December To Dismember Was Not The Worst WWE PPV Of 2006

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
In my opinion anyway. That honour goes to Cyber Sunday. And heres why:

Cyber Sunday was a properly promoted PPV, D 2 D was not. With a properly promoted PPV you would at least expect a memorable match. Not one of the match's on the card was any good. The best of the night was Umaga vs. Kane, and that was average at best. D 2 D had one good match MNM vs. the Hardys and one ok match, the E.C. Obviously the booking in that match was ridiculous. They made Punk and RVD look like jobbers, Sabu wasn't involved for some reason and Lashleys shit. But the match was still ok. Kelly Kelly & Mike Knox vs. Ariel and Kevin Thorn was the worst PPV match of the year. But none of them are over nor extremley talented. D-X & Rated RKO have all the talent in the world. And yet they didn't have a good match. Better than the mixed gender match. But then again with there profiles they should. At least the ECW match was a complete cluster fuck, the biggest stars on Raw could only manage utter shit.

D 2 D was possibly the worst promoted PPV of all time so it has every right to be crap. Cyber Sunday is the years only PPV where you can vote. Thus it get's more attention than a regular 'B' show.

This is meant to incite a debate. So please make proper posts.
Cyber Sunday/Taboo Tuesday is still a very unique pay per view. For some reason the concept of voting for each match, which in theory sounds really kick ass, has been a disapointment so far. It takes away from the pay per view when you know the outcome before hand. Some of the choices, lets say for example, Steel Cage or Political Debate. Come on, everyone knows whats going to win.

Now ontot he topic at hand. December to Dismember was just plain awful. As you knwo, i despise the snooze enabling tag team of the Hardly Boyzzzzz, and I'm not sold on Johnny Nitro. I thought this was a very long winded, boring matchup, and I found myself zoning out a couple times. Now is that because I have little interest in 3 out of 4 wrestlers, or the fact that I could hear the person in the top of the building sneeze, you be the judge. And then we come to the "EXXXtreme Elimination Chamber". Properly booked doesn't begin to describe this disaster. How the Hell do you screw up a gimmick match that has been moderatly successful since it's debut, why, putting Test, Hardcore Holly, and a green Bobby Lashley in it of course. CM Punk is the most over guy, and he doesn't make it to the back half of the match. The pay per view lasted what, 2:15 minutes?, no wonder why people were pissed off. It was god awful.

Cyber Sunday, not much better. The voting kept me somewhat entertained. I will take a bunch of saggy titty 50 year old wrestlers beating up the spirit squad before watching a Mike Knox/Mordecai match. Piper still looks crazy in the ring. Even as much as I despise John Cena, King Booker will entertain me always.

Comparing Cyber Sunday and D2D is ike comparing a Shiny turd to a regular turd, they both taste like shit, but at least one looks good on the outside. I'llt ake the star studded turd over the C Rated turd.
I gotta agree with the shockmaster on this one. D2D was just plain bad. I at least had the interest to buy Cyber Sunday, whereas I just decided to catch the stream on Wrestlezone for December not 2 Remember, and was bored to tears, and thanking God that I didn't order it. As much of a Hardys fan as I am, I really didn't give 2 shits about them wrestling MNM, and I just had a feeling that this was going to be the worst EC in its short history. At least Cyber Sunday gave the old school fans a chance to see one of their old time favorites get back in the ring, and yeah, it was disappointing, but I at least WANTED to watch that. To quote Comic Book Guy..D2D, WORST...WWECW PPV...EVER!!!
As stated above, D2D was not only one of the worst promoted PPV's in years, but it shows that WWE could really care less about ECW. They only built it up for what? One week? If longer, I really could care less. It was basically a pity PPV. At least Cyber Sunday showed that they actually cared. The only all ''ECW'' matches on the card were Ariel and Kevin Thorn vs Mike Knox and Kelly Kelly, By the way, on this match, the only babyface in it was Kelly Kelly. A heel vs heel match? that's obviously asking for a booing. There's no chance that you can say that the Elimination Chamber was close to decent. That's not even close. CM Punk and RVD were just put there to make the match look good, but they lasted what? 15 minutes? Maybe not even that much. Cyber Sunday was much much better.

Even if Cyber Sunday was one of the worst WWE PPV's that come to mind, there are some that were even worse. Such as, Vengeance, The Great American Bash, and Backlash. Cyber Sunday was a typical WWE PPV with the King Of The World actually going over!
Although I didn't see either of them (What? and he calls himself the mod of the Pay-Per-View section?!?!), so I can't fully comment on them, I will say this. Wasn't it like one of the first pay-per-views where Vince decided he wants to promote the main event really hard and pretty much forget about the undercard?

Not using that as an excuse or anything, but to tell you the truth, I understand why he wanted to do that. It was probably the worst timing ever for it, when you're trying to build a brand and it's pretty much it's first go on its own when you think about it... but I get why he did it. Shitty timing though.

But I agree... worst pay-per-view ever.
D2D was the worst PPV of the year for 2006. As been stated before it was due to build up as they only promoted the Chamber and then last few days before the actual PPV the Hardy’s and MNM tag team match. What gives McMahon the idea that who about we only promote a couple of matches and those will be the drawing power to get buys. It didn’t work and those who did order it were treated to a show that was poorly set up and organized. It was too early for ECW to get their own very PPV. Looking back it it wouldn’t be suitbael to be put on TV for free.

Cyber Sunday was good just because of the fan interaction as it gave each of the matches a special feeling. Though still a very bland PPV it was the guessing factor on what a match would be it was gives Cyber Sunday the edge over D2D. Least at Cyber Sunday the matches actually were set up quite well but nothing great.

In all, D2D was the worst and cyber Sunday comes in close second.
Did you not look at the buyrate? It didn't even break 100,000. You had a ppv full of a roster with nowhere near enough talent so they had to ship in the talent from other brands. Not to mention the chants of Where's My Refund from the crowd and the cable and dish companies getting calls demanding a refund. And you can look me or anyone else in the eye and tell me that iwas not a disappointment? It was fricking disaster. I was smart enough to not order it and when I read the results I made the right call. WORST PPV EVER PRODUCED BY THE WWE. Period. Cyber Sunday/Taboo Tuesday has always been mediocre. This was a new PPV the WWE tried and it proved to be a financial bomb.
Now ontot he topic at hand. December to Dismember was just plain awful. As you knwo, i despise the snooze enabling tag team of the Hardly Boyzzzzz, and I'm not sold on Johnny Nitro. I thought this was a very long winded, boring matchup, and I found myself zoning out a couple times. Now is that because I have little interest in 3 out of 4 wrestlers,

I don't like The Hardys either and I didn't care for the match, but it was still a good match. Same with the EC. Shit booking but the match was ok. If it had a different outcome or Punk & RVD had bigger roles. Nobody would have bitched about it as much.

Comparing Cyber Sunday and D2D is ike comparing a Shiny turd to a regular turd, they both taste like shit, but at least one looks good on the outside. I'llt ake the star studded turd over the C Rated turd.

When I do a poo bigger is better. D 2 D was a big one that would leave road markings all in the toilet. Cyber Sunday was pebbles that barley deserved a wipe.

As stated above, D2D was not only one of the worst promoted PPV's in years, but it shows that WWE could really care less about ECW. They only built it up for what? One week? If longer, I really could care less. It was basically a pity PPV.

The EC was announced about 6 week's before the event. Granted the rest of the preperation was worthless. But they built up to the Elimination Chamber perfectly. I honestly didn't know who would win.

Even if Cyber Sunday was one of the worst WWE PPV's that come to mind, there are some that were even worse. Such as, Vengeance, The Great American Bash, and Backlash. Cyber Sunday was a typical WWE PPV with the King Of The World actually going over!

Vengeance: RVD vs. Edge, DX vs. Spirit Squad, Angle vs. Orton & Cena vs. Sabu were all entertaining.

The Great American Bash: King Booker vs. Rey Mysterio, Pitbulls vs. L & K, Helms vs. Hardy were all entertaining.

Backlash: Edge vs. HHH vs. Cena, Shelton vs. RVD & HBK vs. Vince & Shane were entertaining.

All had there moments unlike Cyber Sunday.

Did you not look at the buyrate? It didn't even break 100,000.
Buyrate? Who gives a shit. That doesn't affect us.
Personally, I also didn't think D2D was that bad. I gave it two and half out of five stars in my PPV review. There was one damn good match in MNM vs. the Hardyz. I mean come on guys, whens the last time you got to see a 20 minute opening match? Let alone a tag team 20 minute match? I thought it was a great match all around.

The rest of the card was shit. The Elimination Chamber I however did like. It may not have been the most extreme or the best match, but it still provided plenty of entertainment. Plus whens if ever have you seen a crowbar in a match? I thought the build up to the match too was perfect with Heyman's role and everything, I also too had no idea who would win. It was a HUGE mistake however taking Sabu out of the match for absolutely no reason. He was healthy, he was billed for the match, and everything was good. But no instead they threw in, who was it, Test or Hardcore Holly? One of those two? Sure the ending sucked, but the ending will always suck whenever it's Lashley being put over. I agree too that RVD and CM Punk should've had much larger roles in the match, they dropped the ball on that one.

It had the potential to be a fantastic match, but turned out to only be average, yet still entertaining nontheless. I enjoyed it.

Much better then Cyber Sunday IMO, that entire card was just shit.
What was wrong with MNM vs the Hardys? Nothing. Except for the fact that they fought over a dozen times with Matt and Jeff always coming out on top. I repeat about Cyber Sunday/Taboo Tuesday, it's always sucked. It's always sucked because the fans never truly get what they want from it.
Cyber Sunday was good just because of the fan interaction as it gave each of the matches a special feeling. Though still a very bland PPV it was the guessing factor on what a match would be it was gives Cyber Sunday the edge over D2D. Least at Cyber Sunday the matches actually were set up quite well but nothing great.

It was interactive. But WWE tried to sway your voting. For a lot of the match's the percentage by whoever won were huge. I believe Booker got something like 60%.

You had a ppv full of a roster with nowhere near enough talent so they had to ship in the talent from other brands. Not to mention the chants of Where's My Refund from the crowd and the cable and dish companies getting calls demanding a refund. And you can look me or anyone else in the eye and tell me that iwas not a disappointment?

Obviously there were chants like that. But the show wasn't promoted properly. Cyber Sunday was. D 2 D had one good match and one ok match. Cyber Sunday had one mediocre match at best. In fact the best thing about Cyber Sunday was the backstage DX promo where HBK superkicked loads of people.

Cyber Sunday/Taboo Tuesday has always been mediocre. This was a new PPV the WWE tried and it proved to be a financial bomb.

Cyber Sunday was before D 2 D. And no way was it mediocre. It was awful. As was D 2 D. I'm not saying that it was a good PPV. I'm just saying it was better. I watch wrestling for wrestling. And on the night December To Dismember provided more.

What was wrong with MNM vs the Hardys? Nothing. Except for the fact that they fought over a dozen times with Matt and Jeff always coming out on top.

Yeah but that was the first MNM/Hardys match. Nitro had feuded with Jeff but that's it.
You're right, it wasn't the worst pay per view of 2006. It was the worst pay per view of all time.
Do you purposely make these threads with a topic that you know people will for the most part disagree with? Seriously, the Khali one was one thing, but now you're trying to give some kind of props to the worst PPV the WWE ever produced and quite possibly the worst PPV in wrestling period. And allow me to retort about Cyber Sunday/Taboo Tuesday, they are always mediocre at best. They can't even reach the state of being decent. Now D2D, couldn't reach a level of mediocrity. Yeah, Jeff and Nitro fought before the first match between MNM and the Hardys. And that rivalry was already beaten to death or at least on the verge of it. And you can say whatever you want about the worst ppv in history that was D2D, say what you want about this pseudo-ECW and even what you want about Khali actually being good despite that he's slow and he's sloppy in the ring and that his speed makes the Big Show look like Rey Mysterio, but don't ever tell me that there was actually "wrestling" in this godforsaken nightmare that came from a shell of a once great brand that was about wrestling.

I repeat. WORST PPV EVER. and if Vince or anyone else thinks it was a great ppv, then let me know what you're smokin so I'll know what to avoid. As for me, I rather be realistic.
Wow you have completely misunderstood everything Jake has said ExtremeRage. He isn't calling it a good PPV, he isn't even calling it a mediocre PPV. He's just saying it wasn't the worst PPV of 2006, in his opinion, one that I share. Also how the hell was the MNM and Hardys feud beaten to death? They had been feuding for maybe two or three that beaten to death these days? I remember when feuds would last YEARS. And if you don't think that was a good wrestling match, then go back to watching Cena stink up the ring because that was the definition of a good match. Four great wrestlers, twenty minutes of solid action, a fast pace, awesome crowd interaction, some great spots and overall just a damn good match.

His thread on Khali, if you had actually read any of it, was not in any way defending Khali as being anything other then the worst wrestler ever. He admits that. The reason why he loves him is because he's so god damn bad! It's entertaining to watch him struggle through matches, which I also agree with. I too would rather watch someone stink up the ring so godawfully that it makes you bust out laughing then watch Cena try his best to put on a good match and still provide an absolutely worthless match.

Look, this is all a matter of opinion anyways, so what's the point of arguing about it? We might as well argue over who's got the biggest cock.

Which, by the way, is me. :D
You're right, it wasn't the worst pay per view of 2006. It was the worst pay per view of all time.

I doubt it. Watch some of the early WWF cards. Again D 2 D had two watchable match's. Wrestling Classics had none. That's the first WWF PPV by the way.

Do you purposely make these threads with a topic that you know people will for the most part disagree with?

WELL DONE! You've finally got it. The whole purpose of the forum is discussion. Is this thread not starting it?

Seriously, the Khali one was one thing, but now you're trying to give some kind of props to the worst PPV the WWE ever produced and quite possibly the worst PPV in wrestling period. And allow me to retort about Cyber Sunday/Taboo Tuesday, they are always mediocre at best.

Who's giving props to Khali & December To Dismember? Certainly not me. And no way is it the worst PPV of all time. The worst promoted? Yes without a doubt. And calling Cyber Sunday mediocre is like calling Ashley average. A card with no good match's is bad, your so into wrestling to be entertained that you thought Cyber Sunday was average. Please. Your obviously not a pure wrestling fan.

Yeah, Jeff and Nitro fought before the first match between MNM and the Hardys. And that rivalry was already beaten to death or at least on the verge of it.

Jeff vs. Nitro might have been stale. But The Hardyz vs. MNM was new. Guess what in tag team match's there's 4 wrestlers. And Mercury & Matt picked up the heat again when they entered.

I repeat. WORST PPV EVER. and if Vince or anyone else thinks it was a great ppv, then let me know what you're smokin so I'll know what to avoid. As for me, I rather be realistic.

I'm not saying the PPV was any good. I think it's you who has smoked something. Or you cant read. And as for being realistic, I am. Cyber Sunday sucked.
I'm not going to get into some name-calling contest with you. 2 matches is not worth the money that they charge for these things. Anyone that bought tickets or bought it on PPV and felt ripped off afterwards to a point where they demanded their money back deserved to get ripped off. I didn't watch it because MNM and the Hardys would have been the only match I'd care about. The Elimination Chamber, it's so-so to me. I prefer the Hell in a Cell because there's more brutality to it. Also, half the guys in that chamber, shouldn't even be in discussion for a world title, even if it is the so called ECW title. Punk while having potential is not ready yet and Lashley was pushed way too fast. Big Show having the belt was dumb. Test was not ready for a title reign. And Hardcore Holly, enough said. Only way people would have cared is if RVD got it back. Which he didn't and that pissed off a lot of people. And then they beat to death the matches between Test and Bobby Lashley which were proven to be ratings killers. and then Hardcore Holly vs Lashley. You know a belt doesn't mean crap when you got a roster full of guys who can't even be labeled as competition. Cyber Sunday and Taboo Tuesday were again mediocre at best. And they rarely reach that point because they always seem to screw it up somehow. Plus, I'm having the feeling they mess with the numbers. Cause come on, are you really going to tell me people wanted Mankind over Cactus Jack? I'm just not buying it. They already know way in advance what match they're going to do so as I can see it, the fans don't get to pick jack. D2D was the first ppv for this new brand and they were counting on it to draw the same amount of bank as one night stand. it didn't and that's why it's lower than Cyber Sunday. Because past history with that has shown it sucks
Yea im with the poster above, do we all really belive that cyber sunday is really even real?? I sorta wonder if the whole thing isnt just booked like any other show, and they just make it seem like everyone is voting, that seems highly plausible to me, and it would make sense for someone like WWE to do something like that...I could see maybe the old ECW pulling off something were the vans voted on what kinda wildness the wanted to see, and then the wrestlers goin out and doing it....I didnt even watch december to dismember becuase i knew the talent who was gonna be on wasnt worth the money....and i knew lashley was gonna win so there was no intrigue whatsoever to order the show...but for me, I would say the worst PPV last year was no mercy (i think) whatever smackdown PPV it was that had a fatl 4 way for the WHC...that was a reallly dull dissappointing PPV and both me and my buddies i watched it with swore we would never spend money on a smackdown PPV ever again, it sucked so much...I also felt like the great american bash and summerslam were huge disappoinments....
i didn't order the ppv but i heard that the hardys match wasy pretty good and the elemintation chamber was terrible becuz of the lack of cm ounk and rvd being used

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