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Does Anyone Still Have Any Respect For Hulk Hogan?


Former WZCW Tag Team Champion
Now before anyone asks, this is not a thread bashing Hogan. I was a big Hulk Hogan fan for many years, but after the actions of the past two years within the Hogan camp, I have lost respect for the one man who I grew up idolising.

That shitty reality show of his was the beginning of the end in my opinion. But I'm not veering off into that. As a former wrestler, do you still have respect for the man? Please discuss.
Respect? No. Appreciation? Yes.

No matter what Slyfox or anyone else says, I've heard him say things that, even if they were taken completely out of context, are stupid and ignorant. He may be nice to the fans and sign everyone's autographs like he probably should, but there's no denying that the guy has come across as a straight up dick in pretty much everything I've ever read or watched about him in the last few years.

So yeah, I blame the Liberal media.
I'm with Sam on this one. Hogan is still someone that if I was at a show and he made a suprise appearence I'd mark out like no other, but I don't want to hear about him otherwise. He's shown that he plays a character perfectly. His family has fallen apart before our eyes, and somehow he and Brooke are looking like the smart ones. Linda is such an airhead that Hogan loses points for marrying her. Hulk doing what he's done makes me believe that there is little you can depend on anymore. Hulk Hogan was a god in wrestler form growing up. Now you see that he's just another guy. I respect what he did for the business, as the business would be so different without him, and sites like WZ would mean next to nothing, but as a man, not very much at all.
I have respect for Hogan the wrestler. I'm not sure he'd be a guy I'd want to hang out with, though. But to be fair, the public doesn't get to see that much of his personal life. You can't make a fair and accurate judgement on a man's true personality by what you read in tabloids and see on tv. It's just not accurate information.

I think it's important to keep professional accomplishments seperate from personal issues. I think Hogan deserves all the respect in the world for what he did for pro wrestling. What he does on his own time has nothing to do with that.
I think it has to do with many aspect. If you are just talking about what he does in the ring, then I would say that is very respectable. If you talk about his backstage politics, all I can comment on is what I have heard, and I have heard a lot of negatives by a lot of disgruntled peers of Hogans. From what we view in the media, or on his former television show, I get some parts of it. Hogan can be very outspoken, and he can cross the line sometimes, but he is just putting forth his opinions. If he treats fans well, then I respect that, because without the fans, he is nothing. For his family, I feel for him, he has had his life shattered, wheither is be his sons time in prison, the life that has been ruined by his son, his wife leaving him, his daugther's music career failing, he has had it rough. All in all, I would say I still respect him every time he neters that ring for us, even if it is for a paycheck, because what other wrestler enters the ring without that same paycheck.
Respect him as a business man; hell yes. Respect him as a person; hell no.

Not the kind of guy I'd want to have over to my house for dinner, but his contributions to pro wrestling are in many ways unmatched.

One of the first true crossover wreslters, who has been able to find success outside of the pro wrestling business. He's made significant contributions to the 'Wrestlemania Moments' video vault and after 25+ years remains a figurehead in pro wrestling mythos.

In the words of Jack Donaghy: "I hate-respect you"
Respect? No. Appreciation? Yes.

No matter what Slyfox or anyone else says, I've heard him say things that, even if they were taken completely out of context, are stupid and ignorant. He may be nice to the fans and sign everyone's autographs like he probably should, but there's no denying that the guy has come across as a straight up dick in pretty much everything I've ever read or watched about him in the last few years.

So yeah, I blame the Liberal media.

But as a human being, there's only so much shit you can/will take... but that being said, HE'S HULK FUCKING HOGAN!!!!! The name is synonymous with Americana, Pop Culture, Wrestling... What the hell does he want!? He's gotta be the ONE wrestler (The Rock doesn't count in this equation) That can go ANYWHERE in the world and be recognized. He HAS to be "Mr Nice Guy" to uphold that "All American" image... But how much could YOU take? How often do you think he's wanted to tell us to shove those vitamins up our asses? I actually have to have sympathy for the man. His family was SHREDDED within the last 3 years. EVERYTHING he worked to build over the last 25+ years has been stripped from him. I don't blame him ONE BIT for being an asshole to ANYBODY. People have bashed him for everything that has gone on in his life. PERSONAL life, none the less... I'm pressed to say that if MY personal was torn into the public eye like his or any other celebrity's has, I'd fucking kill somebody! So, you know, my answer to the question posed is Yes, I DO respect Hulk Hogan. For everything he did IN the ring, and for everything he's endured OUT of the ring...
I respect Hulk as for all that he's done for the wrestling buisness. But i've lost a lot of respect for Terry Bollea the man. Threw all the thing's with his family i think we've seen his true colors. He now comes off as a money hungry jerk. Hearing his comments about John Graziano made me lose all respect for him. When he said that God punished Graziano by making him paralyzed it made my stomache turn. I truly believe in a little thing called karma and i think Hulk Hogan has a lot of the bad kind coming his way.
I respect Hulk as for all that he's done for the wrestling buisness. But i've lost a lot of respect for Terry Bollea the man. Threw all the thing's with his family i think we've seen his true colors. He now comes off as a money hungry jerk. Hearing his comments about John Graziano made me lose all respect for him. When he said that God punished Graziano by making him paralyzed it made my stomache turn. I truly believe in a little thing called karma and i think Hulk Hogan has a lot of the bad kind coming his way.

Are you kidding me?! You mean to tell me that if you busted your ass for 25 years, making MILLIONS of dollars, you'd be ok with people just up and trying to take it??! Graziano's family has every right to sue for what happened to their son. Linda Hogan on the other hand, is the money hungry person here. She's trying to take half of what Hogan has made. I'm sorry, but last I knew it was Hulk in the ring for almost 30 years.... Not Linda.
This thread is whats wrongs with fans; I'm a Hogan mark thru and thru I hated him for heel turn. But I'm a fan of his wrestling nothing he does in his private life is non of our fucking business and have no say on what him or any star does. Get over it nobody perfect I mean nobody be a fan of what he does in the ring not bullshit that doesn't matter.
"Does anyone still have any respect for Hulk Hogan?"

I never did...why should anyone? He didn't do anything. He was lucky enough to be picked as the guy Vince chose to push to the moon, just like Cena is now. He didn't earn his spot.
Didn't earn his spot? Are you kidding? WOW. Maybe not to begin with, but I think the millions upon millions of dollars he made for the company, and the Wrestlemania's he headlined, and the fact that he is still wished for at this wrestlemania makes it seem that he earned it. And I respect the fact he said he'd put over Austin. Thats amazing, seeing as how he didn't for Rock twice. Both these men had a 7 year run, and thats being generous, with movies and injuries, yet he still did it. He did it for 25 years. I think he has no problem putting over people he respects, and no matter what, just for what hes done for wrestling demands our respect.
Didn't earn his spot? Are you kidding? WOW. Maybe not to begin with, but I think the millions upon millions of dollars he made for the company, and the Wrestlemania's he headlined, and the fact that he is still wished for at this wrestlemania makes it seem that he earned it. And I respect the fact he said he'd put over Austin. Thats amazing, seeing as how he didn't for Rock twice. Both these men had a 7 year run, and thats being generous, with movies and injuries, yet he still did it. He did it for 25 years. I think he has no problem putting over people he respects, and no matter what, just for what hes done for wrestling demands our respect.

He was shoved down people's throats at a time when nobody else was getting pushed. He was helped by his role in Rocky III, along with a megapush with a gimmick of being able to beat unstoppable monsters like Andre and Earthquake. Because wrestling fans at that time weren't as educated about the business as now, he was able to get over as a face, but not because of anything that he did. Someone else could have easily been put in his position instead, but he happened to be the guy that was chosen.

You don't actually trust the word of Hogan, do you? And you are actually going to say that Hogan has no problem putting over people? He helped put WCW out of business by not putting people over..
I think tapes of his promos and matches are enjoyable to watch sometimes, so yes.

None of that other stuff about his life affects or applies to me at all, it really doesn't sway my opinion of anything he did in the ring. Watching a Benoit match is still a great technical display, and I have to respect that for what it is. Same with Hogan, what he did for the business is awesome, and I have to respect that.

Aside from wrestling though, there are two types of "respect" Hogan could get, in my opinion. There's the sentimental type, where one's subconscious is confusing his role-model character with the man himself. The other type is like endorsing Hogan as a "respectable" celebrity, in the same way that people respect any "important" person like a judge or Bill Gates or something. Of those two types, all I can say is, one may actually be slightly sillier than the other, if that's even possible.

I think Hogan still has respect among the wrestling community but that isn't hard to do (see above Benoit argument).
Don't put the demise of WCW solely on Hulk Hogan. And did you say he didn't put people over? Lex Luger, Sting, Goldberg, these were the stars he lost too. If he didn't lose to Goldberg, things would be a lot different. And the sting match, no comment. they was messed up because of sting, and the "fast, but really wasn't count. Hell this guy turned Billy Kidman into a main eventer. Billy fricken kidman!!!!! And here we go with the oh, we could have given that spot to anyone arguement. Who? I mean they could have, but would it be as successful? Name me someone else to put against Andre. Oh that wouldn't work because he almost didnt put Hogan over, so doubt he would have done that too someone else. And remember, they did try for a "new" hogan. Warrior and Savage failed. Who else do you recall that has been shoved down our throats that much, and still be loved? Look at Cena. Actually there was a point people got sick of him, thus, the heel turn. That a lone was great. Do I believe him? Why not? Could you have imagined him putting over Rock twice in one year? I think he knows that it would make him look good to put over Austin. He could of easily agreed with the run in outcome, since neither would lose, but he didn't. Plus, hes been on tough times, so it would be the right thing to do.
The only "young" guy he lost to was Goldberg. Hogan was the main veteran holding down the young guys. Other guys like Nash saw that Hogan was able to keep his spot by holding down the young guys, so they followed his example. This continued until it was too late for WCW to succeed.

Right, look at Cena. He isn't that great in the ring, or on the mic. But he has been consistently pushed as the top guy for a couple years. If you give a midcarder a megapush and constantly promote him as the top guy at a time when many fans still believe that wrestling is real (such as Hogan's era), then they will get over.

Hogan wouldn't have a shot at even being a midcarder if he was a young guy starting his career now.
I do. I respect him as a wrestler. Perhaps not as a person, but the man WAS the WWE for years. He made the business what it is, and without him, WWE never would have lived on, I'm sure of it. He maybe hasn't made the best decisions lately, but I just think of how he used to be and that's what makes me realise what a man he is. If he made one appearance in WWE today, people would go INSANE. It would be incredible. The WWE chooses to ignore the personal lives of their wrestlers, so why should we? Why don't we just remember him as the Hulkster, Hulkamania and all that? That's who Hulk Hogan is, and how we should think of him.
I think he's one of the luckiest men to ever be alive. He really, didn't do anything in the ring to make him a "A-Class Performer" but I do have my respect for the guy, he's done alot to the wrestling business, for the better IMO.
Yes and no I respect him for revolutionizing Wrestling and making WrestleMania what it is today, almost every early WM had a Hogan match in it, He slammed freakin' Andre the Giant. I son't resect him though because hegot by on mic skills alone, he froze the WWE title for 4 years God all the people that deserved the WWE title an ddidn't get it because "I'm the star hulk hogan won't share. He left the compan that made him, he was in the "Fingerpoke of doom". He was just a spotlight hog. and Very lucky.

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