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Daniel Bryan VS Charlie Sheen????


On Raw last night, there were a couple of teases that WWE MIGHT, just MIGHT, be heading in the direction of having a match between Daniel Bryan & Charlie Sheen at SummerSlam. Sheen made some comments about Bryan at one point and Bryan himself made threats to Sheen backstage during his brief interview after being attacked by The Rock.

I'm of two minds about this. On one hand, it'd be great to see Bryan enjoy the huge amount of attention a match with Sheen would bring. It'd gain tons of mainstream media coverage and would certainly be heavily hyped & talked about. On the other, I hate, I absolutely hate, the idea of Daniel Bryan jobbing out to the living train wreck that is Charlie Sheen. Daniel Bryan is one of the top overall pro wrestlers going today. He's come so far since this past December as far as his promo & character work go that he's among the most over members of the roster. His ability inside the ring speaks for itself, he's one of the top guys going today anywhere. I just dislike the idea of Bryan looking bad to put Charlie Sheen over just so WWE can bascially blow Twitter & Facebook up.
I for one would hate the idea of a Daniel Bryan/Charlie Sheen match at Summerslam. I couldn't care less now much mainstream attention it garners, or how significant an impact it has on the various social media outlets. It's a tremendous waste of Bryan's talents, and I don't relish the association of Sheen with the WWE in any capacity, the dude is a train wreck. Bryan has gone from an Internet darling from the indies who supposedly would never prosper in WWE, to the main event of the company. What a waste of his talent and time, and what an impediment to his momentum, just to have him get involved with, and lose to in all likelihood, someone like Sheen. If they want to wage a war or words on twitter, that's all good. But please, WWE, don't put them in a wrestling match at Summerslam.
I think this is a horrible idea. To waste Bryan on Charlie Sheen. Celebrity involvement blows. See Snooki @ 'Mania, 95% of the Guest Host Era, etc.

I'd rather see Hornswoggle vs Khali in a 60 Minute Iron Match with Michael Cole on Commentary in a silent arena. Of course I'd have to kill myself after that match, but I think you get the idea.
if any involvement has to happen, let sheen cost him a match at summerslam then before bryan can really do anything in return have sheen slap him with a restraining order and play off the whole aj drove him insane type angle
I kinda want this to happen.

But I want this for one reason and ONE reason only. For Daniel Bryan to "Slap the Yes Lock on Charlie Sheen faster than he could say WINNING". Daniel Bryan is one of the best wrestlers to grace the ring today. For him to job to Charlie Sheen of all people, is a two-hand slap in the face to Daniel Bryan. If WWE went through with him losing to Charlie Sheen I would be mad about it. If they face eachother at SummerSlam, WWE do not let Daniel Bryan lose. Let Daniel Bryan make him tap out, that is all I want.
Why are people hating this direction the wwe are going? Daniel Bryan great wrestling talents are being wasted? If that is the case Daniel Bryan's talent is being wasted right now. I mean The guy is over not because of his wrestling talent but with his YES gimmick.

Anyhow. Besides potentially facing charlie sheen, who else could DB face? The Dean Ambrose guy, jack swagger, a midcarder? Unless DB feuds with a top star, i dont think wwe will keep him relevant to summerslam with lesnar/hhh, cena/punk and the world title match on the card.

This sheen/bryan feud will keep Daniel Bryan relevant throughout the road to summerslam and prevent from going down the pecking order.
I doubt it will be a Bryan/Sheen match. Odds are Sheen is in the corner of whoever Bryan faces at SummerSlam. Now who that may be is up for debate as the lack of top level talent in the WWE is a bit astounding. I could see perhaps Christian (though Bryan should not lose to Christian at SummerSlam) or quite possibly Kane since they have a history and we all know the WWE isn't concerned with Kane's character since he flip-flops more than a politician!
How can anyone be a DB fan and hate this idea?

If done correctly DB could become a much bigger name than he already is. It is unlikely going to be a long program but in the meantime he gets to work with one of the most discussed people in the US. Whether it is print, TV or electronic media, this will be covered, people outside of the wrestling world will watch and DB will have a chance to make an impression. It's great for him and his career.

On top of that I highly doubt it is going to lead to a one-on-one straight up match. DB will lose no credibility as a wrestler and if he does his job well may earn more name and face recognition. The shock in all this is that CS would be willing to do it when he is already surrounded by money, fame and his 10 million other vices.
Why are people hating this direction the wwe are going?

Because celebrity matches always suck and Charlie Sheen gags stopped being relevent about this time last year. Sure it gets them mainstream media coverage, the problem is the mainstream media is laughing at wrestling not with it. They're rolling their eyes and saying "here we go again."
Wouldn't be surprised if Carlos Estavez is swapped with a wrestler in his place for the match against Daniel Bryan. Seems plausible and a good way to keep Bryan from losing to a non-wrestler. Blah blah blah, filler filler, yadda yadda. Great publicity for SummerSlam and a great way to give another wrestler a boost.
Do I, as a Daniel Bryan fan, want to see this match?


Do I think this is GOOD for Daniel Bryan?


Should I stop answering questions like this?


In all seriousness, this is phenomenal. I was terrified Daniel Bryan would fall off the face of the earth after losing the World Title (ex. Jack Swagger) but he's climbed to new heights!

-3 Pay-Per-View matches for the WWE Championship
-Involved in the most interesting storyline throughout the first half of the summer
-Rubbing elbows with The Rock on the biggest episode of RAW ever
-Pay-Per-View match with a Celebrity

Dude's a SUPERSTAR! Yeah I'd prefer he tap Charlie Sheen out, I'd prefer every superstar defeat their celebrity counter parts.. but look at what that means for Daniel Bryan. It means WWE believes in him as a star, and relies on him as a star. They know losing to a celebrity won't damage him to the point of no return, and they trust he can sell a match. Plus this a cool step up. He's not jobbing to some D-List celebrity on RAW. He's facing an A-List celebrity on the 2nd biggest show WWE has to offer! The pub will be ridiculous for both WWE and Daniel Bryan. I give this many thumbs up.
I'm torn about this like Jack Hammer, on one hand it's huge media attention and focus from people who might not normally pay attention to wrestling. At the same time Charlie Sheen is pathetic and his hollywood resurgence as the crazy drug taking loose cannon has already been played to death, the only time "Winning" has been funny in the last 4 months was when Bryan said it backstage last night. Sheen may be a real wrestling fan but from what I gathered last night it was all about more attention for him and his god awful new show Anger Management, and based off that alone I don't want to see this happen. I don't see any way for this to go well, even though DB is more than talented enough to make a half decent match with a dumbass like Charlie Sheen.
How can anyone be a DB fan and hate this idea?

Because Bryan has already been humiliated by AJ, and made to look weak to The Rock. Jobbing to the complete mess that is Charlie Sheen, would all but finish off the complete joke creative is already trying to make him. Plus celebrity matches suck dick, and Sheen looks to be in such terrible condition the match would be an embarrassment to Bryan and anyone watching. Yeah Bryan would be more famous then ever before, but Big Show jobbing Money May, and that Sumo wrestler hasn't exactly done wonders for his career.
This is great for Bryan; he's going to get tons of exposure out of this. This proves that DB is a main event player and that WWE has faith in him. This will make a nice little twitter war that the media is going to eat up. Another thing, we are assuming Bryan and Sheen are going to have a match at SummerSlam, this may not be the case. It may be how a couple celebrities have done in the past, get a wrestler to represent them and stand in the corner like Master P (Rey Rey & others), Kevin Fetherline, Donald Trump (Bobby Lashly), etc. So I wouldn't get upset yet about Sheen beating Bryan. I would have Sheen pick someone like, let's say, Randy Orton. After a grueling match, Bryan loses. Randy leaves and Sheen stays to taunt the RKO recipient, Bryan. As Sheen kneels over him Bryan quickly catches him in the Yes Lock. Everyone leaves happy.
i think it could be entertaining as hell. the one thing i am noticing more and more is that they can get Bryan to do comical stuff and it doesn't hurt his character because they do it in doses. they are not making him a joke but giving him some dimension. just from his promo, i think it could be fun for a one-off event.
I would be ok with either of these happening:

1. Bryan DESTROYS Charlie. Quick win. Yes lock. Doesn't let him out. He just snaps and relentlessly beats on Charlie.

2. Sheen winning due to interference from a Main Eventer such as Shemus setting up a meaningful feud for Bryan (which he wins).

I would not be ok with Sheen getting the clean victory.
2. Sheen winning due to interference from a Main Eventer such as Shemus setting up a meaningful feud for Bryan (which he wins).

I would not be ok with Sheen getting the clean victory.

I wouldn't worry.. never in a million years would WWE let Sheen get a clean victory... that'd be right behind Arquette winning the WCW title, as the dumbest moment in wrestling history
Cena jobbed to K-Fed so why would it be so horrible for DB to job to Charlie Sheen? It's not like he'd ever beat him clean. Some fans take this stuff way too seriously. None of this hurts anyone. In fact the attention will help DB more than a meaningless match against some random superstar would, which is exactly what he'll have if the Sheen thing doesn't happen. The fans getting all bent out of shape over this need to calm down, because this is good for everybody.
Because Bryan has already been humiliated by AJ, and made to look weak to The Rock.

What show did you watch and how do you call yourself a DB fan? DB is now a guy who has been in the ring with The Rock and got past the storyline that was AJ's shadow. He had no where reasonable to go. Some thought he would get fed to Cena, thank god for him that didn't happen. No one sees him as a WWE title holder, especially going in to the second biggest PPV of the year. This gives him a chance at being close or at the main event for years to come.

Jobbing to the complete mess that is Charlie Sheen, would all but finish off the complete joke creative is already trying to make him. Plus celebrity matches suck dick, and Sheen looks to be in such terrible condition the match would be an embarrassment to Bryan and anyone watching.

Do you know that is what is going to happen? I don't think this scenario is very likely at all. You said that Sheen is in no condition to wrestle so it is very unlikely that Bryan is going to do anything resembling "Jobbing".

Yeah Bryan would be more famous then ever before, but Big Show jobbing Money May, and that Sumo wrestler hasn't exactly done wonders for his career.

I asked if 'any DB fan' hates this idea. You clearly don't think much of DB if you are comparing him to Big Show. I'm not that big of a fan of DB but I think he can do good things with the exposure. He seems like a pretty smart guy.

Imagine 25 years from now when a major motion picture is completed on the life and premature death of CS. Any writer/director is going to add a sensational scene or two about his stint in pro wrestling. DB is going to have this in his legacy similar to Lawler with Andy Kaufmann. What an honor that would be for a short pasty white vegan who doesn't watch TV.
At first I hated the idea but after giving it some thought I am coming around. It will give DB some main stream attention, which he has had almost zero of. I have friends who watch from time to time and see him with his normally generic ring gear and bland look and assume he is some jobber. The attention will be big for him.

Plus, even though he is guaranteed to lose if it does happen, it won't hurt him that badly. Look at Mania each year, particularly The Big Show. He has lost to every celebrity he has faced, but it has never caused him to lose credibility with the constant fans. Sure some casuals or non fans who are drawn in by the celebrity status may see the match will say, oh man that Daniel Bryan guy lost to Charlie Sheen, thats as bad as when Big Show lost to Floyd Mayweather or Akebono, but they aren't around enough to influence much. Plus he won't win clean. It will probably be a quick roll up or Sheen making the cover after outside interference
I hate it when celebrities wrestle and hopefully this wont be the case here, Sheen can simply have a surrogate and that will give two wrestlers the Hollywood rub, whatever that is worth when coming from a scrawny crackhead b-list loser like Sheen.
I am not a fan of celeb involvement, but if this is going to keep DB in the spotlight a little longer then I am all for it. I was afraid after the AJ/DB/Punk feud was over that DB would just kind of fade away for a while, and while this isn't what I had in mind it will still keep DB relevant, and get him a lot of mainstream media attention.
Since I don't really care about Daniel Bryan getting pushed or buried I have no problem with this match.

I think it might become more of a Daniel Bryan vs. a WWE Superstar of Charlie Sheen's choosing with Charlie Sheen at ring side match than DB vs CS straight up.

People are right, though, this will get a bunch of mainstream attention. Something Vince loves.

What might be interesting is for Ryback to face Daniel Bryan as Charlie Sheen's choice. Ryback gets shot up the card and in match against Daniel Bryan which will probably be good. Ryback will win to keep the streak going and it won't hurt Daniel Bryan since he's got enough fan support to keep going especially if Daniel Bryan loses because of Charlie Sheen distraction.
I really hope this doesn't happen. I mean, I really REALLY hope this doesn't happen. WWE is going down the road once (or twice) traveled by WCW years ago by bringing in these celebrities to "wrestle" their top stars. They did it with David Arquette (whom albeit, is a huge fan of wrestling), even putting the WCW World Title on him. They also brought in celebrities to events as a way to hype up said events, and while some worked, most did not.

I get it. I understand that wrestling is indeed entertainment & that in order to "entertain" you have to have "entertainers" from time to time. That's fine. But once they step into the ring to "wrestle" that's a horse of a different color, to borrow a phrase from one of my favorite movies of all time, The Wizard of Oz. And since we're on the subject of the Wizard of Oz, it seems as in the case of one Daniel Bryan, WWE is saying, "don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain." And that man being Vince McMahon.

Vince has to see that Daniel Bryan is the 3rd most over guy they have on the roster right now, behind John Cena and CM Punk. He's such a throwback to the old school that it's not even funny, and that's such a compliment. We all know his accolades and the fact that he could do like Ric Flair once said and have a match with a broom and make the broom look good. He's just that damn good. He was a cocky yet believable World Champion, whom, in the opinions of a lot of people including myself, should STILL be World Champion. Sheamus is stale, about as bland as his pasty white skin (no offense to white people whatsoever) and predictable. He doesn't sell for his opponents and makes them look weak, even when he's in a compromising situation. Daniel Bryan on the other hand made his opponents look better, even when he was facing anyone from The Big Show, Kane or CM Punk. The man is just gold in the ring...But then here comes the shoe dropping and the comic relief. Enter Charlie Sheen.

If this isn't the biggest crap they can throw one of the top performers then I don't know what is. 1st of all, not to jump subjects, but you still have the US title around that goof ball Santino. I don't like it one bit. But if someone is going to have the US title and try to bring respectability back to it, it should be Daniel Bryan. But no, instead they go with the least common denominator once again and bring in an actor to perhaps wrestle a wrestler. Daniel Bryan is a wrestler 1st, sports entertainer second. Stop with always need outside people to seemingly validate the product. And if that's the case, don't pair that actor up with someone who the fans see as legit, because in the eyes of the fans it dilutes someone the stature of Daniel Bryan while just trying to make a few extra bucks, get a few extra cameras flashing and a few extra news shows to come around. Memo to the WWE brass: The media doesn't care about you. They don't care if you bring in Charlie Sheen or Charlie Chaplin. They're still going to mock you, perhaps even more since they know you have to stoop to this level. I'm not against Sheen being present. I'm also not against him being outside the ring in some capacity, but what I am against is having him step into the ring to face a wrestler. Santino? Perhaps that'd be a different story. One comic relief deserves another. But why mix serious with funny in this situation? Not cool.

So here's Daniel Bryan's reward for being just so damn good. Here's his reward for busting his ass every night, for giving the best he can and dropping the title in about less than 45 seconds to someone whom the fans don't really get anyway AT WrestleMania. Here's the reward for working a fantastic program with CM Punk over the latter part of the spring and early summer. For having 5 stars matches with Punk whether or not it was on RAW or pay-per-views. Give him Charlie eff'n Sheen. And never mind all the above mentioned statements, just so long as Vince can attract people who really don't give a damn about him, his company or his wrestlers, it doesn't matter whatsoever. Daniel Bryan deserves so much more than this. Way more. I certainly hope this never happens. If it does, then it should be DANIEL BRYAN sitting on top of the RAW set giving HIS pipe bomb about the way WWE handles its top stars. This isn't cool. Please lemme know what you think. I'd appreciate feedback. Thanks.
Going down the road of WCW? WWE has a history of doing this. Lawrence Taylor vs. Bam Bam Bigelow, John Cena vs. Keven Federline, and Big Show vs. Floyd Mayweather are a few examples of them doing this so it doesn't surprise me one bit. I don't think Daniel Bryan is going to fall off the face of the earth if this happens. I'm not going to bitch and moan and complain that Daniel deserves better because he has done pretty well in the past year.

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