Did they Drop the Ball?


Dark Match Winner
As I was watching RAW last night, I noticed the WWE missed a great opportunity to make the Nexus angle gain more momentum.

Let me backtrack; Chris Jericho, a heel, is "feuding" with the GM. The GM said Jericho would be back in the Six-Pack Challenge. My first thought when I heard this was that he would be back in a special referee capacity. However, as I soon realized, he had to win a steel-cage match to get back in the match as a wrestler.

Now, as I began to think, I thought it would've been better to have him be a special referee.

As most know, Jericho's contract is up very soon, and it seems he will be taking a sabbatical. In kayfabe, he is retiring because he can't win the title.

In my opinion, the WWE should've had Jericho's last duty before his break be the special guest referee. Now at NOC, the final 2 boils down to Randy Orton and Wade Barrett (with Sheamus being eliminated before the final 2.) Orton hits an RKO after intense action. He pins Barrett, one, two, and Jericho stops. He shakes his head. Orton stands up and gets in Jericho's face. Jericho, out of nowhere, hits the Codebreaker. He puts Barrett on Orton, one,two, three, Barrett wins.

Jericho would do this because he is angry at the GM/WWE, and since he is retiring, he decides to sabotage the company by having the Nexus' leader win the top prize. This gives the Nexus a major push, and allows Jericho to leave.

It's kind of far-fetched, but I personally think it's a better solution than having Jericho back in the match as a wrestler.Thoughts?
The Nexus is doing just fine and have been among the centerpieces of Raw for several months now. When you consider all the setbacks that've landed in the group's lap, they've done tremendously well. The WWE has put titles on guys a few times lately as a means of getting them over, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I like Wade Barrett a lot, he's impressed me as the leader of The Nexus but I don't think he's ready to be WWE Champion. He has a great future ahead of him I think and putting the title on him too soon could ultimately do more harm than good.

I prefer Chris Jericho as a wrestler to a special referee because, as a ref, you'd be waiting all through the match to see exactly when, who and how often Chris Jericho is going to screw over someone within the match. It's been done to death so many times and I'm glad the WWE didn't go this route for this match. You've got 6 good wrestlers in what should be a helluva main event match.

As for Jericho himself, there's no longer any clear indication of him retiring if he doesn't win at NOC as it wasn't mentioned last night. His latest tweet suggests that he MIGHT still be in contract negotiations and that he MIGHT be interested in working a program with John Morrison. Morrison has had two really good weeks and his career looks to be at least heading back on the right track. A feud with Jericho would be great and it looks like it could happen based on what happened last night.
I have to disagree. I much prefer that Jericho is back in the match, and better yet an Elimination 6-Pack Challenge. Now it will be much more interesting and see some good spots. This is a hard one to interpret. I don't see Edge or Jericho winning the match. From what I see, I see them teaming up to figure out who the GM of Raw is. I hope Cena doesn't win it, he can spend some time away from the WWE Championship. That leaves Wade Barret, Randy Orton, and Sheamus. I see Sheamus retaining, or Randy Orton getting the title. Or the Miz cashes in.
Reading back a couple posts, I seen someone talking about Jericho & Morrison, to me this is the type of fued Morrison needs, especially IF they want to elevate Morrison to a near future main event on smackdown (if they both got moved) Which I think would be brilliant. You would have Morrison getting a push (hopefully working on his microphone skills or giving him Melina back to do the talking) and Jericho giving this younger guy a good rub for his lasting impression with the WWE for the meantime.
The Nexus is doing just fine and have been among the centerpieces of Raw for several months now. When you consider all the setbacks that've landed in the group's lap, they've done tremendously well. The WWE has put titles on guys a few times lately as a means of getting them over, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I like Wade Barrett a lot, he's impressed me as the leader of The Nexus but I don't think he's ready to be WWE Champion. He has a great future ahead of him I think and putting the title on him too soon could ultimately do more harm than good.

I couldn't possibly disagree anymore... Nexus has become EXTREMELY laughable at this point... Nobody could possible take them seriously anymore... Ever single one of the Nexus got completely TRASHED last night, and once again Randy Orton stood tall... Of course, Orton WAS THE ONE WHO WENT THROUGH THE TABLE LAST NIGHT, but somehow he ended up getting the win... The Nexus looked completely second rate to everyone else they were in the ring with last night, and... well, they are second rate...

As for the topic presented, Jericho is exactly where he needs to be in that match... His addition into the match will make it better... Not that I am going to order that pay per view anyway, but it will still make the match better...
I also think Jericho is better off in the match as opposed to being a referee. As far has him retiring I don't think that will happen anytime soon. He's said in a interview and on twitter recently that he has no intention to retire anytime soon. He may be taking a break again soon, but I don't think he'll be gone long.

I don't know this to be true, but I read on a web site WWE convinced him to resign at least for a few more months. Mainly to move him back to Smackdown for their move to SYFY. The report I saw said he was removed from the six pack challenge last week because hadn't resigned yet. Then put back in this week after they reached a new deal.
This Nexus angle is so shot and its the WWF (yea I said it) that screwd it up .The only thing @ this point that can get this potentially great storyline buzzing is 2 have VKM come back as the leader of this group @ NOC and screw CENA out of the strap and put it on Barrett, obviously having the match come down to them two. THis would have the E universe going Bananas and of course give this storyline endless possibilities .........What do u guys think ??
I think it would just water down the Nexus. I think that Nexus is pretty much just Justin Gabriel and Wade Barrett now seeing how most of the members are useless. Young and Sheffield are gone, Tarver just screams and Otunga is absolute garbage. Gabriel and Barrett are the only ones who do anything meaningful. Sorry to get off topic but I don't think it would work with Jericho as the guest referee.
Chris Jericho is not taking a sabbatical. It is quite obvious that Jericho, going back and forth in the fans eyes of late...Jericho will be anounced as the NEW GM of RAW.
i agree that WWE dropped the ball with Nexus and here's why. There is no number one contenders for the Tag Team titles, why didnt Nexus say they want to go for the Tag Team titles??? I think WWE needs to let the Tag Teams be more known, especially ones that arent just thrown together. Teams like The Nexus or the Dudebusters or the Usos need to be used more.
I also had the same thoughts that jericho would have been the special referee. However oi disagree with dropping the ball on nexus but rather dropping the ball on setting up a tremendous opening match at NOC. Think about if morrision who just got screwed by jericho, comes in at the end of the cage match and forces jericho to lose. This would force the GM to announce that at NOC Jericho vs Morrison for the 6th spot in the title match. This could have been a great build up for the title, pay per view, and future feud between the two. The problem with the writing today is that this feud between jericho/ Morrision wont happen. I think thats where they dropped the ball.
Maybe Chris Jericho is the GM? He wouldn't have to be on TV that much and can come on certain weeks, or maybe i'm just getting way to ahead of myself. Can't blame me, they dropped the ball on the GM angle in my opinion, that's where the ball is dropped, I've lost all interest in it.

However, WWE hasn't dropped the ball on Jericho recently, and they also haven't dropped the ball on the Nexus angle. If Jericho was the referee and did what the OP mentioned, it would just look like Wade Barrett is a weak champion, and than you know it will lead to a Barrett-Orton feud which I personally don't want to see as Orton is constantly in the title picture. In fact, Sheamus looks weak as a champion as it is, so I'm hoping he retains the title. I'm hoping Barrett just wins when it's him vs. Cena one on one, that will really put him over.
Chris Jericho is not taking a sabbatical. It is quite obvious that Jericho, going back and forth in the fans eyes of late...Jericho will be anounced as the NEW GM of RAW.

How can you explain emails coming in simultaneously as he is sitting on a chair in the middle of the ring if he is the GM??? Is he emailing so damn fast that no one in the audience or watching at home can see it??? Worlds fastest hands??? I think not...
In my honest opinion, and I think I can speak for everybody when I say that, The Nexus don't need to gain more momentum. They're the biggest thing on Raw, if not the entire WWE. They've become bigger than the actual WWE Championship that Sheamus is holding. If anything, I'd say that Nexus need to stop gaining momentum. The only person that I can understand with on gaining momentum is Wade Barrett as he's heading into the 6-Pack Challenge at Night of Champions.

Chris Jericho back in the match as a Wrestler, you say? It's a perfect idea. Why would he cause a massive row over the period of 2 weeks, have a Steel Cage match only to not be in the match as a Wrestler, but as a Special Referee? It's not a very logical argument if you ask me. Look at it this way, if Jericho doesn't win at Night of Champions, he's leaving WWE for good. He's been there years and I believe strongly, that if Chris Jericho doesn't get at least 1 more title-reign then he's going to be leaving soon. Chris Jericho hasn't actually held that Championship anyway, so that Championship being his last full reign would be pretty much, fitting to say the least.

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