Does anyone know why Undertaker's last relationship ended?

President Evil

Pre-Show Stalwart
So, we know that Taker and McCool tied the knot the other day.

Taker used to be married (or was in a serious relationship) with Sara. By Wrestlemania 24, Taker had the Sara tattoo removed. Obviously they were through by that time.

I wonder if these two had any kids together, and why did they break up?

Plus, do you guys think this new marriage with McCool will last? In my opinion I dont think it will. Taker is an older, serious, level-headed man. McCool seems to be too young for him, this usually doesnt end good. Just hope it works out for them.

What do you guys think of all this.
Man do you think that this personal matter needs to be talked about on here? Were talking wrestling here, not the wrestlers lives outside the industry. Triple H & Stephanie are an exception because of Vince & the WWE. But as far as the Undertaker relationship status goes, more than likey they got divorced! Let the deadman move on with his life. Much congrats to the new bride & groom!
This should go in the Wrestle spam zone, or the bar room etc...not here..

I hope it does aswell, poor taker is in his 40's im sure he has kids...and he and mccool look to be happy...i kinda liked sara aswell they looked good togetha..and also mccool looks like sara aswell... weird aint it?!?
This post may borderline on off-topic, but what does it matter? What does this have to do with wrestling, or his career (especially old-school wrestling)? They didn't love each other anymore, so they divorced.
How is Steph & HHH an exception? Did you forget how WWE made the whole Undertaker Sara thing a storyline the same way they did with Steph & HHH, they made there life outside of wrestling known, and it was very well a part of wrestling, in I think 2001 during the summer, during the WCW invasion storyline. So I wouldn't even consider it to be "spam".

Now had Undertaker/Sara never been anything brought to tv as part of a storyline or anything then why should anyone here know about.

But in this meaning, its no different then asking what the story was with Macho Man & Liz. Or Macho & Sherri, Shawn & Sherri, Edge/Lita/Hardy ect.. the list goes on.
the same way hollywood relationships end....... he was caught cheating on her with some bimbo, and poof the marriage ended.
Like someone said here, its been discussed thousands of times the Macho and Liz issue, Edge/Lita, and Triple H and Steph..but we cant discuss Taker and McCool? Give me a break. Despite Taker taking his usual time off he is still an active WWE name, so is McCool. There is no problem talking about them about this matter with respect.

Its like other people say about actors and musicians, once you have been in the public eye for so long, you're personal life tends to become public as well. Its unfortunate but true.

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