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Davey Richards Interview: "I actually wanted to go to TNA the entire time"

Papa Pillman

I've got more Ho's than Jim Duggan
Davey Richards did an interview with the Orlando Sentinel, the whole thing is a good read, but here are some highlights that might appeal to TNA followers:


On why TNA was the right place for the Wolves:
The schedule for WWE and moving down to Orlando to join their Performance Center is just not conducive to my lifestyle. I work out of a pure love as a paramedic. I like doing that and am not giving that up. I’m in medical school. I don’t want to give that up. Eddie is engaged and lives in Boston. Then TNA offered us the opportunity to come in and wrestle rather than having to go back to wrestling school so we were just thrilled. The talent there is awesome and we thought we would fit right in and it turns out we were right and it’s gone smoothly. We’re extremely happy there.

On where he thought he'd be today one year ago:
I probably would have said I wouldn’t even be wrestling to be honest with you. I knew my time was coming to an end on the indies. I did everything there was to do there. Going to Japan full-time burned me out. I knew for a long time that WWE’s schedule … WWE has great wrestlers and they do a great product but their schedule is just not going to work for me. I didn’t really hear anything from TNA and so I thought there was no interest there so I thought I would complete medical school and be a paramedic and be a doctor. But luckily everything worked out. (David) Lagana (part of creative team for TNA) send out feelers to us to go to TNA and we hit the ground running ever since.

On continuing his wrestling career:
I actually wanted to go to TNA the entire time but Eddie was really adamant about finishing our commitment with WWE next. Once we got word they weren’t going to continue our tryout any more, within 20 minutes we had a contract with TNA. That’s where I wanted to go all along. As far as me continuing my career, it’s been a back and forth thing with me for a long time. I’ve only know learned retrospectively that I need to find a proper balance. I’ve always said I love being Davey but I also like being Wes too. With TNA I can do that. To me, it’s a win-win.

On experiencing NXT prior to joining TNA:
It was great. We were brought down and put in Billy Gunn’s class. He runs the advanced classes. It was fun and I can’t say enough good things about everyone there. The place is obviously unreal. I t was a good time but it was just different strokes for different folks. It was kind of creepy to me that everyone was walking on eggshells, everyone is really scared for their job. I don’t know. It wasn’t like everyone was having a whole lot of fun down there or maybe they’re just nervous because there’s a lot of eyes on you. Obviously what they are doing has been successful. They’re doing a great job with it. We were treated respectfully and we were taken care of. I knew then and I know now that their schedule is not for me. I’m glad I got to experience it but I’m glad I found a home with TNA.

On TNA's "new direction":
It takes a lot of courage to admit that some things need to change. That’s one of the things about TNA that I love so much and they really genuinely listen to our fans. They heard the fans say we want change, we want something different. We’re giving it to them. And we’re continuing to find new ways to shake things up and that’s one of the main reasons me and Eddie were brought in which is awesome. And seeing guys like ECIII (Ethan Carter III) getting pushed, they’re just killing it every night. Even the older wrestlers that have been there for a while, they couldn’t be more supportive. They’re so happy for us to come in and make our name there It’s a positive environment.

Some really good stuff here from Davey. And for anyone who wants to call bullshit on his claim that he preferred going to TNA over trying to navigate the WWE's developmental system- READ THE INTERVIEW, he clearly states logical reasons. You really need to understand Richards' mentality. He's extremely dedicated to his paramedic work and other passions, and appears to suffer from "burnout" much more frequently than the average pro wrestler. It really makes sense that TNA's schedule and atmosphere is more conducive to him being able to enjoy being committed to extending his pro wrestling career.

I also found it refreshing that Davey was very respectful, and complimentary regarding his brief NXT experience. While conversely in other portions of the interview he was quite critical of ROH and especially Joe Koff and more surprisingly Delirious as well.

It seems Davey is very motivated right now to make an impact in TNA going forward(no pun intended), and that can be nothing but good for the future of TNA, or at the very least it's tag team division.

Anyone have thoughts on Davey's revelations??
But 3-4 months ago when he was not with TNA, he had this to say about TNA:

Total Wrestling Magazine recently interviewed former ROH talent Davey Richards. In the interview, Davey was asked about recent talk that he was in negotiations with TNA and WWE. He responded with:

“Who’s even in TNA? No idea. Apart from Aries, Joe; guys like that. Oh, and TJ, but they’ve got him wrestling as some stupid skeleton man.”

He seems to have changed his opinion on TNA.... :suspic:

The Wolves are a decent tag-team though.
But 3-4 months ago when he was not with TNA, he had this to say about TNA:

He seems to have changed his opinion on TNA.... :suspic:

The Wolves are a decent tag-team though.
That's par for the course when you're working with a direct competitor. Not to mention the company has changed drastically in the last 6 months.

As for Davey, well I'm glad he's happy. And I'm glad he was so positive about WWE and the opportunity they gave him.
But 3-4 months ago when he was not with TNA, he had this to say about TNA:

He seems to have changed his opinion on TNA.... :suspic:

The Wolves are a decent tag-team though.

But what does this have to do anything. He was still in contract talks with TNA while he said this and you don't have to agree with the roster to go work there because it fits your current life style.
"Going back to wrestling school" was good enough for the likes of Punk, Bryan and Sami Zayn. If you believe what you read, Bryan even requested not to be brought straight up to the main roster. Considering that The Wolves - or The Pitbulls or whatever - were absolute garbage in their only NXT performance, you'd think he'd have a bit more humility.

Otherwise: "TNA Wrestler in 'I Like TNA' Shocker"
But what does this have to do anything. He was still in contract talks with TNA while he said this and you don't have to agree with the roster to go work there because it fits your current life style.

It's an unwritten law that whenever you're working in any capacity for one, you have to bash the other.

CM Punk, when he was under contract to WWE, took massive shits on TNA - in their best creative period since 2007 - but that was part of his job. Likewise, Gail Kim and Tara kept saying the WWE women's division sucked, even though the Knockouts at the time weren't a whole lot better. That was part of their job.

Standard engagement for two rival wrestling companies.
Take this with a grain of salt, but I've heard from a semi-reliable source that the Wolves (or Pitbulls, if that's what you want to call them) sealed their own fate in NXT by Davey's notorious un-professionalism.

Allegedly in their lone NXT match, Davey deviated from the script and didn't "go home" when he was supposed to. HHH was in the Gorilla position and said to be furious over it and ended their tryout/deal right there. From what I heard, Eddie Edwards could have stayed but chose to follow Davey to TNA...

Once again, I wasn't there so I can't confirm but I wouldn't be posting it here if I didn't think there was a good possibility that this was true.... your thoughts?
Take this with a grain of salt, but I've heard from a semi-reliable source that the Wolves (or Pitbulls, if that's what you want to call them) sealed their own fate in NXT by Davey's notorious un-professionalism.

Allegedly in their lone NXT match, Davey deviated from the script and didn't "go home" when he was supposed to. HHH was in the Gorilla position and said to be furious over it and ended their tryout/deal right there. From what I heard, Eddie Edwards could have stayed but chose to follow Davey to TNA...

Once again, I wasn't there so I can't confirm but I wouldn't be posting it here if I didn't think there was a good possibility that this was true.... your thoughts?

This was the report. That after Davey nearly landed on his head(in what was a common, not really egregious botch BTW), they were told to "take the match home", and instead they delayed slightly, pulling the match through another minute or two to the more logical, and less instantly rushed finish. There was said to be heat for that.

As for what Davey said about the situation, he did address it, I just didn't post that portion of the interview because this thread was more made to discuss their coming to TNA not their cup of coffee with the WWE. Davey admitted that WWE originally had planned to rush them to Smackdown, but after everything went down at NXT, they were told they were being let go because the WWE didn't see them coming up right away, and didn't think that either side would be interested in a possible prolonged stay in developmental. Here's Davey's quote on the matter:

I don’t know. You never really know what they’re thinking. The original plan was to do three weeks of NXT and then go to Smackdown but then we got the email that basically what it said was you guys are great but we have a lot of Davey’s and Eddie’s right now. So we’d probably just put you in developmental to start out and we wouldn’t do that when you’ve already been around the world making a living so you're free to pursue other interests. I thought at least they’re being honest because they could have been yeah, you’re in developmental and it’s going to be great. Then you’re down there for three years. I thought it was really respectful of them. Obviously it worked out for them and it worked out for us. We’re both happy. It didn’t really surprise me. I’m thankful for it.

It surprises me that Davey has been so complimentary, honest, forthright, respectful, etc. about the Wolves' brief relationship with WWE, yet people still find a way to knock him over it and turn him into a bad guy about the situation. The guy can't win, everything he says will be twisted into a way to make him look worse, he's a punching bag for internet wrestling fans.
This was the report. That after Davey nearly landed on his head(in what was a common, not really egregious botch BTW), they were told to "take the match home", and instead they delayed slightly, pulling the match through another minute or two to the more logical, and less instantly rushed finish. There was said to be heat for that.

Ah, ok, so this is more or less confirmed then. . . didn't read the entire interview, just going off of what a friend told me (who is going off what another worker told him).

So, he trashes TNA, gets a WWE/NXT tryout, does not get signed by WWE then shows up in TNA saying that's where he wanted to go all along? If that's where he wanted to go all along he shoulda just went there. Not buying his story that he didn't know they were interested but then had a deal with them within 20 minutes of being informed that the E was passing on them. At least one of those has to be false. It would be more believable if he said "Yeah, I used WWE to get a plane ticket to Orlando and a place to sleep for a few nights while we were working out our TNA deal."

At the end of the day, he's a better fit in TNA (as are the Wolves) where they can kinda just be themselves instead of Ted McGillicutty and Bob Philbin or whatever the fuck real-sounding fake names they were given. They're already in a high-profile storyline in TNA and already have one Rockers-esque tag title reign. At least TNA decided to recognize the Wolves win...

I mean, come on, there's no way they'd have any main roster success in WWE, right?
So, he trashes TNA, gets a WWE/NXT tryout, does not get signed by WWE then shows up in TNA saying that's where he wanted to go all along? If that's where he wanted to go all along he shoulda just went there.

To be fair, I've never read anything or listened to a shoot where Davey "trashed" TNA(and I've been following him for years). In interviews done several months ago or longer, while Davey was either still under contract with and/or still working full time with ROH, when he was asked about potentially going to TNA he would confess to not really watching or following TNA and to having very limited knowledge of their product. Also TNA's current product is under going a lot of changes, so perhaps even if Richards had a negative view of TNA those changes could have positively altered his perception of the company.

At the end of the day, he's a better fit in TNA (as are the Wolves) where they can kinda just be themselves instead of Ted McGillicutty and Bob Philbin or whatever the fuck real-sounding fake names they were given. They're already in a high-profile storyline in TNA and already have one Rockers-esque tag title reign. At least TNA decided to recognize the Wolves win...

I mean, come on, there's no way they'd have any main roster success in WWE, right?

This I agree with 100%. I don't think The Wolves ever would have gotten a fair shake with the WWE. Their look and styles and strengths are more suited to TNA. Richards and Edwards just never seemed like "WWE guys", but they're clearly a fit with TNA's product, and TNA appears to recognize that as well.
Personally I think TNA is the place to be if you want to do tag team wrestling. WWE really doesn't have a tag team division - they have teams when they need for an angle but otherwise they are an afterthought. That's why no one cares that the Prime Time Players broke up, why Golddust and Cody are doing nothing now, etc. It has been that way for years. With TNA, tag teams are always important. They have been a little lacking the last few months but that is why you bring guys like this in. You need to take everything they say with a grain of salt - both the good and bad. That's how the industry works but I think them going to TNA is a plus.
What Davey did goes back to just accepting your place in a company. You do what your boss tells you to. The problem is Davey is arrogant, always has been. He thinks he is god's gift to wrestling. I am glad he isn't going to be on WWE. Eddie, on the other hand, I want to see succeed. I watch the wolves because I like Eddie.

WWE isn't going to regret not signing him.

Besides, they have enough no-sellers in NXT -cough- Mojo -cough-
Of course he stated logical reasons, doesn't mean those reasons are true. Davey Richards is currently employed by TNA, so obviously he would say he prefers going there over WWE...

At the end of the day, nobody prefers working in TNA over WWE.. If that was really true, Davey wouldn't of went to a WWE tryout a few months ago. I'm sure he could of signed with TNA without having a WWE tryout..

He got rejected by WWE, so he's probably just bitter.
He got rejected by WWE, so he's probably just bitter.

Actually, as has been pointed out in this thread, he's been nothing if not highly complimentary and respectful of the time that he and Eddie spent at NXT, and doesn't blame them for not keeping him around. In what way is he coming off as "bitter" toward the WWE?
But 3-4 months ago when he was not with TNA, he had this to say about TNA:

He seems to have changed his opinion on TNA.... :suspic:

The Wolves are a decent tag-team though.

I haven't forgotten this, either.

He makes valid points about being able to be a more balanced individual etc. with TNA and I'm glad he's happy.

Everybody's said that it's par for the course to sledge other companies and that's fine with me, but don't expect me to believe that the opposite isn't true as well.
What Davey did goes back to just accepting your place in a company. You do what your boss tells you to. The problem is Davey is arrogant, always has been. He thinks he is god's gift to wrestling. I am glad he isn't going to be on WWE. Eddie, on the other hand, I want to see succeed. I watch the wolves because I like Eddie.

WWE isn't going to regret not signing him.

Besides, they have enough no-sellers in NXT -cough- Mojo -cough-

You have to be arrogant to be great in wrestling, you have to feel that you're the best. Shawn Michaels made it cause he was full of himself, was ready to leave Marty Jennety aside and when he joined the Kliq, he got the push cause he went into Vince's face and told him he wanted the spot. And Vince respected him for that. But this was then. The landscape has changed and the WWE wants more yes men now. It's far more corporate. Guys with their own personality are rare.

Davey is a unique breed, he's his own man like Benoit was. And to me both Wolves are that damn good, esp. Davey, is one of the best in the biz right now. Wolves are probably the best tag-team in the World.

As far as no-selling, maybe it's a new way to approach wrestling but Davey has been doing a lot of selling recently. In fact he's the one babyface that has been selling the most. He's been attacked by Austin Aries with a chair and spent the whole Lethal Lockdown selling the injury to the arm.
Of course he stated logical reasons, doesn't mean those reasons are true. Davey Richards is currently employed by TNA, so obviously he would say he prefers going there over WWE...

At the end of the day, nobody prefers working in TNA over WWE.. If that was really true, Davey wouldn't of went to a WWE tryout a few months ago. I'm sure he could of signed with TNA without having a WWE tryout..

He got rejected by WWE, so he's probably just bitter.

Again, there's nothing bitter in this interview.

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