Dave's Showcase


So I have created another sig in the unending journey of trying to better my graphics work. This time, I have created one for the upcoming Ultimate Fighter season with Josh Koscheck and GSP. I made this sig using some of the techniques that have become synonymous with my work including smudging and overlays. After this, I added the machinery in the background and painted on a layer mask that brought it through. I put the Ultimate Fighter logo behind the mask and put a gradient onto that mask.

I am a buzz with joy after making this one.

I tasked Doc with the challenge of making me a Derren Brown sig because I had tried a few ideas and nothing was coming out the way I wanted it to. After a while, Doc came back to me with a wonderful sig that I will be using later on and it really gave me a lot of inspiration to go ahead and create this bad boy. To me, it looks as though it has been painted and that is exactly what I was going for. In reality though, I just used a natural picture and managed to transform the shit out of it.

How I did this:

I literally have no clue. I started off with some blurs and deleted the things that I didn't want. Then, I added some gradient maps of black to white and then red on top of that. Set them all to lighten and deleted what I wanted before reducing opacities. After that. I messed with the smudge and gausian blurs. Then I embossed it with a high strength and added more gradient maps and levels. Really, this came about by just messing with the adjustments and filters to see what I ended up with. In the end, I got this and I could not be happier with it.
Stop being so awesome. :p

Nah, it's a great sig, Dave. Love the picture you used. ;) The painting effect is quite good and a great example of what experimentation can do. When in doubt, mess about! Your colors all match and it proves that sometimes simple is best. Very attractive sig, and very well-done.

Right, so I am now pretty sure that this is the best sig I have ever created in all the time I have been doing this for. Look how pretty it is!

To do this, I really just went for it. I knew in my head, the basic idea that I was going to go for but creating it was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I started off in the usual manner by duplicating and adding colour before setting them to overlay. Then, I found some tear brushes and put that over it on a mask. Afterwards, I added in the two pictures and went around the edges with a stroke and messed around with the mask itself. I then burned the two pictures below to make them very dark. Then, I saved the thing like two more times and opened them as PNG's before trying to get the border to only go around the parts that weren't torn on the sig. That was the hardest thing to do but I managed it anyhow.

So thoughts? My best work yet?
Terrific signature, Dave. I see a lot of complex work with layer masks and such. I don't know if it's your best, but it's definitely up there. It has a good flow to it.

My only complaint is that the Orton text is cut off, albeit intentionally, and I think it would look better had it been more visible. But, that's only my opinion. Also, I think you forgot to add a border again :)

Edit: On second look, I think I like the text being cut off. It adds to the rip-like effect of the signature.
Terrific signature, Dave. I see a lot of complex work with layer masks and such. I don't know if it's your best, but it's definitely up there. It has a good flow to it.

My only complaint is that the Orton text is cut off, albeit intentionally, and I think it would look better had it been more visible. But, that's only my opinion. Also, I think you forgot to add a border again :)

I like to think it's my best work.

About the complaints though, I wanted the text to look like that because I wanted it to look like it was cut off with the tear. I think I could have possibly made it look a little sharper than that and added a little more contrast to it but overall, I think it came out OK. Also, if you look carefully, really carefully. You will notice that there is a white border around the parts that are excluded from the tear effect.

Thanks for the feedback though.
OK, so having taken the feedback on board, I have decided to make some minor alterations to the signature. I like the text though and I have decided that instead of restoring the text to it's full capacity, it would just look better if I could just add some contrast to it. To me, it looked a though it had just faded into the background instead of being torn and that was not what I was going for. I have redid it and painted over some of it with a white brush that has allowed me to make it look a little bit better.

The other thing I have done to make it a little bit better is to add a black border that is only one pixel each on each side. I think this emphasises the white border around the sides and shows a little more detail. It also adds a little more contrast between the forum background colour and the initial border without taking away from the effect.


So, for this sig, I decided that I wanted to make an American Dad signature and set out with that theory in mind. However, I got done with the American Dad part of the signature and decided that it looked a little bare. I added the pattern fill and thought that it would be a nice touch to do a tear effect on this one too. However, I didn't really know what to put in there. I thought that putting another American Dad character in there would really take away the point of having the tear in the first place. That being said, I knew I wanted to go for animation and settled on Family Guy.

How I made this:

I started off by using a black canvas and adding some really neat brushes I found. I then added a gradient map to the whole image and it gave me the real cool shadow of Stan behind the actual image. I then added the logo and the pattern fill. I saved it as a PNG and then used the tear brush when I opened the PNG. I added a stroke to it and and then a drop-shadow to emphasise it. After that, I followed the same procedure to do the Family Guy part before messing with the levels and adding text and a border.
It's been a while since I uploaded a few sigs and I am trying new different techniques that are giving me varying levels of success. I have been following some online tutorials and things have been going well. I have also started using some fractal C4D's and seeing how that goes. So far, they are not too bad but I need to try and keep going with them. Anyway, here is some of the newer sigs that I have done:



The Timeshift sig is the first sig I have done with a fractal in it. I set it to lighten and reduced the opacity and I like how it turned out. It gives a little more pop to the sig and I like how it worked out. That being said, I don't really like the left part of the SubZero sig because of the smudging that I used. I set the scatter to something that I don't often use and probably wont be using again. That being said, I like the way the Timeshift sig turned out. The marquee tool was really useful and I might starting doing more things like that in the future.

That Timeshift sig is amazing! See, you don't like to believe me when I say you're just as good as if not better than me, but that sig proves otherwise. It's really an incredible piece of work. The colors all work together, the lights are nice, the background is freakin' awesome, everything just flows perfectly. My only complaint would be with the ticker at the bottom, where the text is. It looks like the stroke around it shrinks or something, and blends into the rey bit, and I don't like that.

Other than that, fantastic work an A+ sig, for sure.

So, for this one, I basically followed the same techniques as I did for the TimeShift one and I like both of them for different things. In this one, I tried to keep things brighter and went for the snowy picture stock in the background before putting my render in top. Then, I messed with the different adjustments before using a couple of new C4D's and erasing what I didn't like. I used a lot of dodge and burn tools for this one and eventually came out with this.

I love it.
Okie doke, time for another submission, I think.


I saw the render of the Predator on PSD Dreams and thought that I could do something with it. I have been following the same regiment when making sigs lately and I might do a tutorial today or tomorrow to show you guys how I am coming up with these latest sigs. Then again, I might not. Anyway, I found the render and pasted it in. I then pasted it again and made the second render massive before putting it behind. the first, smaller, render. Then, I added some C4D's and some smudged marks to show movement. Afterwards, I added curve and level layers before burning and dodging. I then added some black and white paint on a new layer before setting them to overlay, added the marquee and text and called it a day.

Please understand that this sig took me at least an hour to make. It was ridiculous!

Anyway, for this signature, I decided to go a different route and try to immerse myself in the C4D experience. In the signature that is above this text, there is probably around 10 C4D images, some being more prevalent than others. As it goes though, I am glad I did it. It gave me an insight into what different C4D's can do and what effects they can have on the overall look of a sig. For this one, going through all of the steps I went through would be an utter chore and wouldn't really do much because I can't remember half of them. However, I really like the way it came out and I learned a lot doing it. I messed with multiple gradient maps, photo filters, colour balances and other filter effects.
Hey, guys!

I got a request today from a sig-maker that would like to me to show you how to make the World Cup sigs that are currently floating around the boards. Believe it or not, they are ridiculously simple to create and nothing I do is extremely complicated. However, in the interest of making the section a little better and the techniques a little more accessible, I will do a tutorial. However, I decided to post it here instead of the actual tips and tricks thread because it’s not worth it. So yeah, let’s get on with it…

Start off with a 396 x 196 whit canvas and find a render that you want to use. For this one, I will be doing a Germany signature and thus will need a German player and the German flag. I will be using these images:


So, import your flag into Photoshop and rotate it a little to give it a bit more dynamicity. I’ll be rotating it to the right and after you have done that, you should get something like this:


Next, import your render and centre it. Once you have done that, you should end up with something like this:


Now, we are going to add some layer adjustments. Got to “New Adjustment Layer” and then “Gradient Map”. Choose a black to white gradient and then hit OK. Set that layer to “Luminosity” and reduce the opacity as necessary. Repeat that step and pick the purple to orange. By the by, I left the first gradient map at 75% opacity and the second at 50%.

After that you should have something that looks like this:


Now, duplicate the render and hit control + u to bring up the saturation panel. Reduce the saturation on the uppermost render and set that to overlay before reducing the opacity as necessary… Thanks Doc.

After that, take a new layer on top of everything else and choose the rectangular marquee tool and darw a little rectangle near the bottom of the signature. Fill it will the colour black and go to the layer blending options and choose a white stroke of 2 pixels and set it to “Hue”. You should have something like this:


I’d like the marquee up a little higher so I will be doing that before picking some nice text and adding the text. Add a stroke and a drop shadow to each of them and once you have done that, you should have something like this:


Save all of that as a PNG and then open the PNG file. Burn and dodge some of the bits around the edges, add a border or two and you should end up with a finished product of this:


Word to the wise... I didn't do this tutorial so that y'all could steal my thunder, so to speak.

So you may have noticed the pure sex that is my current signature around the boards and this is another in that vein. Lately, I have been trying to use some different tecjniques and work more with the blending options in a signature. I have used Luminosity a lot more to give the signature a little more of a faded look and that has inspired the two sigs that I have done recently. First, the one that is listed above and the one that is in my signature.

To do this, I put the render over a city stock and feathered the render with a 10 pixel feather. Then, I added the text and reduced the opacity. I then added 7 or 8 different adjustment layers that gives me the effect that is shown above. I also settled on a watermark for my signatures and that is the "Dave - Custom GFX" that is above the "Tekken" line. I then added a light source and set that to overlay.

I don't know what it is about this signature but I really don't like it. Technically though, it is one of the most advanced signatures I have ever worked on. I am getting a while new appreciation for blending styles in pictures lately and this is just another example of this. I used a lot of C4D's and a lot of blending modes to come up with this. However, for some strange reason, I just don't like it very much. It's really odd...

This is another signature that I am really on the fence with. The problem comes when I try add some C4D's. Doc will testify how annoying the can be in some cases. They are really hard to get into a reasonable place and they generally take a lot of work to get right and in some cases, don't even look reasonable after a lot of work. That being said, I like this one a lot better than the last one I posted. I like the sigs that are longer and have a lot going on.

This was a really simple signature to do. I found a stock picture and used some effects on that. I then added the render and then the 2 C4D's that I liked. After that, I added a lot of adjustment layers and added the text and the border. It was really simple but it's nice for a 20 minute piece of work.
So yeah, here we go with an epic bump of huge proportions!


I love this signature but I am less than happy with the amount of time that I had to spend on it. I started off with the intent of just doing the text and adding a render but flaming text is so difficult in Photoshop. It took me a while and two different guides to get the sort of effect that I wanted. Spanning around an hour and a half, I finally got it the way that I was happy with it.

This is another signature that I am really on the fence with. The problem comes when I try add some C4D's. Doc will testify how annoying the can be in some cases. They are really hard to get into a reasonable place and they generally take a lot of work to get right and in some cases, don't even look reasonable after a lot of work. That being said, I like this one a lot better than the last one I posted. I like the sigs that are longer and have a lot going on.

This was a really simple signature to do. I found a stock picture and used some effects on that. I then added the render and then the 2 C4D's that I liked. After that, I added a lot of adjustment layers and added the text and the border. It was really simple but it's nice for a 20 minute piece of work.

This is a really nice piece. Theres something that I want to say that I think might help you. Try duplicating the render. It sounds silly, but duplicate it about 5 times. Then add some effects to the copies. The background seems a bit blurry. Personally, I would sharpen it with a smart sharpen. Remember if you make several copies of the render, always apply a drop shadow to the top render. I use the numbers 5.10.15.

Still better work then I can do. I hope that with those suggestions I can give you some new ideas.

Just a quick sig to commemorate the glorious return of Booker T to the WWE. It was amazing and it got me marking out like a fucking child all over again. This sig was pretty simple to make. I got the render and made a clouds layer. Then I took some space stocks and added the adjustment layers that I have been working with to it. Like the way it turned out. Very simple.
For FunKay:


To do this, I simply added a texture to a clouded layer and then added a starfield render on top of that. Working with the opacities of that plus the layer effects that I have really lied using recently, this sig was pretty simple to do. I then added the text and reduced the opacity of that before adding my border.

I created this just for the fucking Lolz... Nothing more.

Rihanna is awesome. Not only is she super hot, her songs are far too catchy to be excused. Anyway, recently I have been listening to more and more of her songs and really getting to like her. To commemorate the loss of my last man card, I decided to make a Rihanna signature and I really like the way it ended up. I tried using different distortions like waves to get my background nice and then used the high pass to achieve a nice effect.

A nice piece of work, I must admit.

I really like this sig and it all came about when I decided that I would go back to my roots in sig-making. I added the render and then smudged it. I then added it again before duplicating it and messing around with the layer effects. I added some more lighting and then my border and text... Very simple but very effective.
EXCELLENT piece of work there David. I love pretty much everything about it. Ziggler blends excellently with the background and the grayish-purple color fits the overall sig rather well. The font may very well be my favorite part. I love how the Z's top is also the bottom of the o. Any chance you know what font it is Dave? I would love to give that font a test run. Excellent work and its definitely one of the best pieces I've seen around lately. I really can't find anything wrong with it and you definitely should be proud of the outcome.

I really like this sig and it all came about when I decided that I would go back to my roots in sig-making. I added the render and then smudged it. I then added it again before duplicating it and messing around with the layer effects. I added some more lighting and then my border and text... Very simple but very effective.

Deng, Dave. This is one bad-ass sig you got there. I love how the roots of it look so elementary, yet powerful, giving off the whole: Ho' Shit! impression. The color choices and text font also make its effectiveness stand out more.

I honestly can't think of anthing that I would personally feel would be in need of change as I think it's, well, 'perfection' (pun intended).

Nicely done, man.

RATING: 10/10

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