Do You Want Taker To/Do You Think Taker Should Retire?

Time To Hang It Up

  • Yes - I *WANT* Taker To Retire

  • Yes - I *THINK* Taker Should Retire

  • No - I *WANT* HIm To Go For As Long As He Can

  • No - I *THINK* He Should Go For As Long As He Can

  • Undecided - I Can See Both Sides

  • Undecided - I Don't Really Care

Results are only viewable after voting.


According to Vince McMahon, if Taker doesn't defeat Shane McMahon at WrestleMania, then WrestleMania XXXII will be his "last WrestleMania." Now, the obvious implication from that somewhat ambiguous statement is that Taker's career in WWE is over if he loses; of course, another way to read that statement is that Taker may still pop up to wrestle from time to time, it just won't be at WrestleMania. I think that's highly unlikely but, then again, you can never be certain. Also, there's always the possibility that, win or lose, this could be his last WrestleMania because Taker's retirement is a frequent topic of conversation, especially around this time of year. No matter which way the wind blows, do you think Taker will retire or do you think Taker should retire?

For me, it's hard to say, though not so much as it has been in past years. Taker turned 51 years old yesterday and he's still in pretty great condition; I mean, I've seen videos of him online performing a 40" vertical jump and deadlifting 500 lbs. and there's not a whole helluva lot of people who can do that at any age. There are reports that he's undergone various surgeries over the past few years that he put off for a long time and that's why he's been much more vigorous and healthy. On one hand, if the guy can still go and is able to deliver inside the ring, then it's always a plus to see him in the ring. On the other, he's also someone that has nothing left to do or accomplish. The streak has ended, he's a Royal Rumble winner, he's a multi-time World Champion, a multi-time Tag Team Champion and he's reached a point in his career, a point he's really been at for quite a long time, in which he's pretty much bigger than any championship. Despite that he can still go like a demon in the gym and he can still deliver in the ring, I do have to admit that I do get concerned for the guy when he wrestles because of his age and the wear & tear on his body that no amount of surgery can fix. I know I'm not the only one who gets this picture in my head where he's in the ring wrestling, he takes a bump in which he lands wrong or lands right but his body just decides "okay, this is one too many" and is injured to such a degree that he no longer has a choice but to retire.
I've been begging for Mean Mark Callous to hang up the boots since 2013. At that time, I felt he was a shell of his former self, and had officially become the exact type of wrestler he said he was trying to avoid in a candid interview he did in 2002. Look for yourself, it's at the 18:00 minute mark of this video:

"One thing I don't want to be, is past my prime. I don't want to be one of those guys who you look at and say, 'hey, you should've seen him here'"

When I took my girlfriend to see WrestleMania 29 live in MetLife Stadium, I literally said those exact words to her when she was unimpressed by the bout he had with CM Punk. She complained about how old and slow he looked, and when we got home that night I had to show her his bout with HBK 4 years earlier on YouTube to help him earn her respect.

However, 2015 has changed my opinion. On this poll, I actually voted "No, I think he should go for as long as he can". Of all the part time stars, Taker worked the most matches (4) in 2015. That hell in a cell match was grueling and actually showed his passion,and the fact that he can still do this. Yes, the streak is over. Yes, his character will probably never be further developed again. Yes, he is 51 freaking years old. But who are we to tell the man, Mark Calaway, to stop doing what he loves if he is healthy enough to do it and can still draw in the big crowds? Same thing goes with Sting, I think they should continue to go as long as they are healthy enough to go and can still draw big money. Once either of those things changes, I think it'll be time to start thinking of an exit strategy.
My Heart says, I want him to go for as long as he can
my head says, he should retire on a high note before the age forces him to retire.

I don't want another crippled and brutalized wrestler in retirement, I want to see Taker retire and become an on screen presence, rather than push himself for a couple matches a year.

He can still put on a hell of a match, but everytime he's done, you can see he's super winded and in pain, beyond what you could attribute to normal "selling".

So I went with "I think he should retire", for Mark Calaway's best interests, I don't think a loss to Shane at WM should be his farewell though, I'd love to see him pass to torch to someone younger like Rollins or Bray, and to Rest In Peace.

I don't think anyone should be pushed to where injury forces retirement. He may love the stuff, and not be able to get away, but for his best interests, he needs to.
I am hoping for one last glorious ride beyond the upcoming Hell in a Cell showdown w/Shane McMahon. For this ride off into the sunset moment I'm going way outside the box. I'm not talking about The Deadman or The American Bad Ass. I'm talking as Mean Mark. I'd set the scene with the return of Waylon Mercy comforting Bray Wyatt. Mercy then reveals his return with the character was just a ploy to gain Bray's attention and he is actually going as himself, Dan Spivey. He is then joined by Masked Skyscraper, Sid Vicious and ultimately Mean Mark. The fued rages on for months before concluding in a War Games match on a very special WWE Network Special of Old Scool WCW Saturday Night.
I'd like this to be the Taker's last storyline. Too late to pass the torch to someone like Wyatt who he has already beaten in 2 different feuds. Besides some torches don't need to be passed, they should just burn until the flame is out. If some of these wrestlers are who we think they can be, let them and Creative do what is necessary for them to light their own flames.
Yes, but he shouldn't go out with a loss. I'm not sure why WWE likes to send off legends with a loss to other legends.

Actually, i wonder if Cena would get heat for retiring Taker, but of course that implies he would go heel.

whatever the case I still want my Taker-Cena match
I voted Undecided I can see both sides and the only reason I did that was because there wasn't an option for what I think he should do which is wrestle one more Mania after this one. I wrote a post back in 2014 about how I think he should retire which is this......

"It should be a mix of what has been said. I think there should be a Taker vs Sting match at Mania, final match for both of them. Win or lose for Taker he gets the final segment on Raw the next night comes out in hat and trench coat but is dressed normally under it. Granted I know the man behind the Undertaker, Mark Calloway would probably be against this way but it's fantasy booking so whatever. He then talks about how he is retiring and thanks the fans and almost mimics his Royal Rumble speech "the spirit of the Undertaker lives within the soul of all mankind. The eternal flame of life that cannot be extinguished. The origin of which cannot be explained. The answer lies in the everlasting spirit. Soon all mankind will witness the rebirth of the Undertaker."

He then takes off the coat and hat leaves it in the ring and the lights go out. Druids then come out with torches and honor him has he exits the arena. He completes his exit the lights come back on to show the crowd giving a standing ovation but the hat and coat are missing from the ring. It then becomes a mystery as over the next couple of weeks the lights randomly go out and the gong sounds and in the back you see in the background of things a mysterious figure walking around in the black coat and hat. Finally it is revealed to be Baron Corbin who takes over the mantle of the Undertaker.

Now I know some if not most will hate the idea of someone taking over the mantle of the Undertaker. But just like superheroes in comics other people take over as the hero, Peter Parker isn't always Spider-Man and Thor is now a woman. The spirit of the Undertaker is an eternal flame and now it will continue for years to come with another person in that role. This is something that would take time to get used to but over time I think it could work."

Back then I wanted to see Taker vs Sting. What I would change it to is Taker vs Corbin with Corbin starting this whole program about wanting to face Taker after the Rumble happens.

So I'd want one more Mania after 32 and have it be Taker vs Corbin with Corbin winning and then my Taker retirement scenario happening the night after and then Corbin taking over the mantle of the Undertaker.
As much as I hate to admit it, as Undertaker used to be my favorite and most respected wrestler of all time, I voted "I don't care". It's impossible to feel anything towards Undertaker's career one way or the other, since he already flushed his own legacy down the toilet to stroke Brock Lesnar's ego. Everything he does now is completely meaningless, because he'll always be the guy who couldn't beat Brock Lesnar. It's an all-consuming fact that overshadows everything else he ever did in his career. Although Undertaker can still put on really good matches, it just doesn't matter. Why they're wasting one of his few remaining matches with Shane is a mystery to me, but win or lose, it's irrelevant. Undertaker's legacy is already dead. They might as well bury it.
I voted Undecided I can see both sides and the only reason I did that was because there wasn't an option for what I think he should do which is wrestle one more Mania after this one. I wrote a post back in 2014 about how I think he should retire which is this......

"It should be a mix of what has been said. I think there should be a Taker vs Sting match at Mania, final match for both of them. Win or lose for Taker he gets the final segment on Raw the next night comes out in hat and trench coat but is dressed normally under it. Granted I know the man behind the Undertaker, Mark Calloway would probably be against this way but it's fantasy booking so whatever. He then talks about how he is retiring and thanks the fans and almost mimics his Royal Rumble speech "the spirit of the Undertaker lives within the soul of all mankind. The eternal flame of life that cannot be extinguished. The origin of which cannot be explained. The answer lies in the everlasting spirit. Soon all mankind will witness the rebirth of the Undertaker."

He then takes off the coat and hat leaves it in the ring and the lights go out. Druids then come out with torches and honor him has he exits the arena. He completes his exit the lights come back on to show the crowd giving a standing ovation but the hat and coat are missing from the ring. It then becomes a mystery as over the next couple of weeks the lights randomly go out and the gong sounds and in the back you see in the background of things a mysterious figure walking around in the black coat and hat. Finally it is revealed to be Baron Corbin who takes over the mantle of the Undertaker.

Now I know some if not most will hate the idea of someone taking over the mantle of the Undertaker. But just like superheroes in comics other people take over as the hero, Peter Parker isn't always Spider-Man and Thor is now a woman. The spirit of the Undertaker is an eternal flame and now it will continue for years to come with another person in that role. This is something that would take time to get used to but over time I think it could work."

Back then I wanted to see Taker vs Sting. What I would change it to is Taker vs Corbin with Corbin starting this whole program about wanting to face Taker after the Rumble happens.

So I'd want one more Mania after 32 and have it be Taker vs Corbin with Corbin winning and then my Taker retirement scenario happening the night after and then Corbin taking over the mantle of the Undertaker.

No we've already had brian lee as the underfaker.
It's a really hard question to answer and I'm on the fence about it.

On one hand you have a man who has a long and varied career, and who deserves to go out the way he wants, not the way the fans want him too. He had a 21-0 streak at Wrestlemania, and has won almost every major title there is to win.

On the other hand, the streak is gone, and he lost it to someone who he didn't really need to lose it too. Bray Wyatt should have been the one to break the streak not Lesnar. Taker only shows up a few times a year, but when he does is always a big occasion.

Yes he looks to be in great shape for his age, but looking to be in great shape and actually being in great shape are two different things. One bump and it could be all over for him, just look at Sting.

I'm not one of those who would have been disappointed if Taker and Sting never got in the ring, if it was meant to be then it would have happened. You never know it might still, but if the only opponent they can get to go against Taker is Shane, who I love, then maybe it's time for him to give it up.
I'd like this to be the Taker's last storyline. Too late to pass the torch to someone like Wyatt who he has already beaten in 2 different feuds. Besides some torches don't need to be passed, they should just burn until the flame is out. If some of these wrestlers are who we think they can be, let them and Creative do what is necessary for them to light their own flames.

I hated that he beat Bray. A win for Bray would have been huge.
According to Vince McMahon, if Taker doesn't defeat Shane McMahon at WrestleMania, then WrestleMania XXXII will be his "last WrestleMania." Now, the obvious implication from that somewhat ambiguous statement is that Taker's career in WWE is over if he loses; of course, another way to read that statement is that Taker may still pop up to wrestle from time to time, it just won't be at WrestleMania. I think that's highly unlikely but, then again, you can never be certain. Also, there's always the possibility that, win or lose, this could be his last WrestleMania because Taker's retirement is a frequent topic of conversation, especially around this time of year. No matter which way the wind blows, do you think Taker will retire or do you think Taker should retire?

For me, it's hard to say, though not so much as it has been in past years. Taker turned 51 years old yesterday and he's still in pretty great condition; I mean, I've seen videos of him online performing a 40" vertical jump and deadlifting 500 lbs. and there's not a whole helluva lot of people who can do that at any age. There are reports that he's undergone various surgeries over the past few years that he put off for a long time and that's why he's been much more vigorous and healthy. On one hand, if the guy can still go and is able to deliver inside the ring, then it's always a plus to see him in the ring. On the other, he's also someone that has nothing left to do or accomplish. The streak has ended, he's a Royal Rumble winner, he's a multi-time World Champion, a multi-time Tag Team Champion and he's reached a point in his career, a point he's really been at for quite a long time, in which he's pretty much bigger than any championship. Despite that he can still go like a demon in the gym and he can still deliver in the ring, I do have to admit that I do get concerned for the guy when he wrestles because of his age and the wear & tear on his body that no amount of surgery can fix. I know I'm not the only one who gets this picture in my head where he's in the ring wrestling, he takes a bump in which he lands wrong or lands right but his body just decides "okay, this is one too many" and is injured to such a degree that he no longer has a choice but to retire.

I'd say his last WM should be at WM 33. Hopefully everybody is healthy and he gets to face a younger talent in his last match and put them over.
I'd say his last WM should be at WM 33. Hopefully everybody is healthy and he gets to face a younger talent in his last match and put them over.

Undertaker should never have a second loss at WrestleMania. NEVER. He never should have had a first, but WWE already made that horrible and idiotic decision. If they repeat it, I hope their HQ gets blown up in a terrorist attack.
I think he should lose. I don't think he should retire until Next year.

He loss could push a big summer slam if they want to use the story as I see it playing out.

Vince should be trying to force Undertaker out, Old age and what not. He can also be help shane take raw to Push Steph and Triple H out.

How it works out:
Vince Building more heat for Vince by him helping screw Taker and Triple H. Making him look to be the smartest man and top heel ever.

Shane Nothing gets a bigger reaction then when you think a heel is a face, Shane has serious hype and pop, they Rage would be so much worst were he to screw the Taker, Triple H and Steph. Once again showing he can out smart his simpleton female (storyline) Diva's Revolution.

Steph Being held down by her dad and brother because she is a female only fuels the Diva Revolution and the women's movement that they are so inclined to push. Nothing helps a revolution like a Martyr.

Triple H
Once it comes out that Shane and Vince are in league to push out Triple H from power, He is the face that everyone likes. His Raw/Smackdown Persona can now fold into his NXT persona.
Who better to lead the NXT revolts vs Raw (it's coming) then Leader of DX, Evolution, Kliq. He is a natural leader and a clear choice to lead a revolution.

Sure it looks bad for the deadman, He can't wrestle anymore. But Who the hell thinks they can control the deadman. He can take Vince off TV for a year . Vince vs Taker WM 33
I can see Undertaker losing the match but still returning for one last WrestleMania match. Shane just doesn't scream Undertaker's final opponent. They're not exactly advertising this as career threatening, so much as not being able to appear at Mania, which could be easily repealed within a year.

Should he retire? Is his presence really that offensive? Do we really hate it that much when the man comes around? I'll agree his WrestleMania 30 match was a low point (the match, not discussing the outcome). A lot of people are saying he looked slow at 29, which I'd say was the match of the night regardless.

The great wrestlers usually go out on their backs. Flair and Michaels did it by choice, others aren't afforded that choice when they go out. Austin lost his last match to the Rock. Undertaker most likely wants to lose his last match. Is that match to Shane?

I doubt Shane pins Undertaker, but I doubt Undertaker wins in the same breath. The big question is whether or not Shane sticks around, or storyline changes set in motion by this angle will be the status quo going forward.

Win or lose at 32, Undertaker returns for his proper last match at 33 most likely against Cena or Sting.
Undertaker should never have a second loss at WrestleMania. NEVER. He never should have had a first, but WWE already made that horrible and idiotic decision. If they repeat it, I hope their HQ gets blown up in a terrorist attack.

Taker's Mania streak could have gone down one of two ways. First, he could have ended it himself by retiring and the company allowing him to bow out at whatever the end result would have been. That way it would have stayed intact and never be broken.

Or secondly, what happened, happened. The streak was broken. Now I don't agree it was broken by the right person, it took too long in creating it to give it to Lesnar. I think it should have gone to someone like Wyatt, you know "The New Face of Fear". Breaking Taker's streak would have done a lot in putting him over.

In saying all that, he has lost at Mania, so another loss shouldn't be such a bitter pill to swallow as the streak no longer exists. And your statement of blowing up Stanford, is kind of bone-chilling to say the least. Saying you want to see people blown up because of a wrestling match really shows what kind of person you are, a weirdo.
Taker's Mania streak could have gone down one of two ways. First, he could have ended it himself by retiring and the company allowing him to bow out at whatever the end result would have been. That way it would have stayed intact and never be broken.

Or secondly, what happened, happened. The streak was broken. Now I don't agree it was broken by the right person, it took too long in creating it to give it to Lesnar. I think it should have gone to someone like Wyatt, you know "The New Face of Fear". Breaking Taker's streak would have done a lot in putting him over.

Undertaker's Streak never should have ended, he should have retired 25 - 0. But if he was absolutely 100% adamant that he REFUSED to retire without it ending, then they should have picked someone else. Brock Lesnar was the absolute worst choice. Edge at WrestleMania 24 would have been fine. CM Punk at WrestleMania 29 would have been fine. While I wouldn't have been happy with any of the following choices, I would have preferred Randy Orton, or Triple H, or Shawn Michaels, or Big Show, or Sheamus, or Kurt Angle. Any top star in WWE history is a better choice than Brock Lesnar.

Instead, WWE took a 25 year career and flushed it down the toilet for the sole purpose of stroking Brock Lesnar's ego.
Taker looked past his prime during his second bout with shawn. They both did.
That said Taker should not lose to shane and this most certainly should not be taker's last match.
If Shane McMahon beats Taker at Mania, I will Tweet Vince and WWE Creative and call them *****.

Shane comes back for one match after disappearing 14 years ago and expects to win in the Undertaker's match?! How about no?!
I think Undertaker should retire when he wants to and on his terms, it would be nice to have shane win over Undertaker, allow Shane Control, have Vince turn big time on Taker setting up for a Vince and Undertaker feud ending at Wrestle Mania since Vince says he made Undertaker, Vince has faced, Austin, Hogan among other superstars why not have those two square off and allow him to go out in style, Undertaker has beat everyone except Brock it would be fitting to Vince vs. Undertaker since I doubt Sting vs Undertaker will happen unless Sting helps Shane win the match setting up Sting/Undertaker, Sting I think said he has one more match in him and his dream match is Undertaker would be a good set up, with Shane in Control he can lift the no compete clause at wrestle mania to piss off vince, so either Vince vs Undertaker or Sting helping Shane win sets up for Undertaker vs Sting just a thought.
Taker looked past his prime during his second bout with shawn. They both did.
That said Taker should not lose to shane and this most certainly should not be taker's last match.

Underflaker should retire and lose his match to Shane which sets up STING confronting Shane and I can clearly predict seeing that happening maybe Shane may step aside and bring in STING to finish the job
Yes it's time for him to hang it up and No it shouldn't be about "passing the torch".

There will NEVER be another character like The Undertaker, in many ways it will be the final nail in the coffin of Kayfabe, the last true "gimmick" but also there will never be anyone with the success level and longevity. There's no guarantee WWE will be there in 20 years much less anyone on top today will still be.

Asking ANY younger talent to take on his mantle is a poisoned chalice, just look how hard it's been to get Roman over, then apply that to someone who "took out" the beloved Undertaker once and for all.

Shane is the perfect guy to end Taker's career, partially because he is the last guy to ever thought could do it. But from a backstage perspective he and Mark came into the WWE at the same time, "grew up" together in the company and are now ending that part of their lives together. Win lose or draw, I don't imagine Shane wrestling again either after this match. The two have been friends a long time, so there is going to be no ego from Calloway on losing to Shane if it's the right thing for the company to help them reboot.

Sure it'll hurt and will take some kind of almighty screwjob (Shawn most likely avenging his own loss) but there really is no better time for The Undertaker to hang it up - that the roster is so depleted makes that final match all the more important, he can "steal the show" one last time and then of course he WILL be back at Mania next year as a HOF Inductee... but just as with Flair, it's time...prolonging it for the sake of it only devalues from here on out. Something Hogan never worked out...
I personally want him to go for as long as he can. But I voted undecided as I can see both sides and I don't really know what I want.

The matches vs Shawn Michaels and even HHH were end of an era matches. The type of matches that a polarizing figure like the Undertaker should retire on.
What followed this was a match against my favorite at the time CM Punk, which was a good match and a good buildup, but not quite as meaningful as the Last Outlaws kinda theme and was all just about adding a number to the streak. The defeat to Lesnar could have been seen as a passing of the torch deal, but it got dragged out and milked.
Then Bray Wyatt was an up and comer who should have had an astronomical push after the bout in order to justify his challenge against taker, but that never materialized.

Now we have the Undertaker facing Shane Mcmahon, which will be a great match I'm sure! But is the Undertaker attempting to raise his wins to losses ratio against a none wrestler? Is that really how we'd all like to see his career come to an end? As Vince McMahons lapdog? The match will almost certainly end up having a series of moments and twists to make this not the case...but it's still in my personal opinion that the best way to go would have been after the Triple H matches. It's not been the same since then.
For me, it depends on how his match with Shane goes at Mania. I don't see a legitimate reason for why Taker should retire to be perfectly honest. Obviously he's past his prime but he's still putting on solid performances. Hell, they're getting stronger as they go on. I'd argue his last match with Lesnar in the Cell was MOTN and one of his better matches in a while. The guy still has a 40' vertical.... that is insane.

So if he wants to go and he still can go, why not go? However, if his match with Shane turns out to be a shitshow (which I highly doubt), I'd say call it a career at Mania 33. This just doesn't feel like Taker's last year and next year we may finally get that Taker/Cena match. That would be the perfect way for Taker to go out in my opinion.
Problem is, the last two years he has had medical issues after Mania...

Mark Calloway is NOT in the best health, whatever his appearance at Mania... the regular day to day photos of him prove that. Remember too that he's seen Sting go "one match too far" and get a serious health problem as a result... and he's also seeing the rate the younger guys are dropping with both Tyson and Bryan gone within a year. Does he really want to play those odds?

It's natural for fans to never want him to hang it up, but this is a guy with a wife and children and nothing to prove. He doesn't need money or more wins on his resume... WWE need him far more than he needs them.

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