Developmental: Steven Kurtesy

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Leon Kensworthy is seen exiting from an elevator door. He walks down a short hallway that leads into a waiting room. He moves around the chairs cautiously to get to the receptionist.

Excuse me, I'm Leon Kensworthy. I was booked for a short session today at 10 a.m. I am here to see...

Ah yes, he is expecting you. Just go down that hallway there and its the last door on your left.

Thankyou very much ma'am.

Kensworthy walks down to the corridor when a door swings open, startling Leon. Sandy Deserts walks out from the room wiping her mouth with her thumb, licking her lips and carrying a metal pipe, head down. She bumps into Leon.

Oh... Hey Leon... what are you doing here?

I was just about to ask you the same thing...

I'm just here for my weekly sessions.

I'm sure you are.

Sandy looks at Leon with a death stare and ready's her pipe. Leon starts to worry.

Excuse me Leon? Did I hear you say something?

She turns her attention to the pipe and starts moving it around to examine it. She strokes it a couple of times.

Err... n-no, I d-didn't say nothing S-S-Sandy.

I thought so... my hearing is a little shot from all the battles that me and Roddy Pipe have been through over the years...

Sandy smiles and pats Leon on the shoulder who gets a small shock. She then walks off swinging her pipe in a circular motion. Leon shakes his head and walks into the office. Steven Kurtesy is seen laying on the patient's couch with his arms behind his head, eyes closed, and seems very relaxed. He takes a deep breath in and gives a smirk.


Leon's voice scares Kurtesy and makes him jolt from his laying position into a sitting upright one. He opens his eyes and looks around in distress.

Hmm... huh... what? Oh... Leon.

Sorry Steven. I didn't know you were asleep. The lady at reception told me this was the Doctor's office. I'm guessing she was wrong s...

Who? Dorris?

There's only one receptionist.

Ah yes, Julie. Yeah, she pointed you in the right direction.

Kurtesy gets up from the lounge and fixes his suit up from the ruffled state. He steps back and extends his hand towards Leon. They shake hands.

Good morn to you Mr. Kensworthy, please... have a seat. Make yourself comfortable... take your jacket and belt off if you want to relax. Would you like a beverage?

Kurtesy walks over to his desk and pulls out a bottle of Johnny Walker Black Label and poors two sizable portions into two crystal drinking glasses. Leon removes his jacket, his tie and his belt. He places them over the lounge and lays back.

So what. You are the doctor? I thought you were a psychologist?

Indeed I am Mr. Kensworthy.

Kurtesy walks to Kensworthy and hands him one glass. He preceeds to walk back to the desk and stares outside the large window overlooking the park, glass in one hand and the other behind his back.

I love this office... it has a nice relaxing view over the park and the sun never shines directly through here. On nice summer days, the breeze through here cures any stress. In winter, you can draw finger pictures on the glass due to precipitation build-up.

Kurtesy starts to sip the drink and slowly turns it into a shot. Leon looks at his glass and takes a sip of his own not to be rude and tries his hardest to swallow the drink. He puts a hand on his chest and tries to breathe heavily. Kurtesy goes back to his bottle and finishes off whats left into his glass. He places the bottle back and skulls what he just poored.

Ahh... you can't make it like Johnny Walker does. I've tried, the best I can get is Jim Beam.

I like Jim Beam...

That's a poor man's Jack Daniels is what that is.

... in the trash, like Midori.

I knew you were a smart man Mr. Kensworthy. So...

Kurtesy grabs his notepad and pen on the desk and walks over to a huge single-seater chair. Kurtesy sits down into a comfortable position, puts his glasses on, crosses his legs and looks at Leon.

What are you here for Mr. Kensworthy?

You contacted me to come and meet you today.

In denial are we Leon? Can I call you Leon?

Err... sure, but I am not in denial. I was just following commands.

So you need to adhere to commands from others to run your life properly then?

No, you asked me to be here and I booked a session.

I said to meet me here, not book a session.

I rang the calling card you gave me and you said that you wanted me to book a session if I were to meet you here so it would be easier on your patients and your schedule.

Hmmm... I see...

Kurtesy starts to write something on the notepad in a fashion that Leon cannot see what he is jotting down.

What are you writing?

None of your business unfortunately. It's patient/doctor confidentiality.

But I'm the patient?

I thought you said you weren't a patient and that you wanted to meet me here?

That's correct but...

So you are confused about your direction in life?

What? A little... but that has nothing to do with what I am here for.

Interesting... and how does that make you feel?

It makes me feel a little frustrated that I am here not doing the arranged interview with you.

Easy there tiger. Don't get wound up... do you like juice?

Yes, I do. Why do you...

Kurtesy looks over to his desk and reaches for his inbuilt pager, holding down a button.

Leanne, can you bring me a juice popper... any flavour will do.

As soon as Kurtesy lets go of the button and brings his arm back, a lady walks in and gives the juicebox to Leon. She looks at Kurtesy.

Juice patient?

Indeed. Thankyou Leanne.

She smiles and walks out. Leon sits there confused as he opens up his juice and proceeds to drink through a straw. Kurtesy takes Leon's glass of Johnny Walker and skulls the lot. He puts down the glass with Leon continuing to suck on the straw.

So... let's cut to the chase then. Tell me the purpose of the visit then.

Well... *sucking noises* ... I came here to inform you and ask you about your acceptance into the WrestleZone Championship Wrestling.

I have been taking watch of the federation for a few weeks now, considering that patients of mine are... and were... within the roster there. That's one of the reasons why I got the job. But, ever since I first stepped inside the WZCW Headquarters to sign-up... I could smell something was fishy and I knew it wasn't co-incidences. Flickering lights and mysterious disappearances don't just occur this regularly in this short time frame.

Yes, that has been happening quite a lot lately... even to me.

Exactly, no-one is safe. Even the rejects of society are blacklisted. But, the adversity and the challenges is nothing but a mind obstacle for a psychologist like myself that can be easily overcome by the almighty logic. I already have people on my side if shit hits the fan, so we are covered and able to continue to perform what we are all initially paid to do.

I am not a man to make enemies with people but I will say this... it may be my debut match or it may be five years from now for the WZCW World Title, but I want Lars Reidar after what he did to my close friend and patient AshLeigh FalKon. I want to avenge and fight for his honour, even if he was off the rails. I was close in rehabilitating him... but it was everyone in society pointing and laughing at him that ruined it all.

He was a little weird in retrospect. Is there anything else that you would like to address?

Nothing in particular. It is known that I will succeed from my resume and succeed I shall. It doesn't matter if I have to fly solo, find myself a partner or walk into the halls of Mayhem... I will take the best neccessary path to get to the top.

That is always a good attitude to have there Steven.

Indeed it is... and just like that, our session has ended. Thankyou for your time and hope to see you again. How's Tuesday at 2pm sound?

That sounds fair?

Great! See you then... don't forget your clothes.

Leon and Steven shake hands. Steven goes to his desk and starts to write down a few things. Leon puts his tie in his jacketpocket, puts his jacket on. He walks out the door and begins to put his belt back on. Another man is seen walking up the hallway where Leon bumps into him.

Oh sorry mate... I didn't see you there.

In for your weekly sessions?

The man chuckles and walks down the corridor to a door on the right where a hot blonde young woman greets him.

Me too.

The door closes, Leon shakes his head and keeps on walking. The scene fades with him turning the corner to head for the elevator.

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