DiBiase vs Rhodes

The Wolf

Pre-Show Stalwart
I was watching WrestleMania 26 the triple threat match between DiBiase/Rhodes/Orton. It got me thinking WWE has spoke bout merging all the titles.

The IC title n & US title will need to b also and if they do it at WrestleMania can any one think of a match that they can do other then DiBiase vs Rhodes and not need to spend to much build up on.

Also who would want to see it
Yup. Dolph Ziggler vs. Daniel Bryan. In my eyes, that seems lke the most likely scenario come Wrestlemania time. These two have duked it out in the ring before and I gotta say, I fairly enjoyed the matches they had and I know most people did as well. A feud between the two of these wrestlers leading up to a match at Wrestlemania for the unification of the titles would be awesome. Now, would people want to see it? Of course they would. Who DOESN'T want to see another match between these two fellers should be the question.

As for your theory of Cody and Dibiase: that would be pretty sweet but I just don't see it happening yet. A feud between Rhodes and Dibiase is expected, sure. But it won't be a while before we get to see such a feat. I think that Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler for the title unification match at Wrestlemania would be a much more likely scenario then the one you speak of.

But, in the end, who knows. It's probably still too early to start making such rash predicitions. Perhaps the titles won't even be merging by that time.
As far as a Unification Match goes, I guess the best scenario would probably be the opportunity for the best match possible to play out. In this case, based on who is hovering around the titles right now. I would have to go with who is the 2 current champions holding the titles in question.

Dolph Ziggler Vs. Daniel Bryan would be a great match up for Wrestlemania. I think it could really tear the house down if these 2 could make the feud a little more emotionally driven. There isn't a need for some masterful buildup with a bunch of nonsense between the 2 leading up to Mania.

There is already a small back story with the 2 from their matches in recent months. But I think the true emotion in this match could be pushed by each guy really wanting to be the winner and more than anything wanting to be the guy that unifies the titles.

If the titles are not to be unified....

I would like to see Dolph turn Face pretty soon here. I guess the best way to do it would be for a split between he and Vickie. That would obviously immediately turn him.

My reasoning behind that though wouldn't just be for a random Face Turn. If Ziggler is to defend The IC Title against someone on SmackDown, I would prefer it to be Cody Rhodes. That is a match I would really like to see. Not only that, I think Rhodes is due for a single's title.

I wouldn't mind if they had their match both as Heel. I think it would take some of the emotion from the match though. The IC title match (Sure there has been a few exceptions) is usually one of my favorite matches from a lot of Wrestlemanias and I would like to see it return to some of it's old school glory. I think Ziggler has done a great job of restoring some of the IC's credibility.

A suitable/shocking ending to this match if they both came in as Heels, would be if Vickie turned on Dolph at the conclusion of this match, causing him to lose the title and left with Rhodes. That could make for a good feud in the months after Mania. Maybe even till Summerslam and beyond.

As far as The US Title goes. The more I think about the roster and everything. The guy I would really like to see Bryan defend the title against is Drew McIntyre. Imagine if McIntyre were to capture the United States Title? We would never hear the end of it. Could make for some kind of a needed resurrection for Drew.

But, to keep it to who is on the RAW roster right now. I am not exactly sure who I would like to see face Bryan. I guess I would have to think outside of the box a little here. I just have no interest in watching one of the best in ring performers in the business today (Bryan) squaring off against one of the most overrated as well as boring in ring competitors in wrestling today (Dibiase).

Maybe it could be someone completely random. Maybe Bryan chooses one of the Bella Twins and the other becomes jealous and looks to get revenge. Maybe the scorned Bella twin grabs someone like Alex Riley or something.

Fishing a little on this subject... I will go with Wade Barrett. I would like to see him take on Undertaker at Mania. But if that does not happen, I think a match with Bryan defending the US Title against Wade Barrett could make for a fantastic match.

There is enough back story involved in this to be pretty intense as well. With the whole Nexus thing and Bryan being "kicked out" and what not, could make for a match that could steal the show.
What I was thinking was more with DiBiase going after the US title have pull off what is looking like an upset. And have Cody win it in a triple threat or fatal 4 way cause Dolph and Kofi has a great rivalry without a title at this point.
Both are heels so I can't see this happening, plus Dibiase isn't even over right now. If they plan to do a unification match at Mania then the current champs are the ideal ones, they have the great series of matches they had last year to build off as well as both men having brought prestige back to their respective titles.
I'd rather see Rhodes/Dibiase than Ziggler/Bryan for the millionth time.

With Codys' new gimmick it would be great to see him in a big match (unification match) and maybe Dibiase can actually do something interesting for once.
As great as this would be, it's not going to happen. Ted lost to Santino in about 2 minutes on Raw last week, he's going to be fired soon more than likely. Cody on the other hand is due for an IC Title reign so he could be in a unification match against DBD, but only if Ziggler turns face (Cody would lose too much steam as a face)
as far as titles, they dont need to split up the midcard titles....and it would be foolish....for a United States title match, they should do Daniel Bryan vs Wade Barrett....it would be easy to start....Daniel could make fun of Barrett getting kicked out of Nexus just like they kicked out Daniel....the IC title doesnt even have to be defended at WrestleMania.....its not always defended....i would rather see Dolph Ziggler in the MITB along with Big Show, Dashing, McIntyre, Swagger, Kofi, returning Evan Bourne, R-Truth, DiBiase, and maybe Tyson Kidd or Mark Henry.....which of course Ziggler should win

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