Did anyone else mark out for JBL?

JBL's return was a shock to everyone! But i was a bit bummed out when he got Stunnered... TWICE. I hope to God that JBL returns either as a commentator or as a wrestler! He's too good on the mic to leave again!
I Marked Out when he came out!!!! I have always thought that JBL was a beast & I was upset that he never got another run at being champ. That whole segment was the best part of Raw!!!
Well, guess I'll be the minority poster here and say "Meh, not really".

Wasn't really a JBL fan save for the APA, and instead of marking out, I kinda went "ugh" to be honest.

I did think it was pretty funny when Stone Cold came out, gave him the stunners, and poured the beer on him and Cole. lol That was pretty cool.

I don't know, I think it's showing too much insecurity w/the talent they have with all the saturation of older talent showing up. I know it's Mania build up time and all, but the amount they're doing seems to be overshadowing the actual card. That could end up backfiring if they do it too much or have them stick around too long.

So, not to be a hater or anything, but I wasn't really thrilled. But it did serve to give Austin an old adversary as a foil in the segment so I guess it worked for what it was.
JBL and mark out moment are you kidding me!!!!!!!!! i would have marked out if he came in as bradshaw not JBL i don't like the jbl character so, its not a mark out moment for his return but i marked out when he got two stunners from the texas rattlesnake!!!!!!!!!
god cole was unwatchable doing that segment, just over acting so much, he over states everything, and is just so annoying, I had to actually change the channel. The guy is in way over his head, cant act, and I want him off my tv. Someone needs to tell him, sometimes less is more, and acting literally like an adult baby is not entertaining.
Holy Hell!!! JBL is one of my favourite superstars of all time. I actaully love his entire career from the APA to his fued with Rey Mysterio. I hope he signs a contract and returns to the Smackdown brand because Smackdown needs a top heel right now and he is perfect for that role.

While it was a cool moment, seeing JBL once again. After I had not seem him for several years, I don't want him to return. It was a nice one off thing (hopefully) where JBL came out, and was then hit with a stunner. Austin has been taking JBL's spot as the ref for some time now, so that was cool.

But to say you want him to be the top heel on Smackdown is kind of stupid. I really don't like using that word in my post, but why should he be returning to in ring competition. He has had his run, it's over, bye. Smackdown don't need another heel in the form of JBL, as they have Alberto Del Rio. Bringing JBL in would most likely hurt Del Rio in some way.

I must admit I didn't mark out, however it did give me some flashbacks. Nice segment, but I don't see JBL being in the WWE on a full time basis.
Actually, why not form some sort of faction with JBL and Del Rio? JBL's whole gimmick is that he is a millionaire right? (I haven't been watching too much wrestling in the last little while until recently.) I see Del Rio come to the ring in a different expensive car each week so I figure his gimmick is based on him having money as well? I think you could even throw in Ted Dibiase Jr into the mix. They could pay off different wrestlers to join their group. I know it would be a little bit of a re-hash of Ted Sr's Million Dollar Corp. but I don't think recycling is necessarily a bad thing sometimes.
I did. I'm a big JBL fan and enjoyed all his work. I hope he returns to TV in some capacity and would really like to see him return to being Heel Announcer.

agreed. JBL and Michael Cole (Yes, That Michael Cole) were probably my favorite announce team of all time. I'm a fan of JBL and always have been. having him wrestle probably isn't good though as WWE is trying to start a different era and he would get lost in the shuffle but I'm all for an announcing position.
I was really pleased to see JBL back, not often you get a real surprise in wrestling now. I think if he comes back he'll go on to raw commentry which would be very cool and i would love to see it. I dunno if Cole will be able to work with Lawler again after mania so could be a great fit. Think him and Austin were slightly unused though. would of been could to see just a little more.
It just goes to show that, when done right, the WWE can make anybody mark out.

For example, I don't even like JBL that much. Sure, he was a solid all-around worker, but I simply just wasn't as entertained by him as some other people were. But when you do something right, and you keep people off of TV, and be patient with them, rather than trying to shove some "HUGE, GROUNDBREAKING RETURN" of somebody who's been gone for 4 weeks, you can do some good things.

But I marked out for JBL like he was the second coming of Zeus.
I was never a huge fan of JBL. I didn't hate the guy, but he was never one of my favorites. Still, my excitement level did go up a little bit when he showed up on Raw this past Monday. It's been a while since JBL has appeared on Raw, so seeing him was kind of shocking. JBL can pull off the cocky rich guy role pretty well, and he does look like a guy who is smug and arrogant. Cole 's character has become a real dick, and seeing him temporarily join forces with JBL was kind of cool. It was the perfect paring of heels.
I kind of marked out myself. When JBL first turned heel leaving Ron behind and getting that god awful blonde combover I disliked him. But I remember him having a fatal fourway with Eddie, Batista, and Undertaker after he had beat them all in one on one matches and truly dug him as a heel champion. His confrontation with Triple H at the WM where they were both Champs going in was so good too.
The funniest thing I thought was "Look its the white Alberto Del Rio!"
I was watching with some friends, and when Cole said a legendary Texan, and former champion. They were like "JBL! Not Austin!" so kind of ruined the surprise but yeah, it was awesome. I hope he's back for a while to actually do some wrestling, because I'm tired of all this "weekly returns(of wrestlers who don't do shit!)" it's really pissing me off, bring someone in who will wrestle or don't bother.
It was great seeing him back. If he wrestles, he will put over new talent and help show some of the new talent how to work a mic.

Since he lost the WWE Championship to Cena at WM21, he put over Cena again at Judgment Day '05 (great match btw), Had a great and entertaining performance at One night stand 05, put over Batista after Batista's feud with Triple H.

Was put through a horrible feud with Boogeyman, put over Rey Mysterio at Mysterio's only successful title defense PPV (Judgment day '06), dropped the US belt to Bobby Lashley.

When he came back in 2008, he put over Jericho, was the first to be eliminated in NWO '08 elimination chamber match putting over the other guys, put over Orton, Cena, and HHH at Backlash, lost to Cena again the next month, had a great brawl with Cena at Bash '08 (yay! he finally won over Cena), put over CM Punk at SummerSlam '08, put over Batista at No Mercy '08, put over Cena again at Rumble '09, put over HBK at NWO '09, and then put over Rey at WM 25.

Sounds like a guy who is humble and does the right thing for business.
I definitely marked out for JBL.

The fact of the matter is that you never know how good you have it until you lose something and JBL was a great entertainer. Even coming back for one night got me out of my seat for a moment and the crowd seemed to echo my sentiments. Playing a heel like he does, it is sometimes very easy to lose momentum when you step away from the business and then come back. Look at Rock and Austin for example. Even better, look at Booker T! When he left the WWE he was a heel and when he came back, the WWE had no choice other than to make him a face because people were cheering for his return.

However, the fans immediately jumped on him from the moment his music began to play and he got out of his stretch limousine. That is real talent and it shows me that there is still a place in the WWE for JBL. My hope was that he would be sticking around on the shows for a while and perhaps make a come back but that seems to be dead in the water. I am definitely glad that he decided to come back for the one show and show us that he still thinks about wrestling. I legitimately hope that he comes back because he still looks to be in good shape and I think that there is a lot going in the WWE that he could play with.

For the one appearance though, this was definitely brilliant. From the moment I heard the cow bell, I was out of my seat and his promo with Cole had me hanging on his every word. I definitely marked out and hope that he comes back to the WWE soon.
Marked out so badly for JBL, didn't see it coming at all. I was one of the fools Cole managed to trick.
I hope it'd be more than a one night show, even though it probably will be. Most likely just another stunt to pull in more viewers sadly.

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