Did anyone else mark out for JBL?


Dark Match Winner
I was expecting someone like A-Rie to be the special guest match but when he said former champion I gotta admit I was completely perplexed; JBL just didn't come to mind even though he should have. But when his music hit I gotta admit I marked out a bit and was pretty pumped to see him back. I thought his promo was really good and of course he was outdone a bit by Austin but I'm hoping him being back wasn't just a one time thing, as I find him to be one of the best heels of the 2000's. Thoughts?
DUDE. Yes! Don't get me wrong I hate the guy, but it was really good to see him again.

A very unexpected choice, yet a very satisfying one. I only wonder what they're going to do with him since Austin has the mania ref position now.
It was in Dallas so I think they just got JBL to do a one night only appearance for nostalgic purposes. What do I know? Maybe him and Austin will both be referees (ala Stone Cold and Shane both reffing Backlash 00) but I'm just guessing that JBL's purpose in this storyline has been fufilled
No man u were not the only one marking out (I was too). And according to Wikipedia (which usually is about as reliable as my dick) but it says it is unclear if JBL was signing a contract. I am hoping he signs with WWE for a year cuz JBL is fucking awesome!
When Cole said "former WWE champion" I went through my head who it could be that would help cole, then he said "greatest texan" or whatever, then the only former Texan I could think of was JBL, then his music hit and I was happy to see him. He still does a damn good promo.

I wonder if Miz was showing off the title belt to him backstage.
It was awesome to see him again. Nice surprises like that are great (considering most get caught on wrestling sites). I don't know if I could listen to that character every week again but it was alright for a short return. I laughed threw most of it.

p.s. how stupid is he? he didn't see that stunner coming? TWICE? cooome on haha
Holy Hell!!! JBL is one of my favourite superstars of all time. I actaully love his entire career from the APA to his fued with Rey Mysterio. I hope he signs a contract and returns to the Smackdown brand because Smackdown needs a top heel right now and he is perfect for that role.
I did. I'm a big JBL fan and enjoyed all his work. I hope he returns to TV in some capacity and would really like to see him return to being Heel Announcer.
Definately. I kept thinking & second guessing myself on if it was JBL that Cole was talking bout. So when the music hit i started getting a bit rowdy. JBL is one of the few guys left that can generate so much heat on the mic. I would love for him to be back for a while other than just that segment.

One of the best heel champs of the last 20 years & one half of the APA- you cant deny that having him around would not only be great for fans, but the newer gen of stars as well.
It was a mark-out moment, and I was marking out right there with you bro. JBL rules. You don't know what you got till it's gone. I really hope this leads to a return for the Wrestling God. He's an awesome heel.
I said it earlier, I marked out for JBL returning... if only to take a few stunners from SCSA. THAT was HUGE.
His promo was a classic, er, "vintage" also. Knocking the audience down a few pegs. He definitely showed the boys in the back how to cut a heel promo.

That's all I know and all you need to know...
Mild markout. The minute he said former world champion - and before he said Texan - my guess was JBL. Just made sense since JBL and Cole broadcast Smackdown! together a bunch of years back.

Found JBL's promo to be very funny, though. A guy with a backstage reputation of being a bully actually says on the mic "I hate bullies and I hate guys who just bully others because they can." HAHAHA. I didn't realize JBL had that kind of self-depricating humor.
JBL is awesome, he probably dosent want to wrestle anymore but was certainly a reason why i watched smackdown few years bacl, awesome heel who i wanted to get buried every week, he shows how big brawler shud wrestler, although he was an awesome commentator and wud be perfect to go on to the announce team at some stage again!!! after lawler in few years when he calls it a day!!! get him back in wwe announce teamif he dosnt have the abilty to get back into the ring!!!
JBL (a wrestling god)
DUDE. Yes! Don't get me wrong I hate the guy, but it was really good to see him again.

A very unexpected choice, yet a very satisfying one. I only wonder what they're going to do with him since Austin has the mania ref position now.

this has absolutely nothing to do with this post..but i was reading the thread and had to tell you that your SIG picture is AWESOME. no pun intended either.
this reminded me soo much of when stone cold and jbl had a beer drinking contest and jbl was just pouring it down himself haha good times
Like someone else said once he said fellow Texan and former champ I knew it was JBL. Even though I never really liked him as JBL I was excited to see him again. The APA was my favorite tag team of the Attitude Era, me and my bud were Farooq and BRadshaw one Halloween, got hammered and looked for asses to kick , so seeing JBL now is always a treat.
I was excited to see him as well. But as his promo went on, you could tell that something was going to happen, likely with Austin. I would love to see JBL come back as an announcer, because Booker isn't cutting it on Smackdown. He'd be good on RAW as well, but not working with Cole. Two heels wouldn't work. But I hope he does hang around in some capacity.
In my opinion, the way Michael Cole introduced JBL by suckering the entire audience into thinking the special guest referee was initially Stone Cold was brilliant. JBL has always been one of my all time favorite heels and one of the most entertaining since I began watching wrestling. I'm guessing his appearance was only a one time deal but I would love to see JBL make more appearances over the next few weeks. After all, he does have some history with Cole (as a fellow broadcast partner) and Stone Cold (I've lost track of how many times SCSA would have a beer with JBL only to give him a Stunner a second later) so it is possible to tie him into the storyline.
I was genuinely surprised when JBL came out. I was left scratching my head when Cole was describing a former texan WWE champion. For JBL to walk out I was shocked and surprised. Good move WWE even if it did lead up to him getting two stunners and a beer drenching!
The moment Cole said "great texan" I immediately thought JBL, but didn't actually think it was gonna happen. Like somebody else said earlier, I kind of liked seeing JBL as he's been gone for 2 years. But when Austin gave him the beer, I kept thinking "don't drink with Austin".
Texan, former World Champ, hell I thought it might be Eddie Guerrero, LOL.
Seriously though, I was thinking Stone Cold obviously, then perhaps Undertaker crossed my mind in some type of mental swerve storyline, and then obviously HBK came to mind and seemed like the really obvious choice, but then I thought of Booker T as he is signed and seemed kinda obvious......I didn't even think of JBL. I love JBL and it is awesome to see him even just for one night but next to Stone Cold, HBK, The Undertaker, even a ressurrected back from the dead zombie Eddie, JBL was kind of a let down. Awesome though, JBL rocks and one of the best heels ever. Would love to continue seeing him in some capacity in the future.
Come to think of it Texas really does have a lot of champs.
I for one enjoyed seeing him come back, whether it be for the one time or not. I too would like to see him as an announcer, whether it be on Smackdown or Raw.
I thought it was AWESOME. I had to call my dad because we are both JBL (and mr. Kennedy) Marks. JBL always give us that father son moment when ever he comes out and after he left in 08 me and him were so depressed. So you probably can't imagine how happy I was..... I'm gonna get a JBL sig now.

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