Does Michael Cole Deserve A Spot In The Hall Of Fame?

Tha Wolfpac

Hey Yo...
Now plain and simple does Michael Cole deserve to be inducted later on obviously into the WWE Hall of Fame.

Whether you like it or not this man has been the voice of WWE for the past couple of years especially in recent months. Love him or hate him this man is a veteran when it comes to annoucing, you will all argue that he is not on the level of people like Jim Ross, Monsoon etc but still this man has been annoucnning for a long time in the best and biggest wrestling company in the world. Doesn't that mean the WWE sees something in Michael Cole to have him announce on their flagship show. In recent weeks Michael Cole has won my respect because we all thought he was a one dimensional nerdy and annoying announcer, but i honestly believe he has proven that he isn't all that bad at announcing. He has been showcased across every brand in the WWE as of late and is really having an overhaul and is becoming an actual entertaining announcer.

For the shear fact that this man has been announcing for quite some time in the biggest wrestling company in the world, on it's prestige show definetly gives him a spot in the Hall of Fame in my eyes.

So what say you does Michael Cole deserve a spot in the HoF? Explain.
In a word, no. He's an average announcer at very best. I think he has his spot via politics.
I'd rather hear Mike Tenay. Seriously, he's not in the league of Ross, Monsoon, Heenan, Soley. He's doing a little by being a reasonably effective heel, but aside from that. Zero.
LoL, Cole in the hall of fame is a shame. He's working in the WWE because he's been there since long and because no other promotion would hire him if he quits. The WWE is not having good announcers right now and that's the reason why he's still there. Let Josh Mathews and Matt Striker scale up, and Cole wouldbe gone. To compare him with JR is a crime to say the least, Cole has a limited vocabulary out of which he keeps repeating words. He keeps criticizing and downplaying other sports like football, which is not required because JR never did that. He keeps talking a lot about history and he makes anything the most dominant thing in history. Even LayCool must be the most dominant divas in "hissssstory" according to him. And he also makes things "vintage" when they are not. Things like cena's sorry-a** shoulder blocks. Nothing about that jack-a** can be vintage. Sorry Cole, the kids can do withoout your history lessons.
Let Josh Mathews and Matt Striker scale up, and Cole wouldbe gone.

Your kidding right? Matt Striker to put it simply sucks. He is quite probably the most annoying commentator i've ever heard, pointing out any little pointless thing he can think of and making that many irrevelent connections to anything in a given match it's ridiculous. I like what he adds to an announce team, bringing personality and humour sometimes but he's commentating is terrible.

To compare him with JR is a crime to say the least, Cole has a limited vocabulary out of which he keeps repeating words. He keeps criticizing and downplaying other sports like football, which is not required because JR never did that.

So what your saying is any input that was not done by JR first is unrequired? Cole's job is to call matches and be somewhat annoying whilst doing so and he does a great job of it. JR was amazing, there's no denying it but he was a one time deal. Because he left doesn't its now everyone elses duty to follow him and do as he did because they can't, no one can and thats the way it should be.

Now to the question at hand. I'm not saying Michael Cole should be in the Hall of Fame, because i'm somewhat undecided atm. He is a long time worker, he was there through the attitude era until now, called some of the greatest matches in wrestling history, watched stars come and go and seen the changes of WWE first hand. On the other hand I don't feel he's done anything drastically significant to be a Hall of Famer but he's on his way. Hopefully soon he will be revealed as being behind nexus and have a package as an interviewer, veteran announcer and now great heel manager and then, with a complete package I could see him in the Hall of Fame. MY OPINION
Does he deserve to be in the HOF for sucking a wad of cock for the better part of 15 years? No.

The guy isn't entertaining in any way shape or form, it's obvious that he hasn't learned a damn thing about wrestling in the 15 years he's been there based on the number of mistakes he keeps making during the commentary (i swear to God if i hear him call a 'powerslam' a 'scoop slam' once more i'm going to punch the wall until my knuckles turn to dust.), back in the day when they had separate announcers for separate brand matches on PPV, if you ever saw Cole in the background he always looked like he really didn't care about what was going on, and wished he wasn't there having to sit through it, and he's just such a waste of space.

Hell, i even thought he was the worst of the backstage interviewers back in the day. Kevin Kelly used to piss all over Cole week in and week out in terms of being a decent interviewer. He could take an insult in an entertaining fashion, and when people beat him up, he made it look believable.

Cole would fall in a heap on the floor and just shout over and over. He can't even take a beatdown properly.

Plus the fans hate him. And always have hated him.

But yeah he'll get in the HOF anyway BECAUSE he's been doing it for 15 years, and we'll all die a little bit more inside.

Is that good enough? Cole is absolutely horrible and has gotten worse over the years. I know the company realizes he's not well liked by fans so they have amplified his horrible, annoying personality so he's more of a character but especially since he was drafted to RAW he's been bad. He is a very big reason I go weeks or months without watching RAW. The other reason being the fact that the show is BORING AS HELL! But, that's a topic for another thread.
wwe need to work out if he's a full on heel or face the persona of hating r-truth and danielson but loving cena or orton and the miz doesnt cut it for me rather him be fully fledged heel.
Inducting Michael Cole into the HOF would only be a slightly lesser crime than letting Todd Pettengill in :)

In all seriousness though, point well taken that he has been the "voice" of the WWE for quite a while now and will most likely continue to be for many, many years. The obvious counter-point is that his actual talent, knowledge of the product, and (most importantly) chemistry with other annoucers / color commentators remains questionable at best.

Cole seems to be really good at echoing what Vinnie Mac is screaming at him through the headset. I reckon that's why he's in the lead announce position and will continue to be there for a long time to come. Unlike past WWE greats (Monsoon, Heenan, JR, and even the King), he can't think on his feet very well. Deviate from the script just a little bit, and Cole tends to fall to pieces. I reference most off-the-cuff exchanges he's had with Lawler as evidence.

Should he be in the Hall of Fame? In my opinion the answer is no, since it cheapens the spots of "premium quality" announcers that have been and will be inducted. Will he be in the Hall of Fame? Most certainly! Barring a violent attack against the McMahon family or soiling his name with WWE, Vince (or Stephanie or Trips) will surely green light Coles induction into the HOF. If for no other reason, because he's been there for a long time and he's a good employee.
No, just because you are the top announcer in a given company does not mean you are the best man around for that job. It just means that you are the bet guy they have. I think if by over 10 years down the line you don't know the name of some very basic manoevres then you can't be classed as legendary at all. J.R. regurgitated a lot of the same catchphrases during his wwf days but 1) They were original and far better than cole's and 2) He did at least have some originality, ie he could deviate from them if he wanted to, cole is limited to vintage every time randy orton fight and OH MY when something big happens no matter what the magnitude and besides everybody knows that he quite simply isn't that good. He's better than king but since king became face or normal commentator he has been as bad as useless. The best commentator in WWE is matt striker although I don't like him sometimes because he waffles on about ridiculous bullsh*t and makes things up about the anatomy but most of the time he is far better than cole. And seen as now both men are filling the semi-heel commentator spot in their respective shows it is easier to pick between them.

Michael cole ought to be better than a guy who has been announcing for what a bit over a year? maybe a bit longer, im not 100%. But that doesnt really look good and just goes to show well that when cole leaves it can only get better.#

OK lets look at it this way.....if TODD GRISHAM stayed at wwe for 15 years and worked his way into flagship commentator would he deserve to be inducted...NO!! becasue he isnt good enough, neither is cole, its essentially the same arguement.
IMO he DOESNT deserve a spot in the HOF, however i have no doubt he will get one for his 10+ years of below par announcing. They will probably push him as the "Original Voice of Smackdown"
I Don't if he will but he shouldn't he has done nothing memorable over the past 15 years (That is with the exception of some of his interviews with his Rock).
Michael Cole is terrible he has done a good job in building heat but that is real hate from the fans because he's an annoying asshole now, he definitely does not deserve to be up there with Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross.
No. Cole doesn't deserve it and hasn't earned it. I don't like to complain about his commentary because I can actually stand it (Most of the Time) and because I've been enjoying his heel turn but he's not a Hall of Fame Quality Announcer either way. He just simply doesn't have the natural ability as a face to do his job brilliantly and as a heel, he's rather repetitive.

I try hard not to compare him to Jim Ross but inevitably I have to and to be frank, Cole isn't up there with JR or even the King of the 90's. Cole simply doesn't have that ability. Of course, that doesn't mean he won't get in. Knowing WWE, They'll continue to Push Cole's Announcing to the Moon and will most likely cap it off with a spot in the Hall of Fame.
Why was my comment removed from this?

I said that Michael Cole SHOULDN'T be in the Hall of Fame because he wasn't ever that great...and that he should have stuck to his Todd Pettengill impression instead of commentating.

Even the commentating these days is much worse than it used to be. You used to have Vince McMahon, Gorilla Monsoon, Jesse Ventura, Bobby Heenan, etc. Now you have Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole??

Putting Michael Cole in the same league as Gorilla Monsoon, Jesse Ventura, and Bobby Heenan as commentators is a slap in the face and devalues the Hall of Fame entirely.

Michael Cole = Todd Pettengill

Same guy.
As of right now, no. Michael Cole has done very little for the business and has called less than a few memorable matches. He needs to add in a couple more years, maybe ten or so, to be considered a Hall of Fame contestant. However, Cole is the best announcer in the WWE right now. He plays his character very well. Better then most actual WWE Superstars right now. He is over as a heel but yet, knows when a superstar crosses the line. Cole is a great announcer, give him ten or so more years and I’m sure he'll receive the honor. Hell, he will deserve it by then.
Michael Cole SHOULD NOT be in the HoF at all. Even with his monopolizing of the shows, we are being FORCED to listen and watch him on EVERY single show they offer RAW, NXT, SUPERSTARS, SMACKDOWN, the PPV's, and he does NOT bring anything to the table at all. He can't decide if he wants to be a heel one day or a face the next. He really does NOT know how to work with what he has. Granted, he's good for being the butt of jokes, but just because he's rolled with punches doesn't mean he should be rewarded for that. If that's the case, then lets think of the fact that Santino jobbed for the longest time and put him in the HOF, heck, let's put Brooklyn Brawler in as well. The only thing Cole is good for right now is to be everyone's punching bag. The fact that the rumors are flying around that he was added to SD simply to elevate Todd Grisham...:wtf: When you consider that Grisham and Striker were Slammy award winners for commentating team of the year one year. Simply a mindfreak to me. In the words of Miz "Really?! Really?!"

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