Dixie or Hogan/Bischoff is ought to turn heel. Your thoughs?

The Viper Orton

Pre-Show Stalwart
I mean if you saw last episode of reaction, you would've noticed that they repeated the overturning of decisions as first hogan got Flair out of suspension. Then at the last impact episode, Dixie overturned Bischoff decision by letting Kurt face Hardy again. And finally later on reaction, Bischoff overtunred Dixie decision to make Kurt vs Jeff vs Anderson at Bound for Glory after the double pinfall.

In all sense, this shoudve meant a beginning of a storyline cause there was no reason for having match half on impact and the other half in reaction and loss of time in overturning decisions for no reason. Then Bischoff talked as he had to do this and Dixie refusing to comment. However it wouldve been too obvious except for one reason: Aren't Dixie and Bischoff in the "They" storyline with Abyss, why him?

What happened then is that Nash talked about how Hogan is running the show and not Dixie. In addition, The Pope repeatedly mocks hogan and how he ruined everything. Things are kinda mixed up and its either going to be a great storyline with amazing outcome, or just TNA scrubbing one of these storylines, or the overruling is mere coincidence.

What I think is that Dixie will try to take the "Vince Mcmahon" gimmick, as she joins Nash and Sting and possibly Pope in "Deception" and say she was blinded by Hogan and faithful Sting was right all along. And this step I think would benefit the company alot if and only if Dixie can get her hands Dirty and pull it off from the first time, cause if she fails at first there is no coming back.

The other case might be that Hogan and Bischoff turn heel which doesn't make sense at all seeing how storylines are running except if they are trying to make group changes in heel/face (Nash, sting going face and Hogan, bischoff going heel)

What are your thoughts?

Do you think i have a point of overturning decisions is just a coincidence?

How do you think events would play out?

Who are you most interested in seeing turn heel, Dixie or Hogan/Bischoff?

Note: Please no critisizing TNA writers in this thread, enough said about that topic.
I want to see Dixie turn heel... I don't like Hogan or Bischoff enough said on that. I would like to see Dixie join up with a new heel group, but for that to happen we need the current, and woeful stables to come to an end, at least EV2.0. Maybe have it as Dixie, Joe and AJ Styles, hell have all three have a title (Knockouts, World and TV, in that order people)...

More or less my problem with the current stables is they are not current stables, they are all old rehashs and it's weak. TNA needs to be something new and bold.
I'm not sure if anyone else noticed at the end of the Angle-Hardy match on ReAction, when Bischoff announced it would be a 3 way match at BFG, how Dixie looked very PO'ed, and looked like she mouthed the words "What the F@$%?" I mean, if she was listening to the fan reaction, it would've been apparent that the first time Bischoff announced a 3 way, that's what the fans wanted. But I kinda wondered that when you saw her reaction at the end of ReAction, "Maybe she could possibly turn heel?" that could be the BIGGEST swerve yet. Plus with her always doting on now how she approves of Jarrett, and allt his is just probably the "Smoke and Mirrors" that is being talked about by Sting and Nash. I mean what better way to play whatever Hogan and Bischoff could possibly be 'plotting' than if to one up them by backing their enemies, and to probably give dixie a little more street cred?
TNA could be caught between bad choices here.

I don't think that "More Dixie!" is going to help TNA programming.
And I don't think that yet another heel boss storyline would be the answer either. I don't want to see a Hogan vs Dixie feud, whoever the face or heel is.

But TNA has placed so much emphasis on Abyss' They and Sting's Deception angles that they just can't punt on them. They can't just handwave the stories away like Joe's kidnapping. They have to come up with something that the audience doesn't crap all over.

They have to bring in something that starts to justify all the buildup. And there has to be some logical reason that They can get away with whatever they're doing, why TNA security and the whole locker room doesn't just come out and beat them like a terrorist on an airplane.

So maybe either Dixie or Hogan has to turn, even if it's not of their own free will--a blackmail angle, zombification, or just a disappearance with the leader of They waving around a power of attorney.
At least one of the authority figures in TNA is going to go heel eventually and it's possible that we're seeing the initial phase of that angle with a potential Dixie/Bischoff power struggle. If it happens, it has the potential to be entertaining I suppose but I can't say I'm all that excited about it right now. Vince Russo absolutely LOVES storylines in which you've got two or even more groups struggling for power and TNA has done a lot of them.

It might be interesting to see Dixie Carter turn heel but I honestly don't know if she's cut out for it. We know that Bischoff is capable of doing it, he definitely works best as a heel but we've seen it so many times before. Dixie going heel would be a different direction but she might completely 100% suck as a heel. Bischoff would be the safer route to go as he's undoubtedly good at it, but the downside would be that EB going heel would only add onto the "we've seen this exact same shit 100 times before" feeling a TNA power struggle storyline has with it. In order to counter some of that feeling, taking a chance and having Dixie go heel might be what's needed.
like an earlier poster said theres is no good heel choice. i do not want to see another nwo rehash with hogan heel, joining nash and sting. i dont want dixie being heel, hell she shoudlnt even be on tv. she has zero wrestling backround or know how. ev2 needs to go, they should have never been. fourtune has 2 or 3 members too many. and are we supposed to believe that abyss branded some1? beat rvd so bad he had stiches all over his body?

the only thing i see making sense would hogan joining nash and sting to "rule" tna. hulk built up abyss soooooo much, he is the only person i could see controlling abyss.

its funny. wwe needs more stables and storylines. tna needs less.
At least one of the authority figures in TNA is going to go heel eventually and it's possible that we're seeing the initial phase of that angle with a potential Dixie/Bischoff power struggle. If it happens, it has the potential to be entertaining I suppose but I can't say I'm all that excited about it right now. Vince Russo absolutely LOVES storylines in which you've got two or even more groups struggling for power and TNA has done a lot of them.

Lol, its funny I just noticed that. MEM vs Fortrunners for who rule TNA. Jarret vs Mick Foley on who makes decisions. Now we are having fortune, Sting team, and so called TNA Management w/ EV2 fighting for the power and Abyss "they". What would be interesting (can be good or bad) is for other wreslters to join in, I mean sting and nash can manage and have very few fight involvements while letting Pope and maybe hardy to join. Have Anderson and Angle join Management, and Ofc get samoa joe back on track with they and say he was told to lay low... Now i Know my idea will never happen, but I think it would be something we never had before even though alot would find it stupid, cause you cant get lost in the shuffle more than that!

its funny. wwe needs more stables and storylines. tna needs less.

Very true. Enough said :shrug:
I don't think that "More Dixie!" is going to help TNA programming.

I'm behind you on that one. I honestly think there has been too much Dixie on TV here of late. I really dislike the idea of showing the owner of a company on a wrestling show for a cheap fan reaction. The Mr. McMahon character is one thing because that is a whole other promotion and that gets played out very fast. The whole authority figure thing can be ok in wrestling if done the right way and usually the best way is to go with someone thats great at being a heel and already pretty decent on the mic.

So im going to go with Eric Bischoff as the authority figure heel turn. Eric has always been a great heel and its what most wrestling fans know him as. Yes Dixie turning heel would be a shocker to most, but honestly do you want to see Dixie Carter on Impact more than we do now? Everytime they show Dixie on Tv she has that silly sad look on her face. I cringe everytime there is a main event match and they focus on her 5 times during the main event so we can see the same dumbfounded look on her face. I see Eric turning on Dixie and turning his back on Hogan.
TNA could be caught between bad choices here.

I don't think that "More Dixie!" is going to help TNA programming.
And I don't think that yet another heel boss storyline would be the answer either. I don't want to see a Hogan vs Dixie feud, whoever the face or heel is.

I can only agree here. It doesn't seem like there is a market out where Dixie can bring in a bunch of new wrestlers to form a stable so it's gotta be someone already contracted by TNA, so this whole "they" storyline could be a trap door for Dixie Inc.

But TNA has placed so much emphasis on Abyss' They and Sting's Deception angles that they just can't punt on them. They can't just handwave the stories away like Joe's kidnapping. They have to come up with something that the audience doesn't crap all over.

They have to bring in something that starts to justify all the buildup. And there has to be some logical reason that They can get away with whatever they're doing, why TNA security and the whole locker room doesn't just come out and beat them like a terrorist on an airplane.

So maybe either Dixie or Hogan has to turn, even if it's not of their own free will--a blackmail angle, zombification, or just a disappearance with the leader of They waving around a power of attorney.

Yeah, for as much as this is being hyped up, we had better get a nice payoff for it and I don't think I'm the only fan who feels entitled to one. I hope each one of these "hints" per-say all don't tie into each other. What I mean is, if TNA is going to do the New NWO, do it, but they cannot be "they". Then we're back to square one and TNA has an overload of factions.

So unless the writers can pull something huge off, I don't think this will turn out so well for TNA. It sure looks like it won't.
We've all seen Hogan and Eric as Heels in the past. I don't know if Dixie has the teeth to pull it off but that would seem to be the way it's going. Look, Hogan has back problems and will be limited in what he can do. Easy E is an awesome Heel but I really think it'll be Dixie!:jason:
(no disrespect to TNA)

With that being said, seeing as how TNA likes to take old WCW/WWE/F ideas I'm going to guess that it'll be Hogan/Bischoff going Heel. The only problem with that is that it won't coincide well with the whole "fight for power" in TNA between Dixie/EV2, Fortune, Hogan/Bischoff, Nash/Sting, Jarrett/Joe, and Abyss/"They."

TNA has too many mini-factions fighting for creative control that it makes it hard to follow who dislikes who and why. Dixie turning heel would make the most sense, but as Johnbragg said, "more dixie" isn't going to help TNA. They need to merge a few of these mini-factions together, and this has the potential to be a something huge.
The only problem with that is that it won't coincide well with the whole "fight for power" in TNA between Dixie/EV2, Fortune, Hogan/Bischoff, Nash/Sting, Jarrett/Joe, and Abyss/"They."

TNA has too many mini-factions fighting for creative control that it makes it hard to follow who dislikes who and why. QUOTE]

the best thing for tna to do would join some of these "groups". basically i see ev2 being done with. hogan/bischoff join nash/sting and are revealed as "they", forming an nwo type faction. with all the build up hulk gave abyss it would make sence that hogan used him as an enforcer. ofcourse the whole rvd attack wouldnt make sence after hogan gave rvd soooo much praise when rvd became champ but her it is tna.

then dixie sees that she's been screwed and gets fournture to helf her fight off the new nwo. after all fourtune is TNA (im not sure what the exact words were but that is the main point).

but then jarrett/joe are out of this and if abyss is under hogans contorl then why would he attack rvd?

you know what i really dont see a way to connect this together. i guess well find out 10-10-10
A Dixie Carter heel turn could quite possibly be the worst wrestling storyline of all time. Heels are supposed to have charisma. They thing about Dixie Carter's "character" is that I don't think it's a character at all. She's a mark and that is her character. She just comes across as the George Bush to Hogan's Dick Cheney. Hogan says "Hey Dixie, we need to do something about X" And then she's like "Ok. I'll do something about it tonight." And honestly, she's not even that great of an actor. Uncharismatic people like her make the worst heels. It would remind me of when WWE tries to have RAW guest hosts play heels. It's just so annoying it makes me want to change the channel.
Dixie turning heel? I cannot imaging it. Why would she do it? To get rid of Hogan and Bischoff? She is TNA President, thus if she wants to get rid of them, she does not need to turn heel. Anyway, what could she do as a heel? Book stupid matches or scream at people?

For me, it would make more sense to have Hogan and Bischoff as heels, since their power in TNA is limited now. So, they turn heel, they eliminate Dixie (by e.g. having Abyss attacking her) and they take control of TNA, while she is in a hospital.
Some great thoughts on this thread. Great thread idea! Dixie turning heel would be great if she was respected by the fans and the locker room. Vince became the great heel because the fans and the locker room had great respect for him up until the montreal screw job. People really hated him. Then Austin played it out even better on tv for the fans becuase vince tried to screw him on script. Thats how he was able to create heat. Dixie doesnt have a storyline in real life or a superstar that could make a scripted storyline appear real. The best thing for TNA is to find that superstar like an Austin then create a storyline for a Owner/GM turning heel and maybe it could work. TNA needs so much help, we should all join TNA for free and write for them.
I think I'm going to have to go with those that think this is gonna be a bad decision either way. Hogan and Bischoff, we've seen them as heels already. It's been done to death. Bischoff needs to stop trying to be the heel that Vinny Mac is. The fact is that as much as I don't like either of the two being in TNA, Bischoff being somewhat neutral and not much of a heel or a face, I like that and would rather he just leave it at that. Hogan was able to generate heel heat with the NWO first coming out, but that faded quickly and even when he went back to being the Hollywood Hogan heel, it didn't work as well. So that is where this falls under a bad idea.

Then you have Dixie Carter. I personally don't think she has the personality to carry on a heel persona. She barely has enough to carry herself on TNA programming. So there is no real way I see that working.

Off topic I want to say that I think TNA is a mess right now with Abyss' saying "They're coming. They're coming". They been without a world champ and flagship guy for about 2 months. And you have two stables duking it out that nobody cares about and a guy who was a major face in Sting, nobody knows what's going on with him and nobody seems to give a damn either.

Either one of these heel turns, is just gonna be throwing a can of gasoline on a bonfire.
Oh shit.

I figured it out.

And it's not going to be good, but it will fit the puzzle pieces together.

Everyone has heard Abyss talking about Janice. Which everyone assumes to be his board full of nails. On Impact, Abyss said that behind every great woman is a great man, and you can't have a Janice without a Bob. And then branded some random schmuck with 10-10-10.

Janice and Bob.

People, Janice and Bob Carter are Dixie's parents, EVP and President of Panda Energy. The only people with the actual power to remove Dixie and/or Hogan.

"They" are Janice and Bob Carter.

IF Hogan is aligned with "They", this also wraps up the Sting Deception angle--Sting suspected all along that Hogan would screw Dixie over, and tried to stop it.
Oh shit.

I figured it out.

And it's not going to be good, but it will fit the puzzle pieces together.

Everyone has heard Abyss talking about Janice. Which everyone assumes to be his board full of nails. On Impact, Abyss said that behind every great woman is a great man, and you can't have a Janice without a Bob. And then branded some random schmuck with 10-10-10.

Janice and Bob.

People, Janice and Bob Carter are Dixie's parents, EVP and President of Panda Energy. The only people with the actual power to remove Dixie and/or Hogan.

"They" are Janice and Bob Carter.

IF Hogan is aligned with "They", this also wraps up the Sting Deception angle--Sting suspected all along that Hogan would screw Dixie over, and tried to stop it.

Well, actually you make a good point here. In all sense this would change Sting, Nash and pope from heel to face. And then Hogan and Easy E to heels, but that would be too much change for one storyline. I mean you change half of the roster's gimmick for an angle, and Im scared it falls short.
Oh shit.

I figured it out.

And it's not going to be good, but it will fit the puzzle pieces together.

Everyone has heard Abyss talking about Janice. Which everyone assumes to be his board full of nails. On Impact, Abyss said that behind every great woman is a great man, and you can't have a Janice without a Bob. And then branded some random schmuck with 10-10-10.

Janice and Bob.

People, Janice and Bob Carter are Dixie's parents, EVP and President of Panda Energy. The only people with the actual power to remove Dixie and/or Hogan.

"They" are Janice and Bob Carter.

IF Hogan is aligned with "They", this also wraps up the Sting Deception angle--Sting suspected all along that Hogan would screw Dixie over, and tried to stop it.

I just Googled that shit and Dixie's parents are indeed called Janice and Bob. You know, we know that Panda Energy has a shit-load of money, and I read somewhere that Bob Carter is waiting for TNA to prosper a bit more before he can put his money into it.

... What if Bob Carter was to take TNA over, be the new President of TNA, bring all these money and a few wrestlers with him, align with Bischoff and Hogan and completely reinvent the company?

Months ago Dixie said she couldn't sleep because of some announcement, and I watched an interview where she said that it's going to be revealed at B.F.G. This adds up too well...
I don't know how this will work, but it's never been done that much is for sure.

Also I think that people not wanting to see Hogan and Bischoff as heels is kind of weird. Bischoff always talks like a heel on the mic anyways and Hogan's best character was easily Hollywood Hogan. I'm sick of seeing Hogan come out talking up people and so on and so on with brother this brother that. Most know he's full of s**t anyways and is all about himself, so with that being the case make him out to be the character that he is more like in real life especially considering he has a leadership role. Hogan being face makes me pull for the heel way too often and I feel like I'm not alone on this one.
dixie heel would be nice if she and fliar would join together maybe be some space mountian type of story but still desent tv. Dixie being a woman vince would be cool and new but if she can't get her hands dirty it would be the same bs their putting on now the hogan easy e thing it needs to die already they did'nt get the push TNA needed like Bret Hart did for WWE and need to do something else before they mess up anything else and be the cause of three big companies losing to vince and the machine of crappy doom(cena):lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


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