Do you have any pets?

The closest thing my wife and I will come to having kids, my Boston Bull Terrier Beagle, Ellie. She's 6. Id upload a picture if I could figure this doggone thing out. Ive tried a few times in the post your pic thread of my wife and myself, but have failed miserably :blush:
The closest thing my wife and I will come to having kids, my Boston Bull Terrier Beagle, Ellie. She's 6. Id upload a picture if I could figure this doggone thing out. Ive tried a few times in the post your pic thread of my wife and myself, but have failed miserably :blush:

Do you have a photobucket account?, that's prolly the easiest way..
I wish I could have Michael Cole as my pet. I'd put either one of those shock collars on him and everytime he talks I'd zap him, or put one of "The Cone Of Shame" around his neck...LOL (little joke from the movie Up..) then put an invisible electric fence around my yard and leave him there and torment him and dare him to cross the line and let him get zapped. :lmao: Then when I bring him inside, I'd have one of those ultrasonic machines that is supposed to prevent them from barking, at least then he'd shut the heck up.
I have a 3-leged black lab (he got hit by a car during a T-storm). I've got another black lab. And my dads GF has 2 cats and a dog,Im around them so much i kinda consider em my dogs. But the 3-legged black lab is hands down the coolest fucking dog ever...
Lilac, He was old like 13 or 14, Hes also been mauled by pitbulls,which the stupid black guy who owned em rasied em to right anyway(there dead now,someone shot them in the middle of the night,who could of done such a thing?) and hes had some disease that labs get when there puppies IDK what its called but hes almost died like 3 or 4 times
Lilac, He was old like 13 or 14, Hes also been mauled by pitbulls,which the stupid black guy who owned em rasied em to right anyway(there dead now,someone shot them in the middle of the night,who could of done such a thing?) and hes had some disease that labs get when there puppies IDK what its called but hes almost died like 3 or 4 times
Oh. I don't have any guesses about what the disease could be but I just got to know about " Happy Tail Syndrome " It seems the cause is when the dog wags it's tail all the time and hits walls and other stuff, making the tail bleed. :S

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