Debunking A Popular Myth: Money Makes The World Go Round, Right?


First Immortality..Then the Bitches
In an attempt to resurrect they series of threads Slyfox started I figured I let my hand at something like this. I'm not a real expert on this so bare with me, so lets begin then.

Does money actually in fact make the world go round? Some would say that, yes it in fact does and others would argue against the accusation. People tend to worship the almighty dollar. Thinking it could bring happiness, make life easier or harder. People think that you can solve a problem just by throwing money at it, to quote one million dollar man "everybodys got a price". I know this might seem in appropriate but how much would it take for you to chop off your penis and both testicles? Would you commit a crime for a sum amount of dough? Oh the questions. But the question remains, does money actually make the world go round?

Despite popular opinion, money doesn't make the world go around. It just helps it go around a little faster, and a little more in style.

Most people tend to think they need money to be happy, others would say they don't need money. They would say money is the source of power, greed, envy,apathy and corruption. It would seem that's the kind of life they would want to avoid. From a business stand point it would seem to make sense both ways. Somebody whos making a lot of cash should be happy right? Somebody whos make truck loads of money would all seem to carry most of the traits I mentioned above for someone who is placed high above the business foodchain.

the way we worship money in our culture you'd think Jesus was a banker, or better yet a bank

The economic circle seems to imply that in order for human society to be kept afloat, business need to keep trading, selling, production and making money as countries rely on one another to keep living the way we do, its quickly becoming an expensive world. Business need to keep making money or else the entire economic system will collapse and the world would succumb to panic and anarchy. If theres no money to be made, theres nobody there to supply our needs for technology, no electricity to power our homes, no fuel for our vehicles. Food production halts around the world and for a moment it would seem we are hurled backed into the dark ages.

I'm not claiming to know everything about economics, I really don't but I think its safe to say that if the worlds economically stability was somehow disrupted, it would effect everybody everywhere. Since the first development of social civilization, there has been money in some form, in most cases in the form of simple trade and from simple trade we have grown to the economic standings of today which as spread across the globe. If that would collapse, then we would be deep in a world of struggle for many years to come. Ether way you look at it, money can be good and money can be bad and it comes the world in check.

So money in fact DOES make the world go round because without it economical setting we've built and maintained over the years, we would simply not be able to function on a meaningful social level. It would create instability all over the world and wars would erupt in many countries. I'm not an expert on this but this is just my analysis. I know it may seem like I didn't really "debunk" this myth but that's open to interpretation to you guys.

So what do you think? Does money make the world go round?
Yes, moeny does make the world go round.

Money is basically the driving force that makes the world go round at a fast and always increasing pace. It motivates much of a country's or nation's activity such as scientific research, or even more recently, technological advances. Money has always motivated countries in a very good positive way such as geological exploration in the early 1500s and politics in today's world. Money can be anything from a form of paper to a chicken to even certain foods. Without money, countries and people wouldn't have any type of system to make their economy work. Imagine everyone taking everything for themselves without paying... Truth be told, money keeps the world in orbit (figuratively speaking).

People must earn money to fulfill their needs and responsibilities. If they spend money right, they'll have a pretty successful and stress free life. However, money often takes over people's life. They become obsessed with getting money anyway, whether it's a good way or bad way. Money equals power, and power makes great our countries great. Your life should not revolve around money, however, money does make the world go round.
Money simplifies the actual cause, so to speak. It's not money, it's the desire of goods. Dollars, in America, gives us a better chance at attaining these goods. Materialism in general is what actually makes the world go round.

However, it's not always money. It can be sex. A women will go through with sex she wouldn't ordinarily want in hopes of getting what she wants in the end. A man is willing to go shopping with his wife in hopes of being able to watch the game later in piece.

It's all bartering at the end of the day. Sometimes it's for physical materials. Sometimes it's for this or that. At the end of the day, it's goods that keep us moving. Money is simply what we need in order to attain those goods.

If we could attain them in a different manner, we would.

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