Did I break a fucking mirror or something?

Serious Mozzarella

Special Victims Unit
1. So last night, on my girlfriend's birthday, she completely lost her mind over a suspicion that my best friend (female) and I have secret feelings for each other. Long story and a five-hour phone conversation later, things aren't too much better.

2. Unable to find a ride to Atlanta for Dragoncon to work the convention with the Stargate track, I was about to cancel my commitment to work. Come to find out one co-worker fell down some stairs, dislocated both his shoulders and broke a leg, and the other co-workers MOM died. How am I supposed to tell them I have to cancel now?

3. Just got laid off from my weekend job for a lack of hours. I just got hired two weekends ago.

4. Something is wrong with my PS3, and it won't read Blurays anymore.

What the fuck.
1. Stop cheating on your girlfriend, you pig.

2. Get a car, don't rely on others.

3. That's hilarious

4. Go outside and ride a bike or something, video games and movies aren't everything ya know.
Dude that sucks Mozz. Sorry to hear everything seems to be going completely haywire for you bro.

4. Something is wrong with my PS3, and it won't read Blurays anymore.

This happened to mine. Had to get the fucking thing repaired twice. Cost me a good chunk of change. I just ended trading it end and bought a new one once I started working.
That is indeed a run of bad luck, Mozz, but hopefully 1/2 of those things manage to work themselves out.
1. So last night, on my girlfriend's birthday, she completely lost her mind over a suspicion that my best friend (female) and I have secret feelings for each other. Long story and a five-hour phone conversation later, things aren't too much better.

This happened to me last week. It took 4 days to sort out (she's unusually sane for a woman) but it was a bit too late, seeing as she impulsively booked herself a holiday away literally hours after the argument that she then couldn't cancel. Cue her getting upset when she had to actually go on said holiday and leave me for 5 days.
2. Unable to find a ride to Atlanta for Dragoncon to work the convention with the Stargate track, I was about to cancel my commitment to work. Come to find out one co-worker fell down some stairs, dislocated both his shoulders and broke a leg, and the other co-workers MOM died. How am I supposed to tell them I have to cancel now?

Yeah; this one is pushing it. I'm not sure someone breaking both shoulders or losing their mother can really be chalked up as your bad luck.
1. Fuel pump just went out in my Mustang. So if anyone has some money to spare that would be super swell.
I won't lie: I skimmed the thread. From what I can gather, this is just another case of an OP bragging about getting laid. Who the fuck let Milenko out of prison?
Yeah; this one is pushing it. I'm not sure someone breaking both shoulders or losing their mother can really be chalked up as your bad luck.

Whether or not their bad luck is worse than mine is irrelevant. It's still bad luck, considering I'm even more needed now than I was before, when I was about to cancel my working commitment.

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