Do you think that the TNA roster gets pissed every time WWE releases superstars?

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Dark Match Winner
Just came across my mind with the recent Umaga release and speculation/jokes that he will go to TNA...Also with the Kennedy & Taz releases which leads me to question whether the TNA wrestling roster would get pissed off that management keeps signing ex wwe talent..... The reasons are that ok the wwe talent is well known and probably liked and they can have a good impact temporarily when they debut but think about the negatives for the wrestlers.... Some guys must be on the verge of getting pushes but in 90 days if tna signs kennedy or Umaga, that means somebody's not getting pushed or it may even mean that somebody's getting fired....Also, TNA is really now building a rep for using ex wwe talent which isn't a good thing....What i think is that they really got to look at the guys that wwe releases and see if there really is a long term with the guys or not....I like Umaga & kennedy a lot and they're fairly young but does it just make sense to sign em just because wwe released em? Can they really help TNA draw or improve competition? I think that maybe they should introduce these guys in a way that their appearance is hidden and like you don't know who it is and somehow keep it secret from the internet so it seems like they got some new good talent rather than an ex wwe guy... dunno just my opinion... what do you guys think?
You'd have to think that talent such as Matt Morgan, and Eric Young might be upset. Its no secret that TNA values elevating already established talent over their younger stars. Eric Young has already had a few pushes sent to the back burner because someone came it from another company and stole his time slot. Matt Morgan is supposed to be the next big thing in TNA, but what will he become if Ken Kennedy comes in? A Samoa Joe would probably be happy though. If Umaga did come to TNA under the same basic character, Joe would either team or feud with him, most likely. Either way, Joe is once again linked to a credible name wrestler. He just had better hope he doesnt get Triple H'd again by another former WWE wrestler.
I think that to some extent some of their performers would be pissed and some of them would be happy about wrestlers coming into the company and helping them grow.

My guess is that the wrestlers that aren't main eventers do get upset because it has been proven time and time again that TNA will push former WWE talent before their own talent. They obviously would get upset if they found out that their push as an x-division star, or as main eventers, or any other type of push they were going to recieve was delayed because someone else was going to come and they were going to receive that push. There might be other things that might upset them like the pay. I'm pretty sure that it it's someone that has worked hard for the company gets payed lower than someone just coming in would get upset that they get payed lower even though they've worked hard and put their heart into the company. So in my opinion some do get pissed to a certain extent, some just don't get pissed or don't care either way, and some will be happy about wrestlers coming in to help them grow.
Why would they get pissed off? It's not like they own the company or anything. And it's not like they're forced to work there. Do you think Funaki gets pissed everytime the WWE hires a Vladimir Kozlov? Of course not.

It's just the way the business works. You hire talent you think can help you. And if any TNA worker has a problem with that, then it's just because they don't want to have to work to get what they want.
Should TNA sign these guys? I think only sign Kennedy and at first mix him into the X-Division. Have him as a heel and wrestle guys like Daniels, Lethal, Creed and AJ Styles. They shouldn't sign Umaga. I think it would be like when they signed Rikishi. A waste of tv time. Kennedy could breath new life and give new options for them if done right. He could have a great feud with suicide/kaz. Maybe even being the guy that takes his mask off to give him the heel heat.
If anything TNA should sign Umaga over Ken Kennedy. The nation of violence works so much better with Estrada and Umaga over Tazz. A guy from NY and a guy from Samoa making a nation of violence, someone had a brain fart. Plus, TNA could eventually have Umaga and Joe feud, they could market it as if people cared, much like the Joe/Angle feud.
If anything TNA should sign Umaga over Ken Kennedy. The nation of violence works so much better with Estrada and Umaga over Tazz. A guy from NY and a guy from Samoa making a nation of violence, someone had a brain fart. Plus, TNA could eventually have Umaga and Joe feud, they could market it as if people cared, much like the Joe/Angle feud.

I agree about Umaga being signed over Kennedy. Kennedy will show up, talk loud, hit hard, and get injured. The guy is worth a whole bank account packed full of pure 100% fuck all. Yeah, he has mic skills, yeah we've all heard he's green and very hard to work with, but more than anything else YES his body has been weakened due to past steroid use and it shows every single time he gets injured on a nothing spot in a match.

Moving along, Umaga and Estrada better for Joe than Taz? Are you high?

Umaga was a wrecking machine that screamed jibberish and did nothing but Estrada's dirty work and dirty work he was hired to do. A glorified lackey with a massive amount of power, agility, and speed for a man his size. So the thought of tossing Estrada in just to have TWO Samoans to do his bidding is rediculous.

Joe on the other hand, he's acting on his own with the guidance of a mentor. As opposed to being a savage that does what he's told, he's learning from Taz and applying his lessons in whatever way he sees fit. Also the parallel between the two isn't the heritage, Taz was well known for two things: suplexes and choking people out. Sound familiar? Joe needs help to be a better performer, Umaga needs to lose the savage gimmick and be allowed to speak. Taz could help both these guys out in the long run.

Now to answer this thread's question: yes and no. Yes I'm sure there are guys that are singing the "why not me instead" blues. The fact of the matter is that the ones that don't get pissed probably understand that the more former WWE guys TNA acquires the more attention they will get from the rival company. Let's be honest, people don't get sick of seeing their favorite superstars and will likely flip over to see someone they wish was still in WWE. It's a double edged sword, it makes TNA look better as well as makes WWE look better.
the tna roster shouldn't get mad. if they were getting over and getting the crowd behind them they'd already be in the aj styles, samoa joe, daniels, etc positions. ey may have a legit beef because he's been pushed back but the fact is tna is a perfect fit for kennedy and they'd be pretty foolish not to snag him up, and anyone on the roster would be a bit foolish not to appreciate the fact that a guy that good on the mic and built up that well in wwe could help make the show more popular thus exposing the product to more people. that is not to say that tna doesnt need to let stars they created go over the top guys sometimes, but there absolutely is a place for established names to attract fans to at least take a look at the progamming.
They must be concerned.If you're not getting a push it doesn't look like you'll be getting one. If you're getting a push you must think that anybody new coming in might effect it.

But it different if it's somebody who might help the company. I'm sure they're not pissed off about Bobby Lashley. In theory he should/'ve helped the company. I think the reason some of them could be pissed is because a nobody from WWE, like Elijah Burke, is taking up a spot. A spot that somebody like Petey Williams will lose. A popular wrestler among the TNA faithful, with at the very least an intresting finishing move.
Uh Jake, you realize Williams is already gone right? Just wondering man. In reality, they shouldn't get too pissed. If it wasn't for the so called rejects from the E, they'd probably be getting a regular .4 rating every week. Those WWE rejects are the only reason they're on tv regularly. But I agree with Jake on the point about Elijah. As good as he is, he wouldn't help the company draw.
I agree about Umaga being signed over Kennedy. Kennedy will show up, talk loud, hit hard, and get injured. The guy is worth a whole bank account packed full of pure 100% fuck all. Yeah, he has mic skills, yeah we've all heard he's green and very hard to work with, but more than anything else YES his body has been weakened due to past steroid use and it shows every single time he gets injured on a nothing spot in a match.

Moving along, Umaga and Estrada better for Joe than Taz? Are you high?

Umaga was a wrecking machine that screamed jibberish and did nothing but Estrada's dirty work and dirty work he was hired to do. A glorified lackey with a massive amount of power, agility, and speed for a man his size. So the thought of tossing Estrada in just to have TWO Samoans to do his bidding is rediculous.

Joe on the other hand, he's acting on his own with the guidance of a mentor. As opposed to being a savage that does what he's told, he's learning from Taz and applying his lessons in whatever way he sees fit. Also the parallel between the two isn't the heritage, Taz was well known for two things: suplexes and choking people out. Sound familiar? Joe needs help to be a better performer, Umaga needs to lose the savage gimmick and be allowed to speak. Taz could help both these guys out in the long run.

Now to answer this thread's question: yes and no. Yes I'm sure there are guys that are singing the "why not me instead" blues. The fact of the matter is that the ones that don't get pissed probably understand that the more former WWE guys TNA acquires the more attention they will get from the rival company. Let's be honest, people don't get sick of seeing their favorite superstars and will likely flip over to see someone they wish was still in WWE. It's a double edged sword, it makes TNA look better as well as makes WWE look better.

You have Samoa Joe running around with Samoan tribal face paint on his face. Joe also has tribal work on the sides of his pants, not to mention he is doing savage things that you dont see normal people do. Things such as talking about murdering people and their children, how about attacking people with a machete. Its very obvious that TNA are trying to push the whole Samoan savage angle with Joe. Hooking him up with a New Yorker doesnt exactly help the Samoan image. However, hooking Joe up with another Samoan savage, who has tribal tattoos, and has no respect for the rules, really helps push Joes character. Estrada would just be there to do what Kevin Nash never could, that is give Joe & Umaga more swing backstage. Estrada would also be used in the eventual set up to the Umaga vs Joe feud. The last thing we need is a Samoan who is in obvious need of Hooked On Phonics, trying to push the feud.
Uh Jake, you realize Williams is already gone right? Just wondering man. In reality, they shouldn't get too pissed. If it wasn't for the so called rejects from the E, they'd probably be getting a regular .4 rating every week. Those WWE rejects are the only reason they're on tv regularly. But I agree with Jake on the point about Elijah. As good as he is, he wouldn't help the company draw.

Like Petey Williams. Petey was popular and yet TNA got rid of him anyway. Only to replace him with somebody like Trevor Murdock. Somebody who doesn't really have name value in either company, somebody who isn't half as over and somebody who does an awful version of the Canadian Destroyer. I think those type of wrestlers coming in are pointless.
I think TNA homegrown guys are a lot like TNA fans who have been from the start. I don't think I've met one original TNA fan so far who hasn't been pissed off about WWE guys going to TNA, [except for Christian and Rhino] who were alright I guess since we didnt have to be skullfucked by them when they were in WWE.

And I was so pissed off when Petey Williams got released also... Especially when he's the doormat for Trevor Murdoch... a guy who does a half-assed version of Petey's finisher. That's like taking an original movie and turning it into a tiny, lame snipit of Epic Movie or something. At some point that's taking the piss out of all the homegrown guys who worked from the ground-up to turn TNA into more than a ring in a building that resembles an oversized barn.
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