Do You Want Evan "Air" Bourne to Succeed?

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CM Steel

A REAL American
Matt Sydel aka Evan "Air" Bourne has been signed with the WWE for a couple of years now, by starting off on the now defunct ECW brand in a debut match against Shelton Benjamin. Many feel that Bourne could have been a ECW champion before getting drafted/traded to RAW where Bourne is a small fish in a big pond.

Now on RAW Bourne struggles to be a success on the brand as a big star in a land of giants. Compared to everybody else anyways. But the best matches that "Air Bourne" has had thus far has been against guys at the 225LBS mark. Like last year at the Extreme Rules pay per view where Bourne got the biggest win of his WWE career when he defeated Chris Jericho with the shooting star press. Evan Bourne has also had a decent match on RAW a few weeks ago against the recently released Sin Cara in where Evan Bourne lost the match up.

Matt Sydel/Evan Bourne is very talented in the ring and has alot to bring to the WWE table. So is it time to give Evan Bourne a major & much needed push, or is it time to just trade Evan Bourne to the Smackdown brand??
I would love to see him succeed, but given his size, he is pigeon holed into a spot he likely will have trouble ever getting out of. They let him trot out there do his shooting star press and then leave, usually with a loss. If they ever gave him time and a chance to be great he could. He was amazing in ROH, and would blow people away if he was actually allowed to work a match.
I would actually be happy with both things happening, which is giving him a much deserved push, and also move him to smackdown, where there is much needed star power. i know they have randy orton, but after that...who else do they have? I think evan should be moved to smackdown, and chase after the intercontinental championship, and a while after that, maybe move into the main event scene? rey mysterio did it, im pretty sure evan bourne can too, if wwe stops misusing his talent.
I'm a big Bourne fan, would love to see him get a push to the upper-mid card, perhaps main event level down the road. Probably not feasible to think it will happen on Raw with the bigger guys they have. Getting traded to Smackdown may be his best bet for that to happen. But I'd love to see it no matter how they do it, Bourne is awesome.
he's been in the biz for 11 years. He's humble as hell in his own words and I quote from a podcast with Colt Cabana "I don't get cocky about wins or losses, my goal is to give the best match of the night, I'm in WWE for the long run." Matthew Korklan akin to Bryan Danielson is a "young veteran" and he's been in WWE for 3 years.
Of course I'd like to see Evan Bourne succeed, who wouldn't? His size shouldn't matter at all. Look at Rey Mysterio, he's a 3 time champion, two of them were World HEAVYWEIGHT Championship reigns. I wish WWE would give him a run with the U.S. title and maybe push him into upper mid card. I think he has the potential to be a big time player.
Evan Bourne is very underrated and misused by the WWE. He has never won a championship since he arrived in 2008.

My opinion is that he is (going to be) a Kofi Kingston / Shelton Benjamin kind of guy. He will always be a midcard, maybe 2x IC Champion and 2x USA Champion, but thats it.
He is over with the crowd, everybody always say "Wowww" after the Air Bourne But he is a very stale character that the only reason for him to be over is his in-ring ability.
Maybe getting him some kind of gimmick, turning him heel just to spice his character. In his current status, he will never accomplish more than 5 titles in the WWE.
He is very good in the ring, really good, TOP5 maybe, he always do some kind of new tricks every once in a while.
In the microphone, he is what they told him to be, "irrelevant".
Wait, when was Sin Cara released? Wouldn't that have been breaking news? I haven't seen anything on releases lately for the WWE... Anyways, I heard tell that back before Bourne was drafted to Raw, that he was supposed to win the ECW title. He got traded before then, so that never happened. I really do want him to succeed, I just wish they'd get him on Smackdown and run him there instead of jobbing him on Raw...
Do I want Evan Bourne to succeed? YES!! He was in one of the first matches I watched when I got back into the WWE. I'd have to check but he might have been in my first match ever. I've wanted this kid to succeed since I first saw him because he's that little ball of energy and charisma that the WWE Titles (notice; he might not be ready for the Title yet) need! I say get him to get the US Title off of Dolph and move on from there! But, if I'm the only one that thinks so then I'll just stay quiet.
Of course what kind of question is this?! Kid has all the potential in the world. I think HHH needs to bring back the Cruiser weight division. Kofi, Rey and a bunch more notable talents deserve time in the WWE.

I think A heel turn would do wonders. I know Raw is crowded of heels, so kind of make a switch. Mcintrye Face, him heel. Then feud with Rey Mysterio or Sin Cara (if he still is in the WWE) so some kind of cheesy stipulation at SS. If Rey loses he retires if Bourne loses he goes bald.
He defintly deserves a long successfull carear in the WWE but first i belive he needs to build on his character. He gets a nice pop but not a Main event pop. He has a lot of fans and a lot of experience and maybe pairing him with another big face with a long run with the tag titles and a few single championships along the way.
I'm always baffled by the "Evan Bourne deserves a push" argument. Really, on what grounds is that being based on? I admit the man has talent, a decent moveset, and works hard in the ring. Thing is, you can say that about a lot of guys on the roster. Most of them to be brutally honest.

He does get a decent reaction when he comes out, but he is supposed to. He is portrayed as the undersized underdog, a guy more relatable to the common fan. The fact is he is nowhere close to most other wrestlers in this area though. His biggest appeal is his finisher, which is one of the few reasons to care about the guy.

Evan Bourne will never advance due to his size, lack of mic skills, lack of charisma, and generally awful gimmick. As Cole points out almost every week, he's an "aerial nut" or something to that effect. So what? That doesn't give him depth as a character, that doesn't even make him a character.

I'm not saying he should be released or anything like that. He serves a purpose with his role. He a guy low on the card who will get one, and only one, pop for hitting his shooting star press. That is his current spot, and that is his future.
Of course I want him to succeed. Hes broken that barrier of small guys. Superstars like Mysterio and Cara dont have a problem with their size because the Mexican style is already recognized as a small man's world. Evan is one of the few small American guys whos been able to leave an impression on the world of wrestling. Evan has great in ring work, great charisma, but isnt really given any mic time. He seems like a nice guy, judging from the Colt Cabana podcast, so it would be great if they gave him a shot at a tag or US title. His size is obviously going to keep him from a world title, but he has the potential to be a powerful midcard talent if given the right push.
Sure, I'd love to see Evan Bourne succeed. He entertains me regularly with all his flips and jumps and such. I have no idea if he is in possession of vocal chords, but if he is, he should be given a mic sometime to actually develop a character, allowing him to succeed. However, the term succeed can mean different things to different people. To many around here, you have only succeeded once you've won a world title. I disagree with that. I believe Bourne can carve out a successful career as a popular midcarder and midcard champion for years to come, but no higher than that.
I would like to see him succeed, but let's be honest, he only has ONE move. His finisher.

I thought a while ago they could build him up to be like the Rey Mysterio of the RAW brand.

Now Mysterio is on RAW and just putting out some damn fine matches.

At least the guy is getting tv time. And he doesn't need a belt to be over.

But yeah, I would like to see him with the US Title eventually or a tag team title with maybe Kofi or something.
People who think Bourne is underrused don't understand the mainstream audience. I'm guessing you guys want him to wrestler a faster, spottier style like in ROH too? Sign some X division guys and ROH guys too huh? That'll bring ratings huh? Because, over the course of history, mainstream america has always accepted a small guy doing unrealistic moves and beating big guys.

No, I love Bourne, I've talked to his brother, I watched him live at ROH shows, I think he's awesome. However, there is no show in being the exciting curtain jerker of a show. Especially not in the WWE. The fact that he even made it to the WWE as a small guy is amazing. His job is safe because he serves a purpose. Maybe eventually he'll hold a title. Why does it matter though? He isn't (or shouldn't be) a mark for the titles. Like Scott Hall says "job me every night I don't care just pay me". If you are doing your job and you are over and you are helping get other guys over and you are consistently working and getting a good pay check, then why do you need much more?

I realize that you want more from a success standpoint, but Bourne isn't even that over. So why would he need a title? Maybe he could win the IC title for a bit, maybe the US title. Why does he NEED a title though? So you can feel satisfied that one of your favorites has an award he won in a predetermined match?

It doesn't make a lot of sense from any other perspective other than that. He is getting more and more over. If you want to get him really over, do the Jeff Hardy method and have him jump off of tall shit in gimmick matches a few times a year.

I say put him in a tag team with a larger partner. Bourne is the beatdown guy and his partner is the hot tag, then Bourne can do his crazy shit during the finishing run. They do gimmick matches and he does crazy shit. I bet he'd get over and you could justify putting the tag belts on him because he has a huge partner so it's not unrealistic.
I see him with a few mid card titles and a place in the main event at some point before he retires. Think ray mystereo career its going to follow in his foot steps. So we have something to look forward too in evan Bourne.
Only way that Evan Bourne becomes a huge success is if the WWE brings back the Cruiserweights. I understand the whole Rey Mysterio was Champ, why can't Evan, but personally I hate when Rey is champion. Not because I don't enjoy Rey as a wrestler. I think he was one of the best in the business (recently he has been slowing down but he is still pretty damn entertaining). The problem is, it just isn't realistic. Fancy moves would never really take out a 300lb monster in a match. I understand it is fake but I enjoy watching it when it is more realistic. The best move for WWE would be to create a Cruiserweight Title and make it a main event (or close to main event, at least more important then the current IC and US Title). Start the title off on Rey to give it instant credibility, then bring in guys like Jack Evans, some X-Divison guys once their contracts are up, and showcase some of the current cruiserweights that get little to no TV time like Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel.
I see him with a few mid card titles and a place in the main event at some point before he retires. Think ray mystereo career its going to follow in his foot steps. So we have something to look forward too in evan Bourne.

Come on now, let's be real. I am in no way a Rey Mysterio fan, but to even attempt to compare Evan Bourne to him is insulting. Mysterio has earned what he has and where he is from years of hard work all over the world. Evan Bourne is barely a footnote in the history of the WWE. If he were to retire tomorrow, no one would even remember him by this time next year. I get that you like the guy: cheer your heart out for your boy. But don't pretend that magical and totally nonsensical statement you wrote has any chance of ever happening.

Let's be totally, perfectly clear: Evan Bourne is no Rey Mysterio.
Sure, I'd love him to succeed, but I see no marketability in him. He looks small, compared to many of the others. He is not as marketable as Mysterio, who was a small-man, but he had the gimmick of a masked luchador. Neither does Bourne have the mic skills to go far with his microphone work.

IMO, Bourne probably might win one or two mid-card titles with a tag-title run to go with it.
Evan bourne....YES! he is amazing,mic skills need work but that high flying style is what gets you loved by 6-12 year olds and his overall ability he gets over with everyone over the age of 12,IWC loves him he needs intercontinental championship push then needs to get Jeff Hardy'd

Jeff Hardy'd:from intercontinental championship you get pushed to the moon quicker than anyone he can also make a tag team with kofi than turn one of them heel and have them feud

Kofi Kingston vs Evan Bourne
Kofi and Evan vs the Usos Epicness
point is evan bourne needs one title reign or or tag title reign than feud it would be epic and maybe even get him over more than push him to the main event for one month and see if he's good enough.if not wait a year and try again
I really hope he does succeed. I am a HUGE fan of his. He is by far one of the best wrestlers iv ever seen. I feel after he was drafted to wherever he was drafted to from ECW, WWE dropped the ball on him. I thought he's defo going to become ECW champion soon, then he was drafted and i thought he's defo going to become either the IC or US champion but he never was (or did he?). He was on his way to becoming a rising star but as time had gone on, all he's become nowadays is meaningless and it's a real shame. He is extremely talented, can improve on the mic but given the chance he will become a star.
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