Do YOU want Cena to turn heel?

Cena heel turn?

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  • No

  • I'm fine either way

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good thing its the spam zone.

Sam, you should involve yourself into the "Old Crusties" thread stickied in here. All manner of good spammy arguing.
Honestly, I wouldn't mind if they turned Cena heel for a while just to see how it goes. I just don't agree with the reasoning that if Hogan did it, Cena can do it too.
I understand what you're saying here, Sam. WWE marks, and especially Cena marks, like to look at him as this great WWE fixture that could never be torn down, and if he was torn down the repercussions would be horrible.

I'm a Cena mark, and I don't think that's true. I think the WWE would get on just fine without a face Cena, but not as well as they can get along with Cena as a face.

The metaphor is so perfect that it makes me a little sick to my stomach, but John Cena is at the center of the WWE Universe, and everything else revolves around him. Other big names have things that revolve around them, Orton has Smackdown, Punk has the WWE Title, Miz has some power too... but in the end it's about building the next big money matchup for John Cena.

Do you really think CM Punk has what it takes to be the guy you base your entire company around? Who knows, maybe in a couple years he can prove to be that guy, but right now? Absolutely not. He's hot as hell right now, but that's one of the added benefits off of coming off a feud with Cena... and winning. If he can keep up this hot streak for a year or so, I think the WWE may take a shot with him. If not, there's no reason at all to put him in Cena's jorts, even if it's only for a year.
My issue was less with Cena being put on a pedestal than CM Punk not, but you seem to have grasped my point fairly well, yeah.
Please. Please just drop it.

it will never happen. Never.

they never turned Hogan, they never turned Warrior, they will never turn Cena.

Meaning WWF/E. Honestly, I hadn't given that much thought. Top guys have turned, but only when someone else is ready to take the spot. WWE, right now, has nothing in common with WCW. WCW gave something a shot (Hogan turning), and it worked. The shit Vince does has been working for a long, long time, so I'm not as sure as I was, ugh, 12 hours ago, about Cena turning.

Then again, I agree with much of what Sam said. I think Orton and Punk could handle that spot, with Cena playing the heel. Do I think it's going to happen soon? No. Too many unknowns. I doubt Vince will pull that trigger, and he would know, more so than any of us, what sort of impact it would have on business.

I still want it to happen. I think he would do an incredible job, not to mention the angle is already in place (You idiot fans turned on me long before I turned on you).
Meaning WWF/E. Honestly, I hadn't given that much thought. Top guys have turned, but only when someone else is ready to take the spot. WWE, right now, has nothing in common with WCW. WCW gave something a shot (Hogan turning), and it worked. The shit Vince does has been working for a long, long time, so I'm not as sure as I was, ugh, 12 hours ago, about Cena turning.

In this hypothetical heel turn, I wouldn't put Cena against either Orton or Punk. Sure, Cena attacking a babyface without provokation would be out of character enough so you could identify a heel turn, but what's really the motivation there? If it's Punk he turns on, well, this is the guy that's been talking shit about Cena for half a year, and was beating him with steel chairs for half a year before that. You've got a similar problem with Randy Orton.

Instead, have him turn on a guy whose only crime has been being more over than John Cena - have him turn on a guy out of pure jealousy. This guy hasn't done anything wrong. This guy's done nothing to Cena but be excited by his very presence. You think you can cut into my merchandise racket, motherfucker? You think you can have people chant "Don't tag Cena!" at you and get away with it? Think again. Woo woo woo, you know it.
I don't really think that heel Cena vs Ryder would be such a good idea. Ryder may be over with the audience, but is not that good to be in such a high-profile feud.

As for who should Cena face as a heel, when all else seems lost, turn to the Ultimate babyface: Rey Mysterio.
Ryder's consistently outperformed my expectations to the point that I think he's entirely up to the task of meeting the standards of Ron Killings and Mike Mizanin when it comes to participating in a John Cena feud.
But Miz has a history of main-eventing (that too at 'Mania). Truth did look out of place during the whole feud.

Ryder could be an option, but it should be the one of the last options.
I don't think Ryder's as unorthodox a choice as you're making him out to be. Once you've had the entirety of Madison Square Garden fist pumping in unison, it's time to take the training wheels off.
That is a valid point. But how long do you feel that his popularity is going to last?

One more question, how the hell is your join date Aug 1973??
That is a valid point. But how long do you feel that his popularity is going to last?

I'm of the opinion that momentum isn't as fragile or as elusive as people make it out to be, so a while.

One more question, how the hell is your join date Aug 1973??

I was a member of WrestleZone when it was just used for military personnel to converse about wrestling.
Much different time, much different roster.

I dunno, as a face Cena elevates just about everybody he's working with, I cant see why he couldnt do that as a heel, and like Sam said, he's got Punk, Sheamus, Orton and even Mysterio ready to take a shot at playing the top face for a while.

Besides, Austin's competition back then wasnt that much better than todays, if better at all. Kane, Undertaker, Jericho, B****t and Angle was effectively what it amounted to.

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