Death + no show = Push?


Dark Match Winner
im of course talking about the wrestler formaly known as Nitro. He seemed to have no luck in wwe at the time and was basically the same postion as sheldon is right now, great filler but no where close to Main event. so how is it that a seemingly hopeless guy gets a push, simple, have a vet. murder himself and family, while missing a high profile match with a world title on the line. (the ECW title was considered more back then, i dont belive it either)
i hate how this guy got in the lime light but yet im interested in his persona. i dont hate him, but hate how he got that push. so when hes a main evnter and gets his own DVD, can he explain how he got that title or will WWE just say it didnt happen.
im a big morrison fan, but the morrison persona was created on behalf of the death of beniot. im saying it took death and a instent title match to put this guy on the map? whats going to be the process of sheldon to be a world champion, i dont even want to think about it. so my question is, would morrison be anywhere near the lime light if it wasnt for the benoit tradgety, because before he was in ecw, he teamed with kenny D. that basically spells out " future endevors' all over it.

i like feedback please.
Can you elaborate please. I have no idea what you are saying. Are you saying that he only got a title shot because Benoit no showed ECW (I don't know, I don't remember). Are you also saying that Johnny Nitro got the John Morrisson gimmick because of Benoit?

It's possible that he got a title shot because someone needed to fill the slot, but I think that most people can see that if given a singles shot properly that Morrison is going to be a star.
Benoit was supposed to be in the ECW Championship match at that months pay per view(Can't remember which one). Benoit no showed (We all know why) and they needed a quick replacement so they chose Morrison to go over Punk.
I have a feeling Nitro would have made more (ison....HA!) of his ECW "trade" whether or not the Benoit tragedy had taken place.

Sure, Benoit/Punk would've been fantastic.....but one has to wonder if Punk would/should've been thrust into the spotlight as quickly. I'm almost sure Benoit would have won the title....but he would have needed a worthy adversary.....enter Nitro/Morrison. However, it wasn't until Miz and Morrison started teaming together that Morrison became "interesting". Hell, the only reason Punk won the ECW title is because Morrison was suspended.

So, was Morrison the victim of sircumstance? Maybe. But the evolution (and the subsiquent teaming with Miz) has done him a lot of good.
im of course talking about the wrestler formaly known as Nitro. He seemed to have no luck in wwe at the time and was basically the same postion as sheldon is right now, great filler but no where close to Main event. so how is it that a seemingly hopeless guy gets a push, simple, have a vet. murder himself and family, while missing a high profile match with a world title on the line. (the ECW title was considered more back then, i dont belive it either)
i hate how this guy got in the lime light but yet im interested in his persona. i dont hate him, but hate how he got that push. so when hes a main evnter and gets his own DVD, can he explain how he got that title or will WWE just say it didnt happen.
im a big morrison fan, but the morrison persona was created on behalf of the death of beniot. im saying it took death and a instent title match to put this guy on the map? whats going to be the process of sheldon to be a world champion, i dont even want to think about it. so my question is, would morrison be anywhere near the lime light if it wasnt for the benoit tradgety, because before he was in ecw, he teamed with kenny D. that basically spells out " future endevors' all over it.

i like feedback please.

It took me a while to read this...but I think I see what you're saying. Where would Morrison be if Benoit were to actually wrestle for the ECW title? Personally, I think he'd be where he is now, simply because he's charismatic, and very talented on the mic. He would have been fine...I mean after all, he WAS a Tough Enough dude. They wouldn't want to cut someone who was on THEIR reality show. Besides, if Benoit would have won the belt, Morrison was likely his next feud.

And think about this...when Benoit no showed...why would they choose John Morrison to take over? Because the brass knew he could take the ball and run with it. They could have put Kane, Chavo, or any number of people on the roster at the time instead of Morrison. It goes to show you that right place, right time can mean the difference between a lucrative career and being 'wish well on his future endeavors'.

This IS a good point though...however, Morrison would be alright.
...I mean after all, he WAS a Tough Enough dude. They wouldn't want to cut someone who was on THEIR reality show.

They cut the other Tough Enough winners. Miz & Morrison are the only ones left now that Cappotelli's gone.

This is an interesting question, but I don't think Benoit winning the title would've affected Morrison's career all that much. He'd still be a mid-carder and he probably would've still turned into Jim Morrison Jr.

The real question is, would he have won the ECW title at all. Morrison was damn near a jobber before they moved him off Raw. Would they let Morrison go over someone like Benoit, who was ECW's biggest name at the time?
Yes, after Benoit horribly murdered his family, and then committed suicide the WWE without any idea of what happened put Morrison in to the match against Punk the current MITB. Who else would have been the logical choice? Does it matter that he was the pick, and if it were someone else would they be as much on the "map" as Morrison's character is now?

Morrison pulled off a solid match with Punk, and won the title. The character after was interesting, and a bit entertaining. Over some time the character grew in to something much more entertaining, imo. I don't call what transpired that horrible week a "push", and neither should you, at least show some class or respect. The WWE decided to have the match without any knowledge of what happened. I wouldn't call that a "push".

The push only happened because people realized that he actually had potential. The Morrison character was standing out, and it actually clashed with the CM Punk character. They went on to have a solid feud in ECW over the title. People went on, and realized what Benoit did, and so life continued. People didnt say "Hey, Benoit kills his family, so lets start digging this Morrison character".

Just as easy you think this push came from this incident it could have been just as easy for those same fans to see nothing in whomever the WWE would have planted in that match. Thus, resulting in unemployment or TNA. Either way some realized that this Johnny Nitro was much more entertaining as John Morrison. What he has grown in to now is still much better than when it just started. Just look at where he is now. Has won numerous tag titles, won the IC title, and was a former ECW champion. He has made me forget about the "Incident that changed wrestling", and that is a good thing for me not so sure about any of you, just speaking for myself.
im of course talking about the wrestler formaly known as Nitro. He seemed to have no luck in wwe at the time and was basically the same postion as sheldon is right now, great filler but no where close to Main event. so how is it that a seemingly hopeless guy gets a push, simple, have a vet. murder himself and family, while missing a high profile match with a world title on the line. (the ECW title was considered more back then, i dont belive it either)
i hate how this guy got in the lime light but yet im interested in his persona. i dont hate him, but hate how he got that push. so when hes a main evnter and gets his own DVD, can he explain how he got that title or will WWE just say it didnt happen.
im a big morrison fan, but the morrison persona was created on behalf of the death of beniot. im saying it took death and a instent title match to put this guy on the map? whats going to be the process of sheldon to be a world champion, i dont even want to think about it. so my question is, would morrison be anywhere near the lime light if it wasnt for the benoit tradgety, because before he was in ecw, he teamed with kenny D. that basically spells out " future endevors' all over it.

i like feedback please.

I don't agree. I think even if that hadn't happened Morrison would still have gotten a push. Maybe not as fast as he got when he won the ECW title. I also think at the time he was teaming with Dykstra, WWE considered Dykstra a rising star.

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