Did Edge "marry" Vickie so HHH wouldn't be the only one?


Pope of Dope
What I mean is as we all know a HHH and Steph are married. And Vince and the entire WWE knows a big chuck of the fans (including me) think that Hunter only got this far because he married Stephanie McMahon. So kind of the same thing happen but kayfabe with Edge and Vickie. Edge was just winning world titles like crazy. And the WWE made that relationship look extremly real. No offense to The Guerrero's but they made Edge kiss Vickie, and shes a SHE-BEAST, that means they were DAMN serious! So did Vince do this so HHH wouldn't be the only one or am I just a kook who thought of this lame idea? If this has been done before, sorry.
Did you not watch the last raw she was on? He came out and said he "married her" to get more cracks at titles. Nothing to do with HHH or anything. Besides, Vince doesn't care what fans like us thinks, its why he has his shows PG and pushes john Cena to the moon and back. It's about the kids these days. And their parents money.
We dont even know why WWE does certain things these days.

Right before I saw this, I was watching some clips of Edge and Lita from a few years ago. I know Lita's out of WWE she went to start her own music band or something like that.

I dont mean to go off topic, but I'll take this moment to ask, are Edge and Lita still together in real-life?

If they did break up its all a blur to me because I was not tuned in to news at that time. I wish I had.
We dont even know why WWE does certain things these days.

Right before I saw this, I was watching some clips of Edge and Lita from a few years ago. I know Lita's out of WWE she went to start her own music band or something like that.

I dont mean to go off topic, but I'll take this moment to ask, are Edge and Lita still together in real-life?

If they did break up its all a blur to me because I was not tuned in to news at that time. I wish I had.

No dude. Edge and Lita are not together. At one time, Edge was married to Val Venis' sister, and I'm pretty sure they're still married despite the whole infedelity thing with Lita.

As for the Edge / Vicki storyline, I'm sure there was some part of Vince / Steph / Shane / HHH that played a major part in the angle. They've been known to take real life scenarios and turn them into kayfabe storylines.

Not beyond the realm of possibility.
What I mean is as we all know a HHH and Steph are married. And Vince and the entire WWE knows a big chuck of the fans (including me) think that Hunter only got this far because he married Stephanie McMahon. So kind of the same thing happen but kayfabe with Edge and Vickie. Edge was just winning world titles like crazy. And the WWE made that relationship look extremly real. No offense to The Guerrero's but they made Edge kiss Vickie, and shes a SHE-BEAST, that means they were DAMN serious! So did Vince do this so HHH wouldn't be the only one or am I just a kook who thought of this lame idea? If this has been done before, sorry.

First of all, Trips didn't get all his title shots because he's married to McMahon. That's horseshit. He got his title shots because he was damn good, and now he's a legend, so they use him in the main-event. His marriage to McMahon might explain his current pull in Creative, but it's not the only reason Trips got his titles.

Secondly, no. What is more heelish than getting buddy buddy with the GM so that they give you more title shots? Not only that, but marrying the bitch? It was all done to get Edge massive amounts of heat by being married to the one person the WWE Universe hated beyond all others. Heels have been getting title shots by pulling strings with the GM for ages, this was nothing new.
It is a known fact that Triple H didn't marry Stephanie until the week after she left power on Smackdown. Triple H was well established before he married her on October 25, 2003. He was a multi time world champion before he married Stephanie. You can't say that he wouldn't be as big as he is today because of Stephanie because that would assume he was nothing before her which is not the case at all.

Go to his wikipedia page and look at everything he accomplished before October 2003. He was well on his way to being the best in the business before he got together with his wife.
Dude are you serious? So let me get this straight you not only buy into the whole Triple H wouldn't be a future Hall Famer if he didn't marry a McMahon thing, but you honestly think Vickie was made GM and Edge champ to draw attention away from it?

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What's next you got some blurry Bigfoot photos for us?
When Edge won MITB at WM 21, he was already well on his way to being in the main event scene, and winning world titles. Edge is a heel, and being married to Vickie was just a way to gain more heat. As someone above already said, HHH was well on his way to being a main eventer before he married Stephanie. The game is where he is because he is one hell of a wrestler.
Ive never been a Trips fans. But I have a helluva lot of respect for him.

Triple H was solidly making a name for himself before he started his relationship with Steph.

Can someone pinpoint exactly when the relationship started?

Im assuming somewhere in early 2000. Right after the Armaggeddon 1999 angle.

Anyway, I dont see Trips success linked in any way to the marriage of Steph.

The guy never stopped working hard, he still puts his body on the line, he still takes the same risks as the others, and he's not shy to put someone over who worth it.

Ok so maybe he plays the politics card backstage, but no one has a clean record, especially in WWE.

Triple H will go down as one of the all time best, and it will have nothing to do with being married to a McMahon.
Triple H originally started having an affair with Stephanie in 2001 when he was dating Chyna. Then after he and Chyna broke up late 2001 they started dating and were married October 2003.

I heard that somewhere a while back. I think it is pretty accurate.

Well when Triple H tore his quad at a Monday Night Raw in May 2001, Steph came down all concerned and whatever. And they left together up the ramp.

I know a McMahon and personnel would come down anytime anyone would get injured, but I believe Triple H and Steph had to be close by this time.
I think their relationship started during the McMahon-Helmsley Era storyline when they were working closely together on television.
It was just a stupid storyline, nothing else.

I doubt Vince McMahon or any of the other creative team was thinking of Triple H/Stephanie.
WWE just did it for shock value an ratings as the WWE knew the fans would boo Edge because he was disrespecting Eddie. I really think that Edge is a piece of shit for taking on the angle as he knew it was wrong and should have said no. I'm pretty sure Vickie has moved on from Eddie, but at the same time, Edge cried over his death, talked about respecting Eddie and he does that angle with Vickie.

But I 'm glad its over as it was stupid & sick.
Whoa, whoa, whoa here…. Humongous difference between these two instances, and makes it so this argument is extremely weak.

That being, one is a real marriage, while the other is storyline. Plain and simple. The storyline was driven around Edge’s manipulation of power in order to receive title shots. The idea of Trips and Steph was far beyond his mind when this gimmick came together, and don’t let yourself think otherwise. Edge was playing up a storyline, which is what any self respecting wrestler would do.

Also, and Razor beat me to it (Damn you Razor), but Trips didn’t get his shots because he’s married into the family. Triple H got his shots because he is the fucking best option that the WWE has. Seriously, these conspiracy theorists really should find something better to do with their time. Trips is the best option they got. Why not give him the title.

In short, I’ll just put it this way… There’s absolutely no way that any of what you’ve just thrown out could be even within a shot of being in the realm of probability
Ok, just a couple of things that are both on topic and off (and are either my opinion or what I have read/heard):

I really think that Edge is a piece of shit for taking on the angle as he knew it was wrong and should have said no.

I dont think Edge meant to be disrespectful to Eddie or the Guerrero family. If Vickie had a problem with it then it wouldn't have happened. Edge would have been told that if he went along with it he would have more world titles and be the main guy on SmackDown, if not his push would probably have been toned down. It came across as bad taste but Edge has always been in angles to make him look disrespectful, its part of his gimmick now.

Doomsday - Right, Edge and Lita were only together for a short time behind Matt's back. Once he found it if pretty much finished then and there apparantly. Edge was indeed married to Val's sister, but divorced her during his time away having neck surgery (2003 ?). Anyway, he started dating someone else soon after and was with this person when the affair occured. Consequently, that relationship ended as did Matt and Amy's (Lita). I dont know either's current 'status' but Edge and Lita are not togther now.

As far as the HHH-Steph-sleeping his way to the top thing going on, he was the best at the time to have as the face of the company. When the McMahon/Helmsley era started in 2000, HHH was still with Chyna. Obviously along the line they broke up and HHH started a relationship with Stephanie, obviously that much time spent together paid off. I dont personally think HHH intended to start that relationship to gain power, it probably just happened like most things in life.

Thank that is it for now :)
Edge marrying Vickie is similar to Triple H marrying Steph the storyline, However not even remotely close to real life. Trips was already a house hold name b4 he hooked up with Stephanie - end of story.

Triple H and Stephanie were married in 2003 yes which is well after he was a huge success, he got his break first with DX then being Vince's whipping boy after HBK walked out and the clique incident during Kevin Nash/Scott Halls last night in WWF b4 they jumped to WCW, for well over a yr he was held back and took it, Vince respected that and gave him his break afterwards.

Least thats what Vince McMahon said in an interview ages ago and when Triple h turned heel the first time he pretty much said the same thing in his vignettes with JR about how he was sick of the shit he was put through as a direct result of his so called friends walking out on him and he was left to take the punishment.

Then later on Stephanie got the hots for him when they did the fake wedding angle and the rest is history.
I don't really think Steph/Triple H had anything to do with this. The majority of fans don't even think of Triple H as bad for marrying Stephanie, it's generally a few annoying people on the internet, and I don't think the WWE is too concerned about them. I think this was just to further the heel heat for both of them.
Before HHH became a item with Steph he had already became a WWE Champion and was one of the top guys on Raw hard thing to do with The Rock and Austin around. But i dont think that his connection to the Mcmahon family has anything to do with him having as many world titles as he does. But when Vickie left the WWE and Edge came out on Raw he said he only used her to gain Title Shots which well he did when He came back at the end of Last Year he won the title at Surviour Serries and again at Royale Rumble No Way Out and Backlash so i guess his relation with Vickie aided his carer for the better though like HHH Edge was long a established guy in the WWE. But with HHH the storyline became a real thing
I think their relationship started during the McMahon-Helmsley Era storyline when they were working closely together on television.

That's the story I heard as well. That's late 1999, early 2000. Before that Trips had a ton of success. Oh and by the way HHH during the McMahon-Helmsley storyline was my absolute favorite heel of all time. He was AWESOME before he started dating Steph.

My only complaint about HHH is that he stays involved in the title scene too much because of his pull but to say that he wasn't a super-duper-star before Steph is more revisionist history.
and once again, ever think it's not because of his pull with the boss but rather his reaction from the fans?

He gets huge ovations everytime his music hits or he enters. So by everyones negative logic he's obviously married to all the fans too, since they determine who they cheer for and who sells merchandise.

Just face the facts, he was a huge hit well b4 he got involved with the McMahons on a family level, he works his ass off each and every week, puts bums in seats, sells merchandise and puts on a good show 9/10 times regardless of whether he's in a main event or not. And his time in ring has got to be coming to a wind down anyway I can't see him passing Ric Flair in title reigns for the simple fact that he idolized him. so thats only 3 more reigns at most not that titles really mean anything now.

Edge could be just as good in time but his title reigns have been very rushed maybe to get him up in the stats book since he spent so much time in tag division and in many respects has earned his shot at WWE greatness and earned alot of respect from fans and colleagues too.

If ya don't like HHH and can't stand his role he has played in WWE whatever that is backstage don't watch simple as that, it'd be no loss to those that think differently.

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