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Dead Men Walking

Brad and Spreutels are stretching as they look around the area, making sure there are no people.

Brad- Hey, you want to take the streets?

Spreutels- No. I say we continue in the woods. I don't want to take any chances. Plus, look at him, he can't walk. If we're in the woods, we have a better chance.

John Cena- A better chance at what? Surviving? Ha. We're screwed.

Brad angrily marches over to John Cena and angrily looks down at him.

Brad- I'm tired of your negativity! We risked our lives to escape that place and we took you with us. Not to die or whine about dying, we did it to survive. We're surviving. So enough with your bullshit. We're taking the woods.

Spreutels- Alright, let's go. Let's get him up.

Spreutels bends over and helps Brad lift John Cena up. They carry him on their shoulders and begin heading into the woods. They walk straight, but at times, they have to maneuver their way around and under branches.

Spreutels- You're a heavy dude. This carrying you thing is getting tiring.


John Cena- Listen, I never asked for this. You should've just left me there with the rest of them. You two could've gotten away.

Brad- We're not like that. We're soldiers. We became soldiers to help and serve our people. I speak for myself on this one, but I did not become a soldier to shoot innocent people. A lot of men become soldiers, excited to pull the trigger for the first time and aim it at a human being with the same blood and bones as us, but a different belief and a different flag. To me, humans are humans. When they're innocent, they're innocent.

Spreutels- And when they're going to kill you, you kill them first. I never believed in killing the innocent, either, but I always believed in one thing. If you got a gun on you and you're thinking about me killing me with it, my responsibility is to make that your last thought.

Brad- Exactly.

John Cena- You guys are something else.

Brad- Yeah and aint it in a shame that we don't and will never get looked at as heroes, again.

Spreutels- Yeah. Kids watch you on TV and you become their hero. We go out there and kids don't see us. They don't see us, because they can't see what we really go through. They can't see why we think the way we think.

John Cena- Kids don't know. If I'm their hero and you guys are my hero, then that makes you a heroes hero.

Tree branches begin moving and the three of them stop. They begin looking around, still holding John Cena up on their arms. Their eyes flurry around the wooded area. All of a sudden, a smiling black man comes from the woods, smiling. He wears a white shirt with a white du-rag on his head. He wears black jeans and black sneakers. His smile is a crystal clean white. It is Franchise. Behind him, comes another dark woman and she has short, blonde hair and is wearing bright, pink lipstick. She is in a white tank top and black, leather pants. She has a gun in her hand.

Brad, Spreutels and John Cena just look at them two. Brad and Spreutels go to drop John Cena, but Franchise pulls his gun out and points it directly at them. His smile gets wider as he looks over at the three men who do not move.

Franchise- Be easy.

Franchise waits a few seconds as he moves his gun, slowly, from side to side. Making sure he points it at each one of the three at least once. He then lowers the gun with the grin still on his face.

Franchise- Good. Now, a gentlemen would introduce himself, but a gentlemen only acts like a gentlemen when he is treated like one. Now normally I am a gentlemen, but ya'll made me pull my gun out. I pull my gun out a lot when I feel threatened.

Spreutels- Listen, we don't want no problem. Our friend over here has been shot in the foot and he can't stand on it. We need to take him to the hospital.

Franchise- I know your friend, but you can save me that sob story. I also know you two motherfuckers and that's my problem!

The smile has disappeared from the face of Franchise. Franchise has a very serious look on his face. The girl next to him keeps her gun pointed straight at them.

Franchise- I know that you two motherfuckers are soldiers and I know that soldiers were out in my motherfucking streets shooting my motherfucking people!

Brad- WHOA! We're not soldiers!

Franchise laughs.

Franchise- Now to top it all off, I got a soldier lying to me!

Spreutels- He's not lying! We're not-


The anger is raging out of Franchise as he angrily looks over at them.

Franchise- Now I'm going to countdown from 5 and when I say zero, my girl, Iron over here is going to pull that trigger and put you motherfuckers 6 feet underground. If you try and run, well....

Franchise whistles.

Noise is heard through the woods and a bunch of black people come from the woods with their guns raised. Men and women. Fat and diesel. They surround the wooded area. Spreutels, Brad and Cena look around, knowing that the end is near. Franchise smiles.

Franchise- Those are The Pitbulls. We wear white, because we aint hiding from nobody. We wear white because we want to be seen. Now, it's time to start your countdown, aint that right, Iron?

Iron- Damn right.

Franchise- Five. Four. Three. Two.

John Cena- They're not soldiers!

Franchise stops his countdown and looks over at John Cena.

Franchise- One.

John Cena- They saved me from the airport! They saved me from the soldiers! The airport is filled with soldiers! They're still ALIVE!

Franchise looks into the eyes of John Cena.

Franchise- They're alive?

John Cena- Yes and they have hostages. Wrestlers like me. Wrestlers from the WWE. They shot me in my foot and these two guys got me out of there. They risked their life for me. They're not soldiers!

Franchise- Oh word? Where's their clothes at?

Brad- We took them off. We.... uh.... we had to.

Franchise- Had to?

Spreutels- You wear white to be seen. We wear nothing so we can get away. We had to take our clothes off to be able to move. We are carrying a huge man with us who is not capable of walking on his own. We do it so we can escape tight situations.

Franchise- Escape tight situations? Whatchu mean, like this one?

Franchise points around at his people as they laugh. Franchise smiles as he looks back at them.

Iron- Just lemme know when you're ready, Franchise. Just say zero, boy and I'll get rid of these motherfuckers.

Franchise- Nah, wait. Let's wait for the queen and that jerk off to come back and then we'll take care of this situation.

Iron- Fuck her.

Franchise turns around and smacks Iron across the face. She angrily looks up at him as Franchise angrily looks back at her.

Franchise- Don't I ever hear you saying anything about her, again!

Iron- Wutchu gunna do? Hit me? Smack me across my face, again?

Franchise- Nah, better, I'll tell her what you said.

Franchise smiles at Iron. She licks her pink lipstick, in disgust.

Iron- Fuck that bitch.


In one movement, Franchise lifts his gun up and shoots Iron right in the face. She collapses onto her back, blood splattering everywhere. Her short, blonde hair covered in blood. Her eyes lay wide open as the bullet hole is directly in the middle of the forehead. Franchise stands over.

Spreutels- We're fucked.

Dead Men Walking
Episode 49

Brad, Spreutels and John Cena are shown sitting on the grass. Guns surround them as The Pitbulls point them. Franchise looks down at the dead body of Iron, silently. He then turns around with a very serious look on his face.

Franchise- Every leader has his own way of doing things. Shit, I just became a leader a little over 24 hours ago. Every dog dreams of their moment when they become the lion. It's a weird way of evolution where I'm from. You're either the dog, the lion or the prey. The lion is the king. That ones pretty easy and simple to describe. The duties of the lion are the duty to protect his dogs and to protect the name. Protect the territory! You feel me?

Franchise just looks over at Brad, Spreutels and John Cena who just sit there, looking down.

Franchise- The prey gets eaten up every time. They hide and they hide, but they always get caught. Whether they hide up in their homes, hide up on the mountains, disguise themselves or hide out in the woods.... *chuckle*.... they always get caught. When they get caught, they get eaten alive.

Franchise smiles.

Franchise- Those are the two most simple ways of living. Then there is the dogs. The dogs claw their way through every single day. Staying alive and doing whatever it takes to remain alive. They stay true to their lion, to their leader, as they know that is the only way to stay alive. The only way to stay away from becoming the prey. Sometimes, you got to put a dog to sleep, though. That's where it gets tricky.

Franchise turns his head to Iron and shakes his head.

Franchise- That dog couldn't keep her mouth shut.

Noise of an engine is heard through the wooded area and a jeep pulls up. Franchise smiles.

Franchise- There she is.

The drivers door opens up and out comes....

.... Jazz!

She steps out of the vehicle as the other doors open. Out the passengers seat comes The Rock! Crippler comes out the back. The three begin walking as John Cena's eyes and mouth open up.

John Cena- Ro-ro-ro-ROCK!

Rock looks over and his eyes open wide when he sees John Cena.

Rock- CENA!

Rock begins to run towards them, but Franchise jumps in front of him with the gun to his face.

Franchise- Stop right there, homeboy!

Franchise points the gun right at the face of The Rock. The Rock smiles.

Franchise- Oh, this is funny? You see that dead body a few feet from you, that shit aint funny! So why you smiling, homeboy?

Rock- In the past 24 hours, I have had guns pointed at my face, watched a man get shot to death and lost my family. You think having your punk ass, ghetto, white shirted, looking like a blind, ******ed member of the KKK jackass pointing your gun at me is going to intimidate me?


Jazz gets in between Rock and Franchise. She looks over at Franchise.

Jazz- He saved my life. Howard tried to kill me, the two of them saved my life and they shot him.

Jazz turns around to look at Rock.

Jazz- You know him?

Rock- Yes I do. That's John Cena. We worked together.

Jazz- Worked?

Rock- Yeah, worked.


Jazz has raised her voice and she angrily walks over to the Pitbulls and begins looking at them.

Jazz- Everybody listen up! Step the fuck back and listen up!

The Pitbulls begin backing up as Franchise watches Jazz, confused.

Jazz- From this moment on, it aint worked. We aint talking about the past nomore. From this moment on, everybody who stands right here, we WORK together. We work together as one group. I see, your ass has been shot, huh?

John Cena- Uh.... yeah.

Jazz- Then we gunna get you help. How many of you motherfuckers been shot?

A bunch of The Pitbulls raise their hands. Chuckling is heard through the crowd of them.

Jazz- Good. Then ya'll motherfuckers can train this boy how to still be useful with a bullet hole in him.

John Cena- I got shot in my achilles tendon, I cant' step on it. I can't stand.

Jazz- Ray Charles couldn't see and that motherfucker made music!

Jazz begins nodding her head as she looks around at the crowd.

Jazz- We got more guns then anybody in this fucking world right now inside of that whip. From this moment on, whoever we bump into, we give them a chance to be a part of us. If they aren't with it, then we get rid of them!

Jazz turns around and looks over at Franchise, who has a sour puss look on his face.

Jazz- Franchise is our leader!

Franchise looks up at Jazz, who nods her head at him.

Jazz- He will lead us through this shit and we will run this world.

Franchise- And as your leader, I say we start with the airport!

Jazz- Airport? What airport?

Franchise- These guys are saying that their are soldiers at the airport. I want to finish those motherfuckers off. We don't take no pity from those motherfuckers.

Rock- No, we were supposed to take care of the prison first.

Franchise- Prison?! What the fuck? What prison?

Jazz- They were at a prison and they had a little scuffle with some guys there and they want their revenge.

Franchise- Yeah, well, I'm the leader and I say we start with the prison. You got a problem with that, hun?

Franchise angrily looks over at Jazz.

Jazz- No, baby.

Franchise smiles at Jazz. Rock steps forward.

Rock- I do!

Franchise blinks a few times as he looks up at The Rock.

Franchise- Like my father taught me, sometimes it's your idols that make you realize what kind of a man you are. Not the idol, but a man who grows to hate that idol.

Crippler- Alright, relax, guys. It's really not a big deal, we can-

Rock- No! You're going to get your revenge on those bastards and so am I.

Franchise- You weren't here when I shot someone in the face for not shutting her mouth. I think I need to demonstrate it for our new guests.

Jazz- Stop! We'll go to the airport. We'll go to the soldiers. Are we ready for war with United States soldiers, though? You need to seriously ask yourself that question, Franchise.

Franchise- I think we ready. Aint that right boys? Aint we ready?!

The Pitbulls begin barking around them. Franchise smiles, nodding his head.

Franchise- They sound ready.

Brad- Hey! I'm sorry to interrupt, but there is a lot of people at the airport. They got a lot of soldiers left.

Franchise- Yeah, how much? 10? 15? 25 counting your wrestling buddies?

Rock- Wrestling buddies? There's more?!! Is it Triple H, Ryback and them?

John Cena- What? No. It's Vince, Punk, Randy Or-

Franchise- Shut your mouths! You can talk later about that shit. I want you to answer my question. How many people?

Spreutels- Over 100.

Brad looks over at Spreutels as Spreutels has jumped into the conversation.

Brad- Yeah and they got over 1,000 weapons. They came prepared for this situation. It's a whole Army and they have the wrestlers as hostages.

Franchise looks over at them, trying to read them to see if they're lying.

Franchise- Over 100, huh?

Brad- Yeah. I don't know an exact number.

Franchise- For two dudes who said they're not Army boys, you sure know a lot about them.

Brad and Spreutels begin looking at each other.

Franchise- We'll go to the prison and we'll take care of those few guys, how many are there?

Crippler- Three.

Franchise- Three? Ha. We'll go eliminate those three and we'll get ourselves some more weapons and when we're done, we will go into that airport and we fill find those soldiers and I will rip each and every single one of them apart.

Jazz- Alright, I say we move now.

Franchise- Nah, wait.

Franchise stands there smiling.

Jazz- What's wrong?

Franchise- I'm trying to figure something out. You see, these three motherfuckers lied to me. I feel weird trusting them. I don't know, maybe it's just me. I want to ask you three something.

Franchise turns around and looks over at Brad, Spreutels and Cena.

Franchise- Are you loyal and trustworthy?

John Cena- Yes.

Franchise- And what about you?

Spreutels- Yeah.

Franchise- And you?

Brad- I'm very loyal and I am very trustworthy. We all were. You have to understand that we mean no harm, we rescued this innocent man from those soldiers and we will fight with you guys. We will prove our loyalty.

Franchise smiles as he looks down at Brad. He takes a few steps back.

Franchise- Lying is one of the things I hate the most in the world. I also can tell who is loyal and who is trustworthy. I can also tell who is not. I like to test people on their loyalty, make something really fucked up happen and see if they stay loyal to the lion. I think that's the best way to do it. I also know that motherfuckers who talk too much are not loyal and normally full of shit. Somebody has to pay for lying to me and two of you motherfuckers will have to prove that you are loyal to me. Peace out, motherfucker.


The bullet flies in the air from the gun of Franchise and moves in the air in slow motion. Finally, it reaches the skin and goes right through the chest. The body collapses onto his back, from the seated position. Blood splatters in the air and the body of Brad lays dead on the floor.

End Chapter.
This is really intriguing! I didn't know what to expect coming into this and I am hooked, I've read the whole thing in the past 12 hours! I really hope there is more on the way, I can't get enough! Kudos on a good job writing!
Amanda is walking out with Greywolf and Foos behind her. She walks to the sunlight where he walks onto a long balcony. The balcony is white concrete. The barriers are made of white concrete. On the other side of the barrier, the initials "PW" is carved into the concrete layering. She stands around and looks at the crowd with a slight grin on her face. Greywolf hands her a microphone and she grabs it and slowly raises it to her mouth. The population of PW stands in silence as they all focus their eyes on Amanda.

Amanda- My name is Amanda. I am the Queen and the creator of where you are right now. If you look around, you may or may not see your friends and family members. If they listened and believed in the existence of this world and the end to the other, they should be standing here. If they did not listen, then they are dead.

Amanda keeps a serious look on her face. She shows no pity. As a matter of fact, she shows zero emotion.

Amanda- However, not everyone beyond this world is dead. I'm not talking about Aliens, either. I am talking about humans. I am talking about killer humans. I am talking about that same Army that was sent to kill all of you. There is still some out there. There is bad news and there is good news to that. The bad news is that they will come here and they will try and destroy this world that we are trying to build. This world of a new beginning. They are coming to kill each and every single one of us that is left.

Gasps are heard through the crowd. Amanda smiles, though as she lets the crowd eat up that information for a bit.

Amanda- There is good news.

The commotion slows down and Amanda continues to speak when it gets silent.

Amanda- The good news is that we will kill them first. We will get them first.

????- WHAT DO YOU MEAN, "WE"?!

Amanda turns her attention to this skinny, tall guy in glasses. He has combed over black hair. She smiles at him.

Amanda- What is your name?

????- My name.... uh.... it's Daniel.

Amanda- Do you have a nickname Daniel?

Daniel- Yes, it's uh....

Amanda- Why are you stuttering? You weren't stuttering when you interrupted me earlier.

Daniel just smiles and looks away, obviously awkward.

Amanda- Answer my question.

Daniel- My nickname is "The Dazzler".

Amanda smiles.

Amanda- Then I will call you Dazzler. So Dazzler, what did you do in the old world?

Dazzler- Well, I was a bank teller.

Amanda- And did you make a lot of money doing that?

Dazzler- I made a good amount, I would say.

Amanda- Did you have a family?

Dazzler- I do not, ma'am.

Amanda- Ma'am? Or queen?

Dazzler- Sorry.... uh.... queen.

Another smile breaks across the face of Amanda.

Amanda- Could you imagine a world where everyone had a home? A place to sleep every single night. A land where crime was unacceptable. A place where criminals do not go to prison, but instead die? I guess you can say that place where it doesn't pay to be a criminal. A place where everyone lives happy? Guaranteed food every single night! A place to raise a family! Because this is that place, Dazzler!

Amanda looks very seriously over at Dazzler. She then smiles.

Amanda- Now have no fear, Dazzler, you are not in trouble. I actually am rather happy that you decided to say something. I am happy you stuck up. You see, Dazzler, you say you didn't have a family, well, THIS is your family now. We are all a family. We are the first to live in this new world. My world. I look around and I see some faces of men and women who were working day and night to feed themselves and their children. I see faces of men and women who had no beds to sleep in. We took in the homeless and we did not give them shelters to live in, no! We gave them homes like everyone else! I have made it my life duty to make this place exist and I will make it my life duty to make sure this place stands on his feet and that the people that live here will live happy and care free.

Amanda nods her head as she looks around at her people.

Amanda- Tomorrow morning, we will train each and every single person here how to fight. How to kill. How to survive and how to win. Every world that has ever existed had to be fought for, as does this place. I have saved all of your lives with this place and I intend it to stay that way. Now if some lives do end because of this, then it will end for something that is right. It'll end for a better world.

Amanda continues to look around at the crowd. The Ficers stand in the crowd and they look over at each other. Some with stern looks on their faces, some concerned.

Amanda- Tonight, we will all meet at The Coliseum as I will have some entertainment for everyone. Only a select few know what it is already, as for everyone else, it's a surprise. As for the day, I have entertainment all around. Food, tons of it. Drinks, alcoholic or non alcoholic. For the ladies, I have a bunch of stores where you can get outfits. There are going to be security there to make sure there is no fighting and everyone walks out with whatever they want. There if 10 outfits per person, though. Just for tonight. Guys are welcome to as we also have clothes for males. And the best part is.... everything is FREE!

The crowd actually cheers at that. Ladies laugh and smile amongst themselves.

Amanda- As for the guys, there is a bar, Yankee Doodle, a few blocks away from here. A bar with an infinite amount of alcohol. Ladies are welcome, too. Inside that bar, there is a brothel. The brothel is run by a man named Froggy. So when you go inside, you can ask for Froggy and he will bring you to the ladies. Just like in the stores, there is a limit guys. The limit is one. Just for tonight. We don't want to damage our goods this early, do we?

Amanda smiles as the guys watch with huge grins. Some guys even chuckle amongst themselves.

Amanda- And the best part is.... IT'S FREE!

Simultaneously, the crowd erupts in cheers. Amanda's smile grows wider and wider as the noise escalates. She finally stops smiling and begins tapping her free hand on the microphone, commanding silence, as the thud echoes through the streets.

Amanda- Welcome to PW!

The crowd cheers.

Amanda- This is the land we will train for! This is the land we will fight for! This is the land we will kill for! This is the land we will die for! This is OUR land! ARE YOU WITH ME?! ARE.... YOU.... WITH.... ME?!

The crowd erupts in the loudest cheers of the day. Amanda looks around, eyes wide open as she psychotically looks at her people.

Dead Men Walking
Episode 50

Amanda and Foos have walked back inside from the balcony as Greywolf now holds the microphone, looking around at the people of PW.

Greywolf- That was your Queen. This is her world. She imagined this world with smiling people. A world where everyone got to experience the true meaning of life! A world where you get to enjoy life! Now go enjoy it! Go enjoy PW!

The crowd erupts in cheers and they all start walking away. Greywolf smiles and then walks back inside. She walks over to Amanda and smiles at her.

Greywolf- That was amazing. You really got them to believe.

Amanda- I didn't get them to believe anything. PW will make them believe.

Greywolf- Well, yeah, you're right. Listen, about that thing you said earlier.... I was thinking of ways to do it and I got plenty of ideas! I'm going to....

Amanda- Shhh.

Amanda smiles at Greywolf as he stops speaking and smiles at her.

Amanda- Go get your cousin, Busa, bring him outside. The hostage will be fine alone for a bit. I'm going to go and pay him a visit in a bit.

Greywolf- I.... uh....

Amanda- Greywolf, go enjoy PW. Go get yourself a lady. You've worked hard to help make this place what it is today. You deserve a good time. Go on!

Greywolf- I just want to say.... thank you so much, Amanda.

Amanda- Okay, go play.

Amanda smiles at Greywolf and he nods his head at her and runs off, leaving the room as the door shuts behind him. Foos begins tugging on the neck collar of Amanda. She turns to him and smiles.

Foos- I want to go out and play.

Amanda- You don't have to go out and play. Everything you ever wanted is in your bedroom. Go play in there.


Amanda kisses her disformed brother on the forehead and smiles at him as he runs off to his room.

Amanda- I love you, too, little brother. If anything ever happens to you.... I don't know what I would do.

Amanda shakes her head, getting that horrible thought out of her mind. She then turns on her computer.

Amanda- Now what's this Army up to?

On the screen, she sees a foot kicking the screen constantly. In between kicks, you can see the scared face of Pduh.

Pduh is tied up, trying his hardest to reach his foot out to the green glass to kick it towards him, but to no avail. The door opens and Pduh stops mid kick and looks up and it's the masked Holzhammer.

Holzhammer- I heard a lot of commotion in here. What are you trying to do? Escape? No, that can't be it.

Holzhammer walks by the body of Pduh as he looks up at Holzhammer.

Pduh- I was stretching.

Holzhammer- Were you?

Holzhammer laughs.

Holzhammer- When we stuck that needle into you, we got a lot of information. A lot of answers to our questions. That still wasn't the best information I got. The best information that came out of your mouth involved a device. A device that you can use to spy. A device that I could bet was causing all that commotion.

Pduh- What the fuck are you talking about?

Holzhammer pulls out a blade and holds it up high.

Holzhammer- MEN!

The numbered soldiers come sprinting into the room. The remaining WWE wrestlers follow behind them. The looks on the faces of the WWE wrestlers are filled with worry. Holzhammer continues holding that blade up into the air. Pduh looks around, nervously.

Pduh- What the fuck are you going to do? Stab me! Go right ahead! Kill me! I don't care!

Holzhammer- Killing certainly sends a message. However, that is not the message I want to send. You see, this room is surrounded by my soldiers. However, we are not the only ones that are about to watch this, are we?

Pduh continues to look around as he begins panting nervously.

Holzhammer- I left this green glass in this room to make you believe that you still had a chance. I wanted you to let them know that there was a chance. I'm not sure if you got that opportunity, but I was losing patience. Now, I want my new members to assist me with this. Vince, Randy and Evan, would you three join me over here?

Vince McMahon, Evan Bourne and Randy Orton nervously walk over to Holzhammer.

Holzhammer- Vince, do you mind picking up that green glass off the floor?

Vince nods his head and picks it up.

Holzhammer- Face it towards me.

Vince turns it to face Holzhammer as he smiles into it. From the other end of the camera, Amanda watches in disbelief.

Holzhammer- Hello, Amanda. I just wanted you to know that we are coming. When we come, we are going to kill every single living thing that you send at us. As for you, the leader.... the QUEEN.... I'm going to be the one who personally puts the bitch down.

Holzhammer takes off the Anonymous mask to reveal his sweating face. A smile spreads across it.

Holzhammer- The message I want to deliver to you now is this. We will show no mercy when we get to PW and if my words don't convince you on that, then I want you to watch this.

Holzhammer turns his head away from the camera and looks over at Evan and Randy.

Holzhammer- Pull off his pants and hold his feet down.

Evan and Randy look over at Holzhammer, in shock.

Holzhammer- THAT IS AN ORDER!

Evan and Randy don't waste another second as they quickly pull down the pants of Pduh. Pduh kicks around, but those kicks are stopped when Randy grabs the right foot and Evan grabs the left foot and they hold them down.

Holzhammer- Now what did you say your name was? Oh, that's right! Pduh! Oh yeah, the D is silent! Well, let's put some truth to that now why don't we?!


Holzhammer brings his blade right to the dick of Pduh and turns around to smile at the camera once more before....

.... RIP!


Amanda shuts the computer screen off and turns off the volume. She pushes her seat back and begins panting as she looks straight into thin air.


The critics are raving....










The Kid sits at a table with an interviewer:

Interviewer- Kid, is a pleasure to sit here and interview you. You are a true ICON. A true LEGEND.

Kid- I am.

Interviewer- Yes, you are. I want to know. The world wants to know. How do you manage to not only write epic stuff in DMW and KWF, but how do you manage to be in both places at once? I mean, you're fighting for your life in DMW and you're fighting for your company in KWF. A lot of fighting. How are you at two places at once?

Kid- I'm always in two places at once.

Interviewer- Oh yeah? So are you in two places at once right now, as we speak?

Kid- I am.

Interviewer- Oh yeah? Ha, ha. You're too much Kid. If your here, where is the second place you're at right now?

Kid- Your mind.

The Kid just stares into the eyes of the interviewer who looks on, frightened. The Kid finally turns his attention away from the interviewer and looks directly at the camera.

Kid- I am The Kid.... and I'm God.


.... NOW!

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