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Do You Guys Think Panda Energy Should Put More Money into TNA?


Dark Match Jobber
I do not think Panda Energy
should put more money into
TNA. Dixie Carter does not know how to run a wrestling company, and if I were Panda Energy I would not invest in TNA.
When Hogan arrived they invested an extortionate amount of money and that didn't get them anywhere.

If anything Panda Energy should make some cutbacks. That'd force TNA to maybe cut some of their more expensive and less productive roster member. Or they'd just eliminate all their X-Division guys, who knows.
They should throw more money into finding a proper person to run it (Paul Heyman) and makes some money cuts to the roster. Maybe throw money into getting TNA on the road for AT LEAST 3 weeks out of every month. I swear, it's hard to watch TNA, no matter what they do, good and bad, when they are in that lousy studio.
What the fuck is this thread about?

I dont know were more money would contribute anything. They have about as much sizzle and production value as they can possibly get. Sure they could pay for touring, but it doesnt fucking matter if no one shows up to the cards.

I dont think its a money issue, and more of a "I will ruin my fucking carreer dicking around with that hackneyed bullshit" issue why no one more high profile will show up there.
I think they've wasted too much on TNA because of how they speant the money. If it had gone to some important to really boost the company like going on the road. I'm not an expert of finances, but if the Impact Zone is free, then wouldn't they make more money on the road? The Impact zone just seems really cheap to me. Like how the enterance to the ring looks like a tunnel used in a hamster cage.

I'm a big fan of TNA but it needs some major improvements. Panda probably doesn't know how TNA is using their money, which reminds me of what led to the downfall onf WCW. The inmates are running the asylum.
There's no way Panda looks at the finances. They'd see how much they're hemoraging on bullshit like paying Johnny Fairplay $500,000 just to never us him. They should get rid of Hogan or give him a paycut. He has barely improved ratings. And has done damage to the company imo. I can handle Russo and his gimmick matches, but Hogan is disrespectful to the company. Even my casual fan of wrestling friend says he acts like its a joke in interviews.
Sorry to rant. But in conclusion I feel Panda needs to watch their spending more, and if they're wasting it, cut funding as a penalty.
The problem with this question is we don't know how much Panda has invested and what TNA uses it for. Do they only use it for production things? Maybe TNA is making enough money that they pay their wrestlers and Panada just pays for sets, pyro, etc. Jeff Jarrett said TNA was making a profit(www.wrestlenewz.com/wrestling/tna-n...tna-making-a-profit-hogan-bischoff-lots-more/). If TNA is making money why not invest more and see if you can get a bigger return.

I would invest money in behind the scenes things. Make 3D's training camp a FCW of sorts. Make it offical. Promote it as THE tna training camp. Wanna learn wrestling and maybe get a job at TNA go here. Move the camp to NY since the 3D has fans there and get on a local tv station. Where they can put on their own shows once these guys are done training. It also can be used for training and a place for guys to work on their skills while on tv. So they can find new stars and people coming back from injury work out the ring rust. Get some trainers to help 3D run it. It seems only Ray and Devon are the trainers there. Hire a few more trainers to come help. I think Chavo could help here and Finley could help upcoming Knockouts.

I would invest more in trying to get some big time partnerships going. Like the WWE/Kmart deal. Maybe with Toys R Us. I can't think of any other major company that you could have shirts and dvds in. But TRU may not want their name on a product that can get risky at times. Maybe gamestop, they have sold game shirt and new dvds at times. Maybe a fast food company, Hardees seems to have a edgy kinda feel to them. Putting wrestling star on cups gives you tons of new people every day who see you company is out their. Plus you have another place to promote autograph signings.

Then I would invest on getting impact on the road, I know they already are but not every week. Also I live show as the go home or after PPV show.
I think they've wasted too much on TNA because of how they speant the money. If it had gone to some important to really boost the company like going on the road. I'm not an expert of finances, but if the Impact Zone is free, then wouldn't they make more money on the road? The Impact zone just seems really cheap to me. Like how the enterance to the ring looks like a tunnel used in a hamster cage.

I'm a big fan of TNA but it needs some major improvements. Panda probably doesn't know how TNA is using their money, which reminds me of what led to the downfall onf WCW. The inmates are running the asylum.
There's no way Panda looks at the finances. They'd see how much they're hemoraging on bullshit like paying Johnny Fairplay $500,000 just to never us him. They should get rid of Hogan or give him a paycut. He has barely improved ratings. And has done damage to the company imo. I can handle Russo and his gimmick matches, but Hogan is disrespectful to the company. Even my casual fan of wrestling friend says he acts like its a joke in interviews.
Sorry to rant. But in conclusion I feel Panda needs to watch their spending more, and if they're wasting it, cut funding as a penalty.

I agree with this statement whole heartedly. I know if TNA came to my area, I'd go see them. I'm sure tickets wouldn't be as much as a WWE event.

It seems Hogan wants more road shows, which I have to give him credit for that. But with road shows, you have to spend a lot of money on the venue itself by setting it up, traveling, etc. Maybe they just don't feel that can make as big a profit when ticket/merch sells are made.

I absolutely hate the Impact dome, or whatever you call it. The crowd totally ruins it for me because most don't know who to cheer or root for.

You have a majority of the crowd still cheering and chanting Hogan's name when he's a heel. It doesn't make sense.
thanks guys for your opinions I agree with most of you it seems as if they are scared to leave the studio because ratings are low, ppv buys are low, and logicwould suggest attendance at away-Impacts would be low.
Otherwise I'm sure they would
be generating money by touring already. - therefore Panda Energy does not need to pour more money into a slowing sinking ship
I think they've wasted too much on TNA because of how they speant the money.

Probably, and the concept of Panda investing even more in the hopes of a turn-around is called "throwing good money after bad." There are many people on this forum that have presumed TNA is already profitable by virtue of the fact they're still in existence. While it's true that all businesses must eventually make money to survive, an investor who is willing to keep plowing funds into the company can hide the fact that their business plan is hopeless and that they will never get a return on their investment. Even a giant like Time-Warner eventually decided to stop throwing money out the window in an effort to keep WCW going despite tremendous losses. Presumably, Panda doesn't have the resources of Time-Warner and will eventually arrive at the same conclusion.

However, I'm not saying for certain that TNA is losing money. I don't have access to their financial records; none of us do. For all I know, they're turning a profit already......I just can't envision how.

But in answer to the question: No, if after 9 years TNA is still bleeding money, I don't think Panda should continue to invest. We're always hearing about a big turn-around that's coming that will change the wrestling business as we know it. Well, the time is coming when Panda demands to see the changes before they choose to throw even more money away.
oh boy what to say to this one!! Poor panda energy for one thing god knows how much money they wasted in TNA!! Dixie needs to stay far far away as she knows nothing about the business.. Hell i wouldnt trust her to run a subway restaurant let alone a wrestling company. Since Hogan and Easy E came ratings havent improved alot. TNA has alot of problems right now. Panda energy needs to really think about where they invest maybe force TNA to cut some people. Some of the expensive salaries of people like oh i dont know hogan Bisch Flair those three just jump out at me. No more stupid gimmicks no more signing people who cant cut it anymore this is what panda energy should advise to TNA higher ups...
Panda Energy will never tell you how much money they have put into TNA, they have no obligation to legally do so. so how areyou going to try and say they shouldn't put anymore money in TNA, because Dixie doesn't know how to run a company? You don't know how much they have spent in the first place. And how do you know Dixie doesn't know how to run a company? Do you stand over her shoulder and follow her around every day while watching her preform the day to day operations in TNA? They've stayed afloat since what, 2002, with a shitty product for the most part until late(I am a fan and I want TNA to succeed, but come on...lets admit it. the product sucks for the most part), and with the exception of a fewgood wrestlers they have,mostly shitty talent. Its not like there is just an unlimited flow of money coming in. Jeff jarrett said in an interview a couple years ago that TNA has been turning profit, so obviously dixie is doing something right. But, I think they are doing just fine right now. They need to make some roster cuts obviously, that would save some money, but from a business standpoint for right now, If TNA is turning profit, they are doing OK in my opinion, and Panda Energy doesn't have anything to worry about. But hey, thats just my 2 cents.
They spend TOO MUCH money on a daily basis.

Cut the fat cats and hire someone with a brain. So you would spend less yet make more.

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