Do you really even wanna see Cena turn heel?


The Prototype
I mean I know his character gets stale at times and his in ring skill is less than to be desired but before all this rock stuff happened he was WWE. I'm not pro Cena or any of that but the man is pretty much carrying the company at a time when it needs someone. You even saw little kids boo Rocky last night because he was talking bad about Cena. It reminds me of Warrior/Hogan the adults and women loved Warrior but the kids wanted Hogan. What i'm trying to say is do you really think turning Cena heel would ever work? I mean would he even be any good at it? Remember when he was during his first push the fans are the ones who made him face not Vince. Just like turning Austin heel didnt get over I believe Cena's turn wouldn't either.
YES!~!! please cena turn heel!!!! cena is soooo boring and damn man u said he is wwe that just plain sucks! not that i didnt know that but c'mon man Rock basically told everyone whats wrong with this company in the way only he can by laying the smack down!!!!!!! ha! u noticed to that half the crowd went silent when rocky started laying into cena! priceless. ive been watching wwe for 22 years and the rock was one of my all time favs and seeing him tell it like it is was the best feeling ive had in a while!!! so back to the point Cena turning heel would be one of the shocks that the attitude era was all about!!!! it would stun his children fans and proly make some of them cry!!!!! i hate cena but respect his love for the biz but having said that Cena needs to go away for awhile or a total revamp of his character. its old!!!!!!!

ok cena fans take notice did u see the promo cena cut in the begining of the snooze fest his promos are sooooooo boring cm sucks really??!! thats like a 3rd grade insult!! ok cena fans did u see the promo the rock cut at the end!!! and u wonder why they call him the most electrifying man in ALL entertainment! take notice cena drones the rock is what cena wished he was.
Yes and no to be honest. I think turning him heel might breathe some life in the WWE, but in reality whose going to be their top face? Randy Orton. Don't make me laugh.

Orton is average at best, he's got DDP's finisher and his mic skills are eh. I do like his gimmick though being a viper.

I would rather see Orton turn heel over Cena. As you said Cena is the face of the company. Maybe if WWE wasn't struggling so much on ticket sales then maybe. Wrong timing in my opinion.
I mean I know his character gets stale at times and his in ring skill is less than to be desired but before all this rock stuff happened he was WWE. I'm not pro Cena or any of that but the man is pretty much carrying the company at a time when it needs someone. You even saw little kids boo Rocky last night because he was talking bad about Cena. It reminds me of Warrior/Hogan the adults and women loved Warrior but the kids wanted Hogan. What i'm trying to say is do you really think turning Cena heel would ever work? I mean would he even be any good at it? Remember when he was during his first push the fans are the ones who made him face not Vince. Just like turning Austin heel didnt get over I believe Cena's turn wouldn't either.

Yes I do because he is boring as fuck as a face. Orton can carry the company as the top baby face now. Think about it Orton and Cena are the two guys who will carry the company into the future. Orton just turned face but he needs an antagonist he can feud with thats where Cena comes in. You said kids were cheering Rock cuz he said bad thing about Cena but I also saw Cena fans that were children cheering Rock and chiming in with the Cena sucks chants. Simply put were all sick of Cena and he needs to turn heel.
If Cena turned heel, it'd be a BIG fucking deal, ok. He'd have to do it against another MAJOR FACE, and it'd have to be only during that feud. There's only one man I know of that can help Cena pull off that kind of angle.... The Undertaker. And time's running up for him.

And honestly, Cena's been entertaining lately. He hasn't been as "goody goody". I remember last week he low-blowed CM Punk to cause a DQ.

And RKO, nobody is comparing him to the Rock. Who cares if his promo wasn't as good? It's the ROCK. And I agree, Orton is above average, but Orton is BORING on the mic! Especially with this gimmick he has!
I think it could work, but it would have to be a completely different character. I really dont know how anyone would be able to take cena as a heel. he just screams goody two shoes. the rock insulted the hell out of him, and he just says hes gotten worse, but its good the rock is back. he would completely have to change how he acts. completely go against the kids and the fans and his morals. if not, no one will take him as a heel.
Cena won't turn heel ANYTIME soon. Why? Because WWE has too much stock on his merch sales. Go to any WWE event and you'll see every tween girl and six year old boy wearing bright orange shirts. Plus he is right behind Michael Jordan for Make-A-Wish kids.
I think it'd be kind of interesting to see John Cena go heel. Let's face it, Cena turning heel would be a big happening that would generate a lot of buzz. He's the ultimate good guy in wrestling just as Hulk Hogan used to be and we all know the buzz created when Hogan turned heel. It was one of the last huge surprises before the internet really started gathering some steam.

I think it'd lead to a lot of freshness to Cena quite frankly and I'd say that it will happen at some point in time.
In all honesty, I could care less.

I know there's some people that think Cena USED to be good but I'm not among then. Never liked him and I probably never will.

Heel or face he's a snorefest.
^^^ Agreed with the top line.

I don't really care if they do or not, yeah it would be refreshing, gives him a chance to improve his mic skills and his move set but at the same time, Cena is over as he is, and if they was to turn him heel they would end up with fuck all top faces decent enough for him to fued with.

Even though Face HHH against Heel Cena could be interesting.
Does Cena need to turn heel? I don't see why he needs too. If he is getting half cheered normally (unless against say Taker, HBK, HHH and probably The Rock where it will be 100% negative reaction) turning him heel would do him no good because the half of the crowd that boo him now would probably go "OMG he is a heel, what he says makes so much sense" while the current half that do cheer him will boo for a while. Either way all I see a Cena Heel turn doing is.. well nothing as he'd end up where he is now.

Unless of course he suddenly turns into a coward heel that runs from everything.
To me, the time for Cena to turn heel has come and gone. He's needed a change for years now, and they could have done so much if they turned him when he was doing the Nexus storyline. Now, I just don't care.

I think its a moot point anyways. If they haven't done it by now, WWE will NEVER turn Cena heel. And it should be pretty obvious why.
The point is, he doesn't even necessarily need to turn heel. He just needs to stop with the stupid catch phrases like "CM Sucks" and "Nexsucks" and start just being more aggressive. Like how he was with Darren Young and basically just stop the stupid jokes and just go back to "ruthless aggression" like he used to be. Oh, and he needs to stop wearing the brightly coloured shirts like The Rock so eliquently put.
Now would be the perfect time for a heel turn for Cena, think about all the hype Rock will be able to generate for Wrestlemania. If WWE could put on a decent enough show, Rock's appearance is bound to pull in some older fans and perhaps some newer ones too, with Rock being as over as he is with the hopeful ratings spike after Wrestlemania they could use him to get Cena over as a heel. I think this would be good for expanding the fan base a bit more.
Remember in 2005 when he FUed Teddy Long? Or in 2006 when he beat the crap outta Edge? If he doesn't turn heel(he has to by this point) then can he at least be those face characters? You know, Steve Austin's pissed off nephew?
Turn him heel for what??? THE ATTITUDE ERA IS OVER!!!! It's not coming back. Rock IS NOT here to stay. I like Orton, but he is in no way shape or form the Face of WWE where he can carry the company like Cena. He works as a Tweener at best, but absoulety SUCKS as a Face. Talk about boring.... Monotone, no emotion, and absolutely lame as a FAce.
Alter Cena's character a bit and bring back some of that edge, but turning him heel is stupid as you have no one to fill his shoes. I just don't see the long term payoff of turning him Heel. You already have Miz and CM Punk as ME Heels... Cena creates a log jam. And unless Morrison (who's not quite ready to be THE GUY) gets pushed extra hard, I just don't see the point. And lets not forget that the FANS turned Cena Face in the first place. All of this root for the bad guy and boo the good guy is what's fucking up wrestling now anyways as everyone wants to turn Faces Heel so they can cheer them just for Vince to have no choice but to turn them Face again.... It's just fucking stupid...
Not going to happen anytime soon. Actually, Cena may even stay face for the remainder of his career. His gimmick may be stale, but he is single handily carrying WWE on his back. As long as he is selling his t shirts and granting wishes for Make-a-wish, he is going to be face forever, so these Cena heel turn threads are pointless.

Sure it would give a fresh take on things, but in some ways it would make no sense. If you turn Cena heel, he'd probably be put in tag matches against faces like Orton and Santino (the other 2 most over people on RAW) and Cena would be teaming with who? Sheamus and Nexus? The same people he has feuded with all year and despises.

The best thing to do is to just deal with Cena as he is going to be around just the way he is for a long while.
Maybe I could go back on what I started the thread with maybe with the right timing WWE could pull it off, remember Hulk Hogan he was John Cena for most of you guys growing up, But im only 20 so I remember Hogan most fondly as Hollywood Hogan all of the say your prayers and eating vitamins was corny too, Bischoff saw that and did a 180 with it! Maybe Vince will see it and do the same.
The thing with Cena is that he's ran through everybody... I mean everybody. Minus Taker. Now they have been BUILDING up stars just to feed them to the Super Cena.

I mean half the crowd...usually anyone who's hit puberty...hates the guy anyways so why fight it so much just because parents have to buy his terrible looking orange and purple t-shirts.

Cena was great when he was a heel and ripping people up with his raps. I'm not saying they need to go back to that but why have this guy come out and say he LIKES the boos... it makes me hate him more!!! The ass clown is trying to take our boos and turn them into something positive!!

A Cena heel turn has to come sometime. But it won't be for awhile... WWE knows that he's there one real money maker and they'll stick with it until they have no other choice. Sadly. :(
A Cena heel turn has to come sometime. But it won't be for awhile... WWE knows that he's there one real money maker and they'll stick with it until they have no other choice. Sadly.

So let me get this straight..... You WANT Vince to turn "one real money maker" because you don't like him? You do know what can happen when a company loses money at a high rate right? So basically you want Vince to turn Cena and lose money and possibly crumble as a company because there is no one to carry the company? Come on guys, it just doesn't make sense to do it. What's gonna make you guys happy? So Cena turns... Then what? Then you guys start to cheer him because you like his edgy heelish ways, kinda like when the fans forced his initial Face turn???? Is there any satisfying you guys?
Do I want him to turn heel?
Yes, His character does not appeal to me in the least, and I don't like his promos (not so much his promo telling, but what he is scripted to say) also his t-shirts could blind a man. If Cena was to turn heel, his goofy promos would probably be improved, his character would be fresh, and he would probably end up much darker styled t shirts.

Should Cena turn heel?
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, he is a HUGE draw towards women and kids. His goofy promos are seen as funny. His merchandise sells, and his superhero type character is loved by children and women.
Are you foolish enough to think that ONE guy who was CREATED by the WWE would topple the entire company? WWE is a huge machine and when one guy goes down someone else is plugged in to keep the machine running. It happened when Hogan left. It happened when Austin left. It'll happen when Cena goes.

John Cena is not the end all and be all to WWE.

He bring in money through merchandising an he is a top draw. But all they need to do is push some new guy for the kids and bango they won't miss a step. To think that if Cena turns heel that the WWE as a whole will go under is ludacris. There are a multi billion... thats BILLION... with a B... dollar company. One man doesn't make THAT big of a difference.

Hell even when Vince goes away WWE will keep going because the fans LOVE wrestling. Not because some kids LOVE Cena.
Let's just say for shits and giggles that they turn him. Ok, honestly, who can they push in his spot? Remember the fucked up years after Hogan left? After Hart left? After HBK left? After Austin left? After Rock left? Remember that WWE/F almost went under and was losing the Monday Night Wars? Granted TNA is nowhere near the competition that WCW was, but to think that Vince can't lose money with low ratings, merchandise sales, and PPV buy rates?
Lets also note that Cena got over on his OWN work and charisma. Steph overheard him rapping backstage and let him run with that gimmick. That's what got him over. Not the push from the all mighty WWE machine, but the person himself... Who is showing that they actually have what it takes to receive that major push and run with it to sustain if not pust the company forward? Like it or not, Cena is that guy , as boring as some of you find him to be...
As a fan of pro wrestling and a one time fan of John Cena, I certainly want to see him turn heel. His character is stale and it is not a surprise considering that he has been a face since 2005 and cutting the same " I never back down from any challenge" and "I can make the five year olds laugh" interview since 2006. I have endured him in this persona for the major part of 214 weeks and I do feel that I am entitled to a change.

Is it the absolute need of the hour to turn Cena heel? The answer to that is NO. He is still extremely popular among the women and the children, he is still selling merchandise well and most importantly the WWE is not threatened by any sort of competition.

Another point that interests me whenever there is talk of Cena turning heel is that we all know that we need a face on Cena's popularity for Cena's heel turn to be successful. The question is should the WWE wait for such a character to rise up or should they turn Cena heel in order to make the next mega face of the WWE? Knowing WWE they will probably go with the wait and watch strategy but if I were in their position I would have wanted to take more risks.
Cena will not, without a shadow of a doubt, turn hell, maybe ever.

If he has a fued with The Rock, it'll be similar to HBK/Hogan. In Shawn did'nt change his character, just the way he acted.

Cena won't have a heel character if he was to fued with the Rock. He'll just be standing up for himself, for the fan's, for today's WWE that the Rock bashed. It'll be PG vs. Attitude.

Cena has way to many thing's, including the Make A Wish Foundation, to just turn heel. The kid's look up to him as their hero. Him turning heel would be a mistake if it were to happen now, or the next few years. A fued with The Rock won't make him heel.

And besides, there still not a nother top babyface who can fill Cena's spot. Sure, some may say Rock, but he's not an active wrestler, and I'm pretty sure he won't be on house show's and such, maybe for an occasional promo, but that's it.

Nobody has a workload like Cena and they need to find someobdy with his drive and commitment. Until then, Cena's staying a face. Cena's won't turn heel and does'nt need to turn heel.

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