Does the Starrcade DVD open the door to more possibilities...


Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz

A semi complicated question I suppose. It was right before the WWE had it's last wrestlemania in Houston that the WWE bought out the dying WCW. Since then, WCW has been nothing short but dead and buried, with little mention of it, and what mentioning there has been, being nothing but bad. Irony has shown itself, that on the verge of the next Wrestlemania in Houston, the WWE has decided to release a DVD remembering the granddaddy event of them all before Wrestlemania, Starrcade.

Now this isn't to discuss the DVD itself, that can be done in the Old School section in the Official DVD review thread if you like. This is to discuss, what possibilities does this now leave open for the NWA/WCW. On face value, I like the fact that the WWE decided that Sting, not ric Flair, should be the center piece of this DVD set. For me, that tells me that the WWE is still looking to sign Sting after his TNA contract has expired, to what extent, who knows. There were rumors last year that a Sting DVD was in the works, ands omething tells me this DVD was a response to the non Stnig release. I think the WWE wants Sting badly for a DVD. He's money, and it would make a ton of money. I also believe the WWE wants Sting for the Hall of Fame, perhaps even as early as next year. The WWE realizes the potential of Sting, even around the 50 mark.

As far as anything else goes. I hope that this opens the door to possibly, possibly renaming some WWE Pay Per Views. I still think that No Mercy is a terrible pay per view, and would serve itself better to go the Halloween Havoc card.

Also, I would love to see the Big Gold belt get recognized again by the WWE for it's previous legacy, like it did in 2002. That belt is stills een by many as the last remaning trinket of WCW, and should be treated as such.
Im not gonna would be fucking weird and cool to see WWE Starrcade or WWE Halloween Havoc but guess what its never gonna happen ever. WCW was defeated by the WWF and as such shall be buried for all of eternity and shall never be recognized as anything legitimate. The Big Gold Belt is the second fiddle world title as always has been, its a prop which in some cases has been used to bury WCW further. As much as i would like to see starrcade in december rather than armageddon its not gonna happy so im not gonna be an idiot and think otherwise.
I agree for the most part, but disagree in some areas.

Agreements: I think it would serve the W.W.E. far greater to embrace what they own, which is the rights to the W.C.W. Library. We've seen a nice little dose of E.C.W. DVDs that've went through the roof w/ sales. Just imagine how much extra money they could make, off marketing W.C.W. library footage.

Furthermore, I agree that they need to make the World Heavyweight Championship remembered. I would also believe they could come out with a DVD for this as well. But I'm unsure where else you were going with that.

Disagreements: While Halloween Havoc is a great idea to throw over No Mercy.. I think if you start over-shadowing the W.W.E.-made Pay per views, with former W.C.W. (big event) names.. you'll ruin the legacy those events made for themselves.

With Survivor Series so close to No Mercy, if it were turned into Halloween Havoc, I doubt they'd use it as a big Pay per view.. just a ppv with a big (new/historical) name. So if that'd be what they'd do, I say don't change it one bit. Don't run down the W.C.W. legacy like you have with E.C.W.

However, if they were to take a W.C.W. Pay per view concept, and run with it.. say, Fall Brawl/War Games. I think that would be huge, and it could fit somewhere in between May and July. They could run it in place of Unforgiven, and it could be kinda like a "mini-Summerslam" for ending feuds that didn't get ended.. but overall, if they did something like this I'd want to see them use the War Games cage.. which means the double ring. And ultimately, I just don't forsee that ever happening, because it wasn't a Vince McMahon creation.. so it won't be a toy he'll attempt selling.

Unless it's in a DVD, recapping some of the greatest moments from it. (which I'm just as fine with, at this point)
Well WCW's dead so I am not fussed at all about trying to continue it's legacy, I just feel it deserves the justice of having it's legacy remembered. This Starrcade DVD is the perfect way to do that and having Sting as the centrepiece is a sign of respect by Vince McMahon in my opinion.

The possibility of Sting having a HOF spot is one that interests me, he may have never worked for WWE but seeing how the "E" now owns the legacy of WCW that shouldnt really be a problem anymore. Also like you said Sting being in the HOF may well convince him to sign however briefly with the WWE, which would be awesome. As well as a money maker.

So yeah even if nothing else comes of this at least people who purchase it who've never seen WCW will be exposed to (not in that way guys) possibly its biggest star. May even help TNA.
If we are talking about the legacy of Sting, then it comes down to what Sting wants I assume. As far as I know, WWE owns all of Stings video collection from WCW and are planning on creating his DVD from that, right? Well why would they need Sting then? That DVD will sell enough as it is. They could have Sting's career end in WCW and forget about TNA.

As far as having Sting in the WWE Hall of Fame, or ever stepping foot in the ring, then that comes down to him. He doesn't need to, he has enough money, and he is having fun in the WWE. However, if he wants to protect his legacy in professional wrestling, one would almost assume that he would need to come to WWE. He can get into the Hall, and be remembered as a great wrestler. He never even has to step in foot in the ring. There are members of the WWE Hall that have never wrestled for WWE, Sting doesn't either.

As far as Pay Per Views, anyone worried that WWE will make a WCW pay per view a big one need not worry. The example I shall use is one that takes place in the summer, it is the event we all look to miss every year, The Great American Bash. Never a good PPV, considering it was a big WCW one.

As for the Big Gold Belt, WWE really should give the belt a heritage. I see no harm in it. The can release the DVD, and very quietly update the record book saying it is the same belt. There would be no harm in that.

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