Everybody Has A Price!
Pretty simple thread here. Do people overrate new artists too quickly?
I’d have to say yes. I’ll give an example. When Lady Gaga first started becoming famous, I had friends that were talking about her as if she was the greatest artist ever. I had never really listened to any of her songs until my friends told me about her. So I listened to some stuff and I thought she okay…nothing new or special. However, they kept talking about her and they’d even go as far as to calling them “The next [insert famous, great artists name here].” Eventually I thought that she was overrated because of the way people talked about her.
Instead, I think people should let new artists show us what they can do before they start calling them the next great thing in whatever genre that artist is in. Let them gain some exposure and then judge them and start making the comparisons. Don’t just listen to one song and think the artists is amazing because of ONE song.
What are your thoughts?
I’d have to say yes. I’ll give an example. When Lady Gaga first started becoming famous, I had friends that were talking about her as if she was the greatest artist ever. I had never really listened to any of her songs until my friends told me about her. So I listened to some stuff and I thought she okay…nothing new or special. However, they kept talking about her and they’d even go as far as to calling them “The next [insert famous, great artists name here].” Eventually I thought that she was overrated because of the way people talked about her.
Instead, I think people should let new artists show us what they can do before they start calling them the next great thing in whatever genre that artist is in. Let them gain some exposure and then judge them and start making the comparisons. Don’t just listen to one song and think the artists is amazing because of ONE song.
What are your thoughts?