Did you know that "Vance Archer is INTENSE"?

Ambiguous Turd

Mid-Card Championship Winner

I know that because Josh Matthews and Byron Saxton literally tell me so every single week, and often several times a broadcast.

Make no bones about it, when you are done seeing Vance Archer wrestle, if you can't remember anything else at all about him, you WILL remember that "he is INTENSE"!!!!

Now, criticism aside of the lazy and repetitive horrendous commentary (which is no surprise as it is across the board on all shows) ..... I would like to know how impressed you are with Archer since he started.

You can even agree or disagree with WWE in "how INTENSE" Lance Archer is and if he comes across that way on television ... or if they need to make him "MORE INTENSE".

Has be particularly made an impression on you in any way? Do you forsee an ECW Championship in his future? Has the WWE used him correctly since he first started, or have they made any mistakes along the way?

I'm asking in the very least, that every poster who makes a post in this thread to address how "INTENSE" you think Vance Archer is, as that obviously is something the WWE feels is imperative for all of the ECW viewers to know.

You can address anything else related to Vance Archer, but if nothing else, make sure you address in each post how INTENSE you feel Vance Archer is.
He is in no way INTENSE. In my opinion he has potential to be intense, but they need to do a number of things differently. Firstly, stop shoving down our throats how "INTENSE" he is and let him SHOW us intensity. Next, he desperately need a new finisher. IMO a reverse DDT is not a capable finisher just because you kick your leg out and smile at the camera. Lastly, he needs to have a move set. All he really does is punch, kick, and that weird spin out throw move that he probably couldn't do to a wrestler over 200 pounds. But most important......STOP TELLING US HOW INTENSE HE IS!
Definitely haven't seen enough of him yet to have much of an opinion, but he looks decent so far. Could end up being a decent midcarder in a few years time. For now, I think he could do with being a little more aggressive so he can get over with the fans and build his INTENSITY.
Vance Archer INTENSE? Hardly. Most of his matches since his November dubut consisted of squashes and while squash matches do add to superstars' credibility and make them look good, I personally found myself struggling not to fall asleep during his some matches (part of that could be because of the dead crowd). His moveset is just meh for me. To me, the guy is just decent at best so far but he has potential. I can probably see him winning the ECW Championship in a year or two but for now, I don't care much for Vance Archer or his INTENSITY (or lack thereof).
Couldn't give 2 shits about him. He's incredibly generic and hasn't done anything to make an impact. Who has he beaten? Maybe Goldust, but aside from that, hasn't it been all local jobbers? He's really, really pointless. If he wants to keep his job, he better to something to impress over the next few months. I don't see how anyone can care about him at the moment though.
Ive always liked Vance. He's extremely agile for a big guy. Hell the guy can do a picture perfect moonsault. Don't believe me? Youtube it. The guy has got potential but they want him to be this Monster Heel and they usually allow them to punch, kick, finisher. That's about it. Which is sad.
Vance Archer has not really impressed me at all. He's been given such a generic gimmick, he is nothing but another random guy who the announcers and Tiffany keep saying is INTENSE. So? What else should we as fans know about him? I could see him becoming ECW Champion possibly, but he wouldn't be half the champion Christian is. His reign would likely be INTENSELY boring lol....

The WWE made a mistake in making him so generic because nothing about this guy stands out other than the weekly reminder about how INTENSE he is. They should develop his character more because otherwise they are using him incorrectly. The fans need a reason to care about why he is getting pushed. I don't think he's INTENSE at all, in fact I find him to be rather boring. Just because the announcers or Tiffany say something doesn't automatically make it true. I disagree with them, he's only INTENSE if INTENSE means incredibly boring.

The only good thing about Vance Archer honestly is that they did not use the gimmick he had in TNA where he came out holding guitar hero guitars. That might not have been INTENSE like his current "gimmick", but at least he has a character that can be taken seriously now.
They've definatly used him wrong so far. Think about Kozlov or Swagger when they debuted. They were intense. It seemed like they were untouchable too. I mean Kozlov beat some huge names before he lost to HBK. his undefeated streak went for ages too. and swagger beat dreamer in extreme rules and became ECW champ before loosing. So i was kinda hoping Archer would ignite the thrill of an undefeated newcomer. Because he goes into a big match and you think "will this be his first loss?". So he's hardly been "intense". he doesnt have a huge set of moves before he beats someone and he hasnt had any lengthy matches to be called "intense". Big mistake loosing to benjamin too, coz like i said before, theres the thrill of someone being undefeated and a win over benjamin would be good for him.
HELL YEAH! INTENSELY BORING! Seriously, he has a good lock and he seems athletic enough to do good. He can do a picture perfect moonsault? I'd love to see that on WWE TV someday. For now though he doesn't seem INTENSE. He seems calm and very generic as said before. He needs a more intense and powerful moveset. His finisher is VERY boring to me. Vladdy had that a while back. I'm sure he can do better. I think he has potential, but I'm sure he'll just end up being another boring, big, mid-carder jobber.
Just because we're told how intense he is, doesn't mean he is. Really, his matches are pretty dull, his finisher sucks, and his moveset is weak. If you call punches and kicks a moveset. Not really impressed, although i thought he sucked in TNA too. The tramp stamp makes me laugh when i see him though, so im mildy entertained. In all seriousness though, he's just another big, boring, marginally talented performer who's in the E because he's got some size. I don't know how else they could book him because as I've stated already, he's not that entertaining to begin with.

On a more serious note, I find nothing remarkable about him. He's extremely generic, even more so then his days in TNA as Lance Hoyt where the best thing they could come up with for him was coming to the ring with a guitar hero controller. Honestly, I don't see what anyone anywhere sees in him. He's very boring in the ring, and I haven't heard him deliver a decent promo. Plus, he has a tramp stamp. I can't take a guy with a tramp stamp seriously.
I've been waiting for a while to respond to this thread because I wanted to see more out of Archer before I made my assessment. I must say he is very BORING in every way. His matches aren't really worth looking at most of the time, and his promos make me want to fall asleep. His facial expressions sort of indicate he's intense at times, but Randy Orton does a way better job at this than him. Again, there's nothing special about him in that area either.

He justs looks like some random guy in tights with no character or charisma. I don't know why the ECW announce team feels the need to remind us how INTENSE Archer is.
Vance Archer's INTENSITY gimmick has only made him more laughable, and that is the only impression he has made on me. The snarls, the menacing glances, and that attempt at a promo last night earned laughs, not respect or at the very least interest.

The fact that I had to go on Youtube to watch one of his matches before writing this post speaks for itself. His ring work is not at all memorable. I can't even remember any of his ring work as Lance Hoyt in TNA; all I remember are those stupid guitar hero toys.

The major mistake WWE is making with the development of Vance Archer is the same mistake they've been making with countless other wrestlers -- there is no selling point. He's not exciting or memorable enough in the ring to warrant his lack of a gimmick.
Honestly, he really impressed me in his first few outings on ECW. And I was almost convinced that he was "intense" and was going to offer me a character of substance on ECW... until they decided not to give him a microphone for over two months of being on TV. Besides that stupid, candid bubble-on-the-top-left-part-of-the-screen interview (which lasted a whopping 15 seconds) that he did during his third match, I haven't been given ONE insight into his character development.

So, to answer Sid's question, I think we should all break down Vance Archer and take a look at the definite things that we know about him:

1. He's tall.
2. He has a big nose and the camera loves to zoom in on it when he looks at the camera like someone just took a shit in his gym bag.
3. His finisher blows.

Um... that's it. He's been given a microphone (I believe) 4 times since his debut, and has showed me NOTHING in terms of any kind of a personality.

It's amazing how Vince keeps feeding his commentator lines that need to be beaten into the viewers heads week after week with a spiked shovel so they are forced to catch onto the character that is attempting to be portrayed.

I'm sure that if you ask a 9-year-old wrestling fan on the street what they think of Archer they'd probably say, "He's big and 'intense'". Congratulations, Vince... you've taught a 9-year-old a new word.
What's intensity anyway? Apparently it means heel, because Randy Orton is also intense. There endeth the comparisons. There isn't really much that can be said for Archer really, other than the fact he is being made to look shit by Shelton Benjamin on the mic, which is never a good start, and he's pretty big. I can't really see anything big in his future really, and I imagine he'll be out on his arse quicker than you can say "plastic guitar".
Yeah, the guy is kind of a bore... It's weird to me that WWE spends time trying to push these dudes who are pretty average all-around when there's a huge number of wrestlers in little leagues around the country that could really go somewhere. If Chuck Taylor could gain some muscle, I think he could be a big hit... Claudio Castagnoli is a big guy who's talented... I don't know. They entertain me a lot more than Vance Archer.

I gotta admit that this is pretty n-tenz though





WTF is Lance Hoyt's gimmick in WWE anyway? He's just there. WWE needs to put back in developmental and have him work on his move set and character.
He's about as intense as a nursing home. I guess his new tights are Intense, or him winning his matches with his feet on the second rope like it was 1985. That just screams Intense. Vince likes to give his wrestlers a phrase without no character at all. See M.V.P and his ballin chant. If he didn't go to prison, that would be all we knew of MVP. All we know of Jack Swagger is he's an all American American American American with a lisp. Not much else.

Vance Archer sounds like a gay Robin Hood with bad tights. I would rather watch Hornswoggle than Vance Archer. How bad is that?
Intense? I would call Orton intense. I would call Undertaker intense. Hell, I would call Regal intense. Archer? Nah. He shows me nothing other than a non-intense looking face and a bad finisher. If he were to use that spinning face plant move then I would be somewhat impressed, but really, how many people could he do that on? Honestly, they should've let him retire Dreamer in dominating fashion instead of Zack Ryder. Remember Jamie Noble? Remember what Sheamus did to him? Yeah. Honestly, Archer has a pretty badass song, but in his titantron it shows him slapping someone. Really? A slap? Wtf? And the dude has a fucking tramp stamp? Dude, for real? And I thought Batista's belly button tattoo was bad, but Vance has a tramp stamp, and he's a dude, and his name is VANCE? Wtf kind of name is Vance? I'm not scared of a dude named Vance. Only thing I'd be scared of is him trying to kiss me. Honestly, let him get a real finisher. You know, like a TKO. That would certainly work. But he isn't intense. He's about as intense as my caring for basketball.

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