Do WWE Fans Complain Too Much?


Occasional Pre-Show
I think they complain a little too much. WWE fans today are like the people who have a bad experience at a restaurant but keep going back only to complain. Why not just try a different restaurant. Let me give you guys an example. I used to be a waiter at a really crappy restaurant several years ago. One time this guy ordered unsweet tea and by mistake I gave him sweet tea instead. The guy went off about having diabetes or something so I looked at the moron and said "listen genius, I didn't pour candy into your glass just a different kind of tea". The guy kept shouting and when the manager didn't take my side I just left to find another job. My point is if you don't like the product or your job then don't spend money on the product or find another job. Complaining won't help anything which I don't think many WWE fans understand.
The amount of people who think they could/should be booking the shows has gotten to be too much. It's so obnoxious.
The issue is WWE has the best talent, and there are no other 'restaurants' to really go to. I only watch NXT and Lucha Underground, and watch the odd PPV. But the current product by WWE is poor. But I want to see Rollins. I want to see Ziggler, and Bryan, and Ambrose. But I have to watch the poor standard of WWE booking to see these talent perform.
People in general complain way too much, this isn't a WWE only phenomenon. Go on message boards about movies, tv shows, music, games, and you'll find people who can apparently do a better job all over the place. Everytime i see this i feel like saying "well if you can do better.... go do better. If you're not going to do that, then stfu"

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