Do we really need the "future" WWE superstar right now ?


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
I find it strange that dozens of people in the IWC keep looking for that "future" WWE superstar. What's wrong with the present and why does everyone think it's going somewhere so soon ?

Right now, four of the WWE's longest tenured stars are doing incredible work on Raw and Smackdown - HHH, Jericho, HBK and Undertaker.

Before everyone starts saying that Taker and HBK are going to retire, tell me where that information keeps coming from. It's not like the two of them are working an impossible workload right now. They only wrestle a handful of times each month and it appears as if both enjoy what they're doing. Who's to say that both won't continue working well into their fifties ?

As for HHH and Jericho, I personally don't believe they're going anywhere for quite some time. HHH for obvious reasons and Jericho already tried his "future endeavors" stunt once.

The future is already bright for the WWE. They have Orton, Cena, Edge, Dibiase, Rhodes, Christian, Swagger, etc... But why does one of those men have to step up to the plate right now ? Why do we need to crown the next big thing in 2009 ?

Maybe I'm just holding on to the past and actually enjoy seeing the "old-timers" mix it up. Don't get me wrong - I like the new guys too. But I just don't want to push the tenured superstars out of the way yet. The time will eventually come when the younger guys will have their opportunity at spotlight and I'll still be watching, because I love wrestling, not individual wrestlers.
The "future" superstar is one of the worst posts around. First of all, it's impossible to tell who will be "the future", and all the time you waste looking for the future, causes you to ignore the present.

I agree with you. There's no need for the "future" superstar, because we already have them. Edge, Orton, Cena...those guys ARE the future of the WWE, and they will be around for a long time.
I dont think we do need these guys to step up now.I think most of us justwant to see the stars built properly. Maybe its because the last really "Big" push came with Cena and Batista . I dont know how keen the WWE is on spending more time and money on a guy who can just up and leave like Lesnar or The Rock. I think most people are happy to just see them start to build some stars.

I think WWE is doing fine with this, that other ass backwards joke of a promotion on the other hand, doesnt know the first thing about building stars or even putting on a decent show with the people they have.

god i am sick of TNA ......... and I feel sorry for all the guys on the INDY scene who still look at it as a good break in their carriers and a good place to go.
It's just simple human nature no more, no less. We all to be the one who says, "Hey I knew about that guy before he became champ, or was became bigger than Hulk Hogan, and so forth. It happens will fans of anything. The movie buff watched the independant film channel, or searches for test screenings is search of "The next Tom Cruise," or "This year's surprise hit." The music afficianado hits the clubs, or the underground music scene for the next chart topper. The college basketball fan watches the mid major conference tourneys so they know who this year's Cinderella will be. I think you get the idea. Someone is always looking for "The next big thing," pardon the use of the Brock Lesnar moniker, but it's true. Nothing necessarily wrong with it, just the internet has magnified by a million.
I think the WWE needs a “Future” star badly as everyone on the roster are guys who have been there too long. When I look at the current roster not one name screams something I want to watch every week at the top. Either because they tried pushing the guy and they stopped doing or the guy been on the roster so long that I stopped caring if he got a push.

What I want is three mid-carders who can at least entertain me in a WWE show and flirt with the main event sometimes. Right now the WWE doesn’t have one solid mid-carder who can entertain on the mic and in the ring, not one. They don’t have any mid-carders who can compare to some they had in the past like Rock, Austin, Triple H, Cena, Angle, Jericho, & Orton. Guys who could entertain in and out of the ring and could main event a show if needed. The WWE needs a new star, look at the last few years of Wrestlemania, in either main events, one guy in the match as been in the WWE for over a decade before that match and has Main Event a wrestleMania in past ten years before that match.

WrestleMania 25
Edge vS John Cena vS Big Show
Big Show main event WrestleMania 15

WrestleMania 24
Edge vS Undertaker
Undertaker main event Wrestlemania 13

WrestleMania 23
John Cena vS Shawn Michaels
Shawn Michaels main event Wrestlemania 12

We need some new people and new matches all together not young vS old matches, because that is played out.
WrestleMania 25
Edge vS John Cena vS Big Show
Big Show main event WrestleMania 15


where the hell was BIG SHOW in the main event at WM 15, he was kinda involved , but WM 15 was Austin and The Rock,

I think U mean 16

and as far as the Mid carders of the past who could both Wrestle and do good on the Mic. Cena was not a good wrestler when he was a mid carder. Yes he has improved alot , but we only notice that because of how bad he was when he started
I understand where the thread starter is coming from but what if the WWE is hit with another widepread injury bug similar to a couple years ago? That was a pretty dreadful time if my memory serves correctly.
where the hell was BIG SHOW in the main event at WM 15, he was kinda involved , but WM 15 was Austin and The Rock,

I think U mean 16

and as far as the Mid carders of the past who could both Wrestle and do good on the Mic. Cena was not a good wrestler when he was a mid carder. Yes he has improved alot , but we only notice that because of how bad he was when he started

I forgot WrestleMania 2000 was actually WrestleMania 16, but he was in the Main Event at 15 in some way. But as for Cena none wrestling, his matches as a Mid Carder were still good matches, he Main Evented a PPV wtih Brock Lesnar and had a feud with Undertaker, so he wasn't that bad. And Cena is not a bad wrestler, he's a great in ring performer.

But still, we need a mid-carder to look forward to every week. Who do we have now? Santino? MVP? Benjamin? None of those guy are jsut flat out greaton the mic and in the ring. They either have one or the other or just medicore in both.
Future topics are stupid because the future is impossible to predict. 2 years ago everyone on the forum was on MVP and Kennedy's nuts talking about how they are going to be the future of the business and by 2009 they'll be world champions.

Well Kennedy has gotten hurt a bunch and had a steroid suspension that absolutely killed his monster push after her just came back from an injury that killed his money in the bank push. Kennedy comes back from suspension doesn't really do anything meaningful on raw gets hurt and we're still waiting for him to get back.

MVP went from the longest reigning US champ to a guy who lost pretty much every match he had in 2008. Grant it things seem to be on the upswing for him now that he has the US belt and seems like a very likely candidate to win the MITB.

Yes the WWE needs a future star just like Hollywood needs a new movie star and that baseball team needs a hot prospect. You always need a future star bc they are the ones who will keep the company moving. But talking and dwelling on it is pointless when theyre too many variable that can screw things up.
We have the superstar's of the future in the like's of Cena, Orton, Edge, Christian, Swagger, Ted, Cody, Triple H. The reason people are asking for other's to step aside is to freshen thing's up. Jeff Hardy is a great example, He worked hard for year's to become a main eventer, And he livened thing's up hell of a lot.

People like to say someone is the future because they can see they have the tool's, That are nessarcery to become a main eventer, But people like if to be changed every other month, Instead of having fued's last for six month's or so.
"Okay I have a great idea. An average-at-best white wrapper wearing throwback jerseys, denim shorts,and tennis shoes to the ring. He may not be the best in the ring, but Im telling you Vince, in 3-4 years, he will be the face of the company. Kids will buy all sorts of stuff off of him. He will star in movies and they will actually be watchable. In fact, you can build a movie company around his work. Fans will erupt within the first couple of seconds of his entrance and will bring unbelievable energy to the arena."

If you are Vince McMahon, you drug test him. Then, you fire the guy on the spot and you put a ban on his name. I know I would. But what happened? The first paragraph came true. Orton, Edge, Cena and Jericho are the present. I don't believe Orton is even 30 yet. Quit looking to the future and enjoy the present. If you spend all your time looking for the future, you may never get to see the future become the present. Some people need to quit trying to be the expert and just be a fan.

My point is, the "future" can only be guessed at. You don't truly know until the "future" becomes the present.
Its funny so many people complain about people not getting a break as if it is a real sport or something. The big money draws will always be around until they get injured or die. This is simply because they know how to get over and draw money. For those who complain about Triple H staying at the top for so long and "keeping down" a bunch of kids who are cute and can pull a moonsault and so MUST be the future, you are lucky this isn't 25 years ago when a wrestler's career could last 30 years.

If the company has a spot for an up and coming wrestler then they will get one. Simple as that. I'm tired of each mid carder's IWC fan base going on and on about how they aren't getting a main event push. It is not real. They will get a top spot if the opportunity opens. Until then they are on TV every week, plying their trade and making good money.

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