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Desmond Wolfe Returning!


Championship Contender
As posted on the WZ main site, the following tweet was made by Dixie Carter earlier today:

"Just spoke to Desmond. Expect London Brawling to be back on iMPACT! soon."

This is fantastic news for TNA! Not only is Wolfe one of its best young talents, but the tag division desperately needs a new face to step up and challenge the MCMG. Things were starting to look pretty bleak with the Dudleys splitting and only Beer Money and Generation Me around as legitimate competition.

Great day for Wolfe fans! Great day for British people!
dont forget about ink inc! It is a great day ...Wolfe is great and i always liked london brawling...cant wait for their return
Praise the freakin' Lord!

I'm so glad to hear this. I was afraid Desmond was done for good. The Tag division needed another heel tag-team and considering how great Desdmond and Magnus are, this should be one AWESOME feud. Can't wait.
All the rumors said that he had too many concussions to ever wrestle again. I hope those rumors were not true. I hope that he is not wrestling again with sevier concussion problems.

You are talking about adding to the tag division. The only reason that he wasn't in the main event at the time he left is because two guys that can't wrestle, Russo and Bischoff, did not think he was ready for it. I really love the guys hard work. Oh, and I do miss Chelsea.
The tag team division is seriously the only entertaining thing on TNA today. X division sucks (although it is interesting to tune in every week to see who's finally going to kick Robbie E's ass). Women's division is good for a women's division, but seriously, who cares anyways? Television title race...wait...there's a television title? The heavyweight title storyline is slightly ok, I guess but nothing to draw enough interest for me to stay tuned in more than 5 minutes into a segment. And Jeff Jarrett on TV at all automatically makes me turn of the TV for the rest of the night.

So yeah, London Brawling returning might just be enough to get me to tune into TNA more often.
I'm glad to see Wolfe back, but I think it's a shame he's going to be stuck in the tag division. The guy is a great singles wrestler, with a great gimmick, great mic skills, and loads of charisma, not to mention he's probably the best technical worker in the company next to Kurt Angle. If anyone is benefitting from this, it's Magnus, who is young enough to get something out of continuing to be in a tag team. However, Wolfe has been in the game long enough that he deserves a main-event push. Just my take.
I was really worried from a couple articles I read, that he was going to be done for good. GREAT NEWS!!!! London brawling needs to get in on the tag action, I wonder how they will compare to the best of 5 series the Guns had with Beer Money...those were some epic bouts, didnt really see any of their matches on Xplosion, dont get it here in the states, but judging by the beatdown they gave the guns in that last promo they did together....it's gonna be a hell of a feud!!!
This is the best news I've heard all year. Wolfe has it all and it would have been a shame if he couldn't continue his wrestling career. I'm hoping that he rejoins Magnus to tag for a few matches but then turns on Magnus for trying to steal Chelsea from him. Even though TNA could use another tag team or two, I think Wolfe is at his best in singles matches. A Wolfe/Magnus feud would be a good place to start. Another plus with him going to singles is he will be able to wear that badass gray ring jacket again.

I'm glad he is back, but I really hope they drop the Chelsea being bitchy thing since Abyss went heel the whole beauty and the beast thing didnt pan out and it doesnt make sense for her to hate him anymore. Unless the plan is to break up Londen brawling using her as a the catalyst, but it would make much sense to do that so soon after thier return to TV.
This is GREAT NEWS. Desmond Wolfe is Fantastic and he's a Great Talent, he is great in the ring and on the mic. I'm also Very Happy to see that London Brawling will be back on Impact they are a Pretty Good Tag Team and I would expect them to feud with the MCMG after Final Resolution. I can't wait to see him back in the Impact Zone.
I'm glad to see Wolfe back, but I think it's a shame he's going to be stuck in the tag division. The guy is a great singles wrestler, with a great gimmick, great mic skills, and loads of charisma, not to mention he's probably the best technical worker in the company next to Kurt Angle. If anyone is benefitting from this, it's Magnus, who is young enough to get something out of continuing to be in a tag team. However, Wolfe has been in the game long enough that he deserves a main-event push. Just my take.

This is about the only reason I might not be looking forward to a guy returning that I think is great at what he does. People constantly giving their "take" about how Wolfe should be getting a main event push. He certainly has all the skills as you mention PhD, however, I think at this point it is pretty clear he comes with some baggage. What happened clearly shows TNA was right for not pushing him to the moon IMO. Sometimes the aspects we do not know about are important information in who gets a push. Unfortunately it is not always just as simple as this guy is talented, push him. If Wolfe has something going on that makes him an above average risk to miss significant time, I know I certainly would think twice before building around him.
This is about the only reason I might not be looking forward to a guy returning that I think is great at what he does. People constantly giving their "take" about how Wolfe should be getting a main event push. He certainly has all the skills as you mention PhD, however, I think at this point it is pretty clear he comes with some baggage. What happened clearly shows TNA was right for not pushing him to the moon IMO. Sometimes the aspects we do not know about are important information in who gets a push. Unfortunately it is not always just as simple as this guy is talented, push him. If Wolfe has something going on that makes him an above average risk to miss significant time, I know I certainly would think twice before building around him.

See I agree with you on the whole in that it wouldn't be a good idea to build your company around a guy that could miss significant time. The only reason I don't think that's the case with Wolfe is because of Jeff Hardy. There's a good chance he wont go to prison but, the fact is he could end up in there suggests, to me, there was more to why Desmond wasn't pushed then just whatever medical situation he had.

I'm glad he wasn't pushed straight to the main event as it's nice to see someone build up a solid body of mid-card work before going to the top. I think Wolfe has the tools to get there but it'd be nice to see him work around the TV title and tag titles before heading upwards.

Him coming back is deffo a good thing!
I'm glad he wasn't pushed straight to the main event as it's nice to see someone build up a solid body of mid-card work before going to the top. I think Wolfe has the tools to get there but it'd be nice to see him work around the TV title and tag titles before heading upwards.

Him coming back is deffo a good thing!

Agree with this part. On Hardy I do not. Hardy is not going to jail. This was a situation where the IWC let their minds run wild for too long in classic TNA hating style and started to believe their own bs. On the remote chance that it does happen it would not be anytime soon. Hardy did not have to be built up. He was ready to main event anyway.
Agree with this part. On Hardy I do not. Hardy is not going to jail. This was a situation where the IWC let their minds run wild for too long in classic TNA hating style and started to believe their own bs. On the remote chance that it does happen it would not be anytime soon. Hardy did not have to be built up. He was ready to main event anyway.
Says Mr. "When will Chris Jericho appear in TNA?"

I'm curious as to what you base this information off of. Are you familiar with the North Carolina legal system? Did you pass the bar way back when and have merely been pretending to be a hardcore wrestling mark just for the sake of a surprise appearance as Jeff Hardy's legal counsel? Or is this another "well the writers work for a big company, and anyone who writes for a big company is obviously smarter than anyone else" post?

If Jeff Hardy was living under the threat of having his bail revoked imminently, there's no way TNA would be using him the way they are. I'm not that big on TNA's business plan right now, which seems to be to pay a lot more money to get the same amount of viewers, but they aren't brain-dead ******ed. So don't take my dissent from your post as meaning that I fully expect Jeff Hardy to go to prison soon; the internet loves to assume that dissent means your argument is directly contrary to the post it refers to. However, I'd like to know where you get information so solid that you can look down at the "IWC" (hey, smart- you're here, posting, you're a part of it) for making conjecture.
This is about the only reason I might not be looking forward to a guy returning that I think is great at what he does. People constantly giving their "take" about how Wolfe should be getting a main event push. He certainly has all the skills as you mention PhD, however, I think at this point it is pretty clear he comes with some baggage. What happened clearly shows TNA was right for not pushing him to the moon IMO. Sometimes the aspects we do not know about are important information in who gets a push. Unfortunately it is not always just as simple as this guy is talented, push him. If Wolfe has something going on that makes him an above average risk to miss significant time, I know I certainly would think twice before building around him.

Thanks for setting me straight with your expert knowledge of what it takes to get a push. As others have pointed out, TNA clearly isn't following that principle at the moment. Wolfe got dumped straight into a main-event level feud with Kurt Angle, and he really excelled there. Not surprisingly, his gradual depush coincided with the Hogan-Bischoff era.

I know that everyone here wants to be the smarkiest smark, but I'm personally not jumping for joy to see Wolfe stuck in a bit role tagging with Magnus when he's shown he's clearly capable of more. If he's going to be as misused as he was before he went out with injury issues, then no, I'm not excited to see Desmond Wolfe return to TNA.
Wow. When did this thread become about Jeff Hardy and the North Carolina Circular Court? Just Curious....

Anyway, Wolfe returning in any form is a good thing, on one condition. That he's completely healthy. Wolfe, from his ROH days, took ALOT of unprotected chair shots to the head, the worst maybe coming in his final match against Daniel Bryan.

I know what a bitch neurological problems can be. Some days you feel great, you can for months at a time. Then suddenly, you start to fail to think straight, your short term memory is gone, and so is your balance. I don't know what symptoms Desmond was experiencing, per se, but hopefully he's been cleared by his physicians because anything he can bring to TNA is a good thing. Whether it be as a part of London Brawling, or as a single's wrestler, Wolfe is a special talent.
Well a great day for TNA, a great day for tag team wrestling and a great day for wrestling fans everywhere. Great thing about the position wolfe is in is that he can enhance the tag team divison but seen as there are enough tems to keep the divison fresh he also has the oppertunity to go solo if it should arise. I did feel a little bit sorry for chelsea after the whole storyline involving her abyss and wolfe got dropped and she just went back to managing/escourting desmond.

But ever since I heard the news about his condition, I have been very concerned about what it meant for his wrestling career from now on. Will he be able to do what he has done before now, or will his matches become very typical british ground-based work. One of the great things about wolfe was the fact he had both a great mic ability overshadowing most in the business today but also had a unique in ring style. I'd hate the thought that could be lost because of what happened.

But just seeing him again will be good, especially because he reps for britain and is more entertaining than doug "tea and biscuits" williams. i love it when he calls everyone wankers because over here thats really offensive but Tna lets it slide because not many people watching really know what it means. (P.S. it basically means jerk-off in americanese). I dont even care where he goes from here, I'm just happy to see him back really.
Hopefully he gets a fresh start and he just moves back into things, without any of the old story-line baggage. Hopefully, he's also healthy and isn't rushing into it wishfully. Nonetheless, TNA can only be better with him back as he's one of my favorite things about TNA.
i'm thinking and what about since its published on Dixie's Twitter desmond and magnus are in Team Dixie ! she personaly talk to desmond for his return ! think about it .. joe , pope , ANGLE , magnus , Desmond and maybe another wrestlers in the comin weeks ! but agian thats just my oponion !
Edit : oh i forgot about STING !
I'm glad he's back. Hopefully him and Magnus will be featured on Impact more from here on out. They could feud against the Machine Guns since the Machine Gun's feud with Generation Me has almost ran its course. Wolfe could be a real player if he is pushed right.
I for one am glad Wolfe is back, he is one of my favorite wrestles on the TNA roster.

Hopefully they will give London Brawling a big push or, following a good 'split' storyline make Wolfe the high mid-card/main eventer he could be.
AV IT!!!!!! i just marked out at the news alone! TNA and wrestling fullstop needs desmond wolfe back. Let him break back in gently with londons brawling then give him the singles push he can charge allthe way to the top with. I never forgave TNA for how they buried the guy after such a strong start with the angle feud, but they can make it up now.
I thought the London Brawling and MCMG promo a few months back was insanely entertaining, so this is good news while I would much rather have Wolfe by himself I actually like London Brawling so it's good in my book.

Also seeing as Morgan and Williams left Fortune you guys think London Brawling will have a place in it?

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