Did Mysterio Screw Morrison ?


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
It was rumored for quite some time that John Morrison was going to fill the void left by Jeff Hardy if he decided to walk away from the WWE.

Obviously, Jeff is gone, but Morrison now has the IC Title.

Despite his clean wins against CM Punk a few months back and the push he was given, Morrison is still only holding the upper mid card strap.

So did Rey having bad urine screw Morrison ? If Rey was still active, he'd still be feuding with Ziggler and it's possible the Undertaker would not have taken Jeff's spot.
Tonight on smackdown we saw morrison become IC champ for the 3rd time in his carreer. I feel that if they give JOMO a long drawn out reign as the IC champ, his reign with the IC belt could mean more and draw more then any of CM punk's world title reigns.
I feel they should have JOMO win the MITB and then have an IC Vs Smackdown title match. JOMO vs Punk. At the end of the match have JOMO win and hold both belts in the area which would get him over as a dominate main eventer. Around the same time have Miz move up the to the main event scene in raw and have both of them be the raw and smackdown champs at the same time.
No, this elevates Morrison. He is not ready for a World Title. WAAAAY too soon. No one even remembers that he had the IC title. Its almost like this is his first reign, because not only is he a face, he went cleanly over Rey Mysterio. This elevates him because it allows his time to get on PPV's, and feud with upper mid carders while he is still being groomed for the World Title.

Him turning face and moving to Smackdown basically reset his whole career. They never reference MNM, and they never reference Johnny Nitro. They barely mention his ECW reign, because they want him to seem fresh and hungry.
No. He wasn't doing anything before he won the IC title anyway. And either way, if Rey didn't get suspended, Taker would still be here, and feuding with punk. That was the plan all along, for Taker to fill the void left by jeff. So this is great for him and just makes him look better IMO.
Um I want to know how this actually does screw Morrison. Even if Jeff Stayed Undertaker would have been the next one in line for a world title feud. Even if Jeff was still champion Undertaker would have feuded with him, same with CM Punk for several months. So by Rey Mysterio failing the drug test this gives Morrison something to do while he is waiting for Armaggedon ( Thats probs were he will get his shot at). Plus giving him the IC title not only gives him more pressure to make him excel more it gives him a little more credibility, because people ( not from the IWC) would be like "oh why does he get that shot. He has done nothing in his the last couple of years, why don't they give Mysterio a shot" etc etc. So if anything Rey getting suspended helped Morrison more.
No, Mysterio has just helped Morrison tremendously. Morrison is obviously going to enter the main event scene very soon, but over the past month or so, he always seemed just one feud short of being a credible main-eventer. Hopefully, this IC Title reign will feature a lengthy feud with Ziggler, which would put both over even more than they are now. By the time that feud is over, 'Taker should be done with Punk, giving Morrison the opening to feud with him over the World Title.
I think Mysterio's suspension screws Ziggler more than it does Morrison. Without the suspension, Mysterio fights Ziggler for the 3rd consecutive PPV, and Ziggler probably finally gets over and becomes champ. Elevates Ziggler into the upper mid-card and gives him a title. Mysterio doesn't need a title at this stage of his career because he's over with the fans regardless, so he's fine.

Now Morrison fights Ziggler at the next PPV. I can't see Ziggler defeating Morrison after just giving him the belt this week. Morrison is clearly the next breakout star for the WWE, I see huge things in his future, so he won't lose to Ziggler 9 days after becoming IC champ. Now, Morrison likely retains his belt and then what for Ziggler? Playing the waiting game again most likely. They won't de-push a guy on a meteoric rise like Morrison and have him lose to an up and comer like Ziggler.

BTW, for those of you who say Morrison is "not ready," what are you talking about?

He's been around for years. He's been face and heel. He's been solo and tag team. He's bounced around from brand to brand. While his face turn is still fairly new, he's been Morrison rather than Nitro for quite some time. He's got the look, the mic skills, the in-ring skills, the charisma, the "cool" moves and finisher. He's long removed from his Wellness Violation and seems to be on the straight and narrow for quite some time now. Give him a major title and fast, he's definitely "ready" (whatever the hell that even means).
I see huge things in his future, so he won't lose to Ziggler 9 days after becoming IC champ.

Why do you say that? People lose titles after just getting them ALL the time.

Batista lost the World Title to Jericho after 8 days.
Kane lost the WWF title to Austin after 24 hours.
Mankind lost the WWF title to HHH after 24 hours
Edge lost the IC title to Jeff Jarrett the day after winning it from him in a House Show the day before Fully Loaded '99.
London and Kendrick lost the tag titles from Cade and Murdoch after 2 weeks.
Randy Orton was awarded the WWE Title and then lost it to HHH 25 minutes later, and then HHH lost it back to Orton 2 hours after that.

So why won't John 'I wasn't doing anything of merit 'til Rey got suspended' Morrisson lose the title that quickly?

Ziggler is the only person who can lose out regardless of who has the title after Breaking Point. If he's to win, he won't get ther ub from beating a ME talent, and if he loses then that's 3 straight PPV losses in a row.

Like i said in another thread, last night's match would have served better if it had been a triple threat between Ziggler, Morrisson and Rey, with Morrisson winning that after Ziggler looked like he was going to win. That way JoMo can look like he won through cunning and luck, thereby frustrating Ziggler even more, and then he can beat him for the title at the PPV. Then Morrisson can fire back, wanting to prove that his win in that triple threat wasn't a fluke and a new fued is born.

Instead JoMo is a paper champion tbh.
How does it screw Morrison? If anything, it probably only elevates him right now. Even if Jeff Hardy stayed, the Undertaker was next in line for the WHC because the champ would need to get a rub from a legitimate main eventer so Morrison wasn't going to be near the world title scene anytime soon. He'll be there eventually, just not now.

Mysterio screwed up by failing his drug test, which is his own fault in spite of all that want to blame the WWE, so Morrison now has something meaningful to do with the company. Way I look at it, Mysterio's fuck up is John Morrison's gain. Yet another young, talented guy in the WWE has a championship that he can do a lot for. Mysterio restored prestige to the IC championship and Morrison can continue that momentum.

If anybody's screwed, it's probably Dolph Ziggler. It'll surprise me if the WWE has him win the title come Breaking Point now, but it could happen. Not having Ziggler win it might seem like he's having to start over on the surface, but it'd mean more when it's all said and done and the WWE finally did put the strap on him. We'd still be treated to some great matches featuring him against Morrison and this could also be a good way of starting up a 3-way feud with Mysterio for the title when he returns.
hopefully morrison loses by DQ some how at Breaking Point so Ziggler does not lose again on PPV. That would really hurt Ziggler and Morrison would be given a longer reign that just 9 days.
It is absolutely imperative that Morrison receive an IC Title reign before heading into the Main Event, to build credibility with the fans. Last time he held that title was when he was still "Johnny Nitro" which was ages ago, which I'm sure fans have forgotten about. Ziggler will have his chance, but the priority is to get Morrison into the Main Event successfully. In my opinion, giving him an IC title run is the right thing to do before that process begins.

I am very happy with WWE's decision on this.
It is absolutely imperative that Morrison receive an IC Title reign before heading into the Main Event, to build credibility with the fans. Last time he held that title was when he was still "Johnny Nitro" which was ages ago, which I'm sure fans have forgotten about. Ziggler will have his chance, but the priority is to get Morrison into the Main Event successfully. In my opinion, giving him an IC title run is the right thing to do before that process begins.

I am very happy with WWE's decision on this.

Completely agreed on that issue Sid. Ziggler would have been a good choice as well, but Morrison deserves another run with the IC belt. I don't see how anyone could see this as a bad decision by the WWE, Morrison just got a big rub from that match with Rey on Smackdown, beating a legend clean for the IC title...that's damn impressive. The fans loved every minute of it and went crazy when he and Rey were hugging. Perfect execution by creative in that match up, from the opening bell to the prolonged celebration to the hug, that was simply a great moment, and one that Morrison certainly has benefited from. I imagine in a few years people might still remember this match as being the moment when Morrison really cemented his place among the future of the WWE.
I don't think any one wrestler's career here has been stalled, be it John Morrison or Dolph Ziggler. Their momentum has not been halted whatsoever. However, the only one who has been "screwed" has been Mysterio himself.

Sure, he is massively over, and can return and get back into the mix pretty easily, given his natural ability and huge presence to the fan base. But what creatively does WWE have in store for him? He might have dropped the title to Ziggler anyway at Breaking Point, but for all we know, Morrison was going to chase the Intercontinental Title anyway, after the PPV.

So Rey has screwed himself from a creative standpoint. However, the careers of Morrison and Ziggler are just taking off. And, as far as the World Title scene, we all know that Undertaker is going to swoop in like a huge black crow and take it all over...
Yeah this does nothing but elevate Morrison. We all know he's going to be champion sooner or later, but he is def. not ready right now. He had an amazing match with Jeff Hardy on Smackdown for the Title. Perhaps the TV match of the year. It was amazing. We all knew Morrison could pull off a great match, but it was good to actually see it. Don't push Morrison too fast because that could end up badly. I don't look for Morrison to get a realistic shot this year at all. I see him holding the IC Title until around Armageddon/Royal Rumble time. Then he'll be built up to Mania where he WILL win MITB this year. The IC Title will elevate him because he will then go through programs with Mysterio and Ziggler. Ziggler will be the one to take the title off of Morrison. Now that I think about it, I think Morrison could carry the title to Mania and win MITB while being the IC Champion. That way he won't look bad if he drops it to Ziggler around the end of the year/beginning of 2010. Although if he did drop it then, that's what the next 3 months are for. To build him back up without the title.

Who knows... Morrison could have taken off after the IC title anyway. We don't know. But this isn't going to hurt him whatsoever. I wouldn't say that Morrison NEEDS it, but now that he has it, he better make sure he does all he can to keep it. Morrison is being built the old-fashioned way. I believe he will be the first one to win MITB and actually challenge for the title, and win it. Instead of the catching somebody who's just had the shit kicked out of them thing we're seeing. I look forward to seeing Morrison carry the strap again as I've always been a fan of his.

Another dream I'd love to see is Morrison and Miz in MITB this year. Morrison comes in the IC Champ, and Miz the US Champ. They meet at the top of a ladder somewhere during the MITB and Morrison lays him out something fierce. I love both of those guys, but we know who's going to be champion first.
I think that is going to work just fine for Morrison. I love the way that they are building him on his own. It's very similar to HBK. Only difference is him being a face, instead of a heel. They are taking their time with him. To say that Mysterio screwed him is pointless. Either way Morrison would have moved up from where he is. This way he is going to get a legitimate run with the belt. I don't believe that they intended him to to have the belt this soon, but with Rey being suspended they went with it. They keep him where he is, by the rumble he could be a legit contender. Possibly win it and go on to Mania and win the belt. Which would be awesome.
I don't think Mysterio screwed anyone. This still allows Ziggler the option to be in contention, and if anything more so since Mysterio likely won't be shined upon when he returns. He'll more or less come back and be made to put over Ziggler, I'm guessing.

And as for Morrison, this is more or less a blessing in the skies. I say that because the Undertaker is and will always be a Main Event Superstar. His return had been talked about for months leading up to Summerslam, so the natural assumption that he'd be in Heavyweight title contention was only realistic. Morrison & Punk are two hard-to-believe options for the Undertaker to face.

Punk is going to have to show a lot, to make people think he has a fighting chance in hell. (no pun intended) And as for Morrison, who's he ever fought thats on the level of Taker? HBK? never in a one-on-one match. Jericho? no. Hardy? hell no. Punk? we'll see.

So, giving Morrison a mid-card run, or at least putting the title on him and letting him put Ziggler over, is going to help put spotlight on Morrison and his abilities, while not jobbing him or meaninglessly using him in the Main Event to prep Punk, to lose to Taker.

As I see it.. this was the best thing for Morrison & Ziggler, because it allows each more air-time and positive spotlight. While it puts Mysterio out of action and out of everyone's minds for a solid month.
Morrison is where he needs to be right now. CM and Under need to have a good go at it for the title for awhile now while everyone is on the SXE hating bandwagon for maximal ratings. JoMo's time is coming, mark my words.
This helps John Morrison and is going to elevate him, JoMo being the IC champion will create good feuds with Ziggler, Mysterio and any other IC title contender that is there. And as a champ Morrison is going to get more and more over as a great face and he's not being rushed in the Main Event and as a top face, WWE is taking their time so the pushes he has aren't ruined.

And the match John Morrison had with Rey Mysterio on the past SD was excellent it was almost PPV quality it kept me on the edge of my seat and they pulled out the stops. Both men executed the match well and the finish was done well.

And in my opinion i can see JoMo holding the title until Armageddon or the Royal Rumble, but Dolph Ziggler wont be screwed as well because he hasn't been chasing it that long, and plus the WWE need to build him up as well. Lastly Rey screwed himself because he failed a drug test...one of WWE's most loved superstars in a PG era is suspended over drug use.
How could Mysterio have screwed JoMo?

Mysterio is one the of the best workers in the WWE right now and for JoMo to go over on him like he did, clean and in one hell of a great match, it can only elevate JoMo. I think that he should be at the top of the mid card before he even thinks about going to the main event.

Everyone is so ready for JoMo to take on the likes of 'Taker or HBK. He doesn't have a proven track record against main event guys and if he faced anyone on the level of 'Taker right now, WWE would have no choice but to have 'Taker destroy him. So he needs to build himself up for the time being. He will get his chance and when he does, he will be a lot better for it than he is now.
I still think it's too soon for John Morrison to be world champion and being the Intercontinental Champion for the 3rd time is by no means a bad thing and having a long drawn out title reign here will build him up as well as the prestige of the title. He'll beat Doplh and hopefully they will feud for quite a while. Morrison should also face off against some other guys like Kane or Finlay while he holds onto the Intercontinental Championship. Morrison's time will come, but this could very well be the title reign that puts him onto the main event scene.
Oh yeah and as far as the question to this thread goes...Rey Mysterio didn't screw John Morrison over by failing his drug test which that whole situation is still a crock in my book.
No Rey screwed Ziggler cause now he gotta start over,i like JoMo but he not legit yet he good no knock on the kid cuz when he wrestles i watch!If Ziiggler beat JoMo it will look stupid after what Rey and JoMo did on Smackdown,they should have let Ziggler after the match beat the hell out of Rey,so Rey would put them both over in one night,i think!

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