Do you think WWE will successfully get Dolph Ziggler's sleeper hold over as finisher?

You might want to brush up on your history there, dude. DiBiase's cobra clutch, the Million Dollar Dream, is a variation of a sleeper.

I think you mean 'terminology' dude, history has nothing to do with it.

That sounds a hell of a lot like a sleeper to me. The actual positioning varies, but, the concept behind it is the same. He puts it on, the ref raises his opponent's arm three times, if it drops three times, match over.

lol, i used Wikipedia before i disputed what you'd post. And here's why:

Wikipedia said:
A blood choke or carotid restraint, also known as a sleeper hold, refers to a chokehold that compresses one or both carotid arteries and/or the jugular veins without compressing the airway, hence causing cerebral ischemia and a temporary hypoxic condition in the brain.

The Cobra Cluth applies pressure purely to the carotid artery, whereas a sleeper hold can be executed by applying pressure to either the jugular veins or the carotid artery, or both. So that's three different ways to apply a sleeper hold without changing the way you execute it, whereas there's only one Cobra clutch.

Otherwise it'd be called the Cobra Clutch Sleeper wouldn't it? Much like a Dragon Sleeper looks nothing like a regular sleeper, but because it still requires applying pressure to the same places, it's categorized as a sleeper hold.
Personally I find Ziggler to be a bland wrestler, and watching him use the sleeper hold "to perfection" just annoys me. It doesn't look all too great, it's a widely used move, and lets face it, even kids know it's not exactly hard to break out of it. Ram the user into a corner, slam him on his back... Watching people go down to the sleeper hold just makes me really see that the fight is scripted, because the receiver does so little to break it.
Zigglers got some potential....he looks throwback, so what better way than to give him a throwback move right wwe? wrong....or maybe im wrong but the sleeper isnt gonna cut it in todays day and age...the zigzag is unique in that he doesnt have to wait for the guy to turn around so he can hit it at any given moment when theyre turned around...rather have the zigzag as his main finisher with a sleeper as a signature
I liked the Zig-Zag better (or whatever he called it), but the sleeper hold could get over. It's stupid when you think of how overused it is, but maybe Ziggler uses it to "perfection", you know, like his gimmick. I mean god forbid something actually fits in with a gimmick lol. Ziggler locks it in from behind, while Orton does from the side when using it as a cool off hold, so maybe the commentators could point that out. I like it, but maybe just because it's Ziggler, or because it's actually a submission hold in today's WWE.

Point in short, it could work, just give it time and hope they don't bomb with it.

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