Does anybody else miss WWECW?

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I know the show that only ran for an hour with a lackluster roster won't be missed but to me it was an alternative and was better than superstars. It gave alot of people who weren't doing anything a chance to be relevant like chavo for example. I feel if the show came on at least 9pm eastern on tuesdays running 2 hours with a bunch of midcards(not jobbers like they really had)and with this expanded roster they could have two titles which would be obviously the ECW belt and they could bring back the cruiserweight belt exclusively for ECW for guys going nowhere like Evan Bourne and Tyson Kidd. This would make ECW exciting and of course it would still be the 3rd show but still entertaining. Plus the draft would feel better with 3 brands instead of going back from raw to smackdown. ECW was actually okay around 2008 when they had Kane, Big show, Cm punk, Miz, Morrison, Mark henry, and Matt hardy. It only went downhill when Christian came back but it wasn't his fault it was the lack of talent that was around him.

So any thoughts on what I felt?
I really liked the evolution of Sheamus, Jack Swagger, and a few other who came up through ECW.
Seeing Mark Henry as a main eventer was really refreshing, and giving ECW the Miz/Morrison title runs, made it seem relevant, and made them seem almost legit (Although Miz was pretty terrible back then).

I put ECW over Superstars, the lack of any direction in the show makes Superstars seem even weaker for the C show, I'd rather see entertainment, pure wrestling doesn't fit this era or generation.
I agree that around 2008, the roster was looking really good for the WWE ECW.

I thought that it was a good year for the ECW title in the WWE, especially the Punk/Chavo feud, Kane winning the Title and the scramble match at Unforgiven 2008.

I always felt the show should have been solely reserved for the Cruiswerweights because during 2008/9, I thought they had enough on the WWE roster to fill the show for an hour. Perhaps ECW in the WWE should have been called Extreme Cruiserweight Wrestling or probably given a different name due to what the letters ECW represent.
I agree with you 100% I miss how i honestly use to watch ECW and Raw but i never watched Smackdown because to me it was the C show. I think it is stupid how Vince got rid of WWECW for NXT. NXT use to be entertaining..after season 2 i was done watching it. And if you think about it there is only 2 WWE shows on TV each week so i say WWE should get rid of Superstars move NXT to Thursday and put ECW on. Hell i would watch ECW on if i had to....i just miss ECW...
i really dont. It was good for a while until they started firing the originals and turning it into the equivalent of WWE Heat.
When ECW was on, I actually watched it out of the three brands. It was a great one-hour show featuring new stars and decent veterans. I started watching around the time John Morrison and CM Punk were feuding for the title and I kept watching until it ended.

People could shit on it all they wanted for not being the original ECW (which sucked for large amounts of its existence), but it was a good show that gave young stars and veterans their time to shine and work on their characters and in-ring skills. Guys like Chavo, Kane, Matt Hardy, Mark Henry got title runs as a way of rewarding them for their years of loyalty and hardwork, and it showcased new stars like Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, CM Punk, Evan Borne, and the Miz. If it wasn't for ECW, we wouldn't have the Miz.

As far as I'm concerned, it was it was excellent at what it was intended for and was a huge step up from NXT, Heat and Superstars. I wouldn't mind if it came back, and I do miss it.
Hell yeah i missed WWECW . I was a huge fan of it. It also Made Zach Ryder a bigger star that he is today. If it was still around maybe Zack Ryder would have been ECW champion a few times. Also Evan Bourne didn't job in ECW. Daniel bryan could have been great in ECW. so Yes I miss it I would rather watch ECW than NXT anyday.
I do not miss it..I think the WWE missed out on a great oppurtunity to give back to the 'hardcore' fans..pun intended hahahahah but seriously...the high point was christian winning the title..i would have liked to see them realy get into the hardcore aspect of it all tho
yes it was refreshing but I rather have Thunder or Nitro or even WCW Sat. Night back. If they did add another title it woulda be the TV championship outta respect for the brands history. After WCW was bought they was going have SD! be Nitro prob. From Snuka to Jackson and all of the champs in between. That area was fun while it lasted.
People could shit on it all they wanted for not being the original ECW (which sucked for large amounts of its existence), but it was a good show that gave young stars and veterans their time to shine and work on their characters and in-ring skills. Guys like Chavo, Kane, Matt Hardy, Mark Henry got title runs as a way of rewarding them for their years of loyalty and hardwork, and it showcased new stars like Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, CM Punk, Evan Borne, and the Miz. If it wasn't for ECW, we wouldn't have the Miz.

This is how I feel but we are in the minority compared to the posts already written here. It doesnt seem like the other fans pay attention enough to understand it.

Vince has to see these guys on TV he has to see them in front of the WWE Universe. Superstars doesnt count and wasnt on the same level as WWECW.

I, totally agree, without that ECW we would of never fully got to see Punk, Bourne, Kofi, Swagger or think they would debut on other shows? No. Why would they? That was the whole point a 3rd brand with a different set of wrestlers to showcase. They wouldnt of had a place on RAW or Smackdown.

And dont forget Christian's return. Christian maybe would of never returned at all if it wasnt for WWECW. Thats how I feel. I too, watched WWECW more than Smackdown and often more than RAW.
I feel like the new ECW had some good things, and bad things. Yeah, it was a GREAT place to evolve young talent on a television scene. But I was always just a little bit disappointed seeing "Extreme" in the title. I would definitely pick ECW over NXT, mainly because I hate the idea of a competition, mainly when it's used as a brand. Tough Enough isn't a brand so I'm fine with that, but I actually enjoyed watching some ECW episodes. I like the idea of RAW, ECW, Superstars, and Smackdown.
I miss Monty Brown...oh sorry VKM...Marcus Cor Von. i thought he was on his way to be a ligit heavyweight in the main event scene. and i miss shelton benjamin because he is nothing less than amazing in the ring. and Joey Styles on t.v (why is cole on 2 shows,put Styles on t.v again dammit!!!) but other than that no...i dont miss wwecw at all...i kind of miss RVD but john morrison has helped with that!!
No. It only served to water down the other two brands, which were pretty watered down to begin with. Any extra separation of a lackluster roster is certainly unwelcome, at least in my eyes. I can only imagine it now, as the roster is currently even more underwhelming than at the time of WWECW.
I sure do. Out of the three brands, I think WWECW was the most wrestling oriented and wasn't as heavily focused on storylines as RAW or Smackdown (although granted, the show was only an hour). It was a great way to see the midcard and lower card talent showcase their talents in front of a huge audience before transitioning to one of the two bigger brands. Although the same can probably be said for Superstars, it just doesn't feel the same. It was great way to showcase the talent who would otherwise be jobbers on either of the other two brands.

I think the absence of WWECW has actually hurt a lot of superstars who are good in the ring but aren't used. Guys like Yoshi Tatsu and up until his heel turn during the draft Mark Henry. It was great to see some of these guys in the "main event" so to speak even though ECW merely served as a stepping stone for the transition to RAW or Smackdown.
I by no means thought that WWECW was the best show in the world, but it was a hell of a lot better than NXT. Whoever thought that a show with a bunch of no names and one indy star would have better ratings than a show with some established stars is an idiot.

Even though the creative side of WWECW was a little weak, it still managed to create more stars than NXT, which is a show that is designed to specifically make stars. In the time that WWECW was around, they both made and revitalized the careers of CM Puck, John Morrison, The Miz, Shelton Benjamin, Mark Henry, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Matt Hardy, Bobby Lashley, and to a lesser extent Jack Swagger, Chavo, Evan Bourne, Zack Ryder, and Yoshi Tatsu who all used to be popular and legit contenders when the show was around. NXT has only really made Wade Barret, Daniel Bryan, and to a lesser extent Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater. Everyone else is either a jobber or no longer on a WWE show of any kind.

I think that WWECW (or a show just like it with a diffrent name so the hardcore junkies panties will stop being in a bunch) should come back if for nothing else than to just get rid of NXT.
I miss the hell out of ECW. People complain about it because it was called ECW but if they only looked past that they would have found what was consistently one of the best hours of wrestling week in and week out. It had a great roster of new and underused talent, and stories that were usually simple but highly entertaining. The Paul Burchill/Hurricane feud was awesome!

This feud really showed what WWECW was all about - two underused but talented workers going out and doing a story and a series of matches that were of fairly high quality. This wouldn't have gotten time on the main show, and that's why WWECW was so good. It allowed people you wouldn't normally see on the main shows get their time to shine and in that way provided an alternative to the WWE watcher who was tired of RAW or Smackdown. When Christian carried the title the brand felt fresh, exciting, and it really felt like it was something different than your usual WWE fare.

People hated it because it wasn't "ECW", but if you look back, ECW was about giving guys who wouldn't have made it in the Big Two time to shine. It highlighted the luchadores, the cruiserweights, the guys like Foley and Dreamer, and that's really what WWECW was all about as well - Guys who had the talent but were missing the look or something that would get them time on the big two, and having them prove that they were good.
This is like, an every six months thing.

Someone makes this thread, me and Doc post in it, etc etc.

Um, fucking right. A show I HIGHLY looked forward to and enjoyed on a weekly basis. I loved that it was primarily a pure wrestling show. I love that underused talents were given a chance to thrive and grow here. And most of all, I loved the old school approach to introducing new wrestlers to the scene. Fuck all this NXT shit that no one gives a flying motherfuck about. Im pretty damn confident the 1.0's they were scoring in the ratings was a lot better than whatever NXT gets from people watching on the damn computer.

Loved seeing new guys burst on the scene and get mic time, character development, and work matches with many seasoned vets. Its were Goldust made Sheamus. Its were Christian, Matt Hardy, and Tom Dreamer built Jack Swagger. Were guys like Otunga, Gabriel, and Mason Ryan COULD be getting built up like true stars, and developing their characters, instead of doing nothing. Its a place were we got to see Zack Ryder be entertaining on a weekly basis, as opposed to y'know, not.

Fuck, I miss ECW.
I liked the wwecw and thought that it had potential to be genuine alternate and a real 3rd show. I think wwe messed this up on so many levels.
1. Should have been a 2 hour show.
2. The following titles should have been created ECW title, ECW tag team, ECW womens and may be an ECW tv title.
3. The draft would/was more exciting having all 3 brands.
4. PPV Survivor Series would have been ECW vs Raw, Raw vs Smackdown& ECW vs Smackdown.- going back to the original survivor series format. Genuine competition between the brands. A brand championship.
5. More importantly the new ECW would have been a great format for the younger talent to probably spend a year or two before getting on to wwe - not rushing the push.
6. i think the other mistake was getting rid of all the originals as quick as they did - there was always a need for the older talent.
7. nexus would have started there spent a whole year or so dominating before invading raw or smackdown. etc etc etc
I started watching WWE at around January 2010 so i did not get a chance to even see one episode of ECW but i now wish i had. It was kind of like NXT in its first season with the new superstars coming in and making it big like sheamus, swagger, and ezekiel is doing ok. I wish that they would just cancel NXT on whatever season they are in and bring it back. It was a good chance for lower card superstars to get some air time and have some feuds.
I think wwecw is better than nxt and superstars and wish they should stayed than bringing more seasons of nxt but I like nxt season 1 and 2 but other season it sucks. Bringing wwecw is a not a bad idea but they should bring a new name not ecw. A 3rd brand is good for young superstars so they can show their skills on television. And with a 3rd brand it brings a lot more of excitement when draft comes and they should have a champion even if its not recognized as world championship.
I too loved and miss WWECW. I think its dumb people shit all over it just because of the name and don't give it a chance. The matches were good,it brought up a lot of young superstars and had good veterans to them. I wish they would bring it back, they could rename it, but please bring it back and get rid of NXT and even Superstars if it meant bringing back ECW. Damn you Vince
Do I miss it? No.
Would I rather WWECW than NXT? 100% yes. First season of NXT was good, but they should have just made it 1 season per year.

I wonder where the likes of Punk and Morrison would be now if it wasn't for WWECW? I don't think Morrison would be anywhere near the title picture and Punk wouldn't be as far up the roster as he is now. WWECW would be a great place to elevate the likes of Bryan and Ziggler right now I think
ECW is basically the same as superstars but it had a title! I mean lets face it, the superstars that appear on Superstars hardly ever appear on Smackdown or Raw so they are sort-of exclusive to Superstars.
I really think Superstars has the potential to be great but all they use it for at the moment is for Raw and Smackdown rewinds which really annoys me. If they would let the superstars cut promos and actually have proper feuds it would just be like WWECW.
So, back to your original question:
Do i miss WWECW? No. Because i feel Superstars reminds of it and i subconsciously think that Superstars is WWECW.
yes it is the same as superstars / nxt but it had kudos and that was important plus it was a brand big mistake wwe
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