Did WWE Miss A Big Chance On Raw?


I Had Sex With The
Now don't get me wrong I think Raw was pretty good, but I think it should have revolved around younger guys.

Imagine if Punk didn't interrupt HHH, instead it was Carlito. He cuts a promo on HHH about how not all RAW stars are stranded, and how he wont be forgotten.
He challenges HHH.

Jack Swagger's challenge could have been accepted by Cody Rhodes, making his return he wants to make an imapct. He then looses the match so swagger has some momentum.

Have Otunga interrupt Cena's interveiw and cut a promo about how big of a star he'll be. And he can work a match.

I would also get Zack Ryder involved some how, not a superstars match.

IMO the smackdown stars were too dominant and i think it would have been a good opportunity for the young guys to shine, especially right before the draft.
No who the hell would have watched that shit? Honestly Carlito is irrelevant. Ryder who the hell is he? Playin. Rhodes Who cares about him? Him and Dibiase need each other. Otunga is a rookie if you forgot. No offense dude but this is a pretty odd thread.
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I wish that they had mixed what you suggested with what happened on Raw, minus any NXT and MacGruber. I switched to Raw a few times and my consistent thought was 'embarrassing.' They could have used the underused talent to push the draft by saying they'll make an impact no matter where they go. Imagine if one of them, preferably not Carlito, pulled a Benjamin/Kid(X-Pac) and pinned a big star, preferably HHH or even Jericho. Jericho could be seen losing to an up and comer but Triple H would be a real shock and hopefully this person could use that momentum unlike the other two. And I don't mean McIntyre but someone completely unexpected by everyone.

I'm just really sad that this was just a standard Raw with a slightly different roster that you can then see again in four days. There were the standard two or three good segments surrounded by utter crap. But as the saying goes, I'm not mad, just disappointed.
this somewhat makes sense. not every raw superstar was stuck in Europe. They should have involved some of the lesser talent. For example, Yoshi Tatsu was doing well on ECW and has been doing nothing since. He's a guy who people would have loved to see. Correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't Triple H and Kozlov the only Raw superstars (Swagger is technically Smackdown now) who even were on the show? Also Kane has been feuding with all of NXT, yet none of them appeared in the ring.

This was a perfect opportunity to give some of the less seen talent a chance to shine. While some of the matches were important for build towards Extreme Rules, Drew McIntyre v. Matt Hardy was not necessary to have tonight and likely again on Smackdown (i'm not criticizing either guy, i'm a fan of both). Instead have Tatsu, or Ryder, Carlito, Kane in a match against NXT, the list goes on. Instead of something different, I think we just got the same episode of Smackdown twice this week.
it was ok.. i thought having taker go over swagger was a bad idea.. better to have taker cut a promo how if swagger survived orton then taker would see him on the other side the draft. Have Swagger work the match with Punk and Jericho instead of Gallows. Hardy/Mcintyre was pointless, the McGruber stuff went 1 segment too far. And i think they coulda had the likes of Tatsu, Carlito etc along with kane,hardy, mcintyre etc do a battle royal for a ic or us title shot. The HHH stuff was good and yup kane is a funny guy.. yet khali wrestled n kane didnt.
I agree that the show needed star power of punk y2j edge and taker, but are you telling me that it makes more sense for khali, who was supposedly in india, to get a flight back to the states then it does to push some young guys?

and as for my suggestion of otunga, i think he has star quality and will be on raw soon enough, although i think bryan will win and chellenge miz for the u.s. title

and i hope carlito breaks through, he reminds me soo much of eddie guerrero.
Absolutely not. They didn't miss anything. If they displayed the lesser guys this week. Then what happens next week when everyone is back. It'll seem like the lesser guys never made an appearance. Having SmackDown do it's thing was the best, and most logical approach WWE could have done. They have talent that can perform very well on SmackDown. This allowed for SmackDown to step up and show they can compete with "the big boys" as SmackDown is (to some people) viewed as the inferior brand to Raw. SmackDown did an outstanding job of picking up the travel issues of the raw talent and quite honestly didn't get me to flip channels to watch RVD win the title. That is a rare thing since I love RVD. I was curious to see what would happen next on Raw since it was an "invasion". WWE did great tonight. 2 Thumbs UP...as for this thread...Interesting topic I'll give you that. But ya can't crap on a stick, and call if a Picasso....For those of you that didn't catch that joke..it means you can't put D list talent on the A list show and try to pass it off as something worth looking at.
I agree that the show needed star power of punk y2j edge and taker, but are you telling me that it makes more sense for khali, who was supposedly in india, to get a flight back to the states then it does to push some young guys?

and as for my suggestion of otunga, i think he has star quality and will be on raw soon enough, although i think bryan will win and chellenge miz for the u.s. title

and i hope carlito breaks through, he reminds me soo much of eddie guerrero.

I don't know whether to CRY that u said this...or tear you a new one... Carlito NEVER will be what Eddie was for wrestling. Hell even when Eddie was a HEEL he was cheered. Eddie could captivate the audience even when he was sick and twisted (the Mysterio angle with Dom) and make us laugh (the infamous Dr exam before he and Batista went out for their tag match). Carlito doesn't have HALF the charisma Eddie did. I remember when the referees would go down and Eddie would look at the camera and smile. You couldn't help but laugh hysterically knowing what was about to happen. I don't feel that energy from Carlito.
The WWE threw the big Smackdown stars to try and satisfy those in attendance to try and give them their money's worth. Nothing more. Because let's face it. I sure as hell wouldn't have wanted to see lesser talent if I paid to see a Raw event.
The idea of having the younger guys take over might seem good on paper, but honestly, for business it's a very, very bad idea. We don't know who is or isn't being used on RAW and who is or isn't stranded in Europe, so to assume that WWE purposely didn't use some young guys (which don't draw anyway so I don't blame them for not using them) is just that, an assumption.

You have to keep in mind that they have less than one week to promote their next PPV as well as next week's Monday Night Raw. Having a show centered around an idea that won't be used or seen again does absolutely nothing for their next money-making event, absolutely nothing for the hopeful ratings boost for next week's show, and really, absolutely nothing for the fans following the storylines. They made the best with what they had and I'd love to see any other promotion pull off what the WWE did in such a short amount of time.

That just shows unmatched professionalism by the WWE.
Other than the Macgruber stuff, it was a pretty good show all up, I really don't agree with trying to push the lesser talent for one show. Also, do we actually have a full list of who is and isn't stuck in Europe?
I agree, although I would not have liked to see the NXT roster on there. It seems like Otunga is appearing on Raw already too much already when the whole point of NXT is to win a contract TO get on Raw. It is kind of taking away from the whole "rookie" thing

I thought Raw got off to a great start with Triple H and CM Punk. They had such a great segement and the crowd loved it, the perfect way to get them all hyped up. I did not like the MacGruber segements, they were god awful, especially the one with Vladamir Kozlov and the Great Khali. The Undertaker vs. Swagger was a good match and it was a good idea to bring Undertaker for star power, although I don't think he should have gone over Swagger, maybe Swagger could have won via countout or lost via disqualification, but it made him look weak going into Extreme Rules. The main event was good too,the whole show had a much more hyped atmosphere with the Smackdown guys there, probably because it was so much different than usual.

No who the hell would have watched that shit? Honestly Carlito is irrelevant. Ryder who the hell is he? Playin. Rhodes Who cares about him? Him and Dibiase need each other. Otunga is a rookie if you forgot. No offense dude but this is a pretty odd thread.

Actually I disagree. Carlito has always been entertaining at promos. And I think a lot of people support Rhodes, him and DiBiase do not need each other at all, they are both talented and I think each of them, especially DiBiase could be top guys in the company some day.
I was pretty let down by Raw. Not because the actual Raw roster wasn't there but the angle with Koslov was terrible. They had an opprtunity to take Carlito and Koslov and run with it but we get a garbage comedy match.

IMO it wouldve been better if Carltio wouldve come out mid match and cut a promo about how guest hosts make a mockery out of his profession etc.

I'd like to see more young guys get a push and they couldve done something with them tonight but i figure things are going to change up after the draft. We'll see.
Is it just me or am I the only one who liked raw last night? I'm a snl fan so the mcgruber thing was kind of funny.. It obv wasn't meant to be serious cause come on R Truth blew up! Lol... And then he wet himself which was hilarious with kane coming in very confused.. And when kane came in and finished that segment with triple h I felt like he was top tier status.. He should be a main event and I think its time to have kane be funny on the mic and serious in the ring.. Young guys? Screw them push the guys that need it.. They tried to show drew m. To everyone cause that's their ic champ and wants people to know who he is.. Vladmir should be given some mid card action cause he might be good lol jk... But he was a good sport doing those skits last night.. Good match with swagger
and undertaker.. Taker should of let swagger go over but oh well.. And triple h was good with the sd! Guys but why wasn't edge given the mic?
And neone else notice khali actually moving in the ring? And quickly? Dude needs to act like that all the time..
I think they totally missed a huge opportunity to mix things up for a night. They could have easily used this natural disaster to their advantage by having SOMETHING actually happen. That's my big question, "Did anything even happen on Raw last night?" I watched the whole thing front-to-back, and I can honestly say, last night will have no consequences whatsoever to any other WWE show in the future. That's where TNA succeeded last night while Raw failed. TNA last night actually meant something. (and you all know why) Whereas this episode of raw can be completely erased from all of our memories, and it probably wouldn't even matter. Now of course Raw will still be ahead in the ratings by a mile, but I think we can all agree that TNA was by far the better show last night.
My main complaint about Raw was that a few guys who are supposed to be the "future of the company", Morrison in particular, should have been featured in a decent length match showcasing his wrestling ability. The Punk/HHH segment was good, but there was definitely a few times where it seemed HHH was just stretching things out to waste time. Also, Kozlov got about 20 minutes of air time and wrestled for about 1.5 minutes. I also dont understand having Swagger lose going into a WHC match. Sure, the Undertaker is the phenom and all, but there could have been any number of endings to the match other than Swagger losing cleanly. Overall, I think WWE made do with what they had but could have gave a few other key players some air time, possibly leading up to being traded in the draft.
Now don't get me wrong I think Raw was pretty good, but I think it should have revolved around younger guys.

Imagine if Punk didn't interrupt HHH, instead it was Carlito. He cuts a promo on HHH about how not all RAW stars are stranded, and how he wont be forgotten.
He challenges HHH.

Jack Swagger's challenge could have been accepted by Cody Rhodes, making his return he wants to make an imapct. He then looses the match so swagger has some momentum.

Have Otunga interrupt Cena's interveiw and cut a promo about how big of a star he'll be. And he can work a match.

I would also get Zack Ryder involved some how, not a superstars match.

IMO the smackdown stars were too dominant and i think it would have been a good opportunity for the young guys to shine, especially right before the draft.

carlito is nothing and will always be nothing. atleast punk is relavent and is on the same level as HHH. carlito would have been squashed. no one would have given a shit about a swagger v rhodes match. having taker face him was perfect. yes he lost but he held his own against the deadman and it was a very very good match. i dont kno what ppl see in otunga. he cant wrestle worth a dam. his "star power" is bullshit. just because his wife and friends are famous doesnt make him famous. yes guys like ryder and yoshi should be on the show more but since they are on the raw roster why were they not overseas? i assume carlito was in europe as well but not ryder yoshi and kozlov? a little confusing. anyway yes these guys should have been shown more and they did a terrible job of hyping the draft. its supposed to be one of the biggest nights of the year. "time to shake things up a bit" come on.
No, i for one am glad we didn't see Zack Ryder, Carlito and David Otunga. While Otunga is ok, he's not a star and Ryder and Carlito aren't seen on raw much, then show up to get their butts kicked by Triple H and top stars? no, i liked the idea of Cody Rhodes, BUT WWE is playing the injury angle with him. I actually liked the Smackdown thing, my ONLY problem was the guest host, McGruber now falls in line with one of the WORST guest hosts on RAW. their promo was cartoonish at best. i'm surprised Hornswoggle wasn't in it, the match a gimmick and Khali (whose supposed to be in India preparing to be a champion) makes a return? The highlights of the night was Undertaker vs. Swagger, the 6 man tag team match and my favorite was the Triple H, CM Punk promo, those two were awesome.
Got to be Honest, I watched TNA over Raw last night and I'm damn glad I Did. I did switch back and forth during commercials to see what Raw was doing and watched alittle more durings Raw's second hour after impact! was over. I've read the results, and from what I saw Raw did some pretty dumb stuff last night. First off, in regards to the original topic of using the "lesser" talent, I agree to a point. Zack Ryder and Yoshi Tatsu should have wrestled on Raw instead of Superstars. I really like both of their work on ECW and I KNEW when they went to Raw they were in trouble. So last night would have been a good night to use them. But not Carlito, sorry but he doesn't give a damn and everybody knows it so screw him. He was a good and up in coming talent and If he had really worked harder he could have been a main eventer, but he is not and has no one to blame but himself. Jobber. Also using the NXT guys would be a bad idea. Keep them on NXT until they declare a winner. So While I would have used Ryder and Tatsu in a match, WWE Still had to bring over the Smackdown talent to fill out the show and give it some star power with undertaker, CM Punk, Swagger, jericho, Edge.

I've NEVER heard of Macgruber and still haven't seen a preview for the movie, the segment with blowing up R-Truth was DUMB. Another Horrible guest host.

Jack Swagger lost to the Undertaker? Really? Really? Thats just STUPID. Since Jacks become Champ he's been pinned by Orton twice and now Undertaker. Why make a guy WHC if he's just gonna lose every match. Its totally counter productive to elevate a guy from the midcard to main event by having and lose like this. Should he be pinning Orton clean? no. Have him cheat in true heel fashion. And he shouldn't have even wrestled Undertaker last night. horrible booking.

Now with Triple H being the one main Raw guy on the show, it was his show to run. Jack Swagger then could have come out and talked about how HE is the only World Champion here tonight so he should be in charge. Jack could have then backed out of any potential match stating he has to defend his whc at Extreme Rules.

Triple H vs Undertaker should have been the main event instead of another stupid 6-man tag that Raw seems to do all too often. Triple H vs Undertaker would be huge any night and could have rivialed what TNA did on impact! with RVD. instead HHH?Taker was a dark match.

Great Khali sucks and should never been seen again. Using him last night was supremely dumb too espicailly if they were tring to save him for some big return.
First and foremost im a big fan of Carlito, which is why i wanted him to play a big role last night, but maybe the young guys could have helped out HHH. It was supposed to be an invasion, yet the main event was 3 SD! guys vs 2 SD! guys and a Raw guy(great match btw) but it could have easily been SES and Y2J vs HHH Ryder and Yoshi with edge and/or Rey doing run ins.

IDK I'm just tossing out ideas here. If WWE was giving out full refunds, then why not try something new.

BTW was Hart Dynasty over seas? they are SD! guys and i would have loved to see them.

My big complaint about the show is how will it differentiate from this weeks SD!
I don't know whether to CRY that u said this...or tear you a new one... Carlito NEVER will be what Eddie was for wrestling. Hell even when Eddie was a HEEL he was cheered. Eddie could captivate the audience even when he was sick and twisted (the Mysterio angle with Dom) and make us laugh (the infamous Dr exam before he and Batista went out for their tag match). Carlito doesn't have HALF the charisma Eddie did. I remember when the referees would go down and Eddie would look at the camera and smile. You couldn't help but laugh hysterically knowing what was about to happen. I don't feel that energy from Carlito.

Dude, I couldnt have said it better. Eddie did WAY more to evoke emotion from fans than Carlito does. Carlito has zero personality. He is boring to watch and he looks so out of shape. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Carlito's gut looks like mine.
I agree with the carlito part but none of the rest.... i think they did what they could with the little time they had, The macgruber stuff was comedy ... the mccntyre hardy match sucked balls drew is a stiff. no otunga no ryder... swaggers challenge being answered by takers was Perfect cody rhodes getting beat does nothing for either guy.... i loved the smackdown guys showing why smackdown has and always will have better quality of wrestling and characters
I feel that WWE did what they had to do to ensure a "decent" show was put on for the fans, and especially the kids that went there. Undertaker was a must to be at that show, did he have to answer Swaggers challenge, maybe not, but he had to be there in some capacity. I feel that they could have done a better job of promoting the younger talent on both brands and could have went a totally different way with the night. Could have done 2 things. Had the MacGruber guy start the show and announce a "pre-draft" brand switch, where Smackdown would be on Raw and Raw would be on Smackdown, since Smackdown is taped they can do this anyday of the week up until Friday. They could have said that they want Superstars to get accustomed to wrestling on Mondays and Fridays in case they are drafted, would have avoided anything about the volcano and would have continued storylines for Extreme Rules. Or the second thought I had was, start the night with HHH and have someone interrupt (I thought Jericho but Punk worked as well) and say that since there aren't any Raw superstars to help HHH that Smackdown will take over Raw and be even superior. Then at that moment have the young Raw guys, Rhodes, Carlito, Tatsu, Ryder, Kozlov etc. come out and have a good Raw-Smackdown match, of course would have to have storylines be consistant and such (such as Rey and Punk not in the match together, maybe have Rey run in at the end to take out Punk). Could have worked well with the end have HHH and Rhodes clear house, have maybe a look of approval or something from HHH to Rhodes, turning Rhodes face to be able start a fued with DiBiase. I think that would have worked out and please many of us.
yah no way u just described the most boring raw ever. carlito needs to go to tna. codey rhodes answering the open challenge would completely stupid whereas the undertaker answering opens alot of doors for swagger becuase taker always sells the young guns good. As for ryder him being on raw is just as bad as the guest host idea. i can see that u want a pig push for under ranked superstars but it aint gonna happen,i never want to see a raw like u just described. last nights raw was the best ive seen in weeks! there was non stop humor good matches! and we gotta see the undertaker...better we got to see him wrestle

rko for life :worship:
The WWE is offering refunds to anyone who went to RAW this week and wasn't satisfied by the product. I hope this becomes a weekly occurrence.

Aaaaaaannnnyways, they did manage to throw out a couple decent matches. Jack Swagger vs. Undertaker was great; I'm starting to see why people say this kid has promise. Like RAW always is, however, there were too many bullshit fluff segments. I was praying Impact! would do a 3rd hour during that MacGruber abortion.

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