Divas' Road to Wrestlemania?

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King Blitzkonic

Manager to the Fizzled Stars
Another Royal Rumble's in the books and Mickie James is our Women's Champion. Good or bad, I'm not quite sure, but I do know this: the natural move is another Beth vs. Mickie feud. For those of you who have never seen one, most of them go like this:
Beth beats up Mickie...Beth beats up Mickie again,Mickie wins a tag match with Beth on the other side, Mickie gets beat up again, PPV time comes and Mickie stands tall over Beth... I'm going to quote Stone Cold here: "BOOOOOOORIIIING!"
Here's an idea: Mickie takes on any and all comers while Beth Phoenix beats up Natalya for flirting with the Great Khali. Beth v.Natalya would be a GOOD feud. Natalya gets the rub from Beth (no dirty jokes here) and goes on to face Mickie at EC. THEN a diva's/women's title unification with whoever Raw's champion is. ONE Undisputed women's champion that can float and get more exposure (no pun intended).

Please Vince, grow a pair and can McCool?!
I'd Like To See Natayla Vs Beth Phoenix At Wrestlemania As Champion Vs Champion Match, But I'd Think Since Every Diva Wants In At Wrestlemania There Probably Be Another Battle Royal This Year, Maybe Not For Miss Wrestlemania But For The Divas/Womens Champions But We'll Have To Wait And See
I'd love to see Natalya vs Beth as well but you're about right with the battle royal. Let's hope that A) we don't have the return of Santina (eww!) and B) that if there isn't a battle royal that there's a unification match. I don't like the idea of brand specific titles in the first place but that's a different thread for a different time.
I would love to see a four way elimination match between Natalya, Mickie, Beth, and Michelle for the Womens Championship at Wrestlemania. I think that would be a awesome womens match to have at WM, and it would showcase the gr8 diva talent from Smackdown. Id really like to see Natalya walk away with it, or Miss Mickie James :)
I would personally like to see the current WWE Women's Champion, Mickie James, versus the current WWE Divas Champion, Maryse, to consolidate the titles into just one women's title again. Abolish the redundant second belt. Have Maryse win to become WWE Women's Champion, who can appear on either show, but not necessarily both.
I would love to see Mickie vs Nattie in wrestlemania, These two women will put on a good match, Both of these divas are very skilled in the ring, They know how to make something out of nothing, Having a feud between them is the only thing that WWE needs to do. Im tired of seeing the same divas feud over the Divas and the Womens championship. Having them feud will be a fresh start, And a new face chasing after the womens championship.

My other option will we to have a champion vs champion match, To unified both championships, By unifieing the championships who ever is the champion could visit any show and could face any contender from any show.

I just hope that passing Wrestlemania WWE could do something better for the Womens division, Because right now the division is just shitty.
Well, I'm watching Smackdown now and it certainly won't be Mickie James defending her title. I somehow now doubt that she'll be on there at all.

Whatever they choose to do with the Divas, it can't be any worse than last year. I thought we were going to get some dull inter-promotional match, but we had one of them on Bragging Rights, and well we sort of had one on Sunday.

In all honesty I'd rather the divas were just left off, although it's a good chance for a smoke/toilet break/chance to run to the fridge or get a drink
There's always some kind of Diva match at WrestleMania, and I can't help but think that this is not going to be an exception. They always try and get as many of them in as possible, but I doubt that they will risk another battle royal after last year's absolute abortion of a match. The chances are then that we will get some sort of lumberjills match. I imagine it will either be Layla and Michelle McCool vs two Raw divas, or they will unify the two womens titles and have Maryse vs McCool. Whatever it is, it will probably be shit, unless Beth Phoenix, Melina and Mickie James are the only people involved.
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