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wp2 4 life

Who thinks that DDP should go back 2 TNA.Come on think about it a min: I know TNA would be like the old wcw then but come on look at how old he was when he got in to the wrestling biz and look what he has done i think if he can give back he should,we should let him and show him love.
Sure, show him love, but also remember when he was most popular, he took a lot of punishment during the MNW-era and also as a jobber when the WWE had him (it's what he was used for) In TNA before what did he do? Wrestle Jarrett in an 'attempt' to lend him credibility as a champion. No, no, let DDP stay where he is so we can fondly remember the days when the diamond cutter sign was as popular as the middle finger.
DDP sucks. He is one of the worst most annoying wrestlers on the planet. He's WCW trash and should never step foot in a TNA ring ever again.
i personally liked ddp and i still do he could benefit tna as long as he doesn't demand to much money or air time it should be good. HE could alos benefit the young talent and put the younger guys over him to build them up
DDP woudent put people over his ego is way to big, He was just getting paid more in WWE
DDP managed by Eric Bischoff in ECW would OWN. Think about how much heat the two could get. Two men most closely related to WCW in ECW?
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