Do you think Kurt Angle will ever return to WWE?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I have just read his interview with PWI and he was very complimentary of Vince McMahon. He also stated his 2 dream matches would be against "The Viper" Randy Orton and The Miz.

Personally I would love Kurt to come back to the better company. I think he is wasted at TNA. Kurt is the best wrestler on the planet, he is full of 5 star matches.

With HBK gone, Batista gone, Jericho gone, Taker probably going in 6 months and Triple H not as active as he was, I think the WWE Locker room will be crying out for an old head.

I would love to see this happen and would throw him straight into a fued with Sheamus, then somehow get him on the same show as Jack Swagger for a long programme.
I could see it happening in regards to him finishing off his wrestling career by going back to the WWE for one last run before he calls it quits for good. He's been in TNA for awhile now. I know I'd love to see him switch back to the WWE one more time. :)
yeah Vince for all his faults tends to give wrestlers a second chance if they've been fired or leave so I can see this happening certainly. He is an absolutely amazing wrestler and some of his promos had me on the floor laughing. He has just signed a one year extension on his contract, right? I'm sure he'll return to the WWE after that, I'd love to see a match with him and Daniel Bryan.
Honestly? No, I don’t think he ever will.

The problem with the WWE is that is gruelling on the body. Now, I am not saying that TNA acts as some sort of retirement home for the elderly wrestlers of the world but it certainly seems as though their scheduling is a little lighter. The good thing about that is that workers don’t need to put their, already decaying, bodies through the stresses of working 300 days a year. I am willing to wager that Angle probably works about 150 matches a year if you are lucky. If scheduling is what has taken him to TNA, then he is not going to turn his back on them now, when everything he has worked towards with TNA is now beginning to come off.

The other thing is that Angle seems to be happy in TNA. I am not implying that he would not like to rejoin the WWE at some point in the future. However, what I am saying is that if his performances in TNA are anything to go by, he is certainly comfortable with his performances and where is. WWE would give him more fame than he has in TNA but I would seriously doubt that he would get the star billing with the WWE that he normally gets in TNA. Angle is the man in TNA for sure. Along with a select few, he is keeping that company going and I don’t see him wanting to abandon that to come back to the WWE. He would work harder and probably be appreciated less for his efforts.

For those reason, I doubt it. I would absolutely love to see it though.
I don't think so. He has a comfortable position on TNA So I don't see him wanting to return to the WWE anytime soon. Yes he might think highly of Vince but it don't mean he is going to run back to the WWE. As Death from above said the schedule for TNA is alot less demanding, TNA don't travel to every corner of the globe doing tours and promoting like the WWE does and that would be another comfort for Angle. So short of Vince buying TNA or vince offering him some sweet as deal he will not return to the WWE
Personally, I believe that Kurt Angle's last run in professional wrestling will happen in a WWE ring, I have always believed this and I still do. I see him remaining in TNA for the next while, though, enjoying the more relaxed schedule that TNA offers and helping to contribute to the growth and development of the company as it moves forward into the next decade. But in the end, for a run of no more than a year or possibly two, he'll go out in a blaze of glory on the grandest stage of them all. I don't think his ego will allow him to retire in near obscurity, he's going to want a send-off of the magnitude that only WWE can provide. He's going to want entry into the WWE Hall of Fame. And he's going to want a huge, high profile match on a venue the size of a wrestlemania to be his finale.

The grueling WWE schedule won't be an issue because he will only return for a relatively brief run before calling it quits. I just hope if he plans to do this he doesn't wait too long, to the point that he's a shadow of his former self physically and unable to provide a finale of the magnitude that he, as well as the WWE universe, would love to see.

Of course it will largely depend on the status report of each company and the relative direction they are headed in. For example, if TNA begins to tank and decline even further in popularity and he is uncomfortable with where they are headed (not necessarily saying this will be the case so relax TNA marks), he would be more likely to leave and return to his roots. If, however, TNA makes great strides forward, he'd be more likely to want to stick around and take a lot of the credit for the development of the company, this would stroke his voracious ego and he would likely take great pride in this. If WWE begins to struggle (doubtful) he'd be enticed to return and attempt to be the go-to guy to try to right the ship.

I found his comments in his interview concerning Vince McMahon, Randy Orton, and the Miz quite interesting. Certainly appears to be keeping his options open and ensuring that he is not burning too many bridges along the way (although he has been critical of WWE and Vince in the past and may have already done a little bridge burning).

In my opinion, Kurt Angle's finale will be at a wrestlemania in a few years time. Something along the lines of a surprise Royal Rumble appearance, building up to a finale at WM. Against who, that remains to be seen, but I truly believe that this will happen in this manner for the olympic champion.
I definitely see Kurt Angle coming back to WWE someday. He is a future Hall Of Famer and despite his injuries, I think he still has plenty of life left in him. WWE's schedule is far more grueling than TNA, but he doesn't have to wrestle week in, week out. He can take regular breaks, or limit the amount of time he actually wrestles.

If Bret Hart can come back, there's no reason why Kurt Angle can't come back if he chooses to do so.
He has a comfortable position on TNA So I don't see him wanting to return to the WWE anytime soon.

That makes sense. but I'm still bothered by the idea of one of the best performers in the world spending the latter part of his career working for a second-rate wrestling organization. TNA is fine for almost anyone else who's made the switch from WWE, but Angle is a top echelon performer and should be in the big leagues. TNA's efforts at the beginning of this year showed how far from the top they really are.

Kurt Angle choosing to remain in TNA is like Derek Jeter opting to spend his career in Triple-A, never allowing himself to go to the Yankees because he's more comfortable in the minors.

If Kurt returns to WWE, it will be for the paycheck. At the very end of his career, he might want to score some big bucks to ease his way in retirement. I guess that's the only hope we have of seeing him come back.

What a waste.
I've watched WWE for years and I say Yes Kurt will be back one day. It probably won't be full time, but WWEs motto seems to be never say never. The NWO showed up in WWE. Hulk Hogan came back to WWE as a full time wrestler. Eric Bischoff was Raw GM. This year Bret Hart finally returned and shook Shawn Michaels hand. I still believe Macho Man will be back one day even if its just for the Hall of Fame.
So yes, Kurt Angle will be back for guest appearances, Hall Of Fame and I still see him having at least one more great match in a WWE ring.
When Jeff Hardy was leaving, WWE gave him a great deal in which he was not a part live events, yeah i think that was the deal, anyway to get a star like kurt angle, wwe may offer a deal like this to him. Well it will benefit kurt if he goes to WWE
There are some marks here that believe WWE have a magnetic pull and everyone aspires to go there. But when guys escape it, they often realise that TNA, ROH and the indies offer a better schedule and as a result, a better quality of life.

I am sure Kurt loves the TNA schedule and when he leaves, it will be a dark day for them. But he will not leave for WWE. He wants to go and do movies.

TNA is the better company for an athlete who still believes he is the best in the world. They let him go all out and I would rather see him do what he does in TNA, than half baked in WWE ring.
I could see Kurt Angle heading back to WWE somewhere in the future.
The main problem was that Kurt Angle wanted a more stress free schedule, but Vince McMahon wasn't willing to give it to him. If he goes back to WWE and with the recent report with Kurt Angle praising Vince McMahon even as far as saying, "He was like a father to me" And with people knowing how Vince McMahon gives second chances and the state of WWE now I am pretty sure that both of them can come to terms on what he wants to do far as scheduling concerns like not wrestling house shows and only performing on the main shows (SmackDown or RAW) and the PPVs.

When will this happen? That is questionable. It's been said Kurt has got his contract extended for a year. And I think within the year Kurt will probably take some time off (possibly after Bound for Glory or a World Title reign if he wins) and focus on food product and resting his body only making one more run and then leaving TNA. Around this time he could have money situated and his body would be better than ever and after a few months of resting would head to WWE.

I am not putting down TNA in any way possible, but I think Kurt Angle should end his career on an high in the biggest wrestling company in professional wrestling. I think he has a few matches against; Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, and others we would like to see before he decides to hang up the boots.
isnt KURT ANGLE THE TRIPLE H OF TNA??? and angle has already wrestled orton how many times now? how about if he goes to WWE he wrestles jack swagger tho I don't think he can take him down hes too big and way younger version or kurt angle. anyways if angle came back to the WWE it should be at wrestlemania and should face MiZ
No, Kurt will never return to the WWE. He really wore out his welcome, and it was messy when he left in the first place. He doesn't have much time left in the business anyway, he's getting up there in age and he probably just signed his last contract anyway (1-year deal with TNA). Kurt isn't really even wanting to have to work a solid work schedule such as the WWE's, he seems to be enjoying his current situation.
As much as I would love to see it, it isn't going to happen for a number of reasons.

Obviously, his falling out with McMahon is one reason, but many have fallen out with McMahon, and I do think that with Kurt's drawing power, Vince would let bygones be byones and bring him back in, if only for the money.

But the most obvious and most talked about reason is purely his health not being up to the torrent of abuse that a full WWE schedule will take on his body. Kurt is happy working a few dates a month for TNA and living a healthy life.

Maybe one day when Kurt is done in TNA, and the WWE need a GM, who knows, but right now, its not happening.
why would kurt angle want to go back to wwe when he has tna. it does not even make sinse to want to leave tna for wwe,i mean wwe is so lame i quit watching wwe a year ago because it was lame. i still buy tna ppvs but i would never waste my money on lame wwe ppvs again
Honestly? No, I don’t think he ever will.

The problem with the WWE is that is gruelling on the body. Now, I am not saying that TNA acts as some sort of retirement home for the elderly wrestlers of the world but it certainly seems as though their scheduling is a little lighter. The good thing about that is that workers don’t need to put their, already decaying, bodies through the stresses of working 300 days a year. I am willing to wager that Angle probably works about 150 matches a year if you are lucky. If scheduling is what has taken him to TNA, then he is not going to turn his back on them now, when everything he has worked towards with TNA is now beginning to come off.

The other thing is that Angle seems to be happy in TNA. I am not implying that he would not like to rejoin the WWE at some point in the future. However, what I am saying is that if his performances in TNA are anything to go by, he is certainly comfortable with his performances and where is. WWE would give him more fame than he has in TNA but I would seriously doubt that he would get the star billing with the WWE that he normally gets in TNA. Angle is the man in TNA for sure. Along with a select few, he is keeping that company going and I don’t see him wanting to abandon that to come back to the WWE. He would work harder and probably be appreciated less for his efforts.

For those reason, I doubt it. I would absolutely love to see it though.

I totally agree here. Plus Angle is old, he cant wrestle as much as the WWE guys do. WWE also has drug testing, which im sure Angle is still on all them pain meds and other junk. WWE will never resign this guy, he WAS a main eventer in WWE but IF some how he is accepted back in WWE seeing as he somehow passes a drug test and the exams he'd never be main eventing again. Yea I used to enjoy seein him wrestle but not anymore. Hes got a great deal in TNA, he doesnt have to wrestle all the time and its easy for the guy to get to the shows. He should end is career in TNA like the other old timers. TNA is just like WCW, WWE's graveyard lol.
If Hulk Hogan and Bret Hart could come back, then Kurt Angle making a return should be no problem.

Yes. Kurt will be back for one last go around at some point. Wrestling goes in cycles and Kurt eventually reached a point where he had wrestled everyone there was to wrestle in WWE and needed a new challenge.

But with HBK retired, and Jericho, Undertaker, and possibly HHH (one can only hope) on the verge of retiring, their is room for Angle to come back. You always need a few veterans and familiar faces of old on the roster.

And theirs so many new guys for him to feud with: Punk, Bryan, Swagger, and several others could all put on stellar matches with Kurt. And of course you can always reignite a few of Kurts old feuds since they'd feel fresh again after he's been gone so long.

He's a sure fire WWE Hall Of Famer, so he has to be back one day. Even if it's only for his introduction into the hall. But my guess is, he'll have one last run before that. And then go into the Hall.
isnt KURT ANGLE THE TRIPLE H OF TNA??? and angle has already wrestled orton how many times now? how about if he goes to WWE he wrestles jack swagger tho I don't think he can take him down hes too big and way younger version or kurt angle. anyways if angle came back to the WWE it should be at wrestlemania and should face MiZ

he stated that he has wrestled orton but he has become alot better and that he wants to face "The Viper" Randy Orton, when he wrestled Orton he was known as "The Legend Killer." I would personally love to see Angle back in the WWE he is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time, will happen, i hope so, but who really knows
I really think Angle will end up in WWE next year after his contract is up. He has been saying that it is a possiblity and has really done all he can do in TNA. I know when he left WWE it was on somewhat bad conditions but that hasn't stopped Vince from bringing back others in the past. One of the biggest deciding factors for Angle leaving WWE in the first place was his wife Karen. I remember post WWE interviews with the two of them discussing their future and Karen quickly interupting Angle when asked if he was gonna continue wresting with her saying "As long as its not for Vince McMahon.." With Karen gone to stop incouraging him from not returning to WWE and the possiblity of them giving him a limited schedule like Undertaker has it could really come to fruition in the future.

With that said I was really surprised at his pick of Miz to have a match with. I figured he would go with someone like Swagger because of their simlilarities. Regardless, I would be excited if Angle returned to WWE for one last run.
From my stand point no. With him recently signing a one year extension with TNA, it looks like he wants to finish with TNA, and good for him. He is smart and knows his bodies limitations, working through a WWE schedule sheds years off your wrestling career. TNA's schedule is more relaxed and accomodates Kurt which the biggest reason why he has been with TNA for this long.
While I'd love to see him have one more run in the WWE, a large part of me doesn't see it as very feasible. I think that unless the WWE has him working limited dates, the schedules would destroy his body. I'd hate to see that happen. The safe bet for him would be to know his limits and stay with TNA. But if he can, I'd love to see him perform at Wrestlemania again.
Some good points made but I stand by my opinion that Kurt will one day return to WWE. HBK and Taker were given very light schedules to prolong their careers, I am pretty sure Vince would be willing to do the same for Kurt.

I doubt Kurts ego wouldnt allow him to return. The Impact Zone or 70,000 screaming fans at a WWE PPV? Surely he misses this and wants it "one last time" before he hands up his tights.

A future hall of famer without a doubt and a LONG overdue WWE DVD highliting his tenure will be needed. Hell Kurt might not return to the ring, but the lure of sat in a WWE Chair talking about his career will definately be on the agenda...$$$
I hope so. Angle is one of my all-time favourite wrestlers. He's indeed the best "Wrestler" of the last 10 yrs and i would love to see him in the wwe ring again.

It's True.
You said it yourself, he is full of five star matches. Why would he go to WWE if he can no longer fulfill that purpose there? Kurt lives and breathes for the MATCH now, not the mic work or anything else, the ring. WWE would give him an angle slame an ankle lock, a mulitple german suplex, moonsault and thats it. TNA let him wrestle, I don't think he will go back

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