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Do you believe in Abortions? (Touchy Subject)

I hate those Christians

Occasional Pre-Show
First, I want to say that, this topic is not meant to offend anyone, and if I have offended, I want to express my apologies now, because I do feel strongly about this.

So the question is, Do you agree with Abortions?

My view about abortions are this. I think it depends on the circumstances. If a person was rapped or got pregnant without there consent, then I do believe they should have the option of having a abortion.

However, if a person was just careless, and didn’t use protection and just went out there to have sex, then got pregnant, that is where I draw line.

To many teen’s now and days, have sex and get pregnant and know that there is a easy way out, which is to have abortion.

I think a child deserves the right to live, and there is always Adoption.
Not trying to be a jerk or anything, but I'm not sure why you decided to start a thread on such a volatile topic and then not say much to support your claim.

For example, if "a child deserves the right to live" why then do you support the option of abortion in a case of rape? Is the child any less innocent based on how he/she was created? You also didn't mention about situations of incest or where the mother's life is at stake?

Personally, I'm pro life. But I recognize how complex my position can get when confronted with certain dilemmas. From a pragmatic view point, how could society handle such a large number of unwanted children who would most likely come from poorer women with no men in the picture? When does life begin? At conception? Is embryonic Stem Cell Research okay? What if the child has a severe health condition that will cost the mother or even tax payer hundreds of thousands of dollars?

I get extremely upset when I hear stories of women having 4, 5, or even more abortions and no matter how much the pro choice side tries to argue against this point, the fact is there are many women in this country who view abortion as just another form of birth control and it makes me sick. But in my opinion, your short post did not do justice to the complexity and seriousness of the issue of abortion. I think if you are going to start such a thread, you should put more effort and thought into what you write.
The reason why I accept the fact that if a woman was “raped” they can have a abortion, is because this is something that was not in control of the woman. I think then a woman has a right to make a choice if they want to keep a child from a man that raped her. These are different circumstances and in cases like these, I feel a woman should not be judged.

It’s a simple case of it depends on the circumstances, there has to be some sort of understanding when a woman has been raped and they choose to have a abortion.

This section is for debating, and that is why I created it because I thought it would be a interesting topic.

I also don’t think you have the right to dictate what is a good topic and what isn’t a good post. I think I wrote my topic just find and think you need to be a little more respectful.
Sure, it's fine to say 'If she was raped it's okay' - but how is that policed? How do we know? First, having that rule would do nothing except increase the amount of rape claims we have, many of which would be false. That, in turn, would make it more difficult for people who have actually been raped to prove that - a task already very difficult. Second, it often takes much more than 9 months to prove a rape has taken place - so what do we do? Do we just believe everyone who says they were raped and fell pregnant? Do we just look at them and decide? Or do we force them to have a child? Of course not. The only way to keep this safe, and right, is to have abortion legal, whatever the circumstances.

On a personal level, I couldn't care less what your opinions on abortion are. Many people in the Pro-Choice movement would personally never have an abortion - but recognise it's not their right to tell someone else what to do. My problem is with those actively anti-choice. Those who believe abortion should be illegal. First, cliché maybe, but my body, my choice. You have no right to tell me what to do when it doesn't concern you. Second, you think making abortion illegal will stop people terminating pregnancies? Of course it won't; if you're desperate enough to consider an abortion you're desperate enough to go to illegal means to get that abortion. Putting yourself at risk as well as the foetus. People DIE from things like that - very pro-life, huh?

Also, this belief that abortion is used as another form of birth control is ignorant. I'm not naive enough to believe these people don't exist - and they disgust me. But abortion is used by many different types of people, from different walks of life, for different reasons, and the whole option of abortion should NOT be taken away due to behaviour from a minority of people using the service that we find irresponsible, or wrong.

Having an abortion is a very personal decision which leaves emotional scars for the rest of a womans life. She has to have counselling before the procedure to ensure she knows what she is doing, that she will be able to cope, and that she is supported afterwards. Knowing this, think about how desperate most women must feel resorting to abortions - it's not a decision entered into lightly.
Another loaded question. Lots of these today.

I am vehemently pro-choice. I am extremely anti-abortion.

Abortions are really an abomination. The very act itself is not something a human being should ever have to go through. When I was 16 or so, I recall my mom telling me a story of being in a hospital with a girlfriend of hers who had to have an abortion, and how painful- both physically and psychologically - it was on the girl.

Women have a natural and beautiful instinct when it comes to birthing. An abortion essentially shreds all of that with a mixture of drugs and intimidating looking surgical appliances.

No offense to the OP, but the question "do you believe in abortions" is kind of ridiculous. I don't think anyone in their right mind believes in abortions - I think people believe in whether an individual should have a right to have one.

Again, despite my very severe anti-abortion stance, I am pro-choice. Often times, pro-life idiots try to put obnoxious conservative spin on "pro-choice" by calling us "pro-abortion." That pisses me off BIG TIME. I am pro-choice, anti-abortion. I would never support an abortion myself, but I respect the fact that the government should not decide if they do or not - the woman should, with input from (if present) the father.

Another reason I am pro-choice is because the abortions will occur regardless of legality. In December 2009, the Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology in Canada wrote an a peice stating:

Journal of OBGY said:
Worldwide 42 million abortions are estimated to take place annually with 22 million of these occurring safely and 20 million unsafely. Unsafe abortion accounts for 70,000 maternal deaths each year and causes a further 5 million women to suffer temporary or permanent disability. Maternal mortality ratios (number of maternal deaths per 100,000 live births) due to complications of unsafe abortion are higher in regions with restricted abortion laws than in regions with no or few restrictions on access to safe and legal abortion.

So I am anti-abortion, and pro-choice. I'm also pro-family planning, pro-contraception education, pro-planned parenthood, and pro-justputthedickdown.
Another loaded question. Lots of these today.

I am vehemently pro-choice. I am extremely anti-abortion.

Abortions are really an abomination. The very act itself is not something a human being should ever have to go through. When I was 16 or so, I recall my mom telling me a story of being in a hospital with a girlfriend of hers who had to have an abortion, and how painful- both physically and psychologically - it was on the girl.

Women have a natural and beautiful instinct when it comes to birthing. An abortion essentially shreds all of that with a mixture of drugs and intimidating looking surgical appliances.

No offense to the OP, but the question "do you believe in abortions" is kind of ridiculous. I don't think anyone in their right mind believes in abortions - I think people believe in whether an individual should have a right to have one.

Again, despite my very severe anti-abortion stance, I am pro-choice. Often times, pro-life idiots try to put obnoxious conservative spin on "pro-choice" by calling us "pro-abortion." That pisses me off BIG TIME. I am pro-choice, anti-abortion. I would never support an abortion myself, but I respect the fact that the government should not decide if they do or not - the woman should, with input from (if present) the father.

Another reason I am pro-choice is because the abortions will occur regardless of legality. In December 2009, the Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology in Canada wrote an a peice stating:

So I am anti-abortion, and pro-choice. I'm also pro-family planning, pro-contraception education, pro-planned parenthood, and pro-justputthedickdown.

I felt the need to quote IC. This is the most profound and, at the same time, honest statement I've ever read regarding the topic at hand.

It takes a large amount of effort to be able to separate the logical from the personal while, at the same time, reconciling that, with which, you know to be logical.

IC, I fully support everything you said. I have my own beliefs, but I don't think I could have approached this subject as logically and maturely as you did. I would like to think that my educational achievements would allow me to do so, but I don't know. I've actually saved this post on my flash drive because of your ability to separate yourself from what you would do. Applause, sir, applause.
IrishCanadian25, you are one smart person, which I think comes from the canadian side. It's good to see someone knowing the difference between knowing what's right for you and telling everyone what's right for them.

I personnally don't have an opinion on abortions, but have seen every single side of the issue time after time. Many people that are anti-abortion have rally good cases, but also have a lot of question that go unanswered. A lot of people that believe abortion is right also have great points, but have a hard time explaining the abuse of the right.

Here are the points that i have heard from people who are anti-abortion:

-Abortion is the same as killing a baby
-Teens abuse it and use it like birth control
-leaves emotion scarring on the mom
-many religious people consider it a sin

The questions that I haven't had answered, and maybe someone can answer them, is:

-how far along into the pregnancy is it considered a human
-is the abortion reasonable if the mother will die

Now people that are pro-abortion(as in they believe aborting is ethical) usually have these points:

-it is thier choice whether or not they want a baby
-it is not considered a human in the early stages of pregnancy
-rape victims would have to care for a baby that they didn't plan on having
-the parents couldn't manage a baby and the baby would grow up in terrible conditions

Unfortunantly as earlier posted, 42 million abortions take place annually, which is obviously abusing the right to abortion. Also many teens see it as a back up incase they get pregnant, so they don't have to take responsability for thier actions.

My personal stance on things is that I am pro-chioce as I don't like telling people what is right and wrong for them, but I am on the fence about what I would do if I were in a possible abortion situation. Luckily I am 16 so I have many years to learn about all sides and come up with a logical that personally suites me. But if I did find my self getting a girl pregnant, I would probably not abort the baby and give it up for adoption, as I don't have the skills, time and money to care for a baby. i would also have to consider the person I get pregnants views and if she said to abort, I probably wouldn't have a huge problem with that.
This is such a difficult subject. My view is that if it is circumstances that the person is in control of, i.e. not including rape or non-consensual, then they need to have the awareness of contraception/safe sex or they should not be having sex. I don't think a person should have an abortion because of the fact that they didnt know what they were doing etc because they wouldn't have any respect for what they are doing or be aware of the consequences of their action/inaction or the decisions they make.

But things aren't as clear cut as this of course. Some people just shouldn't have kids or aren't ready for them. If they get 'accidentally' pregnant then in some cases its a bit of an ominous indication for the kind of parent they would be. This is even without getting into the babies right to life argument too! And of course some religions don't allow for abortions so you can get into dangerous territory with people having 'back alley' abortions

So to answer the question, in some cases yes i do, in some cases i think no. There are too many factors to have a rigid belief that can be applied to all cases. There are valid arguments for both opinions.
Many people in the Pro-Choice movement would personally never have an abortion - but recognise it's not their right to tell someone else what to do.

Exactly right. I dislike when people refer to a "pro-choice" person as "pro-abortion." I'm certainly not pro-abortion and I don't think I could ever have one.

That said, it's not my privilege to tell other women what they should do in the case of an unwanted pregnancy. Women have various reasons for having the procedure done and whether I agree with their choices or not..... it's their decision, not mine.

The women of this generation have never known anything but legal abortion. If the anti-abortionists succeed in overturning the law, there will be a new industry that springs up, offering abortions that may be unsafe, unsanitary and illegal. That's a step down, not up. Having the law on their side may be enough to comfort the anti-abortionists, but it's questionable what the real-life results of it will be.

If you are a woman who gets pregnant and chooses to not have an abortion.....that's fine & dandy; no one is going to force to you have one. But if you choose to terminate, you should be able to exercise that choice.
I don't believe in abortions, at all, and I'm not trying to be a jackass, but I'm against the choice.

For example, if someone "decides" to have an abortion, has it set into you that the baby that was MURDERED could have cured cancer? Has it set into you that the baby could have been president?

Here's what I think: If Abortions were meant to happen, there wouldn't have been a pregnancy in the first place. People treat it like it's just a run-of-the-mill big choice, yet, it's murder, it's taking the opportunity of a first breath in this amazing world away from a child who did nothing to deserve it, it's sick. I just don't see how anyone would decide to do it and what freak would help do it, because I know I could never do it. And I'm not just trying to shove my beliefs down anyone's throat, I just think it's sick...and I guess I'm just broad. Apologies to any offense that would have gone out in my post.
I don't believe in abortions, at all, and I'm not trying to be a jackass, but I'm against the choice.

For example, if someone "decides" to have an abortion, has it set into you that the baby that was MURDERED could have cured cancer? Has it set into you that the baby could have been president?

First, abortion is not murder. Murder is a legal term, of which abortion does not come under. There's no arguing this, it isn't a matter of opinion - the law CLEARLY states what murder is - and abortion does not come under that.

Also, the fact that you use THAT argument is the stupidest thing possible. Who knows what the baby would have been? It could be the next Hitler or Stalin for all you know. It could have grown up and been such a thug s/he kills your elderly mother.

Here's what I think: If Abortions were meant to happen, there wouldn't have been a pregnancy in the first place.

What do you mean by 'Meant to happen'? It's lovely that you still believe everything happens for a reason, but it's just not true. Pregnancies happen by accident all the time - no reason to it, someone just forgot to use contraception, or a condom split, for example.
People treat it like it's just a run-of-the-mill big choice,

It's not 'run of the mill' but it is a MASSIVE choice. Women who choose this must be desperate, considering just how much it affects most of those that do for the rest of their lives. Abortion is a horrible choice - to even be put in the situation that you would consider it is awful, but some women feel its for necessary for them and their families. You don't know what's going on in their lives and you must respect that.

yet, it's murder, it's taking the opportunity of a first breath in this amazing world away from a child who did nothing to deserve it, it's sick.

I've already explained why it's not murder. Now, don't you think it'd be sick to force a woman to go through with a pregnancy? What about a woman who was raped - who 'did nothing to deserve it' - would you force her to keep the baby - would you be the one who told her that after being forced into sex you were forcing her into a pregnancy? Or are you naive enough to think we can separate those who were raped from those who weren't?

I just don't see how anyone would decide to do it and what freak would help do it, because I know I could never do it.

Exactly - and most people don't until they're put into the position where every other option feels impossible. Abortion isn't someone women just decide to do like it's nothing, it's a huge decision, and the negatives of abortion include a possibility of not having children, as well as being emotionally hurt for the rest of your life. You think they're 'freaks' - many think just as badly about themselves. Think about how bad your situation must feel if you choose that over the pregnancy?
Really? This 'ol chestnut again? OK.
So, do I "believe" in abortions? ...Like the same way one believes in Santa Claus? Yea, as far as I can tell, they do exist. Therefore I guess I believe in them. Though it's really just conjecture on my part as I've never actually seen one with my own two eyes. Verification shall not be imminent or necessary.
In an almost exclusively abstract cerebral and philosophically sense I fully understand and appreciate the need for the procedure. Emotionally, personally and for lack of a better term spiritually it's much harder for me to reconcile the concept. That said, in a effort to be true to myself I have to support the continued fight to maintain the right to choose while also advocating the alternatives. Being a male the best I can do on an individual level is try to avoid and circumvent the prospect in my private relationships.
For what its worth I hear there is male birth control that may be coming down the pike in a few short years. Strong efficacy was reported in the mouse trials. I sometimes believe it will cause more harm then good (though not with regards to the present topic).
First, abortion is not murder. Murder is a legal term, of which abortion does not come under. There's no arguing this, it isn't a matter of opinion - the law CLEARLY states what murder is - and abortion does not come under that.

Then what is it? You're saying that killing children in the womb isn't a crime, right? That's basically saying that it doesn't matter if someone isn't born, it's just classified under other laws and it's fine to kill them.

Also, the fact that you use THAT argument is the stupidest thing possible. Who knows what the baby would have been? It could be the next Hitler or Stalin for all you know. It could have grown up and been such a thug s/he kills your elderly mother.

I didn't say that they would have been something, I said they could have been something, but by committing abortion, you'll never know at all. Regardless, it only would have been a Hitler or Stalin figure if it was taught correctly.

What do you mean by 'Meant to happen'? It's lovely that you still believe everything happens for a reason, but it's just not true. Pregnancies happen by accident all the time - no reason to it, someone just forgot to use contraception, or a condom split, for example.

So a misconception in protection should mean that you can't have a baby and at least try to provide or give some other option of care? Like I said, everything happens for a reason, whether you believe it or not.

It's not 'run of the mill' but it is a MASSIVE choice. Women who choose this must be desperate, considering just how much it affects most of those that do for the rest of their lives. Abortion is a horrible choice - to even be put in the situation that you would consider it is awful, but some women feel its for necessary for them and their families. You don't know what's going on in their lives and you must respect that.

Women who choose it just want out, but I'm just explaining my beliefs. I believe a child should at least have a chance to live.

I've already explained why it's not murder. Now, don't you think it'd be sick to force a woman to go through with a pregnancy? What about a woman who was raped - who 'did nothing to deserve it' - would you force her to keep the baby - would you be the one who told her that after being forced into sex you were forcing her into a pregnancy? Or are you naive enough to think we can separate those who were raped from those who weren't?

I don't want to force a woman through pregnancy, but I do believe she could give the baby up for adoption. I'm not saying that a woman has to continue to be pregnant, all I'm saying is I'm against abortion.

Exactly - and most people don't until they're put into the position where every other option feels impossible. Abortion isn't someone women just decide to do like it's nothing, it's a huge decision, and the negatives of abortion include a possibility of not having children, as well as being emotionally hurt for the rest of your life. You think they're 'freaks' - many think just as badly about themselves. Think about how bad your situation must feel if you choose that over the pregnancy?

I don't think they're freaks- I just think they made they just made a terrible choice. And every situation "feeling impossible" is just a mindset, there's always going to be a better way out.
Also, the fact that you use THAT argument is the stupidest thing possible. Who knows what the baby would have been? It could be the next Hitler or Stalin for all you know. It could have grown up and been such a thug s/he kills your elderly mother.

How do you know what the baby is going to be like before it’s born?

So because Our parents didn't know how we would turn out are you stating that we all should not have been born? And our parents should have had abortion?

This is what it's about in taking a chance, and if someone does not want to be pregnant there is a simple solution, keep your damn legs closed and use protection.

If you want to call someone else opinion stupid, you may want to take a look at this post right here because this is the most stupidest post yet.

Your right who knows what the baby would have been.

The baby could have been the next predisdent, the baby could have been a saint, etc.

The fact is that we don’t know how a baby will turn out, but that justifies getting rid of them?

So exactly what are you saying?

That your parents should not have had you because they didn’t know how you would have turned out?
Then what is it?

Abortion is ABORTION - do you get that? The termination of a pregnancy - Why does it need to be something else as well?

You're saying that killing children in the womb isn't a crime, right? That's basically saying that it doesn't matter if someone isn't born, it's just classified under other laws and it's fine to kill them.
No, I'm saying abortion isn't murder. Whether you morally agree with the procedure or not, calling it murder is fundamentally wrong - it is not murder as stated by law.

I didn't say that they would have been something, I said they could have been something, but by committing abortion, you'll never know at all. Regardless, it only would have been a Hitler or Stalin figure if it was taught correctly.
The whole argument is stupid. The baby could have been a scientist curing cancer, it could also have been a dictator killing millions, which, statistically, is more likely - but the argument has no place in this debate because it has nothing to do with whether a woman should have the right to terminate her pregnancy.

So a misconception in protection should mean that you can't have a baby and at least try to provide or give some other option of care?
Sure, you CAN have the baby - it's all about the choice you have. I'm not telling everyone to have an abortion, or that they 'CAN'T' have the child if they like, but not everyone does want that.

Like I said, everything happens for a reason, whether you believe it or not.
Do you have any proof of this? Of course not, it's just a belief of yours. Which is completely fine, until you use it to tell me what I can and can't do with my own body.

Women who choose it just want out, but I'm just explaining my beliefs.
It's in NO way as simple as you're making it out to be.

I believe a child should at least have a chance to live.
Children, sure. A few cells in a womans body which would die without her anyway? Not really. I believe a woman should at least have the right to decide what she wants to do with her body.

I don't want to force a woman through pregnancy, but I do believe she could give the baby up for adoption. I'm not saying that a woman has to continue to be pregnant, all I'm saying is I'm against abortion.
You're not this stupid, are you? If you're not saying she has to continue being pregnant...what other option is there? Adoption is AFTER the pregnancy, meaning, yes, you're forcing her through a pregnancy, or you're allowing abortion. Which is it?

I don't think they're freaks- I just think they made they just made a terrible choice. And every situation "feeling impossible" is just a mindset, there's always going to be a better way out.
No, that's just what pro-lifers convince themselves of. In reality, there isn't always a 'better way out'.

How do you know what the baby is going to be like before it’s born?

So because Our parents didn't know how we would turn out are you stating that we all should not have been born? And our parents should have had abortion?

This is what it's about in taking a change, and if someone does not want to be pregnant there is a simple solution, keep your damn legs closed and use protection.

If you want to call someone else opinion stupid, you may want to take a look at this post right here because this is the most stupidest post yet.

Your right who knows what the baby would have been.

The baby could have been the next predisdent, the baby could have been a saint, etc.

The fact is that we don’t know how a baby will turn out, but that justifies getting rid of them?

So exactly what are you saying?

That your parents should not have had you because they didn’t know how you would have turned out?

LMAO, are you kidding? Are you THAT stupid? All I was doing is refuting HIS point that the baby could have gone on to cure cancer had it not been aborted. I'm not Pro-abortion, I'm not FOR anyone having an abortion, I'm for their right to CHOOSE what they want to happen.

My WHOLE point was that we don't know what a baby will turn into, and it shouldn't be brought up in the abortion debate, because it has nothing to do with it, so if you would kindly remove your head from your fellow pro-lifers ass, and read the entire debate, that'd be awesome.

And stop being immature enough to think everything's as simple as 'You should have kept your legs shut' in this debate.
LMAO, are you kidding? Are you THAT stupid? All I was doing is refuting HIS point that the baby could have gone on to cure cancer had it not been aborted. I'm not Pro-abortion, I'm not FOR anyone having an abortion, I'm for their right to CHOOSE what they want to happen.

My WHOLE point was that we don't know what a baby will turn into, and it shouldn't be brought up in the abortion debate, because it has nothing to do with it, so if you would kindly remove your head from your fellow pro-lifers ass, and read the entire debate, that'd be awesome.

And stop being immature enough to think everything's as simple as 'You should have kept your legs shut' in this debate.

Wow, don’t even try to insult please, because they ae so lame. If someone insults me, I want it to be creative not something like a 2 year old would come up with.

Anyways, the only one that is stupid around here is you because what he was trying to say is that the baby could have been something, rather it be good or bad, he could have been something if he had given the chance to live.

So really you bringing up Hitler and shit, I have no idea where the hell that came from.

It has everything to do with it, how can a baby turn out to be something if they don’t exist or been given the chance to actually live?

Yes people should have kept there legs closed if they didn’t want a baby. I still stand by that statement rather you like it or not.
Wow, don’t even try to insult please, because they ae so lame. If someone insults me, I want it to be creative not something like a 2 year old would come up with.

Anyways, the only one that is stupid around here is you because what he was trying to say is that the baby could have been something, rather it be good or bad, he could have been something if he had given the chance to live.

So really you bringing up Hitler and shit, I have no idea where the hell that came from.

It has everything to do with it, how can a baby turn out to be something if they don’t exist or been given the chance to actually live?

Aw how cute, you tried to be insulting back :)

He was doing the typical 'Oh noes lets get sympathy' thing, by making people believe this child could grow up to be a scientist. Sure, it could have been, it could also have been the next Hitler. For every good thing there, I can think of a bad one. It has no place in this debate because it's just so pointless. The baby could have been great, it could have also been terrible. Why is this a part of what a woman can decide to do with her body?

Yes people should have kept there legs closed if they didn’t want a baby. I still stand by that statement rather you like it or not.
It's not about what I 'like' it's about how naive this is. First of all, not everyone wants children, should they just not have sex? Second of all, what about those who didn't decide to have sex, but were forced into it? This subject is not as black and white as you're making it out to be.

Nah, I wasn’t trying, it was actually easy to insult you.

Scientist? He never even used the word scientist. Reread the thread, he said the baby for all we know COULD HAVE CURED CANCER. The key word that people always love to ignore COULD and he is right, we simply do not know what a baby would turn out to be. Yes but why even say that? Are you stating that a baby should not be born because they may turn out to be a Hitler? It’s like your arguing the fact that the baby could turn out to cure cancer. You are missing his point entirely.

Again, we aint talking about Rape. I already stated what I felt about Rape in my Original post. However if someone is just out there having sex because it’s the “Cool” thing to do and don’t do precautions then you damn right I have a issue with it.
Anyways, the only one that is stupid around here is you because what he was trying to say is that the baby could have been something, rather it be good or bad, he could have been something if he had given the chance to live.

So really you bringing up Hitler and shit, I have no idea where the hell that came from.

It has everything to do with it, how can a baby turn out to be something if they don’t exist or been given the chance to actually live?

You seem to be under the impression that abortion is the murder of a little baby. Its not. It is the termination of potential life. A bunch of cells in a uterus is not a human being with a conscience, a functioning brain, a nervous system, electrical impulses or anything else which makes a human being a human being.

Yes people should have kept there legs closed if they didn’t want a baby. I still stand by that statement rather you like it or not.

Try and back up your views. Saying what I made bold is not justifying your beliefs.

Nah, I wasn’t trying, it was actually easy to insult you.

You did a great job, I'm trying not to kill myself as we speak (Y).
Scientist? He never even used the word scientist. Reread the thread, he said the baby for all we know COULD HAVE CURED CANCER.

Which is likely going to be a scientist, right? Anyway, are you that beaten here that you're resorting to a tiny word change? Does it matter?

The key word that people always love to ignore COULD and he is right,

I ALSO said 'could' and I am also right.

we simply do not know what a baby would turn out to be.

And why do we need to?

Yes but why even say that? Are you stating that a baby should not be born because they may turn out to be a Hitler?

When did I say the baby shouldn't be born? I couldn't care less whether the baby is born or not, it's not mine, and therefore has nothing to do with me.

It’s like your arguing the fact that the baby could turn out to cure cancer. You are missing his point entirely.

Seriously, when did I say it WON'T cure cancer? I said it could, but it could also do something bad. It's really not an issue here, the baby could turn into anything. The issue is that abortion NEEDS to be legal.

Again, we aint talking about Rape.I already stated what I felt about Rape in my Original post.

And I've already explained why your views wouldn't work in reality. I'll copy it again :)

Sure, it's fine to say 'If she was raped it's okay' - but how is that policed? How do we know? First, having that rule would do nothing except increase the amount of rape claims we have, many of which would be false. That, in turn, would make it more difficult for people who have actually been raped to prove that - a task already very difficult. Second, it often takes much more than 9 months to prove a rape has taken place - so what do we do? Do we just believe everyone who says they were raped and fell pregnant? Do we just look at them and decide? Or do we force them to have a child? Of course not. The only way to keep this safe, and right, is to have abortion legal, whatever the circumstances.

However if someone is just out there having sex because it’s the “Cool” thing to do and don’t do precautions then you damn right I have a issue with it.

It's not something I like, either. However, this is a minority of people, and the option of abortion should not be taken away just because of them.

The point is that your arguing with him about him saying that the baby could have been someone. Does it really matter what the baby could have been?

The fact is that the baby could have been SOMEONE that is the point that he is trying to make.
So you ignore the rest of my post? Thought so :)

He gave examples of what the child could have been - all positive. All I did was spin that around to balance it out. I'm not saying the child WILL be the next Hitler, or WON'T cure cancer, but you know as well as I do he used positive examples to attempt to being people onto his side, and I did the exact same thing.

Why the obsession with what the child 'COULD' have been anyway? I mean, we are assuming that the child would be born, which, if abortion was made illegal, still isn't definite as people will just get the procedure done illegally and unsafely. The only way to keep abortion safe is to keep it legal. The only way to ensure those who need one can have one is to keep it legal. As much as you may believe you can have an abortion after rape - to allow that you have to allow abortions in every circumstance or it just doesn't work.

Yes I ignored it, because I only read posts that I find worthy and your post, I’m not finding worthy.

That’s right he gave examples and you argued with his examples in acting like because he may turn out to be someone horrible he does not deserve to have the chance. There was really no point in arguing with him if you knew what he was saying because what he did, you did and it’s stupid to go back and fourth arguing about what the baby may have turn out to be.

However he is simply stating that the baby if given the chance, could do some good for the world but for some reason, you chose to change that to negativity why is that?

The obsession with the would “Could” is because if Our parents had a Abortion, we would not be here today, we would not be here on this forum and we would not be given the chance to have a life or be married with kids.

The fact is that we were given the chance to actually have a life which some people take for granted. Why should any other baby lose that opportunity because people do not know how to close there legs etc (and I am not talking about Rape)

Yes I ignored it, because I only read posts that I find worthy and your post, I’m not finding worthy.

But clearly you did read my post, and have replied to them several times :rolleyes: What actually happens is that you don't reply to the parts you know I'm right in.

That’s right he gave examples and you argued with his examples in acting like because he may turn out to be someone horrible he does not deserve to have the chance.

My views on abortion have nothing to do with what the child could turn out to be. I don't think about 'Should he have the chance to live' because I recognise it's not my decision to be made, it's the person who is pregnant.

There was really no point in arguing with him if you knew what he was saying because what he did, you did and it’s stupid to go back and fourth arguing about what the baby may have turn out to be.

Exactly, which is why the entire argument is stupid; my point exactly.

However he is simply stating that the baby if given the chance, could do some good for the world but for some reason, you chose to change that to negativity why is that?

Because it's just a big a possibility. You know as well as I do positives were brought up solely to make people think "Yeah, she shouldn't be allowed an abortion if that is going to be the case."

The obsessed with the would “Could” is because if Our parents had a Abortion, we would not be here today, we would not be here on this forum and we would not be given the chance to have a life or be married with kids.

If my parents had an abortion I wouldn't know about the world, so it wouldn't affect me. Sure, I'm glad I am here, but it wouldn't be a big deal if I wasn't.

The fact is that we were given the chance to actually have a life which some people take granted for

I don't think it's about being taken for granted. As I've said, abortion, by a majority of women, isn't taken lightly. They know what they're doing, and feel awful about it for the rest of their lives. They just feel they couldn't have that child - for whatever reason.
Yes I ignored it, because I only read posts that I find worthy and your post, I’m not finding worthy.

Given that you don't find HBK-aholic's post to be worthy, you sure are spending a lot of time addressing it.

Why should any other baby lose that opportunity because people do not know how to close there legs etc (and I am not talking about Rape)

Because that's the choice she gets to make under the law. If folks like you are able to get the law changed, then the young woman won't have that choice anymore and things will be done in the manner that you "anti-choice" people want.

Of course, there will still be illegal abortions which are dangerous and ill-advised, but people like you will have "won," which I would think is of prime importance to you.

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