Debunking Popular Myths - #1 Opinions Actually CAN Be Wrong


Excellence of Execution
I, personally, blame our "let's make everyone feel good" society, teaching this outrageous and grossly inaccurate myth that just because you state something is an opinion, it cannot be wrong. When did this happen? When did we give people carte blanche to say the stupidest things possible and disguise it as their opinion and make them think it's okay to be stupid? I don't get it.


If you don't believe this, then YOU are wrong. Opinions most certainly can be wrong, especially when they are based on incredibly inaccurate facts and misunderstandings. The real world shouldn't be about making everyone feel good about themselves, it SHOULD be about getting people to learn from their mistakes, not revel in them. Allow me a few examples.

Example #1:
Let's say you make the comment, "In my opinion, Jury Duty starring Pauly Shore is a better movie than Citizen Kane", then you would be wrong. You may LIKE Jury Duty better than Citizen Kane, but it's not a better movie, nor will it ever be a better movie. In this case, your opinion would be wrong.

Example #2:

Let's say you make the comment, "In my opinion, Mario Mendoza was a better all-around hitter than Ted Williams". You would again wrong. Mario Mendoza is famous for the "Mendoza Line", a term in baseball which refers to a batting average of .200, a mark Mendoza hovered around consistently. Ted Williams, on the other hand, is probably most famous as the last MLB hitter to hit for a .400 average, which is more than double the Mendoza line. Throw in the fact Williams has better stats in every major batting category, and the OPINION Mario Mendoza is a better hitter is absurd, and thus, wrong.

I could go on, but if you don't get it by now, you never will. So where did this idea which states opinions cannot be wrong come from? Why do so many people cling to the ideal they can say any stupid thing they want, as long as they cloak it with the claim it is their opinion? Or, finally, if you believe an opinion cannot be wrong, please justify your position.
Your first example is shit, it isn't a proven fact that Citizen Kane is a better movie than Jury Duty. And the second example isn't an opinion, it's a proven fact that Ted Williams is better than Mario Mendoza, as evident by (among other things) his hitting average.

Opinions cannot be wrong Sly, we learned this shit in like 1st grade, so stop "embarrasing me", especially while I'm sporting this avatar.
I would say that the whole "Opinions cannot be wrong" is the general description that "It's my opinion, and I'm entitled to it, so your facts can't change my opinion" and therefore some people would automatically consider the fact that an opinion, which is just personal taste and thoughts can't be wrong, unless you agree that it's wrong by yourself.

Besides, I would say that "clinging to the ideal that they can say any stupid thing they want" wouldn't be able to be covered up simply by stating it as being their own opinion. I'll take your second example. A way to cover it a little bit better, adding additional reason to your opinion would most likely leave people to accept the "wrongness" of your statement a bit more than before.

For example "In my opinion Mario Mendoza was a better all-around hitter than Ted Williams, simply because I was a bigger fan of him, and because he is a big part of the reason why I'm a fan". Yes, I know very well it doesn't make it any less wrong, but it might make it more acceptable for the other person to shrug off the fact that it's wrong.

Generally I agree, an opinion can be wrong, but there's rare cases where it's the situation. Generally throwing around facts that are wrong from the get go and making it your opinion would make it wrong, but throwing around a simple opinion like "I think John Cena is better than Hulk Hogan" could be hard to make wrong of, because in general the person simply prefers John Cena, to whatever reason the person prefers, compared to not liking Hogan as much. Not wrong, because there's a different way of liking the person, as opposed to presenting cold hard facts in an opinion and being wrong.
Thank god for you Slyfox. I dont know how many debates I have engaged in where the person simply fell back into the "Well its my opinion so I cant be wrong" "Argument". Its based on nothing but ignorance and stupidity.

I have literally gotten into the most black and white debates and someone will say that. Like this following example:

"Kurt Cobain is a much better guitarist than Jimmy Hendrix". A person had the audacity to say this to me. Now once I challenged this and presented the facts, how influential he was and how much more technical and important he was in terms of playing guitar and even compared and contrasted the songs the person revealed their ignorance in stating "Well I havent heard much Hendrix". Now you would think that this was then end of the argument when I had beaten them into submission but rather than admit defeat they stated "Well its my opinion, Im not wrong".

People dont seem to understand the difference or even care about the difference between "I think" and "I like". I cant bring a solid or definitive argument against "I like Cobain more than Hendrix" but I sure as hell can prove them wrong when they say "I think hes a much better guitarist".

I dont know many things I find more infuriating than this myth and its implementation.
You opinion is your opinion. It can't be wrong. An opinion is an individuals point of view - it is neither right nor wrong and does not have to be based upon fact. an idividual's opinion may be stupid as fuck, but not wrong. As for the examples, what makes your opinion right? Do you ever have a wrong opinion on things?no because its your opinion. Opinions are sometimes stupid, but never my opinion. Lol
You opinion is your opinion. It can't be wrong. An opinion is an individuals point of view - it is neither right nor wrong and does not have to be based upon fact. an idividual's opinion may be stupid as fuck, but not wrong. As for the examples, what makes your opinion right? Do you ever have a wrong opinion on things?no because its your opinion. Opinions are sometimes stupid, but never my opinion. Lol

Other than to state "I like something" and opinion must be based upon fact or it is an irrational and false thought. If you said "In my opinion we can breath in space" and they go up into space and their lungs burst through their chest due to the fact that YOU CANT their opinion is wrong.

The entire idea opinions can not be wrong is based on ignorance and stupidity, or just insane stubbornness.
Opinions really cannot be wrong (in my opinion :) ) unless they are based upon something absolutely absurd. Some opinions are more sensible than others, some are more defensible than others, but unless they are based upon factual information which is incorrect, they really cannot be wrong. It's a question of objectivity versus subjectivity.

Let's look at your two scenarios. In example one about the movies, I think it is pretty much impossible to have an opinion which is wrong. Choice in movies is something which is totally 100% subjective and as such can really not be wrong. Now having said this, if you were to claim that "Jury Duty" is a better movie than "Citizen Kane," that would be a statement which I personally could not comprehend, but to each their own, and I don't think either opinion can really be wrong. Facts could be called into play which would suggest the opinion picking JD over CK would be short-sighted and hard to justify, but it's still opinion, it's still subjective, so neither option can really be wrong.

Example #2 is a different thing. If you were to say you preferred Mendoza over Williams, you couldn't be considered wrong because that would be a totally subjective concept which everyone is entitled to. Maybe you preferred his style of play. Maybe you were a fan of his team. Who knows? Now to suggest that Mendoza was a better hitter than Williams would be assinine and such an opinion would be absurd and wrong. Now we've gone beyond the world of subjectivity and into the world of objectivity, and the facts simply wouldn't back the opinion. To say you prefer him cannot be wrong; to say he is better can be.

Take wrestlers for example. To say you like CM Punk better than Rey Mysterio, for example, is an opinion which really cannot be wrong. It's a subjective statement and whichever you choose cannot be wrong. To say that Punk is a more successful wrestler, or a more accomplished wrestler, enters into the realm of objectivity again, or lack thereof, and as such, this opinion can be wrong.

I feel that a statement based upon something which is purely subjective cannot be wrong. But a statement which is objective and has to have facts to either support it or discredit it, these opinions can be wrong.

Unless you're an admin. Then of course, you're almost always right ;)
Other than to state "I like something" and opinion must be based upon fact or it is an irrational and false thought. If you said "In my opinion we can breath in space" and they go up into space and their lungs burst through their chest due to the fact that YOU CANT their opinion is wrong.

The entire idea opinions can not be wrong is based on ignorance and stupidity, or just insane stubbornness.

I respect your opinion....but its wrong....see there, its not wrong. Its your opinion

Let me clear it up a bit.
Read this
John and Steven have seen a pill kind object on a table. They only knew that it looked kind of like an m&m. John said “in my opinion it is not dangerous.” Stave said “in my opinion it is dangerous.” After that, John grabbed the pill sucked on it, and died They both had an opinion about one thing/object. They're points of view opinions about the “pill kind object” were different. The answer was only one. In this case opinions can be wrong or right. People still have opinions and point of views about things they are not experts with
If Steve says “I like lime green. In my opinion it’s wonderful” and then John says "you dumbass, lime green is shit!"in this case, you are not right or wrong in you opinions. Steve likes it and John hates it. Steve can’t convince John that lime green is wonderful.
Here's another example of what I was saying earlier.

If you were to say: "I prefer TNA Wrestling over WWE, that is an opinion and really cannot be considered to be wrong. To each their own with regards to personal tastes and preferences. Incomprehensible to me how someone could have that opinion, and I certainly wouldn't share that opinion, but how could I tell IDR, or Kenny Powers, or any of these other guys that their opinions are wrong? I could tell them I disagree with them(as I do on a daily basis) and I could tell them why, but when it comes right down to it, neither opinion can really be considered to be wrong.

Now, if these guys were to say: I think that TNA is going to re-create the Monday Night Wars and put WWE out of business, that would be their opinion, but that would be wrong. The numbers wouldn't support it. History wouldn't support it. The objective facts wouldn't back up the subjective sentiment.

In the first paragraph, the pro-TNA opinion cannot be wrong, whereas in the second paragraph, the pro-TNA opinion could be (and is) wrong.
Opinions cannot be wrong Sly, we learned this shit in like 1st grade, so stop "embarrasing me", especially while I'm sporting this avatar.

You just SOOOO totally proved my point. They teach you that garbage in first grade, so it will improve your self-esteem, when all it does is teach you to revel in ignorance.

Opinions CAN be wrong, and for you to say otherwise shows incredible naivete.

Your first example is shit, it isn't a proven fact that Citizen Kane is a better movie than Jury Duty.
No, it is. By every measurable quality of films, Citizen Kane is a much better movie. No matter WHAT criteria you use, as long as it relates to the quality of film, Citizen Kane is better. Acting, writing, directing, production, story, capturing the audience...and all sorts of other things film experts could tell you about...Citizen Kane is better.

And the second example isn't an opinion, it's a proven fact that Ted Williams is better than Mario Mendoza, as evident by (among other things) his hitting average.
EXACTLY! So if I said my opinion is that Mario Mendoza is a better hitter, I would be wrong.

You're starting to get it now.
Thank god for you Slyfox. I dont know how many debates I have engaged in where the person simply fell back into the "Well its my opinion so I cant be wrong" "Argument". Its based on nothing but ignorance and stupidity.
More often than not, it's the young people who say that. Nothing is quite so maddening as people who say it though. Makes me want to throttle them for being so stupid.
You opinion is your opinion. It can't be wrong.
Unless your opinion is false, then it would be wrong.

An opinion is an individuals point of view - it is neither right nor wrong and does not have to be based upon fact.
This is very true, and when there are no facts, then you're correct in stating there is no right or wrong.

But when there ARE facts, when there are definitive criteria for which you can judge the validity of a statement, then an opinion CAN be wrong.

an idividual's opinion may be stupid as fuck, but not wrong. As for the examples, what makes your opinion right?
The fact there is definitive proof that Ted Williams was a better hitter than Mario Mendoza.
Example #2 is a different thing. If you were to say you preferred Mendoza over Williams, you couldn't be considered wrong because that would be a totally subjective concept which everyone is entitled to. Maybe you preferred his style of play. Maybe you were a fan of his team. Who knows? Now to suggest that Mendoza was a better hitter than Williams would be assinine and such an opinion would be absurd and wrong. Now we've gone beyond the world of subjectivity and into the world of objectivity, and the facts simply wouldn't back the opinion. To say you prefer him cannot be wrong; to say he is better can be.

Take wrestlers for example. To say you like CM Punk better than Rey Mysterio, for example, is an opinion which really cannot be wrong. It's a subjective statement and whichever you choose cannot be wrong. To say that Punk is a more successful wrestler, or a more accomplished wrestler, enters into the realm of objectivity again, or lack thereof, and as such, this opinion can be wrong.

I feel that a statement based upon something which is purely subjective cannot be wrong. But a statement which is objective and has to have facts to either support it or discredit it, these opinions can be wrong.

Unless you're an admin. Then of course, you're almost always right ;)
You seem to kind of get it, especially with the bolded part. The bolded part is EXACTLY what I'm saying. And the Underlined part proves that opinions CAN be wrong. You've pretty much nailed it.
I think you guys are mixing up opinions and beliefs.

This is the definition of opinion:

personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty

This is the definition of belief:

the psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true

If an opinion could be proven wrong, then it is not an opinion. A belief however can be wrong. Do you believe in God? Do you believe in evolution? Do you believe the Earth is round? Those could be either right or wrong, they are not opinions.

Example #1:
Let's say you make the comment, "In my opinion, Jury Duty starring Pauly Shore is a better movie than Citizen Kane", then you would be wrong. You may LIKE Jury Duty better than Citizen Kane, but it's not a better movie, nor will it ever be a better movie. In this case, your opinion would be wrong.

Example #2:

Let's say you make the comment, "In my opinion, Mario Mendoza was a better all-around hitter than Ted Williams". You would again wrong. Mario Mendoza is famous for the "Mendoza Line", a term in baseball which refers to a batting average of .200, a mark Mendoza hovered around consistently. Ted Williams, on the other hand, is probably most famous as the last MLB hitter to hit for a .400 average, which is more than double the Mendoza line. Throw in the fact Williams has better stats in every major batting category, and the OPINION Mario Mendoza is a better hitter is absurd, and thus, wrong.

Your first example is an opinion, you can't prove that one movie is better than another. Everyone has there own criteria for what makes a movie good, so unless everyone agrees to one set of criteria, then it is still subjective.

Your second example is just a false statement. We define a good hitter by someone with more hits, better average, more home runs etc. So given that well accepted standard, we can say as a fact that Ted Williams is a better hitter then Mario Mendoza.

Now I do believe that people can have illogical opinions, but that doesn't make them right or wrong.
I take it that you define opinion in this instance as a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty. A few of you have been keen enough to point out that an opinion formed without the existence factual evidence which can either confirm or deny its accuracy can't really be wrong or right, as it is more personal appraisal than an informed one. If I were to go "Hey guys, I think redheads are better than blondes", there really isn't any information either way to make a claim of my opinion being wrong or right other than your own opinion on the matter.

As this applies to life, I agree that the better message to send is that being wrong and making mistakes are ok as long you can learn from it and improve yourself in some way, either by changing your behavior or learning something new. I understand the importance of establishing a sense self-esteem and letting all people be free to feel and think however they wish, but I don't believe that self-esteem is developed by allowing ignorance to take root in the guise of opinion. The "make everyone feel good/special" nonsense helps no one unless you also establish that there is always room for improvement.
Opinions can't be wrong or right since it based on a person's beliefs. An idea can be proved wrong like the world is flat. If someone thinks that blue is a better color than orange, who is to say which opinion is right or wrong. Citizen Kane may be held by many people and critics as the greatest movie of all time, but I'm sure a lot of people have a different opinion. Some might even prefer the movie Jury Duty over Citizen Kane. Kane is more successful than Jury Duty will ever be, but its not wrong if someone thinks Jury Duty is better.

Examples like WWE is better than TNA or TNA is better than WWE aren't true statements. WWE is more successful and is the number one wrestling company, but if someone prefers TNA it isn't wrong or right.

Someone saying Religion is wrong or right doesn't mean that it is either one. It all depends on a person's beliefs. The old expression goes opinions are like assholes, every one has one. I take opinions with a grain of salt. They aren't facts or proven statements, just opinions.
Opinions CAN'T be wrong. They can be misinformed, and the facts upon which they are based can be wrong, but opinions themselves can't be wrong.

Case in point:

It is Senior Angel's opinion that Slyfox is embarrassing him with this thread.

How can it be wrong that this is the case when Senior Angel, the only person qualified to speak on Senior Angel's opinions, says that this is the case?

You just SOOOO totally proved my point. They teach you that garbage in first grade, so it will improve your self-esteem, when all it does is teach you to revel in ignorance.

That teach you that so you don't become an over opinionated asshole who believes everything he/she believes is correct.

Opinions CAN be wrong, and for you to say otherwise shows incredible naivete.

Opinions CAN'T be wrong and for you to suggest they can is just foolish.

No, it is. By every measurable quality of films, Citizen Kane is a much better movie. No matter WHAT criteria you use, as long as it relates to the quality of film, Citizen Kane is better. Acting, writing, directing, production, story, capturing the audience...and all sorts of other things film experts could tell you about...Citizen Kane is better.

Every single thing you listed was an opinion.

EXACTLY! So if I said my opinion is that Mario Mendoza is a better hitter, I would be wrong.

You're starting to get it now.

That would be a false statement, it's a proven fact that Williams was a better hitter.
That teach you that so you don't become an over opinionated asshole who believes everything he/she believes is correct.
No, they teach you that to make you believe you're special, and to encourage your self-esteem, just like they tell you everyone is just as good as everyone else. Doesn't change the fact it's a pile of crap. One person's opinion is not as good as another. One person is not as smart as enough. One person can't run as fast as another. Nobody is equal, different people are good at different things. And when you have an opinion which can't be supported by facts, while the opposite side does have one that can be supported by facts, then you are wrong.

Opinions CAN be wrong.

Opinions CAN'T be wrong and for you to suggest they can is just foolish.
You fucking PROVE opinions can be wrong later in this post.

Every single thing you listed was an opinion.

No, it was not. There's an objective quality to a film, which Citizen Kane rates very highly on, and Jury Duty does not.

Give it up. If you're an idiot, then your opinion isn't as good as mine. If it's your opinion Doink the Clown is the best wrestler in history, then you're wrong, as he doesn't even rank in the Top 5 (or the Top 500, but you get the point). Opinions most certainly can be wrong...look, I'll show you...

That would be a false statement, it's a proven fact that Williams was a better hitter.
But it's my opinion, I thought you said opinions can't be wrong?

You're proving my point, do you not realize that? If it was my opinion that Mendoza was a better hitter, I would be wrong, THAT'S my entire argument. Is any of this getting through to you?
No, they teach you that to make you believe you're special, and to encourage your self-esteem, just like they tell you everyone is just as good as everyone else. Doesn't change the fact it's a pile of crap. One person's opinion is not as good as another.

No, they teach you that stuff because it's correct.

One person is not as smart as enough. One person can't run as fast as another. Nobody is equal, different people are good at different things.

Being equal and being "good at things" are two different things.

And when you have an opinion which can't be supported by facts, while the opposite side does have one that can be supported by facts, then you are wrong.

Opinions aren't opinions if they are supported by facts, cause then they would just be facts.

Opinions CAN be wrong.


You fucking PROVE opinions can be wrong later in this post.

That's impossible

No, it was not. There's an objective quality to a film, which Citizen Kane rates very highly on, and Jury Duty does not.

Here's what you said:
Acting, writing, directing, production, story, capturing the audience...and all sorts of other things film experts could tell you about

Those sure look like opinions to me. And do you know what film experts have? Opinions.

You're proving my point, do you not realize that? If it was my opinion that Mendoza was a better hitter, I would be wrong, THAT'S my entire argument. Is any of this getting through to you?

No not at all. I agree that if someone says "it's my opinion that ______ did something better than ________ "when statistical facts prove otherwise then they're wrong, because that's not an opinion.. But when it's something like which movie they think is better, or which chair they like better, than their is no statistical fact to "prove" them otherwise. Therefore there are no "superior" opinions, and opinions are NEVER incorrect.
No, they teach you that stuff because it's correct.
And now YOU are trying to say that MY opinion is wrong. I have never in my life seen someone contradict himself so many times. My opinion was it's a bunch of horsecrap, and you said that I was wrong by saying "No" and then asserting your opinion was "correct".

You walked right into that one buddy.
Being equal and being "good at things" are two different things.
No, they're not. Nobody is truly equal, not matter how idealistic we wish to be.

Opinions aren't opinions if they are supported by facts, cause then they would just be facts.
So when I say Hulk Hogan is the greatest wrestler of all time, that's a fact, right? Because the facts show Hogan was the greatest draw ever, so that makes him the best ever.

You would agree that is a fact then? Or are you just tripping yourself up on your own words?

No not at all. I agree that if someone says "it's my opinion that ______ did something better than ________ "when statistical facts prove otherwise then they're wrong, because that's not an opinion.. But when it's something like which movie they think is better, or which chair they like better, than their is no statistical fact to "prove" them otherwise. Therefore there are no "superior" opinions, and opinions are NEVER incorrect.

I literally just facepalmed. Let's go over this again.

It is my opinion that Mario Mendoza is a better hitter than Ted Williams.

Now address that comment. Am I right, is Mendoza better? Or am I wrong and Williams is better. Remember, it's my OPINION that Mendoza is better. Mendoza being better is my OPINION.

Your second "opinion" isn't really an opinion, saying Mendoza was a better hitter than Williams should be a fact based arguement. Your opinion on the better hitter should be based on the stats. The stats don't lie, Williams was the much better hitter and has the facts to prove it.

Opinions can only be wrong if there are facts that prove them wrong.
Your second "opinion" isn't really an opinion, saying Mendoza was a better hitter than Williams should be a fact based arguement. Your opinion on the better hitter should be based on the stats. The stats don't lie, Williams was the much better hitter and has the facts to prove it.

Opinions can only be wrong if there are facts that prove them wrong.

Exactly. That's my whole point. Just because you say something is your opinion, doesn't excuse you from the chance you are wrong. That was the whole point of my opening post. People cloak their stupidity by saying "my opinion" and then think they can't be wrong.

But they can, and that's the point I'm making. If I said Mendoza was better, I WOULD be wrong, it's obvious I would be wrong. But it may still be my opinion, wrong though it would be.

That's the point I'm trying to make.
Goddamit, had a whole response typed up then my computer fucked up, lets try this again.

And now YOU are trying to say that MY opinion is wrong. I have never in my life seen someone contradict himself so many times. My opinion was it's a bunch of horsecrap, and you said that I was wrong by saying "No" and then asserting your opinion was "correct".

What you're saying isn't an opinion, it's just an incorrect statement. People's opinions can't be wrong, or else it's not an opinion. Maybe the definition of "opinion" will help you understand.

1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.

No, they're not. Nobody is truly equal, not matter how idealistic we wish to be.

Technically I can't prove you wrong, therefore that is an opinion. A fucked up, yet hillarious opinion, but an opinion nontheless. See how this works?

It is my opinion that Mario Mendoza is a better hitter than Ted Williams.

Now address that comment. Am I right, is Mendoza better? Or am I wrong and Williams is better. Remember, it's my OPINION that Mendoza is better. Mendoza being better is my OPINION.


But that's not an opinion. If you were to say "I like Mendoza better as a player" then that's an opinion, but if you were to look at the facts, you would see that Williams is a better hitter.
What you're saying isn't an opinion, it's just an incorrect statement. People's opinions can't be wrong, or else it's not an opinion. Maybe the definition of "opinion" will help you understand.
:lmao: Are you not seeing that you are proving what I'm saying?

In my opinion, teaching that stuff in 1st grade is ridiculous. You're trying to tell me my opinion is wrong. You're saying that opinions can be wrong. And I agree COMPLETELY with that. But while you're telling me my opinion is wrong, you're saying opinions can't be wrong. You're contradicting yourself, how do you not see this?

Technically I can't prove you wrong, therefore that is an opinion. A fucked up, yet hillarious opinion, but an opinion nontheless. See how this works?
Actually, it's a medical and scientific fact that nobody is truly equal. This one isn't an opinion, this one is fact. Even identical twins have differences.

It's a fact, we're not all equal. Nobody is equal. You may have things you're better at than I am, and I may have things I'm better at than you, but we're not equal.

But that's not an opinion. If you were to say "I like Mendoza better as a player" then that's an opinion, but if you were to look at the facts, you would see that Williams is a better hitter.
Who the fuck are you to say what my opinion is? It's my opinion Mendoza is better. It's my OPINION! I can't be wrong, because it's my OPINION!

Do you see what I'm talking about yet? What's frustrating is that you are SO close to getting it and you don't even realize it. You're too caught up in a fear of being wrong, and if you'd just let go of that you'd see you're arguing EXACTLY the same thing I am; that opinions CAN be wrong.
In my opinion, teaching that stuff in 1st grade is ridiculous. You're trying to tell me my opinion is wrong. You're saying that opinions can be wrong. And I agree COMPLETELY with that.

You didn't read the definition did you? I wasn't disputing the fact that teaching that stuff is wrong (though I do disagree), I was disagreeing with you saying that an opinion can be wrong!

But while you're telling me my opinion is wrong, you're saying opinions can't be wrong. You're contradicting yourself, how do you not see this?

I'm not condraticting myself, you're just misunderstanding me.

Who the fuck are you to say what my opinion is? It's my opinion Mendoza is better. It's my OPINION! I can't be wrong, because it's my OPINION

See, this is where you're getting confused. When someone says this (or something similar) they're wrong, because it's a proven fact that they're wrong. If you look at the lifetime stats of those two guys, then you'll see that clearly, Williams is better. I agree that it's stupid to say "it's my opinion" just to save yourself from looking wrong but that's just what stubborn jackasses do.

Do you see what I'm talking about yet? What's frustrating is that you are SO close to getting it and you don't even realize it. You're too caught up in a fear of being wrong, and if you'd just let go of that you'd see you're arguing EXACTLY the same thing I am; that opinions CAN be wrong.

But they can't!! I really don't know how to explain it any better than the definition I gave you, please read it, I think you'll see that I am in fact correct when I say, that opinions can never, under any circumstance, be incorrect.
You didn't read the definition did you?
I know what opinion means kid. :thumbsup:

I wasn't disputing the fact that teaching that stuff is wrong (though I do disagree), I was disagreeing with you saying that an opinion can be wrong!
No, you weren't. You were telling me that my opinion was WRONG. You quoted that part of my post, you said no, and then said your opinion was correct.

You did EXACTLY what I said is allowed, which is saying that opinions can be wrong.

I'm not condraticting myself, you're just misunderstanding me.
No, you're misunderstanding yourself. You've contradicted yourself.

See, this is where you're getting confused. When someone says this (or something similar) they're wrong, because it's a proven fact that they're wrong. If you look at the lifetime stats of those two guys, then you'll see that clearly, Williams is better. I agree that it's stupid to say "it's my opinion" just to save yourself from looking wrong but that's just what stubborn jackasses do.
But, even if the stats say Williams is better, I say Mendoza was better. It's still my opinion that Mendoza was a better hitter. This is my point. It's my opinion, but it's fucking WRONG. It's a WRONG opinion.

I'm giving up on you. Maybe one day you'll grow up and get a little wiser, but it's obvious you're still way to idealistic to have this conversation. Like I said in my first post, if you don't get it, then you won't.

I'll just say, in three years if you look back with an unbiased eye on this thread, you're going to see that I'm right, that your own statements prove that opinions can be wrong. I'm a little disappointed in you, I thought you would turn the corner and see that opinions can be wrong, when you tried to tell me my opinion was wrong. I thought that would click the little light bulb on. Guess not.
I too thought I could convince you that opinions cannot be incorrect, because you know, that's actually true. But whatever, I've said my piece, and you're a stubborn bastard, as am I. I honestly really don't know how much clearer it gets then this:

a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty

That right there proves me right, opinions CANNOT be proven incorrect, or else they aren't opinions, so no, I'll never "grow up" and suddenly think "Wow, opinions can be incorrect, because SlyFox says so". Sorry, it'll just never happen.

EDIT: And also, I wasn't claiming your opinion (that teaching 1st graders the idea of opinions is stupid) to be wrong Sly, I was just stating that they were teaching them something that was correct, which is that everyones opinions are equal.

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