do you think this should of happened instead?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Ive got 2 scenario's for you this involves Rock and Shawn Michales so lets begin, we all know Wrestlemania 19 was a great Wrestlemania but since the Rock was a heel do you think he could of faced Shawn Michaels instead of Austin and then have Austin face Goldberg because both of these 2 matches are dream matches so it could of worked and would the fan's prefered to see that instead?

Scenario 2 we all know Rock's match at Wrestlemania 20 was his last match until Wrestlemania 28 so could the dream Match of worked at this PPV The Great one the Rock vs Mr Wrestlemania Shawn Michaels, it could of been Babyface vs Babyface Shawn could of came out and said I need to know if I can beat you as i was the main event then the torch was pasted to you because I got injuryed so lets see who is the best or something better then that(lol) but you all get my point, I know the Triple threat match was awesome and everyone loved that match but for me I'd prefer to see Rock/HBK and that would of set up Randy Orton vs Mick Foley Hardocre match instead of at Backlash and Triple H vs Chris Benoit(it wouldnt of been the best match but a good match.

so what do you guys think?
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