DC Animated Films: What's next?


Friendly Neighborhood
So I've noticed there are quite a few comic book fans like myself. I'm sure most of you have noticed the quality of animated films DC has produced recently. With Batman: Year One on in production (Brian Crantson as Jim Gordon for the win!), what's next? Personally, there are three I'd like to see;

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns. Set in a future where Bruce Wayne has hung up the cowl, Gotham is worse then ever before. However, something deep in Wayne's soul calls him back out into the darkness. With Batman's resurgence, Joker, who has remained a calm and compliant patient at Arkham also decides to make his triumphant return.

Kingdom Come. Another story of a hero returning from self banishment, Superman returns years after society rejects him as their hero, having demanded a more brutal and violent superhero in his place. Told from the perspective of an old minister who uses his visions of the future to guide The Specter, we find Superman's return may have apocalyptic consequences.

Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes. From DC's Vertiigo line, the first chapter in the endless Dream's saga. Having been trapped in a sorcerers attic for almost a century, Dream escapes to find the dream world ruined and those in the waking world sleepless. He sets out to find items that were taken in his absence; his helm, his bag of sand, and his ruby. Cameos include John Constantine, Dr. Destiny, and the devil himself, Lucifer.

Those are my picks. Anyone have anything to add?
Well to answer your question, after Batman: Year One, the next one scheduled for release is Justice League: Doom, a loose adaption of the JLA: Tower of Babel, it was written by Dwayne McDuffie before he died. After that they are planning on doing Dark Knight Returns, this was announced on Apr. 14th, it was also revealed that several previous Batman veterans would be involved with this project.

So those two are going to happen for sure, a few I would like to see done are Batman: Knightfall, where Bane shows up to "break the bat", Green Lantern: Emerald Twilight, where Hal finally breaks and turns heel, killing everyone in his path, and Kyle becomes the new GL, and JLA: Identity Crisis, where Sue Dibney is murdered, and mind-wipes galore are handed out to various villains, also a Flash one would be nice too, something that focuses on his origin

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