Daniel Bryan V/s The Undertaker @ SummerSlam

Pay Per Ghost

What they f*ck happened in the thread section here
Maybe the worst idea I have had.

However, imagine this, Team Hell No loses the tag team title to Shield and go on an unbelievable, much tweeted and touted losing streak through the summer. BUT IT IS ALWAYS BRYAN WHO GETS PINNED!

People start pointing fingers. Heel try to egg Kane on but to no avail as Kane sticks by his anger therapy buddy. Somewhere around July comes Taker for some cameo on a Raw and walks by Kane. Calls him a joke and what not. That sets Kane off and he leaves Bryan in the middle of a match. Dissension finally starts and Kane basically wants to quit Team Hell No. Bryan comes out and looks like he is gonna challenge Kane at SummerSlam, but instead challenges The Undertaker. The Vegan Rasputin wants the Deadman's respect.

Deadman scoffs, laughs, smirks and soon as he turns his back on Bryan, WHAMO! low blow and the No Lock!

Now the match is on!

Here are the immediate benefits:

- Immense rub for Bryan. Goin up against Taker is a right reserved for icons at Mania, but Bryan (who is already pretty popular), this might be a chance for him to reach a new height, wherever that maybe.

- Daniel Bryan is a crisp wrestler. He has had some amazing matches and his flow from one move to another is god damn smooth. If done right, this could be match of the year.

- Added attraction to SummerSlam. Put some zing back in to Summerfest. Seriously, it used to be THE 2nd PPV of the year but is slowly faltering.

Come on people, this could work right?

P.S: Can someone check if Russo has passed away? I might be channeling his spirit
I'm holding out hope that Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler will be feuding over the title and/or the woman, but of course a match versus Undertaker is fine.
I'm holding out hope that Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler will be feuding over the title and/or the woman, but of course a match versus Undertaker is fine.

WWE would need a serious money-making main event feud in place for this to happen, seeing it wouldn't draw a single dime.
I like the idea in concept, Taker calling Kane a joke is a little out of character but D. Bry vs. Taker at Summerslam? I could live with that.
Well nobody would believe Bryan would have a chance at beating Taker' but it'd be a fun match.


I do believe Taker has had some great matches with smaller technical guys who can fly around and sell.

I smell a show stealer.
I'm on my phone now, so no quoting will taking place, but to Big Nick Dudley:

Well, seeing as Ziggler, Del Rio and Swagger are doing such massive business, inserting someone who's actually over, who sells t-shirts, who gets the entire crowd up and chanting into a world title feud might not hurt.
Undertaker/Bryan has match of the year written all over it, but with neck-less muscle-bound monkeys like Ryback and the aryan Brock Lesbianar around. I think Daniel Bryan Daniel-Son-Goatku would have to get in line.

Need to stop with these nicknames before they get out of hand.
WWE would need a serious money-making main event feud in place for this to happen, seeing it wouldn't draw a single dime.

Well, seeing as Ziggler, Del Rio and Swagger are doing such massive business, inserting someone who's actually over, who sells t-shirts, who gets the entire crowd up and chanting into a world title feud might not hurt.

There we go.

Storyline fits, and it would be a good match. I'll let the McMahon-Helmsley regime worry about the dimes.
I'm on my phone now, so no quoting will taking place, but to Big Nick Dudley:

Well, seeing as Ziggler, Del Rio and Swagger are doing such massive business, inserting someone who's actually over, who sells t-shirts, who gets the entire crowd up and chanting into a world title feud might not hurt.

That was a shot at Ziggler, not Goatface. I don't wish feuding with The Show-Off upon anyone.
I spoke to KB about this. Why is D Bry so adorable and lovable?

He quite wisely said," it's the beard man."
I was watching Raw last night with my oldest little brother who hasn't really watched since we were kids. Of course, he was not interested in the little wierd guy coming out with Kane and Taker. However, during the part of the match with DB and Rollins in the ring where DB hit all of his offense and Rollins sold like a champ, he became a fan.

I just want to see him doing something relevant again.
Your description has Undertaker looking like the heel going into the match. Of course, Bryan would have to instigate the whole thing.
I dont dislike it but dont think he is that credible to face Taker. Then again, neither was Punk in his second reign but did a fine job with that feud and match. With proper build it could workout...
I was watching Raw last night with my oldest little brother who hasn't really watched since we were kids. Of course, he was not interested in the little wierd guy coming out with Kane and Taker. However, during the part of the match with DB and Rollins in the ring where DB hit all of his offense and Rollins sold like a champ, he became a fan.

I just want to see him doing something relevant again.

So it wasn't Russo I was channeling. Coz that is EXACTLY where I got this idea. Seeing how fluid his flurry is makes my heart melt. Especially his top rope stand and flip. His clothesline is neat too.

Your description has Undertaker looking like the heel going into the match. Of course, Bryan would have to instigate the whole thing.

Certainly. I didn't mean Taker berating Kane, but there must be something that Taker says to Kane.

How about this:

The BOD lose a match somewhere around July and Taker is left laying while Kane is tending to Bryan for some reason, (Why is Kane turning into Miss Elizabeth here?), something of that nature.

Blood is thicker, some shit like that is brought up by Taker.

Now for bringing that up, he is not a bad guy, but just stating the kayfabe truth.

Then Kane ends up choke...scratch that, TOMBSTONING Bryan outta sheer anger and frustration next week on Raw. We have something rolling. Bryan comes out the week after, SSlam around the corner, you'd think he's gonna take Kane to school, uh-uh, he says he wants Taker.

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