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Do you want to see Brock Lesnar Vs Goldberg III at Wrestlemania 33?

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Brock Lesnar Vs Goldberg III at Wrestlemania 33?

There has been constant discussion about this match happening at Wrestlemania 33 in what's believed as the last match of Goldberg. The squash of Brock Lesnar by Goldberg at Survivor Series added fuel to the fire.

I don't want to see them fight again, that too at Wrestlemania 33 of all things. I think that these two could be better used in two different matches at Wrestlemania 33 instead of facing each other.
It really doesn't matter if we want to see it, we're gonna see it.

Brock hasn't interested me since his feud with The Undertaker, he had a very very underwhelming 2016, especially when comparing it to his two previous years. It was cool to see Goldberg return but truthfully I was never a huge fan so when I see him on my screen now, it doesn't really do much for me. I realize this is going to sound harsh but quite frankly, I don't want to see either of them in any capacity. In my opinion it's a best case scenario that they're going up against each other as opposed to if they were in separate matches... so in that regard, I guess I do kinda sorta want to see it.
Their first match sucked. Their second match was simply an angle. One more match certainly doesn't interest me all that much. Brock probably needs redemption from such a devastating loss but unless he dominates Goldberg the next time around, this match does little for either involved. Lesnar's glory days are over. While he's still an attraction, his matches have been formulaic over the last year or so and their match at Wrestlemania will be no different. With that, Lesnar vs Goldberg does nothing for the future of the WWE. Both Lesnar and Goldberg should be used in separate matches to help launch future stars. Imagine a win over either stars for someone like Samoa Joe or Shinsuke Nakamura.
If it's going to be a big brawl then fine. The first match was an embarrassment, second was all angle. Goldberg is 2-0 against Brock. Why should I give any fucks about it? I won't and they will probably eliminate each other at the Rumble just to keep this going. Ugh. Maybe it'll just be a sweet brawl though. Here's hoping anyway
It's a weird trilogy. They had one of the worst WrestleMania matches of all time, so naturally it got a sequel a decade later. Their second match was pure shock value and nothing of substance so now a third match is inevitable. How can Heyman hype a squashed Lesnar for the biggest show of the year? Why even do this match to begin with when everything they've done has been a dud? With a whole roster full of talent Goldberg has never faced, WWE is going with the guy who not only faced him twice now in matches that sucked, but Lesnar isn't even a regular. I'd rather have Goldberg win the Rumble than to see him fight Lesnar one more time.
I had no interest in Goldberg vs. Lesnar II and I have no interest in seeing them again.

Some will disagree but I still feel as though Vince put over a 50 year old man who hasn't wrestled since 2004 at the expense of the main roster. Vince giving preferential treatment to Attitude Era stars in the sense that they're almost always put over whenever they do something with a modern star is a massive reason as to why a lot of casual fans don't view modern wrestlers in the same light. AE guys like Lesnar, Goldberg & Rock are given tons of creative freedom in terms of what they say and what they do while the wrestlers who carry the company 52 weeks out of the year are essentially hamstrung by Vince's restrictions. To me, Goldberg is a has-been who was little more than a flash in the pan during his glory days. To me, Lesnar is a massively overhyped and overpaid mercenary who has no passion for anything.

I understand why WWE is going to have this match in that casual fans will be interested in seeing it and that's not a bad thing. I'm just old fashioned in the sense that I'm a guy who feels that the stars of the show, the ones who get the biggest paydays for WrestleMania, should be the wrestlers who bust their asses year round rather than hacks like Goldberg and Brock Lesnar.
I think they could do something special at Wrestlemania instead of a legit win/loss match to end the feud. Have them have a one on one match, tussle and no sell each other for a few minutes and have the commentary team glorify them as unstoppable, god-like beings. Then Braun Strowman's music hits and he comes out and beats the crap out of both of them for five minutes straight. Brock and Goldberg are layed out. Both have to be taken to the back in stretchers and security start getting thrown around until Braun decides he's caused enough destruction for one day and walks to the back.
I don't want to see it at all. Their last Mania match was horrible. I didn't watch their second match but heard it was a complete squash which would have infuriated me anyway.

There's also the fact I just don't like Lesnar and haven't for years. I like Goldberg a bit but I'm finding it hard to care about this latest run.

That being said it'll probably be set for Mania and unless the build up and match itself is infinitely better than their previous encounters it'll be my piss/stretch my leg break.
I do. Color me guilty.

Two part-timers in one match that doesn't involve a title. Perfect for Wrestlemania. I really hope they put on a better show than they did at WMXX. I think Goldberg is motivated to do so, but Lesnar doesn't seem motivated to do much of anything, so he may crap all over it.

But I don't care. Lesnar is still an attraction for now, Goldberg is in great shape and it's fun to see him. I don't want to see Goldberg in a title match or even an extended run, but this match? Yeah. I want to see it.

Heyman can sell anything, of course. I think we, the IWC, will collectively nitpick this to death and that's ok. Even I will once it's over, but for now... count me as interested.
Not interested at all. I sat there and watched Goldberg squash Lesnar at SS and that was enough for me, thank you very much. Now it's time to move on.

Daniel Bryan was right the other night on Talking Smack when he said he's a little pissed at the fact part timers get high profile matches at Mania. He said that someone like Dean Ambrose who wrestles over 300 days a year, never misses a show and others like him, get pushed aside to make room for someone who wrestles a few times a year. I want to see the guys I watch week in and week out wrestle for the big prizes. If there is enough room to give Goldberg and Lesnar a match and it doesn't take away from a regular roster member than fine. If not then both can sit in the audience and watch.
Not interested at all. I sat there and watched Goldberg squash Lesnar at SS and that was enough for me, thank you very much. Now it's time to move on.

Daniel Bryan was right the other night on Talking Smack when he said he's a little pissed at the fact part timers get high profile matches at Mania. He said that someone like Dean Ambrose who wrestles over 300 days a year, never misses a show and others like him, get pushed aside to make room for someone who wrestles a few times a year. I want to see the guys I watch week in and week out wrestle for the big prizes. If there is enough room to give Goldberg and Lesnar a match and it doesn't take away from a regular roster member than fine. If not then both can sit in the audience and watch.
Even I don't like part-timers main eventing a big PPV like Summerslam or Wrestlemania but we all know that Vince likes it for sure.

The last two Wrestlemanias and last two Summerslam had main events involving a part-time wrestler. At these 4 big events, 8 wrestlers took part in the main event and 5 of those were part-timers. That shows it all that WWE is more dependent on part-timers. These 8 were Brock Lesnar(3), Triple H(1), The Undertaker(1), Roman Reigns(2) and Randy Orton(1). The only upcoming wrestler is Roman Reigns and we know how much Vince loves him.

I'm getting used to part-timers main eventing. Goldberg Vs. Brock Lesnar II was another main event of a big event.
From what I've read on another website, they are not really high on doing the rematch between goldberg and lesnar at mania anymore since they remember how that turned out the last time.

So they want to split them up, have goldberg face roman reigns maybe for the title and have lesnar face somebody else. Which in a way, I'm be more for then an actual rematch between the 2.

Has far as par timers main eventing wrestlemania, I'm not a big fan of it but I unerstand why it's done. It's more of a money thing that anything else, you need those legends to attract fans to the network especially durng wrestlemania season because their alot of fans that are not watching the product on a regular basis but still are interesred in watching a rumble or mania but hey don't know anybody on the card. You bring in a goldberg or lesnar or even cena and suddenly this become an interesting show for them and they try the network for a month or 2.

Those part timers are their for a reason, because they are special attraction and it showed that it's working for them so I'm going to accept that because getting those part timer is a great strategy for now,
From what I've read on another website, they are not really high on doing the rematch between goldberg and lesnar at mania anymore since they remember how that turned out the last time.

So they want to split them up, have goldberg face roman reigns maybe for the title and have lesnar face somebody else. Which in a way, I'm be more for then an actual rematch between the 2.

Has far as par timers main eventing wrestlemania, I'm not a big fan of it but I unerstand why it's done. It's more of a money thing that anything else, you need those legends to attract fans to the network especially durng wrestlemania season because their alot of fans that are not watching the product on a regular basis but still are interesred in watching a rumble or mania but hey don't know anybody on the card. You bring in a goldberg or lesnar or even cena and suddenly this become an interesting show for them and they try the network for a month or 2.

Those part timers are their for a reason, because they are special attraction and it showed that it's working for them so I'm going to accept that because getting those part timer is a great strategy for now,

I understand what you're saying, but how many casual fans actually remember their match at Mania, which I might add was the drizzling shits. Both were leaving the company right afterwards, and they phoned it in. This time around Goldberg is only back for a limited time, and Lesnar is losing his star power. He still has some but after the fiasco at UFC 200 some of it is gone. In reality after their last match at Mania, these are the last two I would have thought would be a huge draw this time around. I guess some wrestling fans have short memories.

Also understand the special attraction aspect of it all, but if you think about it, someone who doesn't watch the product as a general rule and only tunes into Mania is not getting to see what the WWE is really about. Sure they can see the Rock, Austin, Taker, Goldberg and others, but they won't see them on weekly TV. So that tell's you one of two things, either the product and the talent that regularly appears on RAW and SD aren't good enough. Or Mania fans aren't really into wrestling at all, so why cater to fans that only watch once a year. What about the rest of us that watch every week as those fans won't be tuning into RAW the following night.

As a fan are you going to be upset if you don't see a bunch of part timers at Mania this year, I know I won't. One or two matches sure, but don't take up the whole card and then throw all your regular guys into a Battle Royal just to give them a Mania paycheck. In all seriousness Taker's streak is over it's time for him to hang up the boots. HHH doesn't need to have a match every year he runs NXT. You get my drift.
Not at all. It's just not needed. Goldberg is 2-0 against Lesnar. There is just no point to having a third match. Even if Lesnar wins in 30 seconds it will be 2-1 Goldberg. He'll never have any closure in the matter.

If Lesnar had won the second match then maybe I'd have a slight bit of interest and see who won the feud.
I would have the 2 face again. Probably a cage match but I would put it on Summerslam. For Wrestlemania I would do this with both of them....

Goldberg vs. Roman Reigns (Universal Title)
* Stroman isn't ready for the top of the card yet especially at Mania
Brock Lesnar vs. Samoa Joe
* What a way to get Joe introduced to the main roster
I understand what you're saying, but how many casual fans actually remember their match at Mania, which I might add was the drizzling shits. Both were leaving the company right afterwards, and they phoned it in. This time around Goldberg is only back for a limited time, and Lesnar is losing his star power. He still has some but after the fiasco at UFC 200 some of it is gone. In reality after their last match at Mania, these are the last two I would have thought would be a huge draw this time around. I guess some wrestling fans have short memories.

Also understand the special attraction aspect of it all, but if you think about it, someone who doesn't watch the product as a general rule and only tunes into Mania is not getting to see what the WWE is really about. Sure they can see the Rock, Austin, Taker, Goldberg and others, but they won't see them on weekly TV. So that tell's you one of two things, either the product and the talent that regularly appears on RAW and SD aren't good enough. Or Mania fans aren't really into wrestling at all, so why cater to fans that only watch once a year. What about the rest of us that watch every week as those fans won't be tuning into RAW the following night.

As a fan are you going to be upset if you don't see a bunch of part timers at Mania this year, I know I won't. One or two matches sure, but don't take up the whole card and then throw all your regular guys into a Battle Royal just to give them a Mania paycheck. In all seriousness Taker's streak is over it's time for him to hang up the boots. HHH doesn't need to have a match every year he runs NXT. You get my drift.

i get your point but in the end, it's all about money for them, that'S why all these internet darlings have been hired for NXT and that'S why guys like Goldberg and Lesnar are on the main roster. If you where a fan of Goldberg back in the day and you hear that he's wrestling again, would subscribe to the network to see him wrestle even if you don'T follow the product on a regular basis? yeah you would, so you get the network to watch that match at wrestlemania and you see somebody like a AJ Styles, Dean ambrose or Roman reigns guys that you didn'T know that much about and they wrestles a great matches and you get hook at the performance they gave and want to see more of it so you tune in to raw or smackdown the following day and you got yourself a new viewers.

That'S what special attractions are, a way to attract casual fans that wouldn'T normally watch WWE programming especially for wrestlemania. If you're Vince mcmahon and you have a choice between having guys like goldberg, taker & lesnar on the mania card or being forced to booked matches with lower mid card guys like Jinder mahal and jack swagger to fill up your mania card, which one do you choose. Personally i'm thinking the big money here and i'm choosing the special attractions over the guys that won'T make money for the company. That's how business works and the mcmahon's are probably the best business people's in the wrestling business today.

And to respond to your question at the end, personally, as a fan, i glad to see those part timers come in from time to time because they bring in something that is cleary missing in today's wrestling and it's showmanship. I see a guy like Goldberg and i see somebody that i was a huge fan of when i was a teenager still being able to be a bad ass superhero and being accepted as such. That's something that you're not able to see anymore because fans don'T want to believe in this stuff anymore and don'T have the respect they use to have when those guys we're in their prime. So yeah,i would be upset if i don'T see a bunch of part timers at wrestlemania this year because wrestlemania is suppose to be the biggest show of the year and without them, it's feel just like another long boring show.
Do I want to see this match between Goldberg vs Lesnar at WrestleMania?

Well, the fact is, based on reports, it is pretty much set in stone it is going to happen.

At my age, I really try to just take in a little WWE and enjoy what I can and laugh at the rest or ignore the rest because I know it's all a show.

But say with new, built-up characters like Braun Strowman, Baron Corbin and NXT-soon-to-be-big-time-WWE guys like Nakamura and Samoa Joe, there is more interest in seeing them in big profile matches because usually the storylines are fresh, the match-ups are pretty fresh and there's a lot of ways the match could go and you could be pleasantly surprised by it. For guys like that, in WWE, there are a lot of 'firsts' to happen that would make match-ups pretty interesting. Like "First WWE title match", "First WrestleMania singles match where this guy is undefeated going in", "First Ladder match", etc. etc.

But with Lesnar and Goldberg they have so much history. Not a lot against each other but all their individual stuff is pretty well documented and, really, these guys are almost completely done in pro wrestling.

So, for me, it is really hard for me to look at this match not a a booker but as a fan.

I was able to watch Goldberg vs Lesnar at Survivor Series without playing like a booker too much. Well, mostly because the match was fast, intense and clearly did indicate there would be another.

But it's hard to look at Goldberg vs Lesnar at WrestleMania without thinking like a booker or for the business.

I mean, what type of match should it be? Surely not just a straight singles match (or even a singles match with special ref) because that would set them up too much like their last poorly received WM match.

Maybe it should be some sort of Last Man Standing, No-Holds-Barred match, if the fellas are up for it, where we get to see some OMG moments from both of them and even if Lesnar wins, it probably won't be without Goldberg seeming pretty strong by getting up after a number of big impacts.

Lesnar is on contract for longer than Goldberg, which I believe is just on contract until WM. So MONEY WISE, it makes sense for Lesnar to win since he is the guy who they can still hope to gain more PPV money from for another year or so.

IF Goldberg wins it would be mostly just a win for nostalgic WCW fans and then pretty much the storyline for Lesnar for the rest of his contract would be "What's so special about him anymore?"

With all that said, since it's pretty clearly going to be their last WWE match against each other and it probably won't be a very long match even if it is some sort of no holds barred match, I'd say: Just try and enjoy it for what it is.

It's a novelty match. A big-name match. A nostalgic match. A match WWE hopes draws the attention of casuals. A match that probably will be on the poster but still be only one of about 8 or so other matches on the card.

So either way, whether you are excited about it or not. It likely won't take up much of your time if you are watching WrestleMania this year. And if you ARE watching WrestleMania this year then focus on being excited for the matches you do want to see and understand that in every WrestleMania there is always a few matches that are made to try and drawn in more attention from people who may not usually watch. Why WWE thinks that is a good idea, I don't know but it is what it is.
I already saw it once at WrestleMania 20, I don't need to see this match for a second time.. especially since their first encounter wasn't that great.
I want to see Brock Lesnar VS Goldberg at Wrestlemania 33. Here's the thing.... My reason is because we have yet to actually see this match. Their first match was awful, regardless of the reasons for why, it was still a horrible match. The second match from this year's Survivor Series can hardly even be called a match. Goldberg squashed Lesnar in ridiculously quick timing. I want to see what these guys can do in a match where first of all they are truly trying and putting forth the effort (unlike Wrestlemania 20) and secondly where neither guy gets squashed (unlike Survivor Series). We have seen both extremes. Now let's see the actual match at Wrestlemania this year. It would draw and there is some unfinished business between the two.
No, Goldberg is 2-0 and just squashed Lesnar 2 months ago. The rivalry is over.

Then again, we'll probably see it anyways. Maybe we get a real match this time.
Yes. Yes. Yes.

I'm thinking of Brock vs Ambrose at Mania last year, and what Goldberg did to the man who ended the streak at Survivor Series. This prevents them from having two separate matches as well as wraps up the entire Survivor Series deal and the idea of the last WWE game. They brought him back, and clearly invested into him and his return to make it worth it.

So in hopes they'll book this as a big match and with a little proper booking and Heyman promos it'll come off great in execution to. So I mean they keep what they invested in going and the comparable past with the current state of many people on Raw or Smackdown I wouldn't mind a safe match. The other foreseeable options are less appealing than a match I'd barely want to watch to begin with. So in the current context I'll say yes. Maybe things will change after Rumble.
I've said it before, for me, it would have been better if they faced different opponents at WM and extend their feud for Summerslam. I've also explained my reasons, but a quick summary is that I feel that their match along with a potential Cena-Taker would overshadow everything else on that show and also make the world titles mean less.

My first suggestion was:
Owens vs Goldberg for the belt
Lesnar vs Reigns
Balor vs Y2J
Rollins vs HHH.

Now it looks like Y2J vs Owens is happening at WrestleMania. No problem with that. There can still be other matches.

Y2J vs Owens
Goldberg vs Reigns
HHH vs Rollins
Lesnar vs Wyatt
Cena vs Taker
Styles vs Orton

My main argument was that the moment Goldberg loses a singles match, his mystique will be gone. So why not use Goldberg's star to give a rub to someone else and then continue the Lesnar feud, which will be money no matter what?
I've said it before, for me, it would have been better if they faced different opponents at WM and extend their feud for Summerslam. I've also explained my reasons, but a quick summary is that I feel that their match along with a potential Cena-Taker would overshadow everything else on that show and also make the world titles mean less.

My first suggestion was:
Owens vs Goldberg for the belt
Lesnar vs Reigns
Balor vs Y2J
Rollins vs HHH.

Now it looks like Y2J vs Owens is happening at WrestleMania. No problem with that. There can still be other matches.

Y2J vs Owens
Goldberg vs Reigns
HHH vs Rollins
Lesnar vs Wyatt
Cena vs Taker
Styles vs Orton

My main argument was that the moment Goldberg loses a singles match, his mystique will be gone. So why not use Goldberg's star to give a rub to someone else and then continue the Lesnar feud, which will be money no matter what?

since it seems like goldberg is willing to stick around for a while, why not have roman reigns win the universal belt at the rumble and have the reigns vs goldberg match at mania be for the championship. Jericho vs owens really doesn'T need the championship to attract fans plus it would make that match less predictable and give the goldberg match something extra.

Then have goldberg beat reigns for the title and do like they did 2 years ago with lesnar, bring goldberg out for one or 2 ppv to defend the championship until he defends against lesnar at summerslam and lesnar gets his win back.

That's just an idea i had because the universal belt really needs to feel like a world title and booking the belt that way would really help the championship look like it's on the same level as the WWE championship.
since it seems like goldberg is willing to stick around for a while, why not have roman reigns win the universal belt at the rumble and have the reigns vs goldberg match at mania be for the championship. Jericho vs owens really doesn'T need the championship to attract fans plus it would make that match less predictable and give the goldberg match something extra.

Then have goldberg beat reigns for the title and do like they did 2 years ago with lesnar, bring goldberg out for one or 2 ppv to defend the championship until he defends against lesnar at summerslam and lesnar gets his win back.

That's just an idea i had because the universal belt really needs to feel like a world title and booking the belt that way would really help the championship look like it's on the same level as the WWE championship.

If Owens was booked correctly, that title would actually mean something, but Vince would rather have him make Reigns look strong just like everyone else Reigns feuds with. Fans hated seeing Lesnar's hold the belt and being gone, it would be the exact same with Goldberg. No one wants a part time champ anymore and it's been like that since the unnecessary Rock win just to put over Cena in the boring Twice in a Lifetime match.
If Owens was booked correctly, that title would actually mean something, but Vince would rather have him make Reigns look strong just like everyone else Reigns feuds with. Fans hated seeing Lesnar's hold the belt and being gone, it would be the exact same with Goldberg. No one wants a part time champ anymore and it's been like that since the unnecessary Rock win just to put over Cena in the boring Twice in a Lifetime match.

I wouldn't say that fans hated seeing lesnar hold the belt part time because if memory serve me right, lesnar became even more over with the live crowd when he was champion, so maybe it's just the iwc that was complaining, I don't know but it didn't really seems to bother the live crowd just like when the rock won the belt.

As for your reigns comment, it really makes no sense since owens as been champion since august and was feuding with rollins until december and the universal championship was made to look like a mid card title since owens won it and hhh disappeared. So how is this reigns fault since he hasn't been in the title picture until december ?

That's just my opinion but I think that you need to make your main titles feel special again and having a part time champion help makes your championship mean something. And outside of the IWC, who really complains about not seeing the main champion every weeks?

Not a lot of them, it makes the champion feels special when he not around every single weeks wrestling on tv. But that just my opinion.

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