Divas Division in 2013

On your point on sexiness, I actually found Trish Stratus tremendously sexy (yes, I wanted some Stratusfaction), but when she wrestled in the ring, her looks didn't distract me from noticing that she is also the most talented Diva to ever lace a WWE boot.

Also, some guys found Lita sexy, but Lita's Litacarana and Litasault were sights to behold.

So, you can have both, and one doesn't need to detract from the other.

At first when Trish came in, I instantly thought just another talentless peice of eyecandy, but when she started to train to be a wrestler and finally got her spot on the "active competition" roster, she grew & grew with her wrestling ability.

As far as Lita goes, no matter if she does or does'nt ever lace up her boots again, she will always be my favourite womens wrestler of all time.

But as far as the current (Divas) division goes, I havent got a fucking clue where WWE are going with it, especially as far as the leaving of Beth, Kharma, Bellas & now Eve has impacted (no pun) on the current product.

Also Ive read that HHH isnt high on the divas, dunno if that is true?

If it is the case, as ive said in previous topics on the divas, maybe Linda & Steph need to step in on behalf of the divas and bring something new to the table, even maybe highlight the nxt divas on SD now & again?
IF Paige gos too the main event roster in 2013 and maybe feads with Aj lee 2013 could be the year of the diva's as Paige is one of the most hardcore diva's in the world today and with sara del ray in the WWE things are really looking up. IMO they should have a diva's title match maybe main event smackdown or superstars sometimes as they need too promote the diva's divison more and really need too get kharma back and give her a proper WWE run
I was thinking about it, and at this point, if they're going to continue giving the Divas crappy booking and rushed matches, just give then their own online show. Tape about two or three 7-10 minute matches, have a couple backstage segments, and boom you have a 30 minute show. Show it live on the YouTube channel or something, and that way they can keep them off of RAW or SD since they dont really seem like they want them there anyhow.
The girls they should focus on the most are AJ, Natalya, and Layla. Kaitlyn has improved a lot too. I still don't think she was ready to be champion yet, but she's better than a good number of the others. Few of the others are remotely talented or interesting. The first thing I would do is have AJ become Divas Champion. Then I'd have her feud with and defeat every single other diva on the roster one by one, until the only one left she has not faced is Natalya, who should have been built up this entire time on the side. I'd have the two of them in a lengthy feud to finally give the division some good quality matches and promos that it deserves.

Meanwhile, they can work with girls like Kaitlyn or Layla who are a little better than the rest of the roster. They need to be the main candidates for feuds with the winner of the AJ VS Natalyta angle once it has ended. Most of the rest suck and there's a reason fans use their matches are breaks most of the time. I do not know much about any of the ladies from the developmental area.... If any of them are talented enough to make it on the main roster, they should continue to train until they are ready and them have them come up to Raw/Smackdown to work matches/angles with someone who can actually pull off a good match, Natalya comes to mind. There is hope for the division, but they have GOT to push the right girls or else it will continue to get worse.

Why would u scrap the Diva's ??? Without it women will only be escorting too rings and interviews.
They should restructure the divison scrap the horrable diva's tile and bring back the women's title.
Then make sure at least on match on raw and smackdown each week and a title match at evrey pay per view keep it reguler and get ppl intrested again.
Bring Paige over from NXT and resign khama and Kelly Kelly too finsh there fead. If they did restructre it put the belt on Aj lee and have her and ziggler feud with natalia and the great kali

The diva's Divison could work u just need vision
Why would u scrap the Diva's ??? Without it women will only be escorting too rings and interviews.
They should restructure the divison scrap the horrable diva's tile and bring back the women's title.
Then make sure at least on match on raw and smackdown each week and a title match at evrey pay per view keep it reguler and get ppl intrested again.
Bring Paige over from NXT and resign khama and Kelly Kelly too finsh there fead. If they did restructre it put the belt on Aj lee and have her and ziggler feud with natalia and the great kali

The diva's Divison could work u just need vision

Signing Kelly would hurt the division. There are plenty of better wrestlers down in NXT that would be better for the division. Kharma coming back would help, but whether it will happen or not is unknown. The design of the belt isn't the problem, it's what you do with it. Khali can not wrestle, do you really want to see Ziggler wasted in a feud with him? The only good thing about Nattie being paired with him is she gets more TV time and is getting over. Bringing the old women's title back will only do so much, you still need to make the reigns feel like they mean something. Eve, Beth, Nattie, Melina, Mickie, and McCool have all made the title feel like it meant something. When you have Kelly, Maryse, and the Bellas taking the title from the likes of Eve and Beth, it makes the title and the division look like a joke.

All the Divas need is some support and effort. The Eve/Kaitlyn feud had some of that and the fans actually began showing interest. They could have kept the ball rolling from that, but it seems they're trying to kill all of Kait's momentum.
Signing Kelly would hurt the division. There are plenty of better wrestlers down in NXT that would be better for the division. Kharma coming back would help, but whether it will happen or not is unknown. The design of the belt isn't the problem, it's what you do with it. Khali can not wrestle, do you really want to see Ziggler wasted in a feud with him? The only good thing about Nattie being paired with him is she gets more TV time and is getting over. Bringing the old women's title back will only do so much, you still need to make the reigns feel like they mean something. Eve, Beth, Nattie, Melina, Mickie, and McCool have all made the title feel like it meant something. When you have Kelly, Maryse, and the Bellas taking the title from the likes of Eve and Beth, it makes the title and the division look like a joke.

All the Divas need is some support and effort. The Eve/Kaitlyn feud had some of that and the fans actually began showing interest. They could have kept the ball rolling from that, but it seems they're trying to kill all of Kait's momentum.


the only reason i said resign kelly kelly is too finish the Khama barbie doll feud LOL

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