Does Michael Cole's Hatred for Daniel Bryan Have a Point?


City Dweller, Successful Fella
What I mean is that Michael Cole has grown into a habit of verbally bashing Daniel Bryan for no good reason since Bryan' debut on NXT Season One. Every week we hear Cole say such idiotic things that Bryan is twirp, dweeb, dork, among other things. Which is very ironic that Cole would be calling anyone such names with him being one of the biggest dweebs in WWE history. Also defending The Miz's actions on costing Bryan matches against The Nexus when all of the WWE is supposed to be against them no matter what. Also he insulted Bryan for being a vegan, asking the question how someone can be a professional athlete but not eat meat.

Now on to occasion during the first season of NXT we seen Daniel Bryan try and get redemption on Cole for his constant insults behind the desk. However both were thwarted as Cole was able to just sneak away with out getting any major punishment minus maybe a few kicks, or a push and a shove. Now that Bryan is back full time on RAW, with Cole still being the same old insulting schmuck will it lead to anything at all? Does his constant belittling of a popular face build up to something? I have no clue and it really doesn't make any sense. Because here you have wimpy little Michael Cole who goes against basically all heels and roots for every babyface known to the WWE roster. He blows a gasket if any dirty tactics are in a heel wrestlers advantage. Yet he is being portrayed as The Miz's biggest fan and condones him when he is the sole reason that a member of Team WWE (the team he is supposed to be in favor of) gets eliminated.

Again I will ask the question of what is the point of these ridiculous tirades he has over Daniel Bryan? Do they even have a point, or will they even be revealed as a build to anything?This could lean towards Michael Cole being a heel play by play commentator, which I didn't think necessarily worked in pro wrestling. For which week in and week out he will seemingly go against many other faces. For which I have noticed him beginning to get "annoyed" by R-Truth and his rapping to the ring just because Miz dislikes it as well. Or this could lead to what I personally would enjoy every moment of watching. Daniel Bryan legitimately getting his hands on Michael Cole. I would love to see Bryan just slap him around a little bit. It would be pleasureful for me to watch Cole helplessly crawl around while getting his as handed to him. But again this is just my guesses on where these tirades will lead to. Because in the end they could be very pointless and not lead to a damn thing and continue to get even more annoying every week.
I hope to God that this leads to a full time heel turn for Michael Cole. He is nothing but greatness every week on NXT while belittling the rookies. He has been extremely entertaining cheering for The Miz the way he does.

But Cole calling Bryan names every week and hating him for no apparent reason seems to me to be a way to make Bryan a bigger face character. He is always being made fun of no matter how hard he tries. He is constantly being called a dork by a man who many consider is the textbook example of one. Many people hate Michale Cole. And since Michael Cole hates Daniel Bryan, people will be more inclined to cheer for Daniel Bryan to not only prove Cole wrong, but also to beat Cole's favorite wrestler, The Miz.
I'm not the biggest Daniel Bryan fan, I wasn't in season 1 of NXT. I'll admit. But then when he popped out at SummerSlam, he did impress me. I will give him credit where its due. But I just don't see why all the hate, I can understand maybe some underlying uneasiness for DB trash talking Cole that one point. But "Let It Go Cole!" it takes a bigger man to forgive and forget. I do have a newfound respect for Bryan. He does have great skills and it does take a big person to start at the bottom in WWE when they could've stayed in a big postion in their ROH spot. Then, not to stray from the topic, but what's also with this hatred on Kaval? Is it just the internet/indy sensations that he seems to always talk down on? I mean if its someone who kisses VKM's ass or use shortcuts to achieve their goals, or get buddy buddy and grease wheels to get where they are, then Cole is thinking "That's the best guy around!" I mean, again, I'm not the biggest Kaval fan, but I have respect for him, and he impresses me because he's choosing a road less travelled when he could've stayed in TNA and stuck with a comfy spot. But him and DB are starting all over and have the fan base that are loyal. I'd like Cole to remember that he too was once picked on and the bitch of everyone's joke, like DX, when he was always talked down to and now who made him god and dictates that he's so superior that he thinks "Miz is super, I'm super so I can just tell someone how bad they are..." Granted, it could be creative, it could be partly based in reality. Something tells me some of it is reality based, since there have been reports of him being an ass to other workers, which I don't see why, he's not the best himself. So as far as his hatred for Daniel Bryan, and I'll throw Kaval in there too, I'm going to go as far to say that he's only wishing he had as much talent when he was there age, because he now realizes that he's just a pathetic excuse for a replacement of JR, as DB put it. But that's just my opinion...I could be wrong as the famous Dennis Miller put it. :blush:
Cole's vendetta against Bryan, with details like Bryan being King of the Indies, and being a vegan, etc. is the reason that Bryan is more over than anyone else in Nexus. Danielson is very talented, etc. but he'd only had minimal time to show what he could do. I was thinking about this this week--Cole actually put Bryan over big time when Bryan came out. Cole acknowledged that he was a legend on the independent circuit--right before saying that he didn't belong in a WWE ring.

Fan at home, who has never seen ROH or been to an indy show, now has reason to look at "Daniel Bryan" and make up his own mind as to whether Cole is wrong, or whether the indy wrestling geeks online are wrong. It's the difference between debuting Dusty Rhodes with no resume and yellow polkadots and debuting Ric Flair as the "Real World Champion" with a digitized out belt.
From everything I've seen it's about respect. I give props to Kaval and Daniel Bryan for their athletic skills. But they aren't in the Indys anymore. They're in the WWE, where they have accomplished nothing, earned nothing, and done nothing. The Miz worked his way up to where he is, even while being treated like dirt by the entire locker room. Daniel Bryan walked in on day one of NXT and said he deserves respect, demands respect from someone who has earned his spot. DB automatically said he's better than the Miz and the Miz should worship him, before Miz even interacted with him. He showed disrespect from the start. Miz did this also, but he backed it up. DB didn't even win a match until NXT was almost over. If DB wants respect, he needs to earn his shot, just like everyone else.
Then, not to stray from the topic, but what's also with this hatred on Kaval? Is it just the internet/indy sensations that he seems to always talk down on?

I think so. I think Cole legitimately believes that the indy stars are overrated. And he's been given free reign to express that, and it's improved his commentary a lot.

Whether a heel play by play guy can work, or whether it has a limited shelf life, is a different question.
Honestly it pisses me off every time michael cole speaks but anyway it will probably lead to him being a heel play by play commentator just because he is now getting annoyed at more superstars like R-truth Kaval and even John Cena a little bit cause of him getting Daniel Bryan back so yes it will lead to him being heel.
You know, I would think that Cole would want to be a little more appreciative since its his job that was on the line at Summerslam, and Daniel Bryan could've said "No" and let Nexus beat WWE. Then Cole could've been out of a job. Then what would he have done? Still trashed Bryan for not showing up even if Miz said no and Cena said we originally ask Daniel? Its like some people can't win with that dude. I mean, wouldn't he think that Bryan didn't HAVE to show up in the first place to help WWE save everyone's jobs (although story). He could've said "Screw you guys and screw Cole...etc.." Even if I didn't like a rookie, and knew my job was on the line, I'd be thanking them from the bottom of my heart for saving my job, even if I knew I said unflattering things. You almost wonder if he (Cole) pissed someone off backstage to do this storyline where he is being a prick on camera all the time, or if he just finally had it with everyone and demanded to maybe 'be himself' or what?
honestly i think all you guys that have never seen a brian danileson match before go to youtube and check this guy out...wwe has a huge track record of taking major indy talent and squashing them for no reason...danielson never won a match on nxt yet he could out wrestle everyone on wwe blindfolded...another guy was scotty goldman...the guy was stupid but in ROH under his other name colt cobana the guy was a serious beast...
this micheal cole thing is just stupid...cole sounds ridiculous calling anyone a nerd..."he doesn't own a tv what a nerd!" "he doesn't eat meat the guy is a total nerd!" it just sounds so stupid coming from coles mouth....i agree with spoodbeast cole calling anyone a nerd when he is the biggest nerd is just amazing to me...hell i'm waiting for cole to say "and daniel brian loses another match....VINTAGE brian!"

i just hope brian is able to beat cole's ass like JR would get beat down...put him out for a couple weeks and shut him up already
Of course Michael Cole's hatred for Daniel Bryan has a point, and that point is clear.

A definitive and full heel turn for Michael Cole, as he is revealed to be the leader of the Nexus. I am not certain if this development will be successful or not, in the past such moves have not always worked out so well, but you can take it to the bank that Michael Cole is the "mastermind" behind the Nexus faction, a fact that will eventually be revealed, but not for the forseeable future.

Who knows what the rationale for this storyline would be. Cole has a vendetta with the WWE and its fans for whatever reason. Maybe it will be because of all of the negativity amongst the IWC aimed in his direction. Maybe it will be because of the way he is treated by Vince McMahon and/or Jerry Lawler. Maybe they never will even give a reason for the heel turn. But it will happen. They teased it all thru NXT season 1 and thus far in season 2. They are continuing it with the verbal beratement of DBD, and are increasing the nuisance factor with these constant announcements from the mystery GM (even though they aren't even his fault). Count on a heel turn from Cole and the revelation that he is the head of the Nexus uprising. When this happens, he will not remain as a heel announcer, he will be replaced by Josh Matthews or Matt Stryker, and he will take his place along side the Nexus.

Daniel Bryan will figure into it as well, I just keep flip-flopping back and forth as to how. One scenario would be a face DBD fighting the Nexus and by default at odds with Michael Cole. This face DBD would feud with the Miz, likely take his US title, and possibly even cost him his MITB title opportunity. We all know of Cole's man crush on the Miz, and Bryan feuding with Cole is in synch with this, thus explaining Cole's hatred of Bryan.

The flip side is a swerve, a heel turn from DBD who is actually still secretly affiliated with the Nexus and in fact is a buddy of Cole's, with the constant hatred being a ruse to deceive the fans and the IWC. He could still feud with the Miz, but turning DBD heel in this manner could be part of a face turn for the Miz. I really hope it is scenario 1 rather than scenario 2, but either way, Michael Cole's treatment of Daniel Bryan will definitely have a point. We'll just have to stay tuned to find out for sure what that point is.
From everything I've seen it's about respect. I give props to Kaval and Daniel Bryan for their athletic skills. But they aren't in the Indys anymore. They're in the WWE, where they have accomplished nothing, earned nothing, and done nothing. The Miz worked his way up to where he is, even while being treated like dirt by the entire locker room. Daniel Bryan walked in on day one of NXT and said he deserves respect, demands respect from someone who has earned his spot. DB automatically said he's better than the Miz and the Miz should worship him, before Miz even interacted with him. He showed disrespect from the start. Miz did this also, but he backed it up. DB didn't even win a match until NXT was almost over. If DB wants respect, he needs to earn his shot, just like everyone else.

You say that DB didn't win a match until it was all over. I'm a huge wrestling fan and always has been but its entertainment. Do you realize that wrestling is fake. He didnt' have to win to get over so WWE put the other NXT guys over him to make a name for them. DB and Kaval loosing all the time has nothing to do with there skill they are told to loose b4 even going to the ring and do so very well. They are experienced and know how to loose professionally. They couldn't just have them run over everyone on NXT because they are better. Everyone knew and still knows that they are better wrestlers.

But realize the fact that he didn't win any matches until the end wasn't his fault. WWE booked it that way.

As far as the whole Michael Cole situation it finally makes Cole entertaining and he does it well. I like the storyline. It puts Cole, Miz, Bryan, and now Riley all over at the same time.
Clearly this is leading to Michael Cole being diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. He believes the interwebs (outside of of course) is one giant conspiracy to allow indy wrestlers into his bubble called the WWE Universe.

He started bashing Daniel Bryan Danielson early on about how he's only wrestled in high school gymnasiums and the only reason he was #1 in the polls were all the nerds on the internet voting constantly. Now he's trashing Kaval and claiming the same thing about him. I believe he called him the "Brett Favre of NXT" in what was possibly the dumbest attempt at an insult I've ever heard. At least it's helping Bryan get even more over since Cole seems to be packing that sweet Vickie heat.
I think they had Michael Cole put Daniel Bryan down because he was the most popular and the best wrestler on NXT but they wanted Barrett to win. I think that Michael Cole as a bad guy started to work so they went with it. I personally can't stand Michael Cole and that was the reason why I never watched Smackdown. He is better than Mike Tenay who, even though he knows a lot simply sucks. Michael Cole should be replaced on RAW and the King should be a heel commentator.
You say for no good reason, but you forget that Daniel Bryan jumped Michael Cole.

Personally, I don't like it, it just annoys me. And not the good kind of annoying, like The Miz, just the makes me want to gauge my eyes out annoying. If Michael Cole was a better commentator, like Josh Matthews, it would be okay. Heel commentators shouldn't be as much annoying as they are so biased it's funny, (i.e. heel King, Jesse Ventura, JBL, and more.)

Cole can be so annoying it's funny, like when he dressed up for the power of the punch challenge on NXT, or whenever Josh Matthews delivers one of his classic lines like, "I'm embarrassed to even know you."

Really, if Cole wants to be a whiny, annoying announcer, he needs somebody to make him look like a fool, and that man is Josh Matthews. King plays off of him, but he does not have what it takes to humiliate Cole like Matthews does.
You know, I get such a laugh out of threads like this.

This is a classic case of the IWC not being as smart as they think they are and getting worked. After a skim of this thread only one other person pointed out that the feud with Cole is one of the reasons Daniel Bryan got so over, so quick. The crowd don't like Cole, he's widely disliked. The crowd wanted to see Cole have his mouth shut and they got it, none of the other rookies got sort of push. The fans sympathized with Bryan because of that angle, Michael Cole was only doing what he was told to do and did it extremely well. Michael Cole's heat got Bryan over.

See kids, if you don't like a heel because of their heelish tenancies they're doing their job right.
You know, I get such a laugh out of threads like this.

This is a classic case of the IWC not being as smart as they think they are and getting worked. After a skim of this thread only one other person pointed out that the feud with Cole is one of the reasons Daniel Bryan got so over, so quick. The crowd don't like Cole, he's widely disliked. The crowd wanted to see Cole have his mouth shut and they got it, none of the other rookies got sort of push. The fans sympathized with Bryan because of that angle, Michael Cole was only doing what he was told to do and did it extremely well. Michael Cole's heat got Bryan over.

See kids, if you don't like a heel because of their heelish tenancies they're doing their job right.

I'll give you that last part. I'll be honest, the very sound of that GM tone makes me more ill than hearing "EXCUSE ME!" because it means that Cole's about to make himself heard on the mic. See, I have to agree with the part of Cole's heat getting Bryan over, but at the same time, it seems that there's a rather large sect of WWE fans that have never EVER been exposed to anything other than WWE.

It seems to me that Cole's doing worked shoots on Bryan/Kaval is reinforcing the line of how WWE, being the largest in the U.S., is the company that makes the stars, not the stars making the company. Take WCW, the last REAL competition for WWE/F. Did Bischoff and Ted Turner make the company? No, people like Goldberg and Sting made the company.
It seems to me that Cole's doing worked shoots on Bryan/Kaval is reinforcing the line of how WWE, being the largest in the U.S., is the company that makes the stars, not the stars making the company. Take WCW, the last REAL competition for WWE/F. Did Bischoff and Ted Turner make the company? No, people like Goldberg and Sting made the company.

No, Goldberg and Sting did not make WCW. A wrestling company cannot work without all pieces of the puzzle, you can't attribute it's success to two workers and blatantly ignore everything else. The three major factors in WCW's success were:

The money and resources provided by Turner.

The marketing and creative booking provided by Bischoff.

The exciting match-ups and good performances provided by many of the WCW workers, not just Sting and Goldberg. Had those two turned up and simply started wrestling they would have gotten nowhere. Bischoff created the Goldberg gimmick, don't forget that.

Getting back on topic though, if the WWE wanted to bury the "minor leagues" they'd simply ignore them. Cole, in some people's opinion, is just echoing a sentiment shared by some WWE fans and playing devil's advocate so to speak. If the WWE wanted to bury the indys they wouldn't allow it to be used in a positive light at all. For every time Cole has belittled the indys, somebody like Matthews or Daniels himself will use it to build Daniels' reputation.

I believe you're all looking into this too much, it's an angle being used to put Daniels over.
I hope to God that this leads to a full time heel turn for Michael Cole. He is nothing but greatness every week on NXT while belittling the rookies. He has been extremely entertaining cheering for The Miz the way he does.

But Cole calling Bryan names every week and hating him for no apparent reason seems to me to be a way to make Bryan a bigger face character. He is always being made fun of no matter how hard he tries. He is constantly being called a dork by a man who many consider is the textbook example of one. Many people hate Michale Cole. And since Michael Cole hates Daniel Bryan, people will be more inclined to cheer for Daniel Bryan to not only prove Cole wrong, but also to beat Cole's favorite wrestler, The Miz.

Cole garbage commentating takes away from the action IN the ring and he's starting to say things that make absolutely zero sense. Kaval won last night, and him and his gay buddy Mathews say he should be eliminated? that is fucking ******ed ass shit.
From everything I've seen it's about respect. I give props to Kaval and Daniel Bryan for their athletic skills. But they aren't in the Indys anymore. They're in the WWE, where they have accomplished nothing, earned nothing, and done nothing. The Miz worked his way up to where he is, even while being treated like dirt by the entire locker room. Daniel Bryan walked in on day one of NXT and said he deserves respect, demands respect from someone who has earned his spot. DB automatically said he's better than the Miz and the Miz should worship him, before Miz even interacted with him. He showed disrespect from the start. Miz did this also, but he backed it up. DB didn't even win a match until NXT was almost over. If DB wants respect, he needs to earn his shot, just like everyone else.
Sorry, BUT you do know that Wrestling isnt real right??? this isnt about respect, it's about having a heel Michael Cole, BUT only on NXT which i dont like. If Cole is going to be a heel, turn him on Raw too!!!! Have him TRY to bash the King only to have King make him look like a fool.
Really, if Cole wants to be a whiny, annoying announcer, he needs somebody to make him look like a fool, and that man is Josh Matthews. King plays off of him, but he does not have what it takes to humiliate Cole like Matthews does
i dont think it's that Matthews plays off of him as much as it's that Cole isn't really a full time heel on RAW. Cole still likes John Cena and all the other faces, he's not a fan of the Nexus, it seems like the only heel Cole cheers for on RAW is The Miz. I feel that if they turned Cole heel that King would play his part well. I like how he kept telling Cole, "don't even start, Daniel Bryan did a great job." Just turn him heel or keep him face, personally, i think heel is the best for Cole, he's already hated.

And i agree with the person who said, it's strange for Cole to call Daniel Bryan a nerd and it is. It's just stupid hearing it from him, if it was from the King, i could laugh more or from Tazz or JBL, but from Cole??? My thinking is like this, why is a nerd calling someone a nerd??

this has nothing to do either bryan or cole, it has to do with vince. vince (or one his goons) feeds EVERY line to the announcers. its not just cole poppin' off for no reason.

i dont know of any specific reason outside of maybe a future storyline?
Michael Cole is as entertaining as I've ever heard him recently. His 'man crush' on the Miz is a change from the usual babyface sucking up and this will help Miz and Bryan longer term. Bryan can win the US title and rub it in Cole's nose, Miz will be strengthened as a heel and Cole's turn will be complete. How they use him later on IDK but it's intriguing at the moment.
Cole is merely a puppet repeating what Vince tells him to through his headset. This is Vince's way of letting the WWE fans know this guy's history and at the same time belittle anything he did before he stepped into a WWE ring. I'd never seen the guy wrestle before and only heard of him on the net. Most casual WWE fans probably have never heard of him. Vince is putting him over without putting over ROH or any other promotions.Cole is still an idiot and not a very entertaining one at that.
The WWE has put more attention on internet fans throughout this year. The WWE does keep up, at least to some degree, with what internet fans are saying and the WWE have cleverly come up with a way to get under the skins of the IWC. We all know that Michael Cole isn't really a hateful creep but he comes across as one so well because he's able to say all the right things.

Cole referring to Daniel Bryan as a dweeb or a dork, or making fun of him for being a vegan, using him as an an exact opposite of what an athlete and manliness is supposed to be just naturally irks people. After all, you look at Michael Cole and you think who in the hell is this guy to make fun of anybody? Then, when Cole starts on the internet fans, it sounds so authentic because a lot of it is true, at least to varying degrees. Michael Cole hasn't said anything regarding the IWC that I haven't seen other internet fans say about one another.

Does his kayfabe hatred of Bryan have an actual point in reality? To some degree, I think it probably does. How often do you see on a wrestling forum someone that tries to come across as if they know how to run a wrestling company? How many times have we seen a post written by someone that basically says they know who should be pushed, who should be made a star and how he/she could do it with them? In 99.9% of the cases, any internet poster that says that has their head up their ass. I like Daniel Bryan. He impressed me overall during NXT Season 1 but I don't see where this "the best wrestler in the world" stuff comes from exactly. He's impressed me in the ring and he's proven that he has personality and can cut a damn fine promo. But to call him "the best" and not expect someone to call you on it is a little unrealistic. Cole knows it, the WWE wrestlers know it so why not use it to build heel heat. Michael Cole gets the shit booed out of him on NXT and whenever he gets up to read an email from the Raw GM, he gets some good heat as well.
Even if it is building to Michael Cole being a full time heel he still shouldn't be doing it, or at least the way he does it.

For example: Lawlers biggest feud in his time with WWE was with Bret Hart. Lawler often made fun of Bret, Bret's family and his character, which is fine. With that said though, Lawler still put over the fact that Bret was one of the best in the business and even though he didn't like him personally, he didn't belittle him to the point of saying that Bret doesn't belong in the WWE. He still put over Bret as a wrestler and a performer, but he would constantly take shots at the character he was portraying.

But what cole does to Daniel Bryan is unacceptable in my humble opinion. He constantly trashes Daniel Bryan for the lifestyle he chooses (not his character but how he is in real life), calls him king of the minor leagues (which is an insult to thousands of wrestlers past and present) and gets down on him for not headlining wrestlemanias or raws (this guy did main event summerslam though, something his bed buddy miz has never done). Not only that he acts that putting daniel bryan on TV is a big waste and the guy has no business in a WWE ring or any real talent as a wrestler, Cole basically says that Daniel Bryan DOESN'T DESERVE to wrestle in the WWE and thats the part that pisses me off.

Like it or not Daniel Bryan has gotten over quite well since he's been in the WWE, he's the most over guy from NXT season 1 (even more so than Barrett, and he's getting a title match) and he is doing a lot better than most thought he would, he's actually getting a decent push and he deserves all of it.

Now like I said, I don't have a problem of Michael Cole saying he doesn't like Daniel Bryan, but even if thats the case its his job to put the talent over to the best of his ability. Not only does Cole NOT put Bryan over, but he purposely and consistently buries the guy.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, a commentators job is to put over storylines and superstars no matter how bad either is and even though Bryan is very good IMO, Cole for some reason tries to bury the guy every chance he gets.

So all in all, my issue with Cole doing what he is doing is the simple fact that he has put no effort into trying to get Daniel Bryan over with the crowd, and that is his job as a commentator, if he can't do that, then maybe its time to find someone else.

NOTE: I am aware that Cole probably has no real bad feelings towards Danielson as it is all an act, but whether its Cole himself or whoever is instructing him is irrelevant, they shouldn't bury the guy on commentary, its not what a commentator does.
I think it's mainly to turn him full heel which is a odd approach to have the play by play announcer as the heel. It does seem to work somewhat it's easy to hate Cole since he replaced JR and JR was so loved. Ever since NXT started he's been saying more heelish comments. Like when Kane cashed in MITB on Rey he was saying how smart it was on Kane's part with Lawler saying it was wrong.

It was also to help Bryan get over with the crowd that didn't know who he was. Again people already hate Cole by him constantly bashing Bryan and calling him a nerd it got people paying more attention to him.

Now that he also does the same to Kaval for the same reasons of being a veteran of the minor leagues and being a internet darling. It's obvious to me that he's being Vince's mouthpiece to rile up the IWC. It's been said many times Vince hates the IWC and behind the scenes info being leaked online. I think be bringing Bryan and Kaval in it's Vince's way to be able to lash out and bash the IWC.

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