[Destination X] Ultimate X Match [TNA X Division Championship]




Destination X 2012
Ultimate X Match
TNA X Division Championship





Among the three matches announced earlier by TNA for the upcomming ppv will be an Ultimate X match to determine the new X Division Champion once Austin Aries surrenders the title.

As of right now, no competitors have been named but I'm going to guess that TNA will bring in some outside talent & former X Division guys into the match. I'm guessing there'll be about 6 men in total with Zema Ion & Kazarian being two of the six. With Aries moving on, for now at least, Sabin being on the shelf, Kid Kash maybe focusing on MMA at the time, Sorensen out & Nese gone; the pickings are kind of slim as far as current X Division talent goes. I expect Kazarian will be in the match as, quite frankly, he has nothing else going on aside from being Daniels' sidekick. Daniels himself is busy in a singles match with AJ Styles, which Kazarian could play some role in of course, but he's pretty much inconsequential for the rest of the night. Kazarian is a former X Division Champion & staple of the division, plus TNA needs someone recognizable to current fans in the match.
As much of a fan I was of the latter of the two ROH World Championship reigns Austin Aries had, and his run in TNA, I personally feel this is a terrible move. I feel as though if he were to LOSE the TNA World Heavyweight Championship match, than he should somehow keep his title. I know that wouldn't look to good on paper, but if you look what the X Division has going on right now that's available, it's embarrassing:

Available X Division Talent:
Mark Haskins
Zema Ion
Kid Kash
Shannon Moore
Doug Williams

I mean, while there are a few very talented workers in that mix, none in my opinion should follow Austin Aries as X Division Champion. While I do indeed enjoy this idea of trading in the championship that put TNA on the map for a chance to be a World Champion, I feel it's horribly ill-timed on TNA's behalf. Austin Aries restored credibility to a championship that had been hot-potatoed about over the last few years (for TNA's standards) and it was no more than a lower to midcard championship. Now, it's got some credibility, and there's no one whose got any steam going right now who should take that belt.

Another name that comes to mind is Samoa Joe, but I honestly have no clue what in the hell TNA is doing with him right now, due to me not having watched in a week or two, and I've not kept up on the Destination X card. Joe is probably the best bet if he's available, however, I feel he'd look like a weak champion due to just having come off a clean defeat by Austin Aries at Slamiversary.
Honestly i have no problem with A double giving it up, he hadn't defended it for a while, and when he did they felt like matches that were thrown together out of nowhere, while he was fueding with the likes of bully ray and samoa joe(hes BFG series and i haven't considered him to be x division for a while). It's a good way to give it up and not make him lose and work on toward rebuilding the x-divison by showcaseing new people.

I like the return of Sonjay dutt hes someone i think could be a legit champion and not have to be moved up the card like double A needs to be, but don't give him the championship to early. I'd really like to see the return of Petty Williams put the belt on "lil petty pump"!!!
I to would like to see the return of Petey Williams to take the title, and I think Sonjay Dutt would be a good choice to. It looks like there will be four people in the tournament. It was really clear to me yet as I am watching Impact on DVR now. Should be a great match, but I hope they put the title on someone that will carry it as well as Aries did.
Looks like Sonjay Dutt is back and I like it a lot. Others I would like to see come back are Low-Ki, Petey Williams, Jay Lethal, Homicide, and Amazing Red. Those alone would make for a great and credible X-Division. Throw in a couple of new faces, maybe even Joey Ryan and Chavo Guerrero and you have a great mix and legit division.
With Sonjay Dutt back, things seem to be looking up for Ultimate X. I want to see Low Ki back, and I like what I saw in Rashad Cameron. I kinda would like to see Consequences Creed back, but I think he's stuck in FCW.
For some reason i have a feeling TNA would want Kenny King to win the X division title so he would not go back to ROH where he is already tag champ there
So as you all know after Austin Aries gave up his X division title, TNA is without a champion and in order to find a replacement the were a series of matches on Impact to get determine who would fight for the title at Destination X.

So now that we have seen all the qualifying matches and know who will participate in the match, I want to know what you guys though of what we have seen over the last two weeks. Who impressed you? Who do you want to walk out with the title? Who do you think will win?

For me, the guy that stands out has to be Kenny King. Whether or not he will go on to win, I don't know, especially after all these contract shenanigans. For me he definitely looked like the most interesting guy there, he was athletic and seemed quite charismatic. I feel also that he was the most solid in the ring. Everybody else in the tournament pulled off a couple of good spots but a lot of them seemed quite botchy whereas King looked really good, especially some of the kicks he landed. But this is just my opinion, what do you guys think?
To me Kenny King was impressive and will probably be the next x-division champion. But to me TNA dropped the ball, where was Petty Williams to me he is what the x-division is all about, It instantly would restore the championship to what it was for A double, for a former champion to come back just for it.

Also where was Jay lethal there stars of the past can still be stars of today.
From the four wrestlers who are in the tournment, I want Sonjay Dutt to win but feel Kenny King wil win. I'm not being racist but is there any white men in the tournement?
I'm also on the Kenny King bandwagon. His skills in the ring helped saved what otherwise would've been a terrible match last night. He displayed some serious charisma on the mic after the match as well. So, he gets my endorsement for winning the X-Division Championship. But I can't help but think that people will accuse King of politicking due to his friendship with Austin Aries.
I hope Kenny King wins. Been a huge fan of his and I love his interview a while back even better. "we are wrestling, we aren't MMA, we aren't jiu jitsu" is the best thing I've heard in forever.

I want King to win and become a huge star. Should be a fun match. King will have something to prove.
Hoping Ulimate X will be Sonjay vs King vs Jigsaw vs Ion, put the belt on King, build the new "post A Double" X Division around him.

Can't wait for this PPV, card looks fantastic. Loved King on Impact, hopefully there's a whole lot more Kenny King to come and hopefully they retain King, Sonjay, Jigsaw and that will really go a long way to fleshing out the X Division.

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