJ.

AJ was always an overrated diva and Nikki will likely beat her title record, as she should.. Nikki is better than AJ in every way and i think WWE realizes that.

I truly think we'll never see AJ again in a wrestling ring, in movies or anything.. AJ is someone who's easily forgotten about. WWE doesn't need to do anything for people to forget her.

There's no reason WWE would want us to forget about her. We'll forget about her because it's AJ. She's easily forgettable.

OP, you're delusional. There's no conspiracy. It's all in your own mind.
I would love to see how they could make me forget AJ Lee any faster than I'm going to forget her on my own accord. Divas wrestling has basically been in limbo for a decade and a half and at this point I think the Billion Dollar Princess would write you a personal check if you could remember a single thing about the divas division that wasn't a bra and panties match.

I think Vince learned his lesson about holding onto grudges a long time ago. Bottom line, they're not good for business.
I already forgot about her to be honest. She hasn't crossed my mind and really never did until I had to skip over some of her matches in the past. I think at the one Raw I went to I went to buy something or go to the bathroom during her match to oddly enough...

Anyway I don't think they are trying to remove her from history, but if she is not there...why talk about her?
Considering they just said on the WWE network on the show Trendiest Divas that they were going to miss her, I'd say no.

I don't understand why people think WWE should or would talk about her as if she still worked there. I seen people say the same thing about Punk after he left and it makes no damn sense. They aren't going to overly promote someone that isn't there. Nor should they.

And why does Nikki's lengthy have anything to do with AJ? She most likely has had a long run due to the fact that they are trying to make the title mean more. They aren't hot-shotting it around like the used to.

Believe it or not, not everything WWE does is out of spite.
AJ was always an overrated diva and Nikki will likely beat her title record, as she should.. Nikki is better than AJ in every way and i think WWE realizes that.

You have GOT to be joking. Nikki Bella is better than AJ Lee in every way!?


AJ Lee is better in the ring than Nikki Bella, and that is the understatement of the century.

AJ Lee is better on the mic than Nikki Bella. She made fans care about her matches, while Nikki couldn't cut a great promo if her life depended on it.

AJ Lee had the best reign the Divas Championship has ever seen, while Nikki's has been among the worst.

AJ Lee is more attractive than Nikki Bella.

AJ Lee defeated the entire 2014 Divas Roster at Wrestlemania 30, and was believable in doing so.

Had she stuck around, AJ Lee would have become a record 4 time Divas Champion. She was the best diva they had, and the best the division has seen since Trish and Lita's departure nealy a decade ago. AJ was top tier in every category. The only currently active divas who the same can be said about are Paige and Natalya.

The ONLY thing that Nikki can do better than AJ is star in a useless tv show.

I truly think we'll never see AJ again in a wrestling ring, in movies or anything.. AJ is someone who's easily forgotten about. WWE doesn't need to do anything for people to forget her.

I do agree we will probably never see AJ in the WWE again. Not unless CM Punk and the WWE are able to resolve their issues. AJ chose to marry CM Punk. She knew the risks that involved, so if she is happy then good for her. However, you could not be more wrong when you state that WWE doesn't need to do anything to make people forget her. She was influential in the division's revival. AJ was an amazing female wrestler and she will not soon be forgotten no matter how much WWE may or may not want her to be. Now, if this were Rosa Mendes we were talking about, easily forgettable might be more accurate.

OP, you're delusional. There's no conspiracy. It's all in your own mind.

Not necessarily. Do you work for the WWE? Do you know if all the bitterness between CM Punk and the federation has been resolved? No, you don't. I'm not saying that there is indeed a conspiracy, but I'm not dismissing it as a possibility either.

Paige is winning the Divas Championship tomorrow to end Nikki's reign anyway, so the so-called conspiracy theory to have Nikki set a new record of longest title reign would end there right alongside her useless awful reign.
And why does Nikki's lengthy have anything to do with AJ? She most likely has had a long run due to the fact that they are trying to make the title mean more. They aren't hot-shotting it around like the used to.

That's exactly it.. Nikki's long ass title reign has nothing to do with AJ, can't other divas hold the title for a long time? AJ did it, so any other diva can do it as well. Don't get why people think it has anything to do with AJ. AJ's title reign is probably the furthest thing from their mind right now.
I'm pretty sure that she got a mention on raw or EC or something, not even two full weeks ago. After she left, someone else had to be the champion, that's just how wrestling works. When one champion is no longer the champion, someone else becomes the champion. That doesn't mean they're trying to erase her memory. This is like an argument I had in the comments on the main page where someone literally believes that Lesnar can only fight Rollins again for the WWEWHC title, since that's who took the belt from him at Wrestlemania.

Interesting. Why does Rollins have to have Brock at Summerslam again? Well Anyway, this is about AJ. She left and things keep rolling. She was okay in my opinion. The divas division sometimes make me think me does it exist right now because of the booking. It's a mess and the show doesn't help it. I watch NXT and when I used to watch the knockouts in TNA, I'm like this is a cool match. You hardly get anything in WWE's main roster. Does Charlotte or Sasha even want to be moved up right now? Lol.
Maybe they want you to forget about her so you're not confused when a guy named AJ Styles debuts? :)

WWE always does this though, remember when Lesnar was the youngest WWE champion? They used to love mentioning that, but as soon as he burned them, they wanted that statistic gone asap, so they threw the belt at Randy Orton way before he was ready.

If they had a guy they felt could hold people's attention for a year plus as champ, they'd probably try to bump Punk's record too. That's just how WWE works. AJ was in a weird position from the second she affiliated with Punk. I think the door would always be open for her return though, should she ever want it.
WWE always does this though, remember when Lesnar was the youngest WWE champion? They used to love mentioning that, but as soon as he burned them, they wanted that statistic gone asap, so they threw the belt at Randy Orton way before he was ready.

I have to disagree. Randy Orton was WAY more ready than Brock Lesnar was when they each won the title for the first time. Randy Orton had all the tools for main event success. Brock was given the title despite not being anywhere near ready, simply because Vince was high on his look. Randy Orton on his worst night is better than Brock Lesnar on his best.
AJ Lee is better in the ring than Nikki Bella, and that is the understatement of the century.

AJ Lee is better on the mic than Nikki Bella. She made fans care about her matches, while Nikki couldn't cut a great promo if her life depended on it.

AJ Lee had the best reign the Divas Championship has ever seen, while Nikki's has been among the worst.

AJ Lee is more attractive than Nikki Bella.

AJ Lee defeated the entire 2014 Divas Roster at Wrestlemania 30, and was believable in doing so.

Had she stuck around, AJ Lee would have become a record 4 time Divas Champion. She was the best diva they had, and the best the division has seen since Trish and Lita's departure nealy a decade ago. AJ was top tier in every category. The only currently active divas who the same can be said about are Paige and Natalya.

The ONLY thing that Nikki can do better than AJ is star in a useless tv show.

That's all a matter of opinion.

I agree AJ is better in-ring than Nikki, but Nikki has also improved drastically since returning in 2013.

AJ is better on the mic than face Nikki, but heel Nikki is almost as good as AJ.

AJ's first reign as Divas Champion was one of the best since the title's creation, but I disagree about Nikki's, I think hers has been awesome. She's one of the best heel female champions of the last decade.

AJ more attractive than Nikki? AJ is cute, but Nikki actually looks like a woman. I'm not too fond of the "little girl" look.

AJ won a really horrible Divas match at WrestleMania 30 that was overbooked and sloppy. Nikki has beaten every Diva on the roster one after another, and had great matches while doing so.

I'm not arguing that AJ isn't a top tier Diva, she definitely is. But Nikki is in that category as well, far better than Paige and even with Natalya.

Total Divas is useless. That is indeed a fact.
I don't think WWE wants to make us forget AJ, although they might want to use her legacy to push up Nikki. If the plans are for her to break AJ's record, they were probably pushing for that before AJ left. Since AJ/Paige won the useless match at Wrestlemania, that means Nikki would have likely won the war.

I think Nikki herself has been an acceptable champion, but WWE has been really...weird with her booking, storylines and ridiculous decision to turn her face and then heel almost immediately. Somehow, I'm actually beginning to like Nikki a little more than Paige simply because she doesn't forcefeed us her catchphrase.
AJ Lee is more attractive than Nikki Bella.

You should of left that part out and you would have a better argument. Now that proves you're lying.

That comment just proved you're full of crap.. You know damn well Nikki is better looking. AJ is not attractive at all. She's an awkward little geek who reads comic books and plays with Pokemon, flat chested and an anorexic stomach Nikki is a real woman, not some child like AJ... Bring up better facts next time.

Yes Nikki is better in every way, in the ring, on the mic and she's 100x more attractive, AJ doesn't come close in the looks department.

AJ = Top 5 most unattractive divas of all time... Fact!
That comment just proved you're full of crap.. You know damn well Nikki is better looking.

Appearance is a matter of opinion. I do not find Nikki Bella better looking, I don't really find her to be all that attractive for that matter. AJ, on the other hand, I do find very attractive. Same goes for Paige and many of the other divas. If you find Nikki attractive I won't resort to calling your opinion "full of crap" because you are entitled to that opinion no matter how incorrect it is. That doesn't mean I have to agree with it, which I don't.

AJ is not attractive at all.

This is where you're wrong. AJ is incredibly attractive. Maybe not to you, but to many men she is. I don't find Nikki attractive, but to you and to others she is. We can just agree to disagree about that.

She's an awkward little geek who reads comic books and plays with Pokemon.. Nikki is a real woman, not some child like AJ...

This statement right here tells me everything I need to know about your immaturity. There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING wrong with being into comics or Pokemon. I happen to like girls with a geeky side. Girls like AJ and Paige are proud of who they are. How is that not a "real woman"? If by "real woman" you mean fake, shady, and undeserving, then sure, Nikki Bella is as "real" as they get. :rolleyes:

Bring up better facts next time.

AJ can wrestle and cut good promos, Nikki can't. What better facts could you possibly need? Then again your definition of a real woman is wrong, so I wouldn't expect you to know what a real wrestler is either.

Yes Nikki is better in every way, in the ring, on the mic and she's 100x more attractive, AJ doesn't come close in the looks department. You should of left that part out and you would have a decent argument.

Looks are a matter of opinion, we can agree to disagree there.

When it comes to everything else, AJ is better than Nikki Bella. Fact.

So is Paige. Fact.

The fans will not forget AJ due to the influence she has had on divas who aren't fake and undeserving like Nikki. Fact.

There. There's the facts you wanted. Now go find another thread to troll.
You should of left that part out and you would have a better argument. Now that proves you're lying.

That comment just proved you're full of crap.. You know damn well Nikki is better looking. AJ is not attractive at all. She's an awkward little geek who reads comic books and plays with Pokemon, flat chested and an anorexic stomach Nikki is a real woman, not some child like AJ... Bring up better facts next time.

Yes Nikki is better in every way, in the ring, on the mic and she's 100x more attractive, AJ doesn't come close in the looks department.

AJ = Top 5 most unattractive divas of all time... Fact!
It's always ironic to see someone act like this and then state their own silly face.

Sure, Nicki Bella is tremendously more attractive than AJ. But let's not pretend for one minute that you wouldn't cut your leg off to sleep with AJ.
It's always ironic to see someone act like this and then state their own silly face.

Sure, Nicki Bella is tremendously more attractive than AJ. But let's not pretend for one minute that you wouldn't cut your leg off to sleep with AJ.

I wouldn't go near AJ and i've had the chance at Axxess before, but i didn't even want to meet her... Plus, I stay away from married woman.

She does not appeal to me whatsoever. I have to be somewhat attracted to a woman to sleep with her.
I wouldn't go near AJ and i've had the chance at Axxess before, but i didn't even want to meet her... Plus, I stay away from married woman.

She does not appeal to me whatsoever. I have to be somewhat attracted to a woman to sleep with her.

Ok, anonymous nerd on a pro-wrestling message board claiming he wouldn't sleep with a WWE Diva (assuming she wasn't married). Thanks for your input.

Anyway, the WWE isn't trying to make us forget AJ Lee.
Ok, anonymous nerd on a pro-wrestling message board claiming he wouldn't sleep with a WWE Diva (assuming she wasn't married). Thanks for your input.

She's not a WWE diva and she is married... so.

You can't assume she's not married, because she is. I believe that's a fact.. I have no idea who's she's married to but that's what i heard.

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