WWE Concerned About Michael Cole's Commentary

Cole's commentary is no help to the show, I think we ALL know that, but how much blame can be put on an announcer alone? Daniel Bryan wasnt booked properly his entire career in the WWE. On top of that hes bland, yes, I know what I'm saying, hes bland. His mic skills are sub par and maybe one day someone will understand this. Punk lost steam when he decided to walk away from the WWE. Then his return was done so awkwardly and the rivalry with Triple H got bland when they decided to bring Kevin Nash in. Then Punk ran out of things to say, since he kinda already know whats wrong with the business and his star just faded. How much attention do you think the fans pay to Cole, both marks and smarks alike? Back in the day nobody complained that Jerry Lawler was burying people too much.
Michael Cole has been getting off my nerves for the past few weeks. The only time he is annoying is when he is talking about The Miz or Cody Rhodes.
Is Cole a problem? Yes, I personally hate him, he's annoying as a splinter soaked in alcohol. He is too baby faced to do the role he is supposed to be doing, shouts far too much and generally makes a complete ass of himself. I prefer a Cole that gets picked on and you kinda feel sorry for.

Not the only problem though, WWE talent looks thinner than the sheet of ice on my pond.

Do you think a change may be coming, and when? Pass but hopefully soon, it is getting to a point where there are so many "heels" not enough character (Kane and CM Punk are keeping me watching at the moment).

How do you expect WWE, storyline-wise, to go about removing Cole and/or his heel persona? I think the Miz idea would be good, or something with Ziggler or the guy who needs to wear a splash guard when he talks.
I loved Cole's heel schtik for the longest time. Longer than most people. I think he just needs to be the full time heel color commentator, not the play by play guy. They need some one serious calling the action. I really dislike three man booths so this means Lawler must move to Smackdown. I would do Josh Matthews and Michael Cole on RAW. I really like Josh and think he shows real potential.
Im going to be a hypocrite and say i enjoy cole's heel shtick whenever he is not putting down daniel bryan. granted, i could say the same for zack ryder, but i agree with cole that he is a goof, and its cool to hear someone agreeing with me on commentary. I also thought he made nxt season 3 fun as hell, but nobody really cared about that anyway.

What i think is sorely needed is an intelligent announcer that would be able to counter cole's often tired arguments. That way the fans at home get both sides of the coin, as oppose to cole ranting and lawler's tired comebacks.
For the people who think cole should step away from commentary and become a heel manager - have you not seem what is going on with ziggler and vickie?

Vickie, like cole gets "x pact heat" - that means that when she walks out with ziggler, she sucks in most of the crowd heat, while leaving ziggler with the scrapes.This is why, despite being a top worker, he barely gets any crowd to respond to him.

In general, i think heel managers are bad ways of getting people over. Some like the lovely sherry knew how to work around HBK's personality and elevate his heel persona. Vickie and cole just draw too much attention to themselves to be useful heel managers.
After watching NXT again for the first time this year, I really do hope that if the WWE has cause for concern regarding Cole's commentary, the ready made replacement is WILLIAM REGAL. Sure he would need a play by play guy to work with but this guy just speaks sense on commentary, knows the business and I can easily envisage him playing the heel similar to how Heenan played the heel, not burying stars but just frustrated at how they are getting over but respecting their talents.

JR + REGAL FOR RAW would be a dream, but I feel the exposure Regal is getting to commentary on NXT is preparing him for a future role on RAW or SD (I hope)
The commentary has sucked for years they do not even say the name of the moves. I kind of tune it out but at least they got rid of the stupid box he used to sit in.
Well, he's burying talent. I know it's been said, but it's so true. Your main play-by-play guy, the person you hear the voice of throughout the show, shouldn't be putting the talent down; he should be the promoting voice. There's nothing wrong with the colour commentator doing that, but not even to the extent Cole puts down Daniel Bryan and Zack Ryder. That isn't putting down, that is burying, plain and simple, mostly because Michael Cole has become more than just a commentator, he's become one of WWE's biggest characters. His word has more stock behind it, so if he constantly bashes Daniel Bryan, it'll stick more than if it was Michael Cole circa 2003.

Another contributing factor is the team around him; they just don't seem to work well with him. He is incredibly vocal, and while JR and King, and JR and Heyman, and even Cole and JBL would have legendary arguments back in the day, the most the face colour commentators can reply to him with is 'Shut up Cole.' If Cole is gonna be a heel commentator he needs a strong face co-commentator to counter him.

So, solutions. Well you could put Cole on colour-commentary, but Cole is WWE's biggest full-time play-by-play guy. Hell, I loved him back on Smackdown with Taz and JBL. Who would replace him? Other than JR, who I think wouldn't properly return full-time, there isn't anyone on his level if you ask me. You could turn him face, but how the hell would that be pulled off? Far too difficult to do, if you ask me.

My solution, however simple it may sound, would be just to tone him down. Stop featuring him as a character away from the announce table, and reel him in. He can still be heel, just more of a stereotypical heel; he calls the match properly, doesn't focus on particular individuals but always roots for the bad guy. And just leave him to run with that.

I doubt any of this will happen, but one can only live in hope.
I don't believe for a second that WWE will be getting rid of Cole's character anytime soon. They might tone him down some and not have him rag on certain guys as much, but they're too in love with the heel Cole thing to let go of it completely. I think he's enjoyable at times but he also does overdo it a lot, to the point where it can take away from the match. Commentators should never be making the match about themselves, and that's something Cole should probably stop doing.
I think Michael Cole is hilarious at times, he's obviously some kind of 'troll' announcer who is there to irritate everyone.

However, I'll say that he should choose carefully who he talks up and who he talks down. I think his constant calling of Daniel Bryan a 'nerd' is ridiculous and doesn't help anyone.
A play by play announcer cannot have a heel persona, especially someone who changes. If you notice Cole has always been pro Cena, face Hunter, Taker and all the big names, but he ***** on the midcarder faces, it creates a weird situation where his character goes 180 from angle to angle.

My father said the best thing once, when my favorite football team (thats soccer to the americans) lost, after winning the first game 3-0, they lost to a lesser team 4-0, i was upset and he told me "why are you upset?", i replied "well we lost", he shook his head and said "look at them (the players), they dont look like they care that they lost, so why do you care?" and that sums WWE and the commentators, if Cole dosent give a flying **** then why should i? If Jerry Da Kang Loller cant even muster a fake laugh or feign some sort of interest then why should i?

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN welcome to the longest running weekly television show of all time, Mondee Nite Raew!!
"Tonight the super nerd Daniel Bryan goes up against the aging, past his prime Booker T, yes sir! Tune in and watch RAW yeaaa!"

Why? Is nobody listening to this? Does nobody in that company raise a hand and asks "why are burrying our product?"

Thats what was different in the Attitude Era, they had to make WWF stars look better than WCW, even the untalented and lousy ones like Xpac, Blackman and countless others were made to look like they beat up the entire WCW roster.

Today there is nobody to look better than, instead its more internally, the Cenas, Ortons, Takers and Hunters are made to look good, and everyone else is left to rot. That kid who splooged in his own sock in the first American Pie movie looks cooler than most of the wrestlers on Raw. Ryder is calling his pops cause he is scared, Miz looks and is told he is not a tough guy.

So it is not just Cole, the whole company and the general booking is not really focused on making anyone but the top of the top look good, this is fine if that top was in their prime, but other than Cena and Orton, there is nobody else, Taker and Hunter are part time wrestlers. If they had 6+ main eventers/superstars it would be fine.

Just last Raw, Ziggler put his finishing submission move on Cena, who then proceeded to simply shake Ziggler off as he was a lightweight and just walk away.

Michael Cole is just the loudest proponent of this

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